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"Voted #1by all of our
customers as the best
automotive repair shop in
Western Washington."
Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan
Moldenhauer and Noel Longan,
2033 Olympic Highway North ° Shelto
,, Island's
Holiday House
Saturday, Nov. 26th
Follow the signs to Harstine
Llsland Community Hall &,J
Fire Station 11847
ol B
offers award
The Shelton School Dis- tions to public education in Shelton School District em
trict Board of Directors has Shelton schools, ployees and students. The
established a Community Nominations for the final selection will be ma&
Partners for Kids Award awards are being sought by consensus of the Sheltor
to recognize and show ap- from the community, as School District Board of Di
preciation to organizations well as community orga- rectors.
that have made contribu-nizations, businesses and The nomination dead
line is
30. Nm
1st St.
Wednesday, Nov
~ination forms anc
are available at th~
building at 700 S
or by calling 426
Advance Glass
2316 Olympic Hwy N
"Next to Super Kleen Car Wash"
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Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1927
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Katherine J. Ketcher, DMD
f Photo courtesy of Howard Legget
Union photographer Ed Binder documented local life between 1985 and 996 -- p ctured here is
the 1987 Robin Hood co-ed softball team.
McReavy House presents photography collection
Next Friday, Nov. 25. the McReavy
House Museum of Hood Canal is pre-
senting the works of Ed Binder. a for-
mer columnist for the Shelton-Mason
County Journal. in more than t50 im-
ages and articles.
From 1985 ~o 1990. Binder wrote the
Union column for the Journal. and his
articles and pictures are the showcase
for this event. Many of the pictures are
taken from about 1.000 :never-before-
printed negatives.
This exhibition totals more than 150
At a glance
What: Ed Binder Photography Collection, 1995 ~o 1996
Where: McReavy House; !0 E. SecOnd St., Unibn. Wash.
When: 2 to 6 p.m., Friday; No~. 25
Cost Donations encouraged to the McReavy
iconic Union images, including many of ing about people that a lot of us know
the Dalby Waterwheel, Webb House, or knew," Leggett said. "Reprints will be
Good Ol' Union Days and community available to order as a fundraiser for the
"Part of the museum's focus is his- grand
tory and these pictures encourage talk- mon ba
In th,
ouse?s capi
oom, gold
ehroom. Tt
l and will
cial space.
,* spring, the
gal building
parlor and persim-
~e kitchen has bee~
~oon be a hmctiona]
outside will be paint-
Page B-4- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, November 17, 2011
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Stephen K. Edwards, DMD
Shelton to celebrate
education week
The week of Nov. 13-19 marked the 90th
anniversary of American Education Week.
A part of this is Washington state's Focus
on Education Week.
In Shelton, math scores have risen
throughout the district. The training staff
members have received is showing in the
classroom with an emphasis on proven
teaching strategies and focused instruction,
district officials said.
The on-time and extended graduation
rates increased between 2008-09 and
This was partly a result of looking closely
at student risk factors and then staff mem-
bers making a greater effort to make per-
sonal connections to students, especially
those in need of support, officials said.
Additionally, Washington state students
consistently scored higher than the national
average on the ACT. Washington students
had the highest average scores in the na-
tion on the SAT. More than half the state's
eligible students took the test.
St~trt the season
wi:h " '
sm~ ;ing group
ACapelh Belles
Tl~e ACapel a Belles, an all-
female vocal e:~semble, will pres-
ent gn evenin~ of seasonal music
in foUr-part barbershop harmony,
and ~ead a sing along. The event is
from 7 to 8 p.m on Thursday, Dec.
1, atthe North Mason Timberland
Librgry. The g] oup will perform a
variety of seas real music and in-
vite ~he audien :e to join in singing
holiday songs.
The ACapelL~ Belles grew out oi
a performance }everal years ago oi
"The Sound of Nusic" produced by
the Harstine T~eater Group. Most
of th# group's t~nembers were cast
as th# singing x~uns.
The Belles @e all from Mason
Couqty. They a~e Lynn Wilson, di-
recto~; Mary R~an and Susan Zorn,i
bass~s; Patty N~ttt, baritone; BettN
Helm, tenor; af~d Rita Armstrong,I
Pam Ward, Jegn Rose, and Linda
Come see why everyone is smiling!
as wl
this ]
3, Be
go to
", leads. 'l
?s from e
dl as retire
e Friends
e event w
:y hours ir
seats 65
• services
e North :
ry is at 23
r more i!
ct the lib~
'hey have sung in
torches to casinos
ment homes and at
of the North Ma-
/I Library provide
e -- it is free to the
[11 take place after
the meeting room,
people. No other li-
dll be available.
~Iason Timberland
)81 NE State Route
fformation, please
ary at 275-3232 or
/ ........ .................... ............
members, restoration of the mansion. We will also ed yellow and the lOnd will be improved.
If you lived in Union and were an be encouraging donations to the •capital The McReavy HouSe is available to rent
active member of the community from building campaign's vision of putting for events, classes ~r as a meeting space.
1985 to 1996, you are encouraged to the Victorian roof back on the mansion. The orggnization s~onsors all things tc
attend this event to reenact some of This is the next step for the project and do withlower HoodlCanal culture.
the pictures as part of a new McReavy will take approximately $50,000." For i fformation on the event contact
House collection, said Howard Leggett The event will be held in the Mc- Howard Leggett al 898-1717 or legget-
of the McReavyHouse. Reavy House's newly painted purple