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Obits Sheetz, both of Shelton;
sister-in-law Connie Ad-
Continued from page B-6 ams of Union; brother
Evan Adams (Fran) of
cabinetry work. His Olympia; numerous step-
family said he enjoyed children and step-grand-
spending time with them, children form her union
watching TV shows and with Buck Smith and nu-
goofy horror movies and merous nieces,, nephews
taking them hunting, and friends.
trail walking, camping She was preceded in
and riding quads. The death by her parents and
family said he cherished brother Gorden Adams.
his three dogs and loved A memorial service will
to take the family and be held at 2 p.m. on Sun-
dogs out on long walks, day, Nov. 20 at the home
The family said he of Joni and Todd Brewer
touched the lives of many located at 505 South 8th
people with his smile and in Shelton.
generous way of always
helping someone. Vincent Bernard
He is survived by his McNally
wife Tanya Joblonski; Vincent Bernard Mc-
daughters Ashley, Niccole Nally, 80, died Tuesday,
and Trisha Joblonski; Nov. 8, at his home after
father Robert Joblonski; a lengthy battle with can-
brothers Steve Joblon- cer. He was a resident of
ski and Rob Joblonski; Shelton for 33 years.
sisters Missy Jones and He was born July 13,
Becky Joblonski; in-laws 1931, in St. Anthony, Ida-
Tom and Jeanette Kelly, ho to Francis and Leona
along with countless oth- (Kimball) McNally.
er friends and family. He attended schools in
A memorial service will ~: ~":¢/~N Vancou-
be held at 11 a.m. on Sat- ~'+ ~.~,~ :~, ~ ~ ver and
urday, Nov. 19 at Summit ~i:~ ~'+entered
Lake Community Church, ?!ili~i~
~/ the Army
11545 Summit Lake Road at 16
NW Olympia, Washington after ly-
98502-9402. ing about
There will be a potluck his age.
after service. All are wel- He was
come. honor-
McComb Funeral Home Vincent ably dis-
of Shelton ishandling the McNally charged
arrangements, three
Luanne Smith later.
Luanne Smith, 81 He married Gloria
died Thursday, Nov. 10, (Mays) in Shelton on
at Mother Joseph Reha- March 25, 1978, after
bilitation in Olympia. She meeting while working
had a stroke on her 81st on a construction project
birthday party and later for Simpson Timber Com-
died as a result of that pany.
stroke. She passed away in
She was 2006.
a lifelong He also was married to
resident Connie (Boiling) Ander-
of Shel- sen.
ton. The family shared
She that he was an Irishman
was born through and through.
on Sept. They said he enjoyed
23, 1930, drinking good whiskey
Luanne to Archie and eating corned beef
Smith Dean and and cabbage.
Cleota McNally's career was
Marie in construction, working
(Dritt) Adams in Shelton. for'suCh firms as the Aus-
She gtafluated from tin Co., in Seattle.
Shelton High School in He worked as a super-
1948. intendent on many con-
She married Thomas struction sites across the
Gibson in 1948 in Shel- northwest.
ton. The marriage ended The family said he
in divorce. She married was a gentleman farmer
Lacey (Buck) Smith in at his Skokomish Valley
the 1970's in Shelton. property where he had a
She worked as a cook large garden and raised
in the 1970s for Palitos several beef cows.
Mexican Restaurant and After selling the farm
retired as a cook for the and retiring, he enjoyed
Washington State Patrol spending time making
Academy. homemade grape, black-
She enjoyed gathering berry, raspberry and
with the class of 1948 and peach wines at his home
the cooks from the Police on Oakland Bay.
Academy on a monthly He enjoyed traveling
basis. She enjoyed her down the Oregon coast
life-long friends and large and spending time with
family, his children, grandchil-
She is survived by her dren and great grandchil-
daughters Suzi Strugar dren.
(Ned Kjeldgaard), Ta- He is survived by
mara Barrington (Larry) daughters Pamela Pear-
of Shelton, Joni Brewer son (Gary) of Olympia
(Todd) of Shelton, Jane and Jacki Stracke (Curt)
Longan (Leon) of Shelton of Shelton; grandchildren
and Patricia Day (David) Missy Smith and Megan
of Shelton; son Thomas Shilman of Centralia,
Gibson of Shelton; Jack Stracke of Suweon,
grandchildren Leslie Van South Korea and Joe
(Joe) of Seattle, August Baginski of Tacoma and
and Dominic Fantozzi five great grandchildren.
of Japan, Caleb Strugar He is preceded in death
(Tenaya), Sadie Ballard by his wife, Gloria, his
of Seattle, Mario Fantozzi parents, brothers and sis-
of San Diego, Calif., Joel ters and great grandson,
Brewer (Jen) of Seattle, Mackey Baginski.
