November 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 18, 1965 |
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November 18, 1965
bliahed. in ,"
.... , ...... . ....... . ....... • .... , ......................... ;
"~I and Mrs "IIerhm ..... COUNTY BUILDINC, I I,]ItMI3S week were Jack Zuhiamng, reck-
bCK- Matloel¢ Grange N2". ' L. - "r. rlenn. Building permits approved by less driviug; l=~onald G. Shantz,
or another S(!llla~'e dail~e Mrs.. Augusta ~P°rtman-.. and. Carl,. the Mason. County. . Commissioners minor, in. possession'. , Dennis. .Dick"
Ly evening from 8:30 to Poztman w e r e l~z~day dmn¢l at thmr meeting's of Nov. 8 and mson, minor m possessmn ano con- By MARY VALLEY By Rod O se ]
Potluck lunci2 will be guests ofMz~, and Mrs. L. D. Port- Nov. 15 were to Raymond Schoen- suming liquor; Robert DeVoe .It'., , SKOKOMISH -- A reception ~ I
nmn o2 Snenon. ing, wood cabin, •$1,500; Harry grand htreeny• \~ill be held at the Sl¢ol¢orni.'h ~ FAMILY [
fancy Gwinett, Mrs. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Prall and Ehnlund, glass vrcenhouse $200; * * * Community Hall Sunday afternoon IIF~~ RO()M [
.ley, Mrs. I. C. Ford and sons James and Gone of Port Of Elwin Blumer, garage, $1'000; Du- SIIERIIi'F',~ OFFICE from 1 to'4 p.m. to honor Mr• aud:: ~~~)~ FtlhNISt]- I
,d Rossmaier attended chard W e re Sunday hulcheon ane Mead, add to residence, $1,000Bill 'Hunter reported ai)~£~lt 400 Mrs. George Barkley on their 50th::i:~ ~!~ ~/.~)~ INGS should I
S open house at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Robert C. Smith, remodel resi-Christmas ;I;rce.~taken wedding anniversary. A cortdl~ ;.:i fit. the char-I
Ullding last week Tues- Hearing• deuce, $300; A. J. Downer, wood 'A'cabi'n beio;m'in~ to Jesse M. invitation is extended to all t • "':: actor of this |
Mr• attd Mrs. James Churchill residencc, $10,000; ?~iorge E. Wat- Gates was ente~;ed"and an out- friends and neighbors pol:~}dar ac- |
ld Mrs. Edward Valley of Dayton spent Wednesday evc- son, stora.geshe,(t,$1,)0; Doll C, ates, board motor and a portable gen- Mr and Mt's Bob Sund and i~, ~'" .............. "~ ::~ m/":~ ~'" ::~ ~ :~,~':~ ......... tivil;y ,area |
' " ': : .... :.~,'~.:...:"~ in the home
,:idLy. evening, with the ning with Mrs. Augusta P'ortman storage sneo, j~zo.., , ,,~ crator taken. ', h~ o daughtezs' of Shelton, wine. ~Stm]ay ! .......... ' ~ .... ~ ~,J~l l~ortun'~ " " :~telV" I |
~paldmg family, and Carl Portman. Sun!lay the Mrs. Yeck reported s c f und afternorm callcrs at the Chcstcr ~ ~~ tod'~v's fi~{" |
ld Mrs. Albert Cash of Portmans were dinner guests of FERRY RECEIPTS a suit case.
