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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
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PAGE 2 JOY.T AL--Published in '*07 tma o n Thl Novemb S Girls Intramural Basketball Team No. 1 Wins By NADINE RHODES PIONICER AI ,Iones was Drc- ~ented with gifts of appreciation following the nmnthly meeting of the Pioneer School Board last Tuesday evening. The 13oard cx- prvsdcd its lllllltks for h,is ser- vice. Having served on the Board since 1956. AI did not run for re- election. He served as chairman for a nunlher of years and sis clerk one year. During his term he has seen the growth evident by consU'uc- tion of the multipurpose room. q'hen as conditions once again grew crowded, temporary class- rooms were set up in the multi- purpose roonl. D'roln two or tl]ree grades to one room. A1 has seen the change to the now one grade to a room. A new addition with more classrooms is at this time ahnost completed. A1 says his long record does not match that of his father. Jacob Edmund Jones. He served on the Pickering School Board for 30 years. This faithful active interest has been carried on by Al Jones. On behalf of the School Board, Mac McCleary presented to A1 s book entitled "National Parks of The West". Mrs. Richard Brooks, representing members of the PTO. presented to him an engraved sil- ver dish and s pocket knife. There were 19 present at the meeting. Fattest Koch was offi- cially installed as a member of the Board by Clerk Barrie Strand. Mac McCleary was elected chairman and Barrie Strand re- elected clerk. Application for purchase of a movie projector under the NDEA program was approved. This will be a sound projector. MRS. DELORES SKINNER, FOOD DEMONSTRATION -- These Hillcrest Homemakers have decided that Bulgur yeast rolls pass all tests for their demonstration at the Sur- plus Commodity Store on November 26. Mrs. Mar- shall White, left; Mrs. Stanley Smith and Mrs. Clarence Cornell are part of the committee to ap- pear. Full use of commodities is important, so- By MRS. I~Y KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE Newly-elected school director,Cas Visminas, called by Pioneer School after the Board meeting was adjourned. He gave inform;ttion about the train- ing of "Ranger", a 2!,~ year old German Shepherd dog', for search and cescue work. Now in training in Canada. lhe clog will be re- turned in .Ialulal y, To help defray the exIiense, a dance will he held Saturday night al the Moose Hall at the airport. All proceeds will go tow.ard the COst of training the dog. The Nimrod Club of Shalton is spon- soring the dance. Tickets will be awdlable at the door. "Ranger" has already been use- ful to the sheriff's department. Trained as a patrol dog by Me- Lain. he can search a huilding in a much shorter time than it would take three or four men. The extensive training of three or four months will stress search and ~eseue work, and will also in- elude leash training. The dog wlll obey any policeman who has hold of the leash. MeLain stated it will probably be possible for the dog and a handler to appear before groups such as the PTO. In this way, the public could see the value of a well-trained dog worldng with the police department. Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Thursday and Friday af- ter'noons at Planner School• Class- es will be dismissed at noon both days. AGATE GRANGE elected offi- cers at the meeting last Friday. They are master, Jack Shero; overseer. John VanderWal, lectur- er. Betty Shero; home ec chair- man, Elsie VanderWal; steward. John Whetham; assistant stew- ard, Henry Warnes; chaplain, Bessie Raines; treasurer, Jalmar Auseth; secretary, Flossie Auseth; gatekeeper, L. R. Raines: ceres, cording to Public Assistance officials. In its peak month of last year more than 1,200 parsons were patrons of the store, in Shelton, Picketing Club offered a demonstration on the use of corn meal earlier in the year; Southside Homemakers served samples