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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'y Samples, kneeling, presl- Mason County 11/11 Club, placed a the base of the memcrlal monument on at Second Street as the opening i words of warning, Wright gave Rob- ton, 19, Shelton, a .=rred sentence and to serve 120 days in inement in the Ma- Jail on a charge of .~e assault. ,ppeared in court Fri- :cueing on the charge pleaded guilty Nov. 5. of his plea, Judge asked City Attorney to investigate why other youths involved at a dance Oct. 2 had against Boynton was eharges he pulled a the fight, which he got into in the first to break it up. by' Prosecuting ceremony honoring Mason County's war-dead on Veterans Day last Thursday. Others in hte wreath- laying honor guard were Wilbur Sloane, Mel Dob- son, Flor Mlnoza, and Bob Madden (left to right). Thanksgiving will be observed for Thanksgiving vacation at 1:30 Ln Shelton and Mason County along with the rest of the nation next Thursday. All city, county, state and fed- oral government offices along with most businesses will be closed in observance of the day. A United Thanksgiving Service sponsored by the Mason County Ministerial Association will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the First Baptist Church. Speaker for the special service will be Rev. William Carries, cha- plain at the Washington Correc- tions Center here. Special Thanksgiving scrvices are planned at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, at 11 a.m. Thanksgiving Day. STUDENTS IN the Shelton School District will be dismissed Percy M. Pio Bookbinding Co. 6017 S. E. 86th Portland, Ore. 97216 Steve Viger, a former Rayon|or Pulp Mill empoyee here and a for- mer city commissioner, who re- cently was forced out of East Pakistan by the war with India, backed the U. S. stand in South- east Asia before the Shelton Ro- tary Club Thurs'day noon. "lf we leave Vict Nam today," Viger stated, "tomorrow Red China would take over all the peo- ples in North Africa. Over a bil- lion in population. And they (Communist China) have nuclear weapons." Vigcr was helping to set up and rnn a hardboard mill at Khulna, East Pakistan, when he was forc- ed to leave the country with other Americans along with mission- aries. The plant he was helping to build was to be a gift from the people of Canada to the people of East Pakistan. Vigor charged that the war over Kashmir, which is current- ly under unsteady cease-fire, was brought about by Communist in- stigation. HE WAS ALSO critical of the U. S. policy of supplying weapons to both Pakistan and India. He said that on many occasions, Am- erican built bombers, piloted by Indians, were being shot down by American built fighters, piloted by P'akistanis. All were trained in the U. S. "The U. S. and the United King- dom have since stopped delivery of oil and gasoline needed for these planes," he continued. He claimed that Communist Chinese troops were still "poised on the border of Tibet" ready to strike India. "That army is still there," he p.m. Wednesday and will return stated. "The only thing that is keepmg them out (of Indm) is to classes Monday. There will be ' . ._ " " ..... the United States. ±~ere will be no afternoon Kinaergarten crosses no cease fire until somethin- is Wednesday• The Vmdergarten ses- done about containing India.' san wnmn meets at ±u:~o a.m. , Viger stated that a friend of his m the Angle building will have](in East Pakistan) stated, "Des- class that day. ]ocracy is good for you in Amer- The Journal will publish a day |ca, but maybe here Communism is eary next week so the paper willgood. He said this simply be- be delivered to homes Wednesday.cause the lower classes have noth- Advertising and news deadlines ing. will be moved up one day. Rural "A PAKISTANI gets paid one correspondents will have to haverupee a day. That is comparable their columns in to The Journal office by noon Monday in order for them to get into the paper next week. The deadline for society it- ems will be noon Monday and for classified