lh were Sunday guests the James Churchill family. Receipts from tim Harstine Is- Mrs. Bill Marcy reported sev- Vallcy home. :~ ~ ~~'~ niture m'2n- |
The ru n g . ~p , ::~ IIIB&~~ ~ ufa.'tm'ers~ |
~d Mrs. Max Cash. alle Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie M'~ty and land Ferry for the week ending oral name signs on Col('. Road were ml a e sale s onsmed ' mm~ ~,~, ~ c -
by the Grange Ladies Auxiliary :.21I ~ ~ offer a I
ld Mrs. Edward V y of Seattle, Mr. andMrs Dun Rick- Nov. 13 were $201.50 and for the taken off and damage done to Xvas a real success and they would ,il~ ~ ~L~I'A~III~ wider-tha.n- l
tUrday evening with Mr. err and son andCharles Elliot'ofweek ending Nov. 6 $277.95• some mail boxes, like to thank every one who so ~ ~ ever choice offurnishings de- |
a ' Mr T~ ~ af * * * Frank Symes re orted he found
Elvin Hearing• Ho_,umm and ............ k ~_ • ' P " generously contributed to it. _ _ . signed constructed and up-/
d Mrs. R. IS. Bradb;:~V Montesano were Sunday guests at MASON COUNTY JUSTICE two new tires •near the end of Mr. and Mt's. Calvin Gravatt [rlal~?Thio?oS~raAhTE~sD:~ls P~lan2erlVi(:~te~,rShelt:;eP~:fne~Sl°:::o;°a" l~olstered for heavy duty and/
the Robert Turner . the Kenneth Howard home. COURT Dickinson StreeL have mdved into• their new home P. g P ' ' ' ' Y' P P lex Xl" ~.asy care.. I
~ltonA. c.SundaYANDERSONaftern°°n'and andMr'girls,andandMrs'Mr.JameSand MrsR°SsmaierLarry sonAppearingcounty Onjusticethe docketcourt inbeforeMa- boxWaltertorn off.Vint°n reported a mail rec~telYobU~lotn ~nr2hatthteSeSpt°Ph~e w'tjhs?aYc°en:vCerdl a~O;Pe°'~tsedtund iShelt°:e :ahm :;aWh G:abf~e n de- ~)~t~otl~St.i°g "~;:~2 lb~::tc: lap~c~°l;
~d of Port Orchard, and Chamberlin and children of Shel- Judge Glenn Correa during the Mrs. Sw~ntak reported a mail 72. .... . . signed for the professional and incorpoates design ideas from e"~in in today's funriture. They|
VIrs. Roy Martin of Elma ton were Saturday evening dinner past week have been: box torn ozt. . o • P ....... P '/
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ross- Washington State Patrol Ed Berberet reported..a.bu.rglary vaney. . . photog "aphers a I across the U S It s Amer ca's answer to the ~t e clean with '2 dam cloth
Mr. and. Mrs.. Earl Vaugnn an. wo" d-famous Hasse bad. Palmer. f~rst learned of the camera resistscuffin 'g ,and tearin 'g,
n view wine zecent ws
relier " Allen E. Shirk failure to stop at the liquor store a~ ~eitmr. baby of Lo g ' " " . *- last •April, a month before ,t was announced that the Graflexlook new and heautiful for
MR AND MRS Eu~'ene Ross at stop sign, $12 forfeit; Robert J• * * * itcrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Corporation.wou d produce it. He placed his order at that time ve'~rs I
Automatic k ....... " - ~ " "" " Bingley, ovel~vidth load, $12 for- SUPEHIOR COURT Archie Vaughn. and thus became the first photographer in this state to own this SLait~' alco '
reLier ana cnllaren ancl l~au! truss .... ae er n 1'- " I " f ~" .~es " The Skokomish Grange met Iast revolutionary mode. Although the camera comes about as close ~...; ~,~' ~.~,,~ .................. |
reLier of Olymnia, and Mr and felt; Arn.olu ~ g , o va zo ton- New t)a.. " .... i ............... "
|in Oiling I "" " "~¢ .... ~ n a~e~,, $29 forfeit; Frank Danzer, I Phili,~ Trombiy against Chester Friday. evenin~ with'a: _e'ood 'turn. ton umversal, camera, as poss,ble, ,t w,II .nut replace, i po,'tra t ande i .~,~,,~'"*""* ~ l
Mrs. James rtossmazer were :~un- • .... icle " _. I t- " " " ,~,t 'Phe elec~0n of officers was commercml cameras. Dean plans to use =t pmmar ly for w dd ng ,~...~ ~.., IB~'~J-'~'~! l
day dinner guests at the Lud over-lengu~ v_en esrln commna-iValley,.persona~m~ury.- ........... ~ .................. i ~,,p~ =u~
Rossmater h0me uon ~xu zmu, ¢~o suspenoea; I Coast ~reait ~ervme agazns~ ntr. ,~.,~ ,~,~ .... ,~m. ,,e h-siness The photography and school activity p ctures. . e .... ~t ........ ~----~.-----I I
fo'l~oW"ln'g" we're~elec'te~l-to head the * " * * * an'o'[l~e~r ....
