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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 17, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 17, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I II = Small Io) tl • We deliver Auchon, raffl COMPARE OUR LOW PmCES: feed to benefit loea eside t We carrv kerosene. Located at Sanderson A silent auction, raffle ment and all proceeds will atthe door for $15 per per- ~~~l~"~ L~../I~~ held from 2 to 6 p.m. on Sat- cal expenses. ! event. I~ *~ ~ ~ Industrial Park and spaghetti feed will be go to help pay for his lnedi- sotaor $25 per couple t)r the urday, Nov. 19, at the Shel- Once Hillman re~overs For more inform ation, 427-8084 ton Armory to benefit A1 from his surgery, he will contact Katie Arnold a t 432- • Hillman, who recently went then be put on the !heart 1424 or Dan Milnes a 229- t through his second major transplant list and e,~entu- 80~6. heart surgery and contract- ally go through a third sur- Donations can al~ o be ed strep bacteria through gery to replace his damaged mgde in A1 and Nichol Hill- i i~i his bloodstream, heart. ! mgn's name at Our Co nmu- Little or No Out-of-Pocket Costs for Insured Patients! There will be entertain- Tickets can be purchased nity Credit Union. Prevent Uncomfortable & Costly Dental Problems r FREE Whiteni I for LIFE* ° . for Active & New Patients .~:~:~:~s~,. I *(May rm~ be combined wi,h any other o.eII (~:~;~, I[~,~ ~--~ J I ~, Cash value 1/20~ E×pires 11/3t3111 x~~ ~626 Olympic Hwy. N. ~,0e 00, h ,~C 00,~ DDS.S~,0,,00 ~ r GIFT CERTIFICATE i f 0 rr,d~eJlmOqa~nt:S Dentures towards Crowns, " g , p ..~÷~.~.. ~ ~ ~ ~. 426-4712 Cas h ~a fur: Sly;t0 :°N:° ap;:i fei::ts :Pn~y°. i::pn:ti ....... ~ :'/" */ 11626 Olympic Hwy. N. T~oe ~o ~ h 8E 0owning, DD , helton ~! ® Convenient Payment Plans Available • CareCredit" o Cha H a 7/:q.d am Patie~l{ P.y~tlen{ PLalls. FINANCING OPTIONS Tree lighting ceremony schedulld 1 t°:hristmas is officially on its way to Shel- pits along Rfihlroad ....The Christmas Parade, which begins at Avenu, and 2nd a ad Franklin for mar, hmal- .sting and ( y Cahoon ll have hot ~kies. Lee of I ~-drawn w~ and Kristr~ ristmas Tr~ • this year n of the thi~ Mason Cot 11 be at 7:3 ; of Forest ] Downtown cents plus ~vents are f ',hristmas caroling. nd staff at 2nd Stre cider, coffee, hot ch( [arstine Island will gon for families to as Town Kiwanis wi'. in for children to rid 411 be a Nativity skit d- and fourth-grade nty Christian Scho( p.m. at 4th and R~ uneral Home. Merchants will be n art walk. :ee. Richard C. Downing, DDS 1.626 Ol:ympic Highway IN, * Sheh:on approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, low ro~ ~ is sponsored by Peninsula Credit Union and Hol] I Little Creek Casino. sign w The tree lighting ceremony is sponsored by and co, Kristmas Town Kiwanis. Dal~ The tree lighting is presented in conjunc- a hors tion with the Downtown Merchants First Fri- ride in day event. Lt. Governor Brad Owen starts the the Cb evening at 6 p.m. with the Ceremonial Tree Nev Lighting, followed by the performers from childre the youth of Mountain View, Evergreen and of the Bordeaux elementary schools, the Creighton skit w family violinists and Harstine Island Com- in fron munity Choir. The At the end of the performances, Santa and their e Mrs. Claus arrive and mingle and give candy All (360) 426-4r12, Day-long 'Smokeout' to n ,wo ootake pla( Tobacco use remains the cancer of the mouth, throat, single largest preventable esophagus and bladd~r are w]dle°they'rempret cause of disease and pre- cut in half. i compared to 10 p~ mature death in the Unit- Cervical cancer i risk st ttewide (2008-09). ed States, yet more than falls to that of a non~mok- erteen percent of 46 million Americans still er. Stroke risk can fall to C(,unty youth smoke: smoke, that of a nonsmokeri