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Spring-cleaning comes early
Things are looking up around here. And that new publisher back here at the
All over town, businesses have put up Journal? One of Karl Sleight's first man-
coats of fresh paint and made a lot of small dates to our staff was to clean up the inside
improvements that add up to a nice, big of this place as well. It's incredible how
change for everyone that lives and works nice it is to come to work at a place that is
in Shelton. warm and inviting, inside and out, instead
Here at the Shelton Mason County of drab and dreary. Some Journal staffers
Journal, we not only have a new face in have been coming to work here every week
the publisher's office, but our building it- for 20-plus years and note that the place
self has a whole new look. The old brown has never looked better.
storefront capped with rotting wood and That means that when you come in to
chipped green highlights of paint have grab the latest edition at our front counter,
been replaced with a beautiful blue-gray to sit down with a reporter in our news-
paint job, a metal awning and a window- room, talk turkey with one of our ad reps
display sign. or visit Karl in her office, you'll be doing so
Just down the block on Cota Street, in a clean, professional space.
Small Town Papers, the Blockhouse Pub We learn to trust people by the way
and Garage Sale Maniacs ihave also fresh- they handle the little things: do they do
ened things up. Just a stone's throw away what they say they will do; do they treat
from our front door, over on Railroad Ave- themselves and others with respect; are
nue, the 1912 Building also got some fresh they courteous and kind?
paint. Forest Cooper's ongoing neon resto- Clean paint, signage and office space are
ration project, obviously, is another bright seemingly little things, but they can make
spot in town. all the difference in the world.
Our office got
signage and a
a whole new look in recent we,
wrap-around awning.
Journal photo by Kevan
ks, including fresh paint
__Oh u rob work with folks who areand for our planet. It had
was highly devoted to com, nothing whatsoever to
munity betterment. We do with the two political
honored are proud to have been parties who have jointly
associated with those who brought our nation to the
host the forth the Masonbrink of bankruptcy. Ca-
Area Fairs in 2010 and cupy has nothing to do
2011 because they had towith blame, but is rather
eve n t do their work in spite of designed to bring people
vicious, destructive andtogether.
Editor, the Journal untruthful accusations The tone of Maxwell's
from those who are com- letter suggests that we
One hundred thirty-five munity destroyers ratherare, and should forever
voices raised together and than builders, remain, divided by labels
created a surge of appre- On another issue, Da- of political party. That
clarion for our veterans vis was wrong when he is dysfunction on a na-
last week and of patriotic suggested inconsistency tional scale, and it has
fervor for "the home of in my position pertain- to end.
the brave and land of the ing to the FAA intent toThis country is only
free." On behalf of St. Ed- remove the Event Center going to move forward
ward's, heartfelt thanks after 2013. I have always when we stop labeling
to the choir directors of been frank and forthright everyone and when we
our churches who put this in acknowledging what stop thinking of some
marvelous concert togeth- the FAA wants done. folks as "them." There is
er. We were honored. However, I've also been no "them" here, Maxwell,
consistently optimistic there is just "us," and we
Father Ronald H. that the FAA might be have some serious prob-
Belisleconvinced that the build- lems facing the United
Sheltonings need not be removedStates.
completely. I campaignedOne of the biggest
on that issue four yearsproblems is how do we
What's in ago. But I am not fool come together to resolve
enough to believe that problems when we are
anything can be saved told that we are sepa-
a n a m e in the face of the kind of rate and different. That
politics by personal de-is what Occupy is about;
n a n a e: struction experienced in finding common ground
the community these past and solving problems that
two years, are common to all of our
Editor, the Journal In the future we would citizens.
The misinformation in- hope to see more accurate
troduced by Tom Davis in and positive comments Katherine Price
his Journal letter of Nov. oriented toward commu- Shelton
10 needs to be corrected, nity betterment rather
This letter implies that than the kind of destruc-
changing the name of the five thoughts expressedCa n't g et
fairgrounds was arbi- by Tom Davis in his let-
trary. In fact the facility ter. h e a v e n
has had no valid name Jay Hupp
for two years because Chairman in a Rolls
the Mason County Fair- Port of Shelton
grounds title disappeared Commission
into history along with its
100-year old namesake
when it was eliminated Occ u py is
from the county budget Editor, the Journal
in 2010. The new name
Sanderson Field Event trying to It seems amazing that
Center and Fairgrounds Shelton would have its
simply describes what it m.... :4-~-~not own occupy demonstra-
is and where it is located. U II II II Ikl~, tion on Nov. 11. What
The motion to change the isn't amazing is the level
name was thoroughly de-divide of discontent that exists
bated in a public meeting in this county which is
and adopted unanimously Editor, the Journal why the Occupy move-
by the port commission, ment has swept across
Davis was correct, how- Mr. Maxwell's reply in this county like wildfire.
ever, when he said "the the Nov. 10 Journal to aLooking down their
port wants to lease the notice concerning the oc- noses from their corporate
land to a private concern, cupy event in Shelton onValhalla the right wing in
much like they tried to 11/11/11 missed the point the county dismisses the
do earlier this year." The a bit. Occupy demonstrations
port's mission is to lease The Shelton Occupy as the actions of so many
land and facilities to pri- event was planned for malcontents. So what
vate business operations citizens of all parties and these conservatives do is
in order to create jobs. persuasions to gather; the to give tacky excuses to
Concerning the fair- purpose of the gatheringthe poor and others that
grounds operations, we was to address concerns they should be content
have been fortunate in citizens have for our com- with what they got while
having the opportunity to munity, for our country moaning about the light
taxes they pay.