l~Ir and Mrs "Helmrick of Ab DarrellE'Lay'n°registrati°n°r andMrs'J'R'McG°wan'debt" .. ......... t CHRISTMAS CLUB ADDS Could NEVER happen here t 4:g~ II
~.÷range zor the next year: lvtaste ", ......... " ..... :Th
erdeen were Su~iay dinner -- est; t°nnage displayed' defective equip" * * * lreY: o~:zs: e ~ 2;rb L;; $ 2 E!d~ i~ah2Y,t i ma!ia ge~t~f ~a Ni
^, ~...~ ~rr= ~ur,,, r~..~fiu meat, $41 fine; David J• Deffin-I FIRE DEPARTMENT e~V~l ~:I:RTOofI~2T I~gTI: the 170 e
...... " "-= = .............. baugh,-overlength loan, no permit,I .~ ~.,., Saturday chimne fire ~ha~t; }S~ l' E ~:n2~Y ; %TI /
r - _ ,, y , ] I
ust Na y jackets t z ds t d y new plastms
_ Mr. an a m~. A1 Taylor ann no valid tonnage, two counts, de- [ at Bud Blacker residence; no dam .......... -~ ,"~or~e Barklex," assist-- members of the Seattle-P" ,. . s ' • " • II s .- ~l~-Z~' /
tamny oz ~uumzt were ~unaay • • ~. . . ,~,~,u, ,.,~~ ~' ~ ' , - yon better hurry Better stop
. ' .. .. fectzve e mpment, $14o free; Ralph I n~o rtin Smitlz Cha -tional Banl~ s Shelton branch • ...... | can renro- 1
ant-steward, Ma " P ...... .... - b-, B e- R ¢~^LE~ as the" have a~ -- --'- - "~/
guestsat the Andrew Mcuarvze q over ~'
• Weddle, 7,300 lbs. log ruler-[- ~' . * * treasurert~nrmtmas ,bavmgs t:mo took .~ ~ ~--* ~ - .~ •
lain, Mattie Barkley; - , . " ~ . . , ..... ~, ~ ........ ho,.= ,,,a ~,,, l! duce the gram of your favor-[
• ' home. Mrs Earl Wa " Race permit, $102 fine; Flo. , I WASHINGTON STATE Carol Hunter; secretary, Lavezna' place_ . on.Nox,'., ",, munch, manage2. • ~!" e~'s .... v .~ke~ioin~e~:~- " "~'ana~e~ 11" ~ ite wood:s wh•le~ • being much|
r Ro Cubic Laut le t.Jal lsonannounc( ¢1 lasL e~ ~ ,
~V[r. and . lker tookBeerbower, no autho ity to ham/ PATROL Mine'us; gate keepe y : ..... " ' "~ '" :./~•~','~o .... +....~.^:'. .... :. /1 nmre imperxious to wear and/
their mother, Mrs. Eli Bradshaw,for hire on public roads, $110 fine, I Mrs Irene -Matthews Belfair, cereS, Alice Crossan Pomona Adaweek. u, o.~,t.~o: ~ay~.~up. .... .y.uu~ w- II teal'. |
. ~ • - nor early toavolo, msap olntnlent •
• • ' • t" Checks were marled to each of ~ " P Vm 1 fl ' -
back to Tacoma on Friday and $75 suspended; De~\nis Rose,speed-[ told ti~e St:ate Patrol a i;ee in her McGee, Flora, Vzrgmm Bouzgaul , . ...... . - _ wo.v ........... II y oonngs add to the hve I
• gne l'{U clno lnenlDers Ior tile ........ ., ....... '
"'"~"=~" "~ =~'" abilit of a family room ~xri /
spent any wztn remtives, ins, $12 forfeit Mimred r orth-/ .. ,~,~ the cause of the accidentlad..y~ asmstant_ ........ steward,c,,,,,~itteemanVelma sums they had saved 'I }~ ~" O U g'~ a O Y S' . JEWELERS, • has .man"'
II area Yrugs- available' " for a' dash|" th
Mr. and"Mrs. Clarence Palmer hess, improper lane of travel, $12[ in-wh=mh- {he 1963 foreign-made oUoaK, :sXn;e;~y home'ec Doris monthly deposits, plus interest, !nany iCems a.nd always gooa quai-/] of color. In furnishing your]
Wli0MELITE I returned last week Thursday from fOrfeit; John H. Strong, reaving| ..... went off the roadand strucl~ .......... ~tyatlowptmes BalzyCas