after pered to 13 percent Thursday, Nov. 17, two years. After 10 lyears wide (2010). SmoRing marks the 36th annual the risk of dying from lung te ]d to be higher Great American Smokeout. cancer is about half that of pe ople with disabi!iti According to the U.S. a person who still is ~mok- pe rcent in Washi~ Surgeon General's Office, ing. The risk of can~er of 2(03-2005) and nero the effect of quitting begins the larynx and pancreas pe rcent for those in almost immediately, decreases. " az d alcohol treatmen After 20 minutes, heart Local health anc risk son County has the rate and blood pressure behavior data for ]¢Iason highest lung cancer drop. After 12 hours, the County reveals th~ fol- tMity rate and 13th carbon monoxide level in lowing: Despite bei~ g the es~ coronary heart d the blood drops to normal, leading cause of prevent- mbrtality rate in Wa rates to er in red tolil a. Theth is 26 Li State (2003-2005 Residents who :e help quitting c~ e Washington Stat~ ne at 877-270-7867 the Quit Line w~ for ation and materials able death, smoking continue to be higt Mason County comps the rest of Washingto adult smoking rate percent compared to cent state average 10). Twenty percent Of After two weeks to three months, circulation im- proves and lung function increases. After one year, the risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's; after five years, the risk of Extra patrols on the roa( 5 per-to 2009- w Ma- m during holida Plan e head. No matter who you are, one lo)es you." i In 2010, Sheena Blair was one peopldin Washington who died as a of a cr~sh involving a drinking driw tween12006 and!2010, the five-yea: Law enforcement will conduct extra DUI patrols in Mason County from Nov. 24 through Jan. 2, 2012: Public educa- tion combined with. strict enforcement is a proven method for reducing DUI crashes and fatalities. However, law enforcement officers can't do it alone. We all need to do our part, just as Carol and Frank Blair are. The Blairs have made it their mission to reduce the carnage caused by drunk drivers. On Feb. 26, 2010, their daughter Sheena was killed when an SUV moved into her lane and hit her head-on. The driver of the SUV had a blood alcohol level of almost three times the legal limit. While their grief is enormous, Carol and Frank are actively working to prevent drunk driving by leading many efforts to honor the spirit of Sheena and all other victims of drunk driving crashes. They urge every one to do their part this holi- day season to prevent drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel. "Don't let our story become your story," said Frank Blair. "Call a cab. Call a friend. was 1,!191. r Thi~ is why ton and Squaxi mentsl, the Mast and the Washin asmn~ mit extra patrol officers from the n Island Police D n County Sheriffs ton State Patrol wf hours to make the eryone. These effm ~on's Strategic Hi educe traffic fatali 2030. ng the same time 1 County on routiz ested 27 people for runty Target Zero ' :e organizes and su effort. They urge )revent drunk driv ways ;afer for m part f Washin~ Safet: Plan to r zero t the year Las year dur: officez in Maso extra atrols arz Th~ Mason C, Safet3 Task For~ this e: fforcemen join tt~e team to For additiondl information abo: .I Washington Tre[ffic Safety Comm ' I visit ~t De- colate have ;ake a 1 have by the lasses 1. The ilroad osting ',e moke ~ant, ~rcent Sev- lason corn- state- rates m0ng ~s (23 lgton, ly 7O drug ;. Ma- econd mor- high- isease ~hing- would a call • Quit or go ~bsite: infor- ys some- )f 188 result ~r. Be- total Shel- epart- ONce 1 com- road- 'ts are ;hway ;ies to ,eriod, e and DUI. FraNc ?ports ~ou to rag. ~t the ssion, Thanksgiving issue early deadline is Friday, November 18, 5 p.m. Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 17, 2011 W. Cota Call 360-426-4412 for advertising ii