of their delicious split pea or navy bean loaf last month. and Cindy Hovind are new mem- bers of the 4-H Club. Actions 4-H Club members met Championship In Playoff Last Friday New Forms For By RENE' PERKINS The Girls' Intramural Basket- ball Champions are the members of Team No. 1: Sands Perkins, Cynthia Iversen, Tins Brown, Caudia Beerbower, Linda Miller, Sue Henry, mad Virginia Buchan- an. Team NO. 1 was coached by Charlie Chappell. I Team No. 1 clinched the chain- i pionship by winning the gameI played with the All-Star team last'] Friday which consisted of: Judi Springer. Jane ChappeU, Kath~ Stodden, Fran Trimble, TereSa Trimble, and Debbte Brehmeyer, and coached, by Alan Tupper, by a score of 4-3. Team No. 2 too~ second place, coached by Alan Tupper. Teams No. 3 and 4, coached by Vernon Buchanan and Registration Effective Nov. 20, atttomobiles will use provided by the fifth and sixth simplified title form, gradesin honor of Veterans Day cement was made in day by Douglas T and Washington State Admission of the Department Day. Students' work was on dis- hicles for the State play In the various classrooms for ton. All title forms Open House. prior to this date valid until the 1~en or women interested in ap- plying for the position of bus driv- er are asked to contact the supcr- intendent's office for the proper application forms. Tom Jefferies, respectively, tied third place, INTRAMURAL MIXED volley- ball games are tenattvely plan- ned to begin thi• week. The seven teams will play a total 0~, 42 games plus I~layoffs if necessary, Three 5oys and, three girls will comprise the teams playirlg~ eh~h day. ..... :, The. Girls' League slumber par- ty, held Nov. 12 and 13, in the ~cho01 g~,m Was a huge success Nineteen girls and fi~e~ cha[~e," Ones kept each other awai~e for 'themajor part of ~he night.. FEATURED GUEST Nov. 22 I The November P.T.O. meeting ~f.,TH~ BI'QLA HOUR, South- ern California Network broad- was held Nov. 10, in the school ca•t heard IooMly over Radio .library. A patriotic program was station KGDN, will be Jim Don- ahoe~ son Of Mr. and Mrs. James LETTERS D.0 e.ton. T h e . P rdg rh'm is released Monday through Fri- day at 11:30 a.m. Donahoe is ACTIN~ LIKE A WHA4? a studen't, at I~lola College, L~ Mtrada, C=illf. He is majoring in Dear Mr. Editor: In Mrs..Dugger's .let- ~Ch~istlan. Education. ter last week concerning Mr. Rub- inoff, the violfnl~t. I agree with her that the child. ren l~lll remember his rage. I be- retitled. The Director has the new three-pa~t minate several ste sing of titles for vehicles. The form treated and will not cm ban paper• The three parts remain intact until the the vehicle. At the sale of the vehicle fornmtion on the needed to complete tion. The completed fol'r~ the county auditor foll fees and validation. el, is mailed the and retains this is sold again or All automobile a suppy of the In explaining the of the new form, pointed out that this will save the State ly $20,000 annually in processing. school nurse, will be at the school Pearl VanderWal; Pomona, El- took the oath of office and was Nov. 9 at the Southside School. B- MaBEI ~rlDD lieve they will remember that once a week for half a day. Thss ma Hamilton; Flora, Rose Warn- seated on the board, at the regular Terri Kimmerly gave the roll call DAYTON* ~__ Congratulations' -- much longer: than' the beauty'" of hm music is under arrangement with the es; lady assistant steward, Elsie monthly meeting of the Southside and read the minutes from the Thurston-Mason County Health Whetham. School directors Nov. 8 at thelast meeting.New members of are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Dos, , ,"..'. .. • • Prooablybee.