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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 17, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 17, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I :iiiiii:oo Hatchery manager arrested forvoyeurisn Adopt-a-pet will have Santa at the kennels By KEVAN MOORE released from jail, wascers to Jouper who has beeD locatec~ on the George A~t- ! :~ Saturday, Dec 3 from noon until 4 pm, at 940 E charged in Mason Countythe manager of the facility ams FiSh Hatchery ground~. ~i ~ Jonson Road, off Brockdale Rd., Shelton. Ford A 57-year-old Shelton Superior Court on Wednes- for several years. InvestS- The hqtchery office was al@ ~ donation of $10 you will receive a 4x6 picture of man was taken into custody day and faces arraignment gators also say that Joup~r searcl~d. | you and you pet with Santa or just your pet. All under suspicion of voyeur- on Tuesday, Nov. 22. has been with the Depart- OffiCers seized four con~- • ~ , moneydonatedgoestothecareofthedogsatthe ism Thursday, Nov. 10, fol- The arrest stems from ment of Fish and Wildlife puters]and several items ~f ~ no-kill adopt-a-Pet Kennels. Call 360-432-3091 or lowing a weeklong investi- an employee at the George for more than 30 year~,electronic media in an a~- I I e-mail for more information, gation by the Mason County Adams Fish Hatchery find- Jouper was arrested by M~- tempt ~o determine if the~e Sheriffs Office and the ing a camera inside of the son County Sheriffs OffiCe were more victims. Deter- Washington Department ofwomen's restroom. Depu- deputies and Fish and Wild- tives eSpressed concern thOt Fish and Wildlife. ties learned of the camera life officers. Jouper was a~- there ~nay be multiple vi~- i~ ~1 Sh°rtly after being ar- N°vember 2 and launchedrested with°ut incident arid tims slnce the restr°°m ~s rested Thursday morning, an investigation with the was cooperative with inve~- also a~ailable for use by t1~e a' ~h s W nter" • [ Edwin Carl Jouper, 57, assistance ofthe Washing-tigators. | public.~ The investigati@ • • was booked into the Mason ton Department of Fish and Deputies and Fish will c~ntinue with the f~- iI ] | | County Jail for voyeurism, a Wildlife, which operates the and Wildlife officers al~o rensic ~nalysis of the seized class C felony, hatchery, served,a search warrant oD computers and the electro~- : IT STIME TO CONDISERA DUCTLESS, MINI.SPLITHEATPUMP[ Jouper was eventually The investigation led offi- Joupers residence that Is ic med~a. | Replace your outdated space heaters, raiant panels, or other | / / inefficient heating systems with a Mini-Split System. / ,SmalISize, Design Flexibility. Easilylnstalled / ~~i~: ' Zonal Heating. No Duct Work Required / Call (3,60) 427.3126 todayfor a free estimate and [ ~N/~~~ enjoy a warm home during our long winters. I Comfort Heating & Cooling [ : 121 E. Ceda St, Shelton / [ Cell: (360) 801-1957 Belfair (360) 275-2950 ~[ [ J $ $ $ Gary and Doras Cronce want to say "to all our friends and neighbors for your suppOrt during Gary's mayoral campaign. Elect Gary Cronce PO Shelton, WA 98584 Tim Whitman, Fire Commissioner Elect Fire District #6 Welcome back to the fire service from your Bates Vocational Fire Science _ Technical Class of 1970 classmate Dan. --Dan & Pare Ward J --- DRY CLEANING -- I ': ,,~"~' i :::~, ~ :~'N Same-Day Service Available 301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. Kneeland Plaza, near Shelton Fred Meyer Open 7am-6pm Mon-Sat ,, (360) 426-2607 JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS ! An early evening fire on Harstine Island completely destroyed a two-lm refurbish wagons. No one was hurt, but the fire caused about $360,000 Wagon-filled garage burns down on F By KEVAN MOORE flames. Abe The garage was a wood working Distri Mason County Fire District 5 re- shop that contained a large quantity Distri sponded to a fully involved garage fire of lumber and covered wagons. In ad- fire. at around 5 p.m. on Monday evening dition there were a number of wooden Offl on Harstine Island. dollhouses on the second floor, to be Upon arrival