a; three-week trip by train to scene of an accident, faihn'e to]~-~ree on Highway 106 Saturday ~,,~,,,~,~ ~,a ,,~-hi~t Ma~:v Val- during the previotm year. Both the . " ' " 2" ..:~'. .... = l] family room, keep these l~ard-|
and Mrs. Palmer's mother, suspended; Donald Gates, operat-/in the car and she swatted at it, ".2' .....-- ..... savings were approximately equal SHOE DEPT., says to hurry be-]| ills in mind. Remember, too,|
BI Ohio where they visited relativesreport an accident, $110 fine, $50/ The driver~aid therewas abee ~e~.v.''" ......... v ........ club membership and the total ~ins, manager ot Mn,l~m~Jl wearing' minimum care mater-/
mg wzthout headhghts $12 fo~
" ' ' " "| and .in the process drove off the ~ The women s .~ewarasmp o} to the 1964 Christmas Cl'ub fig-catise that sale 'on women's shoes/I this should be a cheerful lively I
AIN SAW | - ~~ felt;, Allen L. Bell, expired, opel'-/:~.a..._=~, ...... " ................. ..... hnol~ nnt~ th. the Community wnurcn wi.n n~.eet ures, Carison said: " " ends Saturday.., Lem Warre~,/I room, and you (,an use color I
~" ator s license, $7 forfeit; Raymond/ rnnawnv in ~ hraad.~ide skid nnd at the home of Mrs. Arvia .Joun- , , , owner Of LEM WARREN R]~,-[I with verve. /
• • ' ~ ........ ~ .......................son, Thursday at 8 p.m. and in- FLOWER AND GIFT FRIGERATION, has all types of/| Dining room tables with For-|
iaV/cuttln~lieas{erthane~er I I ~ Orr, speeding, $12 forfmt; Donald struck a tree
rotes the ladies of the Valle to us
,;noneedtobetroubedwth BI D Toombs no operatm s hcense ' " Y SHOP TO OPEN ' ,ed appliances for your home orl| mica tops, vinyl-upholstered|
'lchaln0111nswlththe~ew.. I BB ~ • , "'" ' " ' The accident was investigated come and enjoy the evening. The Holiday House a new flow- cabin. Be sure and stop in . .
./I chairs and m~{rpr0of-topped|
ff0MATIC ju=tflllthe0, I ~ I~ | I '].~ $12 forfeit; Raymond Morris, over by Trooper Robert Lee ....
01randthe'~l;amls011ed I LI~ ~ center line, $12 forfett; LaVerne Mr and Mrs Fred Lessel of er and ~ift shod will open thfs John Halvorsen, o~ner of JOHN-|| storage chests are basil,s forI
~ticalif y es ou cut. More power
~ aztercu~n~letsy0ucut • I ~ Rush, over center line, $12 for- .- . ~ ..... Port Angeles were recent visitors SaturdasTon Hillcrest. It will be 1o- NY'S MUSIC BOX: is introducing|/ any family room,and you'll findI
~"al0-1nch0akl0glnlust I ~ ,'T~ felt Dixie t~umeson, zu, ~neiton, sut- at _hot home. of Mr, ,and Mrs. At'- cated at th..o fo.mezr • locahon'; " of"a new organ ~eacner this• week, lit. anh excellent seieeuan: in our'|
,nds Stillalight-welghtthenm I ~ ~ . ' .... feted a head injury, and Shelleychic Vau~hn ' the Wax-N-Wool Shun Marly Lurid. Mr. Lnnd has up-|/ s owroom. SLop in and lookl
Ir0MAT C welghs0ny ~ I ~ ~ame l~epartmenr .. Allison, 18, Shelton, a bruise on ~" ~'~" ~')~ ~ .... ~ ~*~w Owners Mary Helez~ Anderson pared in night clubs all over the|| over our displays this week..