One thing that the
right wing does not do is
address the real griev-
ances of those who take
part in the occupy move-
ment. In doing so they set
themselves up for the pos-
sibility of having another
revolution in this country.
So what we have ended
up with is 1 percent of
the U.S. population living
privileged lifestyles that
they believe in a God-giv-
en right. Privilege in no
way should be considered
as a right but as a reward
that is given to those who
work to improve the com-
mon good that benefits
The conservatives jus-
tify any large tax breaks
that are given to the rich.
According to their favor-
ite tired worn-out excuse,
when you reduce taxes for
the rich you help the poor
because the rich will have
more money to invest,
which creates jobs.
I doubt if anyone who
is currently barely surviv-
ing on a minimum wage
job would believe this.
Certainly if the rich want
to have more money to in-
vest they can do what any
financial advisors will
tell you to do, they can
cut out the luxuries they
In the end, the real
reason why the 1 perce
of the U.S. population ]
lieves that they need b:
tax cuts so they can in-
vest, is they are only tl
ing to justify their hoal
ing of the wealth. This
is absurd, for no one h~
ever gotten into heaveI
a Rolls Royce.
Dennis Met
Do you
know wh
keeps up
Editor, the Journal
For the "Word on th~
Street" in the Nov. 10
Journal edition the qm
tion asked was, With
new mayor and city cm
missioner in Shelton,
what projects or issues
do you hope will be ad-
Wes Whitish's respo:
was, "I'd like to see sot
thing done about the c~
etery. They need to get
something done up the
believe are a necessity.I find it hard to bell,
By doing this the rich will that the Journal does
have all the money that know that Shelton Me-
they need for investing, morial Park is a privat
To think that invest- cemetery and is oper-
ing is the basis of any ated by a 100-year-old
successful economy is
absurd. Although invest-
ments are needed to start
a business and to allow
it to grow, the success
or failure of any busi-
ness will be decided upon
whether people buy what
a business has to offer
Certainly as a former
CEO of Godfather's Pizza
Herman Cain knows this.
If he doesn't he should
consider why the local
Godfather's Pizza in Shel-
ton went out of business.
non-profit association.
The association cur-
rently has eight non-p~
board members and on
alternate, volunteer, rq
resenting the founding
I invite Whitish or a
other concerned citizer
to come to the next boa
meeting to voice their
concern. You may call 1
office at 426-2152 for tl
time and date of the ne
meeting. If you wish y(
can write us at: Shelto:
Memorial Park Cemete
Assoiciation,~ 105 Van B
nt ren St., Shelton 98584.
~e- I also extend this in~
• I
g tatlqn to the Journal.
y- David Pi
'd- She]
ain Abortion
rer --
now or
is nc
at el
is. It
or, the Journal
s- real]
t that
~1- not (
wha; burden this placqs
on t]te mother, right? |
FtLst forward 18 or 20
lse year~. Hey, for the glory
m- of Ggd and country we
~m- can then send that life
If: Shelton-Mason C;unty
:', ................. ~ i iii:'~ ....... i,ii,; ~helton-Mason County Journal is a member of
usPs 492-8o0 Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
County Journal, RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. $37 per year for Mason County addresses,
Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. $51 per year in state of Washington but outside
at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state.
Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584
Telephone (360) 426-4412,, Owned and published by
Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc
Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 17, 20t 1
Kari Sleight, publisher
Jesse Mullen, general mgr.
Dave Pierik, advertising manag,
Harvey Morris, ad representat[v
Kevan Moore, managing editor Front office:
Aria Shephard, North Mason, Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper
environment, reporter Margot Brand, circulation
Cricket Carter, mailroom
Natalie Johnson, reporter
Emily Hanson, sports reporter supervisor
Adam Rudnick, copy editor
Le subject of aborti n
ar the volatile sta~e
~. It seems, thougq,
~ction time it alws~ys
seems the great
~n under God canh
e it.
embryo is createc
God's plan. Can t mt
y be questioned? ~o,
being settled, we ~vill
lestroy it under an
mstances, no matt er
anywhere in the world
:e."America chooses. Re-
~ve member Oh-My-Goodn
mt Rumsfeld, the great-
est ~hock and awer of
e all tlmes? He wouldn t
hesitate one second. T]
great country under G,
will Be more than cage
to alllow that life to fac
dd des@uction as a sacrit
to w~r. Right? No prob
~p- lem.|
W~o knows? By that
timeI we may, as a God
ay fearlng nation, still be
threatened by deadly
rd WMDs (such as IEDs) '.
we Will really need tha
he life ~o sacrifice, no mat
~e how it affects the moth
xt Rigl: t? No problem.
1 Charles L. Wi:
ry Hoods
sing room:
Adams, graphics
¢qood, classifieds/leg~
;orr, typing
Kelly Ribrdan, production man
Travis Miller press operator