~u•e he spent so Edmmton (Gaff Ogg) who were . ,- . : . .: District. The following were elected Ex- school, charles M. Jackson, chair- the 4-H club are Lama Saeger ...... ,~ ..... ~'Al~e Ida ~"ov 6 I much rimerawng aoou~ 'now the After the meeting was adjourn- ecutive Chairmen for three-year, man of the board, submitted his Lawrie Rains, Wendy Hovind, Tim W~v"tnn'¢~C.'nmm17~:__._ ......... nst,v Club' ~' me'~ I children •hould. sit, how they ed, the gifts were presented. Cof- two-year and one-year terms re-resignation as a school director, Noel, Lore Maynard and Allison Nov 13 and a new set of by-laws should hold their hands and how he hated s oiled ksd•(hm words fee and cake were served by spectively, Clive Troy, Ed Bun- as he has moved out of the dist-Wilder. Members reported somewas" nresented. These will be ac, ~ ' ...... . P " "- not mine') rict. Arthur D. Bakke has been on their project books and club cepted and voted on at the Dec. 11/ " • . . members of the PTO. " nell and Gyneth Auseth. Vera appointed by the County School members decided to go skating on,~,oH,~ | Then he proceeded to behave Deputy Sheriff Cecil McLain Troy is xnusician. Louis Bar~aby was voted in asSuperintendent to fill out l~{r. Simpson night Nov. 22. The next ....... ., nKe a t-rzma uonna r a tempera- a new member of the Grange. Jackson's unexpired term, which meeting will be held Nov. 23 at ........... Thursaay cauers m ~ne home or |~ menta~ ....... Arl;ls~e m hiS" opmion ~n" zvlr ann ~rs ~ea daCODSOn were ., ' The meeting was preceded by a runs until January, 1968. the Southside School, reported Su- . • . . " ...... f mine he acted hke a spoiled kid ~~_~ pothlck dinner. In its reorganization of the san Swayze. mr an~ ~rs ~tan waylett o (~,~ ............... ,',_ ~: _ . ,,~,,u ~ uu[tL nKe em!--~vty own Welcome to Mr. and l~rs. Rob- board for the coming year, the SHERILYN BYRD Orthopedic Beningnam. They came gown ~o wordsh see their daughter and family, Mr ---." . . . . ert G. Smith and children who are board named Arthur D. Baake as met Nov. 8 at the home of Carol .............. dren Tins aismrDance erea~ed by new residents on Bayshore Road.chairman and Moody Bacon, Jr., Crossan, with Marie Frazier, Toni an2o 2::h~?nd:sl[; o~n~h:~acob- S°o~el~laa(~ulwt:.~x?:foC°m21e They have purchased the Russellas clerk. . M:atson, Augusta McKissick, Helen to the Music of - Claw home. In August the Smith The Board met with Stephen D.Kunkel. Joyce Byrd, Ruth Snyder, s°~!s' . ..... ; "'rseven started to play his $100 000 weekend guests oI mr. ana ~ . W ha t e v e r your car needs in glass, we can install it • . . curved wind- shields, tinted or clear and guaran- teed not to leak, home on Fairmont Street burn- Johnson, Architect, who was pres- Doris Neff, Jams Neff and has- violin. (I should have a nickle ed completely. Since then it has ent at the meeting and discussed tess Carol Crossan attending, J' W. Stoner were her brother, for every time he uttered that bit Windows for been house-hunting time for them. a few minor changes in the pro-Guild members discussed making Earl King of Garden Grove, Calif., of inforn~fati0n). ,, , Starting all over again with posed multi-purpose building, dresses and quilt blocks for their and her daughter, Mrs. Ernest HUll This "distUrbance was the ac- Your Car household items, Mrs. Smith has which Was authm;ized' by the vat- work pasty at Marie Frazim's and son, Randy of Seattle• tion of a kind, thoughtful nmn • " " been ar very busy person, ers of the district .at the election ] Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Hostess Carol The Scab Combs also had week- who, upon observing t~ree oldpr Two of their three children are Nov. 2. It is hoped thit the neces- Crossan served cake, jello and cof- end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur women teachers atte,npting to sit at the in Pioneer School• Shawn is in the sary financing and construction de- I fee for refreshn|ents. The next ThomaSKathy fromHicksonSeattle.of Lake Nah- on {~e floor of {he gym with the{r fourth grade and Violet is in first tails can be completed, so that/meeting will be Dec. 13. watzel stayed Friday overnlg~atlittle charges, tried to bring them . ~,.,,~,,,,....