at 1680 E. Harstine "There was all kinds of pine in vestig island Road South, firefighters found there and it was a hot, hot fire," said estimt a two-story garage complex, some Fire District 5 Fire Chief Tim McK- and $ 40' by 84', that was fully involved in ern. were 1 County approves supplemental money fi By NATALIE JOHNSON The Mason County Board of Commission- ers approved $277,960 in supplemental funding for health care over several county departments on "With the Tuesday. ones who The majority of the mon-have run ey, $265,000, was allocated our budget to supplement the budgetover, it had for the Mason County Jail, n o t h i n g which ran over budget for to do with its medical bills in March. mental ill- "We had three inmatesnose. It in the month of March that was ongo- just their medical billsingdeterio- were over $150,000," said ration from jail superintendent Tom lifestyle." Haugen. "We still have H a u g e n to do care and custody for said the jail our inmates the other 11once used a health insur- months of the year." ance company to try to save The jail's normal bud- money on medical costs. get for medical expenses is "It didn't save us a dime," $368,000. he said. "It came out to be Haugen said the recent- more expensive than us go- ly approved one-tenth of 1 ing to Mason General." percent sales tax increase Now, the jail contracts for mental health and sub- with Mason General Hospi- stance abuse would not tal for health care. supplement costs like these If the county pays in full in the future because these within 45 days, the hospital specifc cases involved will grant a 15 percent dis- health problems not relat- count on the care provided. ed to mental health. "We've tried to get more "We have to deliver ur- through other agencies but gent and emergent health- then you're spending more care, that's thelaw. If that on travel time," Haugen Page A-2 -Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, November 17, 2011 means an individual is in said. need of heart surgery, as Commissioner Lynd long as he's in custody it's Ring Erickson said th the county's responsibility county made a conscioc to pay for ~t~Al~ decision 1 his bill," had three dealwit he said. the buc inmates in get shor the month of fall late i~ the year, rather tha M~rch that in Marct when tln problel iust their first b, medical bim s came aI parent. I want were over give [Hat ug gen] and hl $150,000. staff a lot , credit," sh said. "If [Haugen] hadn handled it as well as he di it could have been close $1 million." The $265,000 may I more than the jail need but finance staff wanted t play it safe. "This is an unusm situation - they don't a~ ticipate using all of it. W don't know what's goin to happen in the next si weeks," said Theresia Et rich, chief finance manage in the auditor's office. The county also al proved contract setth 'el garag, a damagq arsti ut 20 fir .'t 5, with .'t 3, were eials said tccidental ~tion. The .ted at $6C 300,000 fc ~st inside. Courtesy phc used to qe Island ~fighters from File ~ssistance from File ble to extinguish tl~ e ;hat the fire appem s md is still under iI ~. loss from the fire is 000 for the buildin g the contents th~ dth care ments for heaithcare f¢ the A nerican Federatio of Stale, County and Mt nicipal Employees (AFS( ME) ~.ion amounting $12,96 . The county commissio approved the AFSCMI contra,'.t without union at proval on Tuesday, Oct. , Although it was legal ff the cogmty to approve th contra~t, since it had bee out of|date, for more tha a year~ some unmn mer~ bers fe~t mistreated by th countyt The rnajor dispute lea( ing to ~he union refusing t approv) the contract wa over h~alth care benefits. In the previous AFS£ ME coatract, union me~ bers ¢¢ere compensate $825 per month for healt care ccsts. The union wanted to i~ crease health care compe~ sation to $875 per mont to com~ in line with othe union contracts with th county but the county onl agreed to $855 per month re were no increase contract for salary said. -union employee apensated $825 pe for medical bet "The in that Ehrich Non are col month efits. ................. [