advertising 3 p.m• Monday. Display advertising dead- i line will be noon Monday. to 36¢ in our money. With that he buys a handful of rice, to feed his family which may consist of a dozen or more people." "One reason," said Vigor, "that +..;' 79th YEAR--No. 46 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 18 Pages -- 3 Sections Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, 98584 Thursday, November 18, 1965 ±0 Cents Per Copy under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 327 West Cots O + The Shelton City Commission 'heard a proposal to dress up the streets of Shelt0n on the Christ- mas theme, but, decided t0_have a further look a,t the idea before making a final decisidn.' The proposal, was outlined at the commission meeting Tuesday by Tony Mroz, who is working out the plan under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce. The proposal includes Fir trees planted in tile planters along the streets in the business district. The trees would be live and would be cared for the year around ac- cording to the plan proposed by Mroz. Mroz asked permlsslon from the commission to put out a few of the trees as proposed on a sample ba- sis. The commission told him to go ahead with the samples. HE SAID TIlE PLAN was to put out about 50 trees on Railroad Ave. and Cots St., and on some other streets. The trees would be placed in 18-inch tile 36 inches high in such a way they would not interfere with traffic visabil- ity or parking, the commission was told. Mayor Frank Travis asked that a member of the Chamber of Com- merce meet with the city commis- sion to settle some questions as tq responsibility for care of the trees and replacement of those which die or are damaged. Action was also delayed on the request of the Simpson TAmber Co. :to lease city property from the i sewage treatment plant east for the installation of a~ truck scaling station. Robert Turner of Slap- the), have large families is to sur- son appeared at. the commission iv|re. If there was only one and he meeting to present the plan, got sick he would starve to death." The commission told Turner they O IO had contacted the city some time ago about the installation of a weighing station on the property and the city used some of the property for a storage area for water and sewer pipe. Turner said the proposed scal- ing station would not interfere. with either of these uses. A request from the Timbers Mo- tel to install a directional sign on the Southwest corner of the intersection of Seventh St. and Alder was held over until next week to give the commission and city attorney John Ragan time to check the ordinance governing signs to see if it could be permit- ted. + A request from the motel sever- al weeks ago to install a neon sign was denied by the commis- sion. The motel now proposes to erect a sign with flourescent let- tering. Ernest Malloy appeared at the commission meeting to object to the way in which a mobile home was recently placed next to the laundromat on Mt. View. Malloy said the trailer was placed next to the laundromat building in an area he understood was intended for off-street parking even though the owners have plenty of prop- erty available on which to install the mobile home. The commission said they would check to see if the installation met with city requirements. Byron McClanahan . Viger claimed that if the U. S• would like to take a week to look ~Boynton made a pass] ~|, ~ I ~.*..U-- pulled out of South Viet Nam it i~;t:o the matter since the State youth with the knife.,] J~[~ ] ~$ would bring about total control G: .de scratching his st0~$-]~'j~||l~ ] Asia by Red China. + i ~ '~ +;: : [Y" .... I , [ Vigea., wbo is now living in '' ' ..... Sbelton •after leaving East Pak-I ieenaqe uanees ~,~.. to put a bond issue for |start Sent 12 stated that TT ~ [ w . $40,000 on a ~special election ban and you could have {~1~'~ ] ~r policy to'day is basically~goo(l-'] = == • # ,I B# lot Jan. 28 were announced this week by the Hood Canal School this court not on a[Vv Ill, llI ] : 'The only real answer•in Asia'isl~ ~J~Dll'I/~IJPI,~J~ ~'~!1 " ee assault charge, but g I -- to give the people there at least ] fll& Irl~###~w# #w# a m~ # District. ~e of murder, Judge ] Three young Seattle men have I ~10..