~,~ ,,, grade. Bobble Jeanne, age 4V~, is construction of the building can, Guests of Mr and N[rs Dang I )'~li .............. e" -~ ...... and Saturday with the J,ames chairg. • gt home, ' De.Kin Dy Apt'z! .l, l~bb, !:md t n /Godding and family of Cole Road Hiekson family. " I saPlJose they were trying to The Clary's have moved to Ks-omlmng completes m. ume. ~os'[ Sunday for a birthday dinner were Jamie Hickson observed her be inconspicuous since the Mr. R. " ...... "~'~ milche. They had resided in the new. . school yem" sstartmg m Sep-[ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph lEndl'cott of 12th birthday Nov. 15 with a fa- had already at the morning per- area about ten years, temper, 1966. [ Spencer Lake and ].1 children, mily dinner. , formanee caused a scene by ob- Mrs. John Whetham, l~rs. Clive Lynn Wilson as chairman for ] They helped Mrs. Endicott cele-l~r, and Mrs. Richard Mattson Jeering to the seatifig°f studenis I )A~v Troy, Mrs. Jack Shero and Mrs. the Southside carnival wishes to/b... ~ ~.~.. ~.,.,~.~,, t " ~ *~ ,,,~, ,,, ....... ~- and children visited with the Den- and teachers on the floor in front John VanderWal attended the 'thank yOUr ", foI' ~11 .th°se" that. / Eagles 4-H club memb'es's met nis Loertschers Saturday at Pan-of him. His reason? It hampered •' $ Home Economies Conference for helped with the carmval and It[ Wednesday evening at the South- handle Lake and Monday callers his playing. , the southwest ,district of the was a success. | side Grange with nine members were Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Loerts-I'm sure those of us who saw him perform, and I don't mean Washington State Grange Man- metLivetheWireSfnst 4-Hpast clUbof Novembesmembers] present. 4-H'ers dW°rkedle°nmtstheirof cher of Isabella Valley. ~ musically will never forget what's 9 p,~l~, tO '1 ~,~1~, day. It was an all-day affair held . ' ' .... ] record books an gave ',p • MRS. LOUISE Rishel of Enum-ibis face! at the Cowlitz PrairieGrange and made pincushions for the th%ir projects. Dale Bracy re-cl'tw was Monday evernight guest neat" Toledo. Southside Carnival. noted on beef and poultry; Steve of Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf Connie Cronquist Martin Auseth and Clive Troy Live Wires 4-H club met Nov: i~oysen reported on "Let's Bake"; Tuesday, the two women acc0m- attended a State Fair Board meet- 10 after school. Club members nan Carl Wilson seported on entomol- panied by Mrs. Tim Rishel of Shel- per person ing in Spokane last week. Theyelection of officers New officers o and Karl Johnson reported on ton drove to Aberdeen. • " 'd n gY '- were gone three days• ' for the coming year are: press e t, rocks and minerals• 4-H members Sharon Moffatt of Shelton visit- ~ suburban, $-~.~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart and Patty Mell; vice president, Sally discussed a money-making project ed Monday e~eningwith the James 426-4821. I~ 11/18 Grimes & McNeil 3rd & Grove fanlily, of Olympia, were guests Wolf; •ecretary, Lind.a Rains; of the Jack Sheros Saturday. treasurer, Cheryl Chambers; cam- Betty Shero and boys spent munity service, Barbara Cook and most of the weekend at the W~ltLinda Baker; reporter, Ruth Ann Agrens in Castle Rock. Just as Trotzer and recreation chairman, they arrived the Agrens brought down a three-point elk about a mile from their home. Carole Auseth was home for the weekend from Centralia Junior Steve Boysen, Ted Shonkwilder Hickson family. and Carl Wilson told of going to Donna, Keith and Dennis Combs "Achievement Night"• Project were Sunday callers in the home dates were set up and the next of Mr. and Mrs. Scab Combs. meeting will be Dec. 9 at 6 p.m.Peggy Landis of Shelton spent After the business meeting 4-H'ers Sunday and overnight with the played a game called "Seven Up". James Hickson family. Treats were brought by Rick Haw-The "Drifters" will be furnish- ley and the meeting adjourned, ing live music on Saturday eve- Project meeting dates for the ning for dancing at Dayton Hall. Eagles 4-H and the Vulchers 4-H Our sympathies are extended to will be Nov. 17 rocks and miner- als at Harold Johnsons; Nov. 23, entomology 6 p.m; at Lynn Wil- sons; Nov. 24 "Let s Bake", 6 p.m: at Lynn Wilson• and Nov. z6 r " "Beef and Poult y , 6:30 p.m., at Catherine Bracy'•. Vulchers 4-H club members met Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. at the Southside Grange with six mem- bers present. They worked on their record books, talked abut money- making projects, collected dues, had a short meeting and set up a planning* committee for their Christmas party. Members sang 4-H songs and played a game. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich in the loss of his brother, Claude Ald- rich, Duluth, Minn., who passed away Saturday evenin~ at 8 p.m. at the age of 82. Nov. 8 L. A. Todd observed his 78th birthday. Daughter-in-law Mrs. Eldon Todd and Mrs. Margar- et Meyers came visiting, brifigtng with them a lovely birthday, cake. MR. AND MRS. ALLEN Tibbit~ motored to Seattle Sunday to vf~It son, Willis, who is hospitalized at the Virginia Mason HoSpital With a fractured shoulder and hip due to a logging accident. Mr. and Mrs. Neils Lund and Johnny Brown brought treats, son, Brian visited Sunday in the 4-H'ers gave reports on their pro- Hans Lund home. Jects: John Wilson reported on Mrs. Alvin Hulbert was hostess rocks and mineral•, Chester to the meeting of the Baptist Mis- Rhoades reported on entomologY sionary Circle Wednesday. Seven- and Johnny Brown reported on teen members were present and "Let's Bake". Everyone showed up spent their time at iNhite Cross at the project meetings. ~'~lchers work of making bandages, ac~'ap- had a skating party the last ofbooks and other articles for mis- October and talked about it. The sions. next meeting will be held Dec. Vulchers 4-H members wish 9o edMrS'on Mr.AI FraisUreand Mrs.°f SheltonL. A. ToddCall" thank Mrs. Ruth Neff for taking them to the skating party. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Good and Monday. Rosalie Rickards attended the Pathfinders special program held family of Arcadia recently attend- at the Elms Seventh Day Advent- ed the wedding of Mary Haton at ist Church Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert Were Longview, MILL CREEK Wha~ Nots 4-H Sunday callers in the L. A. Todd club meeting was called to order home. by the president Janette GunterThe Shelton Valley Grange will at the Ralph Simpson Jr,, home hold a rummage sale at the PUD Nov. 9 with flag salute led bY Nov. 24. Renee Simp~cn, Members talked A food sale Nov. 20 at Safeway about projects. A guest, Mrs. Er- will also be sponsored by the ricks, began teaching the 4-I-tGrange. members how to knit. The next meeting will be held at Core ing were read and treasurer's re- Dr,.ken Nov. 16. Club members port given. There was no discus- played a game led by prograraIsion under old business and under cha~rman~ Shirley Sykoya. Refresl~- new business a new., name . for ments were se~'ved by l~rs. i~alpl~ the club and plant sale were} d~- Simpson Jr. cussed. The meeting adjourned and KENNETH EUGENE Archer, refreshments were 'served. The Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth next meeting will be Dec. 9 at Archer, has completed his duties Cb~rk Chamber's• in the Army and is now at home.Spending last week with ~r. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs. Fred Stuck wag Opal Archer and Kenneth Jr., Sunday Lancaster of Olympia. for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnny Spencer and boys. Kratcha, Linda, Susan and John Thunderbirds 4-H club met Nov. Friday evening were Mrs. DoUK 1:[ at. the. home of Jerry Arm-Perrine and daughter and ~r. a~id stroh' . Mfflfif4 of the ts: t meet- flay " ....... DAVENPORT AND CHAIR and coffee table. $175. Can be seen at 227 So. 8th Street. Phone 426-8569. A li/i9:2h THREE-ROOM furniehed apartm~ht. downtow~ area. Water and heat ~ur- n|~hed. Adults. 119 E. Cedar. 4~6. 4895. or 426-44~1. G 11/18 ffn Sponsored by Shelton Nimrod Club Benefit Sheriff's Canine .I • 233 S. First. St., Shefl#'