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At one Myofascial therapy is most often
time or an- considered when a patient has not
other, most responded to more traditional forms
of us have of medical and physical therapy
experienced treatment. Some practitioners of this
the painful therapy believe that it 'also releases
"knots" in our muscles, particularly pent-up emotions that may be con-
between the shoulder blades and tributing to pain and stresses in the
around the neck. These hard, local- body. When you require the care of
ized contractions of muscles, includ- a physical therapist, or would like
ing the thin membrane wrapping additional infomlation about today's
around each muscle (called "fas- column, contact SHELTON PHYS-
cia"), are known as "myofascial trig- ICAL THERAPY AND SPORTS
ger points." Curiously, trigger points MEDICINE. We have been provid-
can refer pain throughout the body ing physical therapy care for over
but do not always ache themselves 32 years. You'll find us conveniently
until they are literally pushed from located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B and
their hiding places. A trained physi- can be reached by calling (360) 426-
cal therapist can detect trigger points 5903. New patients are welcome.
by exerting pressure upon common Same day appointments are avail-
trigger-point areas to see if they are able.
problem sites. Pressing down on a P.S. A trigger point, which is a
trigger point can sometimes yield contraction in a small portion of a
unexpected results. With the help of muscle, is not the same as a muscle
an experienced therapist, patients can spasm, which involves a violent con-
uncover the culprits of nagging pain. traction of the entire muscle. ~-i
Mason County Fire District #11
Friday, November 18th, 2011
5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
New Lady Climbers' coach works for impl
In his first year as head
coach of the Shelton girls'
basketball team, Aaron
Leth is is shooting for im-
"They're working hard
and we're going to con-
tinue working hard," Leth
The Lady Climbers
have 46 girls trying out
for three teams - varsity,
junior varsity and c-team.
Twenty-nine of those
girls are returning from
last season with seven se-
hard and
we're going
to coatinue
Seniors Kandyce Bragg, Lady Climbers run lines during
Jordanne Krumpols, practice onTuesday, Nov. 15.
Kelsey Holloway, Heather
Sawyer, Nicole Osberg, last season. He wouldn't
Allison Hunter and Clara put out a number of wins,
Robbins all return from but said that even one is
last season with senior an improvement.
Lolly Jones joining them Though he hasn't as-
this season, sisted this team in a few
Leth said the team will years, Leth said he knows
definitely be able to im- between 50 and 60 percent
prove on its record of 0-20 of the girls from his time
the second
day of gi
]ddle 21
m he
coaching the eighth
team at Pioneer 1~
School and from wh,
assisted at SHS.
"There are a lot of new go
faces; alot of freshmen and Le
sophomores which is good
for building the team," le~
Leth said. 9
Journa pnoto Dy Err
rls' basketball
Finally, he said t[
ot of leadership fro
liors so far.
;'Teamwise I think
ng to bond really
th said.
the team will
gue play on Friday
~gainst Central Kit
Shelton boys' swimmers pr
for the backstroke during
practice on Tuesday, Nov.
Shelton co
boys' swin
Coming off a wi#ning
2010-2011 season__ the
Shelton boys' swim team is
Between 25 and 30 boys
have tried out for the~team
this season, co-head ~oach
Chad Youngquist said.
Five of those re~qrners
are seniors: Indi Endicott,
Jacob Peoples, Houston
Dean. Roman Hirst and
Bryson Finlay. "
"There are some seniors
who swam before and are
returning but did not swim
for whatever reasoq last
season, co-head coac~ Rob
Phelan said. [
The team ended[ last
season with a5-4 record
and a 200-freestyle~ relay
I,~ team competed at state.
~ii Three members from
that team are not return-
ing this season, however.
....... * Youngquist said/ the
team is about two-thirds
new and Phelan added that
,n" my b',-weekly sec the depth of the teaI~l willi
tion called come from the lower ~lass-
Look "We will not h~ve a
es this season. --
winning season without
(Ii" ~i[ '~ ~1 ~S (211 , improvementbutI!rnopti-/
.... I think we can do it.l"
The team will begin
competing in the Narrows
League in December1
age C-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 17, i
Journa Dnotos Dy Err
actice their star
he second day o
Dean, a
climber swimmer
p actiees a div
ing the second
p actice on
NOv. 15.
, lanson
ere is
n the
, Dec.
,y rlanson
", .--~25L' *'