~ ~ the hope for a better life," Viger [. I The money would be used for Boynton. I been charged in Mason County Su- ] ~UI, II :stated, pointing out that the em- / ~, , / A • l the construction of five new class- nave heard this court[] per|or Court grand larceny war-]] Four Shelton zirls were inhwed,i ployed represent only about 35 per] ~ ~~ ~.~gc]~ln [ rooms for fifth and sixth graders tlla to be taken, to the rants with taking more. than 500 in a t~'o-cat" collision o' n Hlgh-~'* : cen't of the population. ] l in the district. ~n page 3, [pounds of copper wn'e from.the [way 410 Saturday which tool, the - .............. ] Teenage dances were resumed[ If the local bond issue is ap- the PUD 3 wmehouse a~ ~eizalr [ " "" ]life of an Olympia woman and put Condi|ion 0f Diane l ata the , emorial uii in+u, •. [earlier this month. ]her husband in an Olympia hos- tommlttee / Two of the young so., Robert ]pital in critical condition• [ y hight after a set o r es gov-/ ' P " " • " " • cal effort) and $22,230 m federal etmn the dances wele worked r. .............Devoe, 20 and' At chm" Pmoc'-t 1~'~ pc Chalelam C.i,©al " /~unds" u~der public law'810 h~e ' [ . . " . . "~. ' I The :accident "cured about 3:45 are m Mason County oai~ 'azter a ..... ut wtth a committee of the spon r c wed == s# • ] ....... [p;m. Saturday t the mtersectmn Miss Diane Chat clain, 30, Shel-/ ' , "/been e e' . oelng sought heze from ~eatue 4 sors and Police Chief Richard n n no nc ent @ ~_~#1~ " | " " " I of Highway 10 and Randall Rd.ton, is still in critical condition at/ " [ I maki g the an u em , @ jrlrlC~li~ ]The third, James B• Richmier, was ................ / ..... ~o~ +-- ~--+~ ond releas~1 Alicia~n,, ~o, ~neJ~on, paver m St. Joseph Hospital in Tacoma ~ Camper. iSupt.John Pill commented timt |7"'.~.'~.." ............. ]one of the cars, suffered three where she was taken Nov. 5 after | The dances had been halted l' the student population of the . to ms a~torney. . broken teeth, a cut on her leg, a ~;k/~ Vfl]~¢* [ ALL THREE were arrested m cut in her mouth and an abrasion being in a traffic accident at the]Oct. 2 after a knifing incident]district has almost doubled in the Kamilche Cutoff on Highway 101. ]during a fight which devcloned at ]past seven years and there is no y•~#~ ~ ~•v# ~ ]Seattle on the Mason County war-]on her right arm, according to the She has been unconscious most ]the dance. ~ " ]question of the need for r~w class- aching election of ASC ]rants and the two were Drought]state Patrol. Passengers in the of the ~me since the accident, [ The dances will be limited to ]rooms." Yor farm program ad.]here by Mason County SneriIf'S]car which she was driving were with ony t)rief periods of semi- [ those 14 to 19 who are presently[ THE PROPOSED new addition in Mason County was]deputies. Carolyn Duyrea, 22, Shelton, who consciousness. _ ]attending school under the rules]would be built as a wing to the ~hts week by Ralph J. ] They are charged, in informs- I suffered cuts on her forehead, pos- m~ss ~nateiain is a child wel- ]set up. No drinking will be al- [present Junior High School build-, Agricultural [tion filed by Prosecuting Attorney ]sible chest and shoulder injur- fare worker With the Department ]lowed. . ling. ! and Conservation ]Byron McClanahan, with taking lies; Laura Downer, 19,. Shelton, of Public Assistance office in [ The first dance was held Sat-] P'ill stated that if the bond is- llnittee. ~ ]more than 500 pounds of copper ] who suffered nose and llp cuts and Sheltol|.To Retire ~l:~ntgsJ°l+'hp;:::s l ~Y committee supervis- ]wire from the PUP warehouse lan abrasion on her leg and Shells county office and is ]Nov. 8. [Licl~ter, 17, Shelton, who suffered for the administrative] 'Rail was set an aacb u¢ the ]facial lacerations. ~a farm programs, ]three at $5,960. ........ [ KILLED IN the acciddnt was r stmas ree +:~+';+++ +++'~':::+:m++::~++~'++'' ++++++:+~~ +struC, tion this spring so the new ;~Y~, ~ at tl~v AS(~Srl- - -- J The State Patrol said that the [classrooms wcazld be available for :;'~.i):t : ]the start of the 1966-67 school ll..r~a_~lroad A e., ]Li ...... J. ~'~.--,J,R Hall vehicle was eastbound on ~ ]year. Peeropper is eligible to t narves[ .)tart+ .+. ay 410 and pul . .. t . : , :+:, + eli~,ible t,, take -art | ' [left turn lane at Ran~au Roan.• :+:i+~:i ~_ ~ - v / v .... +1. .... i. +~.... h .... not had larking a left turn into the path ~a0re of the programs ~ ~+~,+ ~,,~,,'~,~z ....., .... ~ ~: ~i+' Q by the ASC commit [the frost they Would like to seelof the we'stbound Ahl vehicle. ...... Rose Tran,fferred lty tn~ _~,,~- ~+,,' _~.~,,~ ~.-~'-/bcfore starting to•cut, most ChriSt-n I Miss Duryea was hospitalized at ~- I ~rnitt~rnnn t~ nnt re- /n2aa Tree yards m MaSon Cou - [St. Peters Hospital after the acci- :. :;,: +, l~eason-~-'~'.,'o-~"color /ty were getting well into opera-Ident.. The other three girls were :';~'~+ ,,,,~n~"m- .+ ........ , v v , I ttional ..-+~,~.~ It|on this week. , treated and released. containing" marked] Frost is desirable before the] ~ "; ....... ~' ........ ...... -- -- ' be mailed or returned ]start of harvest to set the needles ....... +.' I P / II • +~ County office any-/on the trees and reduce needle drop I+ An.Hm (~&..IA D~,z.A.~, !% :!~: +~i ~:~ I uara unit Dec 3 Ballots will |after the trees have been cut. I mv+w j(y# n Humz +lm .,~,+,++ :~++~ ++.... ~: ?,:,+liel; starting at/ C.R,STMAS +REE workers M]Sgt. ennoth Rose adm.n,s- .......... ~.~+, llzative sun iv techmcmn with th 7 ' /have been coming into the area -- -- +i~,,+,¢~,~ /local National Guard unit for the inn the election ballot ]in good numbers to augment the F-'~/*d@ D//= grim ,*:,, :,,. ....... ~:! .,,. +ii: :,.;. .... ., ...... P+ e .~ Brewer, Little Skoo-~usual number of local residents ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ / ':~:~:~,+~~ ~ m ~ ~::~'~"+~,~++ "+d ~ '+~ : ~ : : fi :' ]past lo= years has been transferred ~ley Clanton, Isabella ]who work in the tree harvest. &+,.~.~$:7~ ~:'::~ ~..,~[~+~/.i~[~ to Olympia to becdme a art of i.w. +Frank, Shelton; t The harvest starts now and con- el~ ~. m . ~+ ,+ ,~ ~~~ ]the Infantry Company bemg ~ullter, Skokomish Val-It|hues to almost Christmas. .~1~'1.~.~'llt~l~l~$¢ ~d~\ ::" ::?: ]f0t~ned there. O ill~l ~ II~ I, 1411AI Vll I Ikl~ ,_ ~iinkler, Picker|rig [ Hauling permits have been r" " :~++ ~++++:+~ ] The transfer was effective Mon. pnald W. Ragan, Sko- ling rapidly at the Sheriff's Office When students at Shelton High ~.~ '~::~,~i+ day, Rose said His successor will ~ey, and Andrew Stod-]in recent days. A permit is need- School get their report cards this ~ ~+ +~ '; '~:?!:: :~ : /be coming from PorUand and win i:" " led for anyone transporting more week, they will bc something on- [ begin his duties Dec. 6. The ad- ages :all qualified rot- /than three Christmas trees in the th'ely new. %':~ + "::+ "-- ~ I ministrative supply technician is 'r.~e to cast their ballots. /county. ---------- Tbe biggest feature is that they ~~~ ]the only full-time employee as- ..... do not have to be signed by the i:~ ] signed to the local National Guard parents and returned, i;~i~~:~~ ]Um. DANCE • b Th3w+eW card system, instituLcd +;+,+i'/.:' ~[ Rose will be working in the atu .......... Y principal Clyde Brown, is :~!'(!!" ~~~ ]same capacity in his new position ,uay, r~ov, zu ~ Ill. 1 a I1"1, des ne , ~1 P' " ' "g d to cut down on record ~,i= " ]in Olympia as he has been here. POse Hall ' $1 00 per person keeping in the school office. J ~/ ] Rose will contin~e to make his THE NEW CARDS conmst of ponsored by Sheltoi Nimrod Club "v .... " .~.'!:i(* ~ ]home in Shelton, commuting to , zi e tear sneers an(~ a permanent '.