Tommy Brewer of Shel- A memorial service
ton, Colby Brewer (Rose) will be held at 2 p.m. on
of Shelton, Amanda Lon- Saturday, Nov. 19 at the
gan of Shelton, Carly Hope Chapel, 421 West E
Longan of Olympia, Jame St., Shelton.
Lee Evans and Jacob Memorial donations
Evans of Shelton; great- can be made to the
grandchildren Carter TEARS Foundation,
and Kyra and Ethan 11102 Sunrise Blvd. E.,
Van of Seattle, Sophia Suite 102, Puyallup, WA
Rose Brewer and Gracie 98374, who assist be-
Worthy of
Your Trust
Competitive Pricing o Pre-Arranged Planning
reaved parents with fu-
neral expenses after the
loss of a child.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
John Heelen O'Connor
John Heelen O'Connor,
89, died Wednesday, Nov.
9, at Alpine Way Assisted
Living in Shelton. He was
a resident of Shelton for
10 years.
He was born Aug. 15,
1922, to Cecil Heelen and
Edna Marie (Stickley)
O'Connor in Brunswick,
He earned his bach-
elor's of science degree
at Shepard College,
Martinsberry, W.Va. and
master's of science degree
at Illinois State Univer-
sity at Normal, Ill.
O'Connor served in the
United States Marine
Corps during World War
II and retired from the
Reserve as a Major in
He married Natalie Os-
terhaudt on April 6, 1946,
in Brunswick, Md.
He taught history in
junior and senior high
school in Illinois for 10
He was then a sales
representative for the
Rand McNally Company
in Colorado and in Wash-
ington for 15 years.
He was a member of
the Marine Corps League.
He enjoyed trains, his-
tory, fishing and cruising
in Alaska, Mexico and the
He is survived by his
daughter Michael Krieg-
baum (Rich) of Allyn and
Connie Salmen (Wayne)
of Longmont, Colo.; son
Thomas O'Connor (part-
ner: Roberto Espinoza) of
San Francisco; six grand-
children and 13 great-
He was preceded
in death by his par-
ents Cecil and Edna
O'Connor, wife Natalie
O'Connor and son John P.
A memorial service will
be held at Ft. Logan Na-
tional Cemetery in Den-
ver, Colo., at a later date.
Memorial donations
can be made to Marine
Corps League, C/O David
Bell, 5226 Yearly Dr. NE,
Lacey, WA 98516-2252
or Assured Hospice, 2102
Carriage Dr. SW Suite D,
Olympia, WA 98502.
McComb Funeral Home
is handling the arrange-
ments. Online condo-
lences may be sent to the
family at
Wallace (Wally) J.
Wallace (Wally) J. We-
lander, 67, died Nov. 9 at
Puget Sound Care Center
in Olympia: He was a life
long resi-
ldent of
He was
born on
Jan. 16,
to Wal-
ter and
Wallace (Jean)
Welander We-
lander in
N.D., he moved to Shel-
ton with his family as a
young boy.
He graduated from
Shelton High School in
1962. Shortly after grad-
uating he was called to
service in the U.S. Army.
After returning from
the Army he began work-
ing for Simpson Timber
Company and married
wife Katherine (Kathy)
Filbert on Jan. 26, 1968,
in Shelton.
He left Simpson after
18 years as a general
foreman and began his
long haul trucking career.
His family said it was
a joy for him to spend his
time on the open road, es-
pecially when his family
could tag along with him.
He was a member of
the 40 et 8 Voiture 135,
the American Legion, the
VFW and was a charter
member of the F.O.E
He is survived by his
wife Kathy of Shelton;
children Michael (Silvia)
of Shelton, Jennifer Re-
necker (Steve) of Shelton
and Kevin (Laurie) of
Tucson, Ariz.; grand-
daughters Grace and ,
Chloe Renecker; sisters
Linda Berglund (Ken) of
Peoria, Ariz. and Tracy
Lovato (Pete) of Shelton;
brother Don Welander
(Lisa) of Shelton and nu-
merous nieces and neph-
He is preceded in death
by his parents Walter and
Jean and sisters Beverly
and Gloria.
