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November 17, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 17, 2011
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Bob Buhl, left, Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce Director Heidi McCutcheon and Scott Barnard addressed the City of Shelton Commission Monday as representatives from the chamber SAVER committee. They asked the city to consider easing taxes and restrictions on new businesses downtown. slnesses By NATALIE JOHNSON Occupation (B&O) taxes for "Because people haven't the first year of operation, a received this in the past is Representatives of the waiver for traffic impact fees, not a valid argument for not Shelton Mason County the creation of low rent"incu- doing it now," McCutcheon Chamber of Commerce asked bator" spaces for small start- said. "It's giving businesses the City of Shelton on Men- up businesses, and working the opportunity to begin in day to consider easing some with the chamber to market the first place." taxes and restrictions to pro- available spaces in downtown SAVER committee mem- mote new business growth in and providing information to bers particularly focused on downtown Shelton. people interested in opening traffic impact fees as a hurdle "I feel like we're in a time businesses downtown, for Shelton businesses. of recession ... I'd like to see Steve Goins, director of"Traffic impact fees for ex- anything we can do to en- community and economic de- isting businesses- that's one courage local businesses. The velopment at the city called of the hardest things to jus- revenue will come over time," the chamber's suggestions tify," Buhl said. said chamber member Scott "tangible things that could im- City commissioners also Barnard. prove the economic climate." commented on concerns Earlier this year the Goins said the idea to focus about how the city, particu- chamber's Government Af-on downtown was his, and is larly the building and plan- fairs Committee created a intended to test the ideas on ning departments, works subcommittee called the a small portion of the city's with business owners. Shelton Alliance for Viable business community. Tarrant described the Economic Revitalization "The number of empty problems as resulting from (SAVER). Their first project storefronts in this vicinity is poor communication between was to partner with the city also why we're at this area as staff and business owners to redesign the landscaped a nexus or beginning for this looking for information. area on First Street and Rail- project," said chamber direc- "I need [information] de- road Avenue. tor Heidi McCutcheon. livered to me in a way I don't Now the SAVER com- The city commissioners drown," Tarrant said. "Any- mittee is asking the city to had some questions about the one with a stack of books this consider easing strains on practicality and feasibility of high.., it's easy for them to new businesses in downtown some of the suggestions,forget the little guy." Shelton to promote growth. "The goal, obviously first Pannell also commented "Our subcommittee iden- and foremost is to provide on conflicts between city staff tiffed what we thought were places for people to work. and Shelton business Owners. hurdle-ablebarriers," said I look at it and say what's "You're not going to make committee member Bob temporary? What's tax re-everyone happy," she said. Buhl. lief? What's equitable?" said "Keeping in mind ... people Buhl said members of theMayor John Tarrant. "There who come in with a chip committee looked at issues are nuts and bolts here." on their shoulder and their that either they personally, Commissioner Dawn plans on the back of a nap- or other business owners,Pannell was particularlykin." had encountered in Shelton concerned about whether Overall, the committee that had hindered their busi- business owners would find would like to improve the feel nesses growth, the suggested practices eq- of downtown, they said. The committee has identi-uitable, especially since they "Our first thought was fled five recommendations for focus on new businesses, and we'd target an area that is in the city to encourage business would leave out some busi- desperate need of help," Buhl growth downtown including: nesses that had not received said. "The feel downtown A temporary moratorium assistance in the past, or did isn't what it was a few years for signage requirements, a not qualify because of its lo- ago ... for some people it can waiver of all Business and cation, be a scary place to be." Open Mon-Thur 6am-12am. Fri-Sat 6am-2am • Sun 6am-llpm Ddve.thru open Sun-Thur 7am-9pm o Fri-Sat 7am-lOpm 360-426-5254 Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, I 1 RECEIVE PER GALLON [ GAS DISCOUNT Present this coupon for your FREE KTP Club Card. 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SAE & Metric Mechanic's Tool Set Includes 36, 1/4" drive sockets; 58, 3/8" drive sockets; 12, 1/2" drive sockets; 16 combination wrenches; 7 drive tools; 61 specialty tools; case. 2297661 County extends pot moratorium through May By NATALIE JOHNSON counties have been doing right now." Adkins said some reference material is The Mason County Board of Commission-available for city governments adopting ers voted Tuesday to extend a moratorium zoning regulations for collective medical on collective medical marijuana gardens in marijuana gardens, but that the work need- Mason County until May 16, 2012. ed to enact and enforce such regulations is The moratorium was originally approved very labor intensive. in July to allow the county enough time to "I'm not sure how to tackle it. It's new draft zoning regulations for the gardens, territory and there's not a lot of guidance The commission voted to continue the mora- out there," she said. torium through the middle of November in Commissioner Lynda Ring Erickson said September. part of the problem is a shortage of county "The moratorium expires tomorrow staff to deal with the problem. (Wednesday, Nov. 16) and the regulations "We don't have many long-term planners have not been drafted and brought forward left ... For long-term planning it's kind of to the Planning Advisory Commission or a one-person job," she said. "Public policy the Board of County Commissioners," said changes take time and they take time to be Barbara Adkins, director of planning and done right." community development, to the commis-Governor Christine Gregiore vetoed sioners Tuesday. much of the bill when it was first accepted Collective medical marijuana gardens in April, making it difficult to understand, were recently made legal in Washington Adkins said. State Legislature in the Engrossed Second "It is confusing," she said. Substitute Senate Bill (E2SSB)5073, which The county can only renew the morato- made amendments to state medical mari- rium six months at a time, but some county juana law. residents are concerned that it could go on Under that law, up to ten medical mari- indefinitely. juana patients can work together to grow "You could go on and on and on every six up to 45 cannabis plants for medical use months ... in my opinion three months is and possess up to 72 ounces of usable mari- more than adequate to resolve any issues," juana, said Tom Davis. The county, followed by the city of Shel- Others praised the county's standpoint. ton weeks later, enacted the moratorium to "I want to applaud Barbara Adkins. It's a allow up to six months for the county to cre- really, really complicated issue," said Todd ate regulations for the gardens. Nelson, owner of Hood Canal Patient2Pa- However, the November deadline came tient, a medical marijuana cooperative. "As too soon, Adkins said. we move forward as a community and a so- "I've done some research, I've looked into ciety, there should be regulation." our municipal research website at other Adkins said there will likely be draft zon- communities," she said. "There's not a lot ingrequirements for the county to review by out there, I have not found anything that the end of the current moratorium in May. Stanley~ Sawhorse 2/Pk. 500 Ib capacily per p~ic Ir~tegrated V-groove for pipe or wood 2331056 Color Me Playhouse 99 geWalt® 50 Pc. Drilling ...... a Screwdriving Bit Set Bl~ck oxide Includes nutseaers compact driw guide and ~o~ewdriving bits ! 50 First & Mill • Shelton Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9-5 426-4373 or426-2411 • Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - Page A-5