~:i:. ~:~ ] Olympia. He has resigned as Cap- .... Benefit Sheriff s Canine record card for school files. The :'!Q~( . ',~ / thin of the Mason County Sheriff's student will receive one of the ~:~"~= ~+' J Reserve but will continue as a I _ ~ , tear sheets for each of his classes TO TAKE IT 'EASY'--Retirement under the Simpson Timber / member of the grou.p. (5ompan ' rl0Nt L Bt _, , +The new system is deslg od fo; • s,ate y--lnteroat,o+ Woodworke,'s of Amor,ca .e.s,on .,a. ' Rose said the sna,.e-+t, would r'' ' ~ a needle sorting system develop- ~s d November 30 for Verne Satterthwaite, an employee of the ] have little effect on the local Na- uompan f '~I It~'tAa AA= ~ ed by the Royal McBee Co The . Y or 31 years and active member of IWA Local 38 sinc~ I tional Guard unit. It will continue I new ca, d.~ weze toposed to the ~U~ UU| . , . . P' , !t was established at She ton He has held a most every office]in its present assignment as a faculty at the high school at the in ~.Lcal 38, including shop steward and chairman of the Sawmill ]tank company. .... b3~p~3g ~)~ t~leel~:.ho?~dyc~y ~d b~U -._OCal, Local Secretary, Local President for four terms, Vice I Roso said anyone having" ques- pres.n~ent, Local Executive Board member and served on the Ex- ]tions about rental of the Armory Member F D I C ecutlve Boa School Board. " . "d of old District Council No, 3, Satterthwaite also /should contact the commanding serve~ on the first Safety Committee at the P ant and represented ] officer of Lhe local Guard unit The students Local 38 - ~ will get the new . . on the Shelton Recreation Board. Satterthwaite will be ] 1st Lt. Richard Batdorf at 357- cards the first time this week. honors0 It i meettng of L0~al ~ on ~:rldl¥, Novlmber 19th, 1~616 in O]~rmpia, Dave Hale, a Seattle-First Na- Lional bank official from Seattle will discuss the operation of a United Good Neighbor program at the monthly membership meet- ing of the Shelton Chamber of Commerce in the Shelton Hotel to. night. The dinner will start at 7 p,m. and the program wil get undel'- way at 8 p.m. Hale, a graduate of Whitman College, joined the Seattle-First National bank training program in 1963. He served as a loaned executive with the United Good Neighbor campaign in Seattle in 1964 and in April of this year joined the staff of the Seattle- First office as assistant in the Training Department. County Assessor Willis Bur- nett told the Mason County Com- mission this week he is holding up issuing all building permits until he,gets instructions fz~om the com- mission on handling the permits in light of a law passed by the 1965 State Legislature which was brought to his attention last week. In a letter to the assessor, whose A warrant has been issued for a former Simpson Timber Co. em- ployee in connection with a fire :started in the door of the com- i pany's Employment Department office on Franklin St. early Sat- urday morning. A warrant ehaxging second de- gree ~rson was signed by Judge Glenn Correa Tuesday afternoon against Paul J. StoP'h, 29, Shelton. The charges were filed by Pros- ecuting Attorney Byron McClan- Shah. At Journal press time Wednes- day, Smith had not yet been ar- rested and was being sought in Seattle where he was last re- ported as being. The warrant charging Smith came after an intensive investi- gation early this wee~ by Shel- ton Police, the Shelton Fire De- partment and the State Fire Mar- shall's office. SMITH HAD BEEN scheduled to appear in Shelton Police Court Monday night on a charge ~f driv- ing too close to fire fighting equip. ment at the scene of the fire. A Simpson spokesman said a man named Paul J. Smith had worked for the eompany a a,hort time before walking off the job Sept. 7 and not returning. The fire was discovered about 4 a.m. SatutMay by a Shelton Po- lice Patrolman while on a routine patrol. The fire had been ignited by a "Molotov Coctail" composed of a gallon glass jug partially filled with kerosene and lighted with a wick. Investigators believe the heat from the burning wick caused the jug to crack, sldilling and igniting the kerosene at the base of the door. Damage was est- imated at $100 to $150. The fire was extinguished by the Shelton Fire Department in about five minutes after arriving at the scene. The majority of th~ danmge was to the door. Smith appeared at the