A memorial service was
held on Sunday Nov. 13,
at the 40 et 8. Memorial
donations can be made to
the 40 et 8 nurses train-
ing in his honor.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the
Warren James Zeitler
Warren James Zeitler,
69, died on Oct. 30 from
cancer at Hospice Care
Center in Bremerton
surround by family and
He was born on March
4, 1942, to Clyde and
Elizabeth Zeitler in Sioux
City, Iowa.
The family moved to
Shelton and he graduated
from Irene S. Reed High
School in 1960. He at-
tended WSU.
He was a member of
U.S. Navy until 1965.
He married his wife
Judith in 1964.
The family moved to
Bremerton where he
worked at PSNS Peri-
scope Shop until 1979.
He worked at Bangor
and retired in 1995.
After retirement he
worked at the Admiral
Theatre in maintenance
until 2010.
He enjoyed road trips
in the motor home, trav-
eling to see family and
the sights, gardening,
movies and spending time
with family.
He enjoyed yard work,
remodeling, restoring his
'58 Corvette and enjoyed
playing craps and sports.
His wife of 48 years
Judith; mother Elizabeth;
brother Robert; daughter-
in-law Patty; son-in-law
Chad; grandchildren
James, Justine, Janis,
Cody, Sydney, Derek,
Samantha and Madyson;
nieces and nephews sur-
vive him.
A memorial service was
held on Nov. 10 in Kitsap.
Donations in his name
can be made to Hospice
Care Center in Bremer-
ton in lieu of flowers.
Funeral Alternatives offers a variety
of simple, cost-effective options.
Direct Cremation
Robert E. Zeller
Robert E. Zeller, 84,
died Saturday, Jan. 12, at
Pacific Care in Hoquiam.
He was a resident of Ho-
quiam and had a cabin on
Arcadia Shores Road in
Zeller was born on Jan.
17, 1927, in Seattle, to
George and Isis (LaCour)
~ He was
raised on
a farm
south of
from Is-
Robert School in
Zeller 1945.
days at"-
ter his 18th birthday, he
enlisted in the US Navy
and served on the USS
Bronx during World War
II, which traveled to the
Orient and transported
troops back home. He was
honorably discharged on
July 30, 1946, at the rank
of Quartermaster. He
then served eight years
in the Navy reserve.
In 1951, he gradu-
ated from the University
of Washington with a
degree in forest manage-
ment and began to work
for ITT Rayonier as a
photogrammetrist and
timber cruiser. He retired
in 1983 as a regeneration
He then worked for
the Bureau of Land Man-
agement until 1986 and
continued working as a
surveyor until age 80.
On July 12, 1958, he
married Gloria Christian
in Aberdeen.
Zeller served on the
board of directors for
Grays Harbor Rayonier
Federal Credit Union for
19 years, was a member
of Northwest Forest Tree
Seed Certifiers Associa-
tion, Industrial Forest-
ing Association Nursery
Committee and Tree
Seed Council. In addition
he was a member of the
Hoquiam Elks and Lions
The family said in ad-
dition to his passion for
forestry, he enjoyed boat-
ing in Puget Sound, fam-
ily functions, photogra-
phy, gardening, crossword
puzzles, helping his sons
with house projects and
He particularly en-
joyed spending the winter
months in Lake Havasu
He is survived bY his
wife Gloria in Hoquiam;
sons Bruce Zeller of Shel-
ton and Scott (Cheri)
Zeller of Olympia; grand-
daughters Erica and
Kady; brother Jim Zeller
of Wenatchee and numer-
ous nieces and nephews.
His parents and two
sisters, Karen Trader of
Everett and Phyllis Hars-
tam of Issaquah, preced-
ed him in death.
A funeral service with
military honors will be
held at 2 p.m. on Satur-
day, Nov. 19, at the Cole-
man Mortuary Chapel in
The family suggests
that remembrances be
made to the Memorial
Fund at Hoquiam Presby-
terian Church.
Coleman Mortuary of
Hoquiam is handling the
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 17,2011 - Page B-7