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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 16, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 16, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 NILW. AUTHOIffrA APPROV[D, AUTHEff/IC MAGNIFY IUUUKIrRATEll Volume No. 1 8DIB, IEVOIHES PUMPKIN PiE FROM THE OLYMPIC HOTEL GROUP NO; 1 -- 13 cups canned pumpkin, Y2 teaspoon salt, dash of Cloves, 1 teaspoon Cinnamon, 0/2 1;ca- spoon Ginger, Y2 cup light Brown Sugar, sifted. GROUP NO. 2 -- 2 eggs, 1 cups milk, 3 cup of 20% cream. Combine ingredients No. 1, using wire whip to mix thor. oughly. Mix together ingredients in No. 2 and add to No. 1 stirring well with whip. Fill pie shell, saving a small amount of the mixture to add after the pie has baked half an hour. This will give a full looking pie and avoid the shrunken appearance of the ordinary pumpkin pie. Bake 20 minutes in 450 ° oven. Reduce heat to 350 ° and bake 40 minutes, or until pies are done. The remainder of the mix Is to be added after the first 30 mirnutes of baking. *NOTE: The pumpkin mix can be prepared in the afternoon and baked the next morning. Standing overnight in refrig- erator seems to improve it. Ground Round "can qua,ity bee,, 79&apos; fresh ground, lb. TURKEY FIXINGS [-] Kellogg's Oroulelles . ounce 39' package [-1 Poultry+ Seasoning Schilling'S.oz. can 19' Quick and easy, 19' Turkey Lacers .egu,ar 25€, now Aluminum Foil -,ooa +Sx 25. 49' heavy duty [00SirloinTipSleak U SCh°ic°"[+'+1.15 GRADE"A" TURKEYS ]--] Beef Rump Roast UbonS'e.iCh°rioCaestBeef;b. 85€ Top Round Steak u.s. Choice ,ee,,b" 98' RAaBi U*m Western Family or Fiesta, a€ L..J IBIgllllPI¢;O-- IIKllll-- 4 to 6 ,b portions, lb. ,U me Hens. ¢ lb. Ball Park Franks %%?jVo;?st,b 69' illaall ma| Hygrade s 8-oz. pkgs. O¢ hHIIVll Iliggi 4 varieties, each pkg. ]17 F! 3-15. Canned Ham ,u%oo"::' each+2.69 E] 5"15. Canned Ham ,°,,a;o<:;, .cb +3.98 Medium Size, il  *;S iOil.ilR iBi EH: [] Fresh Oysters . ounce jar each 7V [-7 F UN I-1 N (i| ,Aam West Virginia, !-O¢ L.-J glllml;g IBglwgll 1 pound package VH assorted rolls. / o I GROCERY HRIFTY BUYS Your choice, -'l 1 12 to a pkg. IL 1  [ DARIGOLD GRADE AA BUTTER . ' Pumpkin or [ Shur fresh Pies ,inco, 8,, .. 6V O00L WHIP DESSERT TOPPING New by Birdseye, A  Excellent for ") II € pumpkin pies. i i uart cup only  I r Morton'n 4/$1 20-oz. size .o.on'. 4/1 20.oz. size F] Mincemeat Pie !-1 Pumpkin Pie I--1 KITOHEN QUEEN FLOUR! All-purpose limb aP enriched white "] I l f/'- flour. Finest+ +  quality, 10-1b. bag l [ Rich Margarine Tastew:/tb. ctn. 6/$1 .lmBllqp|d Western Family, 16-oz. I/$I UlUIll/UIIIgO whole berry or jellied '/ • [R*°I*"" l"i°" Reconstituted AO¢ u iaaea uu  lemo: Juice, 24-oz. "lf Ir_mAl Vm Jack O Lantern, I/51 V/IIIllU /(i1110 16-ounce tins / • [ = Libby's solid € Fancy Pumpkin pack, g-oz. 2/39 Walla Walla, € Asparagus Spears .,ended, ,4oz 49 ] • thick & rich € Heinz Ketchup + .o.. ottie 39 Pilled lUiv,,e Western Family, ripe J[q¢ IIIIVl VIII & large, 71/2-0Z, 1ll Dale Bar Mix ,ett, Crocker 14-0Z. pkg. 39' t-7 Powdered Milk Carn.t,on ,nsta.,, 14 qt. $1.19 Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 16, 1967 E BETTY OROOKER OAKE MIXES Assorted Varieties, q¢ {  Regular or $ Folger s Onffee drip, ,b can 1.35 S G Regular or $ Folger. offee drip. , can 2.02 [ Real Mincemeat a"°YSounoe J,r 39' Marshmallows cu,., ';/,.?/,ure 4/$1 Orisp Corn Ohips a'%;gu,ar,, 59' i:,eknr. Nnie mxed t. peanuts ro¢ lllt]limvl  =uIIV 13 ou+nce can dl  nllin Tnw,,I, Jumbo, assorted, d 151 185 count "11 / l P.kiffnn Nnnbi.. Assorted Dinner A1$1 UlllilViem  IRk i[ e lal) 60 count "If / • [ Bathroom Tissue So,,,n4assortedpak 3/$1 [AspirinTableis Bayer, 2OOct.Regular $1.63 $1.09 Pure sweet cream  _ butter, prints 1176 € or cubes. Your  "1 choice, per lb. lU  = " Darigold, {--i Whipping Oream fresh /2 pints 33  prices effective 7 BIG DAYS November 16 lhru 22 limit rights 20th CENTURY THRI+FTWAY I