Police Department during the fire to complain of the conduct of a fire- office takes applications for build- man in telling him to gel away ing permits, the Department of from the scene of the fire to which Labor and Indust~+les pointed out he had driven. that, ehe, new. law requi~s that a AFTER RETURNING from the contractor whe~-applying for a fire, the fii'eman stated that the building permit: must submit a car Smith was drivtng almost non-delinquent Industrial Insur- struck him as he was getting off ance Account Number showing the fire truck• Fire Chief Allan that an estimate of payroll and Nevitt" signed a complaint against paid premimns to the Department Smith charging him with driving of Labor and Industries have been too close to fire fighting equip- made. merit. Bail was set at $25 on the BURNETT TOLD the coma|s- charge and Smith was scheduled sion that he would continue to to appear in Police Court Monday accept building permit applies- n!ght. He did not appear nor had lions, but, wanted instmmtion from he posted the $25 bail at that the commission before issuing any timel new pea-mils. Two juveniles who were in-t:he The building permit applications car with Smith when he drove to arc taken at the Assessor's office, the scene of the fire were not in- but, are approved by the coma|s- voived in the arson, Police said. sion before being issued. The commission will look into ~ ~ s ~,= the question and take it up at ~ASS~.~a f-'~a~P its meeting Monday. . | IJUL|| q~l=~|l~ The commisslon set Dec. 6 at 2I p.m. for the opening of bids on two new cars for the Sheriff's ~ • m i~&| | office. The cars are provided for ~ Yr0,ecl Ylanneo in the 1966 budget for the Sheriff's I 8 office ;i~o 15 ear flanchise - - [ The Department of Natural Ro- cade NatuYal Gas for t~et~n~t~" Is°urces district office here an- • " nounced this week it is reinstitut- latmn of natural gas lines in the[. 'ts ............ mg t r~etgn~ornooa xoum uorps vicinity of Shelton were approved ,,-o¢-r~m by the commission, e'Tr~e~department is seeking young R s. n . . -- ..,. l men from 16 to 21 for either full- time or weekend employn~ent POIICO ASKOII/0 AIII . . . . . ., ... ] The boys will be doing outside work with hand tools with a fores- In Locallne~ Woman I I try crew. Thn,mKI iivin~ M=,= I THE DEPARTMENT had oper- /IIVN Iii IIIIII lUVlV a d t ra 0 0 I te he prog nt this summer, The Shelton Police Dep~rtment ]but, it was dropped at the end has been asked by authorities in]of the summer. The program has Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Can-]now been re-organized and Is bo- nds, for assistance in locating an ling instituted again. heir of a man who died in Canada [ Anyone intere~ed in employ- last year. The he~r may be living]merit with the program can get in the Shelton ares. ]additional information by calling The person being sought was / the Department office here at 426- Katheline Stacy before her mar-t~242. rings and is a relative of Paul l Eric Olsen, a resident of White-]~*~A~ ~i~ horse for a nmnber of years. Mr. ]~muu~m~a ~ uu~| Olsen died in Vancouver, B.C. ]~|~NN~ ~ MA~ ~ April 16, 1964. When he entered]|m~unm~ s~m |•~m--v the hospital, he had given the[ Mason County Demooratic Con- name of his nearest relative as [tral Committee members are seli- Katheline Stacy of Portland, Ore. ling tickets to the Jefferson-Jack- A check with Portland auth-]son Day Dinner scheduled for the or|ties turned up the information ]Shelton Armory Nov. 28. that a Katheline Stacy had at oriel Feature speaker at the dinnor time lived in Vanport, Ore., but, ]will be Attorney General John J. reportedly married and moved to[O'Connell, a prominently mention- Shelton in the 1940s. ] ed candidate for the Democratic Anyone with information con-|nomination for governor in 1968. cerning the woman being sought is] Tl~e program will start with a asked to contact the Shelton Po-]social hour from 6 to 7 p.m. with lice Station. ]the dinner scheduled for 7 p.m. Economy Checking Accounts Only 10~ Per Check at NATIONAL BANK of MASON GOU Member F.D.I.C.