mdIle=~barandcham..... I I Alan S. Veen, t2"anspoz. "ung" a her kneein anne-car accident on ,,~. ~.~1~ ~.vlIJ~,Oo ~,u .... ~o~? - ..-.~ T~,.* ~'~ ....... : ..... '+h,v xxHll o~ country and will now be teaching|| for the best values in furni- |
ble In straight-bars from ~'- to I
I~rl plunge-cut bow clearing andI loaded rifle in a motor driven ve- . u ~" ar~ ot ~ea~ue ano ~v~r anQ ±vxrs ~,zu ~ab ~ ..... ~¢~.y ~---.J ........ - .- ". • ~ ..~" •. ~..~" /I tureI You're 'll~.......... i~^.~. . I
J ~ .. the Matlock Road abut lo miles Leon Bollinger of Bremerton were ry flowers and various types of tsncr°~ogxn ass°C~nt2t°nta~'in ~!~ei ~u1-// Olsen Furniture"' .......... eI
bar=.Ah0dlrecto'rgeardrlve. I pIFI ~ hicle, $25Sheriftforfems Offi(( west of Shelton Monday. guests of Mr and Mrs Don Dunk woodcraft and gifts. Both women .. . ... ..-,. nn ?t s a " ' /
US today for a fme, • m ~ ~ "' "~ . The vehicle, driven by Miss " ' are Shelton resi'cienis over tne place tins weeKena. At I I
~nstraUon of this I I ~ Arnold Crawford, $12 fo.rfe~L;Burleson, was westhound when a on Sunday. ' , • " ', the LAMP POST the MOOSE il /
I newsawf.,,,..,~..~ • James Widell, negligen~ar~ving,Life blew out causin the car to
, " • . g
,, ..~.~ i I ~ $56 f orfezt, leave the road and strike a bank. Otto R adke 0f She lion called at D L' RNE HAI L aird th~ ' D~AYTON COM I I* I
tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester . s CO...R . . . MUNiTY HAL~ Ali three ;ilould ! ~ /
" -. I ~le SHELTON POLICE COITRT Both of the young women were Valley ~rednesday evening. Radke haW:l;l~l:~l}Stl~eau~lti~letWC2tnhernWe be good places to congregate SOI/ I I /
I ~ j . ~ ~ ~ . troLLed at Shelton General Hos- had just returned ftoln a trip to. ~.. ° ~" " " '" "~ 2 go to it That's 30 for this/I I I I I]~- h~! I
.... =i~," into rote tan, i~ is naro ~o in as- , , : • • ," "-:" ...... ' /I I ! If~-"~ ~.1~ /
I Appearing on the docket ill niinl nnd relo~l.qed
~" ~ Shelton Police Court before Judge ~"Th2"-ne;id~,,--~'i:-wa.~ inv,,ti~,at'od ........ ~ .... ,,.t,, .... ¢ ,.into ......... S WCeK OUt l•ementoer to SHOP AT II L i 7"" "-~..~. /
' ~ ............................. ~ ...... DOn Dunk drove to Longview to the onethk~t'wa~s* se'en'o'n ti~e~f"rot'~'t HOME AND SAVE! You'll be glad ]| T I~1~ /
Rolla Halbert Monday mght were by Trooner Henry Dean visit his son, Dick, who spent a naee of a Seattle newsn'ioer ihis you did. [I ~ /
Sandra Yaeger negligent d iving .... ------ e,v days in the of course NOTE: Due to a. pt bli-I/ :-- /
cation of the Journal next week 4th & Cota
$56 forfeit; James Lester, no up- - ' ' Mrs. Anita Dugger attended a up itz northern Michi~,an'and the the" deadline': ~oz' all dmplay' '" advcr' " I1 .~-'~'~' /
El E:I! MOTi|R "~ Nl~IIIlI erator's license, $~5 forfeit; wn- T,-: n. _-aL aaa--J
&l ~ IIIIII lis Buyer, ~mmkenness, $25 for- I[U][I MUlSU[il H[[UliU family reunion and farewell par- snow was qutte deep. Such a thing . : . " • ". ", - I/ ............ /
z ]a t2smg zs Monday noon H
~ ~Jle~e* felt; Edward Hannaford, faulty A, , =!, • ilI II ty at the home of Mrs. Geo'g' ----------=-~ ..... ' •
,~;HOP ~, ][ ~ equipment, violation In f I~ i~ ~ n ~ [ .1 [ : S,.,., ~ . ] [ m~|i"ff Miller on Sunday in honor of her. "a -- -- .
On HILLCREST ~ ill B~V Responsibility Act, $110 fine $2.50 ................. ~ ~' daughter Mrs. Don. Pavel, wllo ~#%#~_~ f~]~#~.t~.~t#~t~
LIP. I~q,,FA costs, $85 suspended; William Ri- Stressing the great value of is leaving for Panama to join her ~,~¢~6 ~I~~,~HH
426-4602 ~ )ta 4.26-4302 chardson, drunkenness, two days permitting local people to partici- husband. There were 38 grand= _
What We Sell in jail; Warren Whee'ler, no oper- pate and compete, the State Fair children present and during the C~,.~A
ator's license, $15 forfeit. Association held one of its most afLernoon they presented a pro- ~g~g~7
• * * interesting and productive con-gram, each one contributing some-
reed and Guaranteed
Frigidaire, Late Model with across top Freezer
Westinghouse, Clean as a pin
Frigidaire, Small apt. size with left hand door
Ambassador, Good for an extra or that cabin
G.E. New unit, Late Model with across top
Several Crosleys, Norge, Philco
Hotpoint & G.E.
15 Cu. Ft. Upright Norge Deluxe
16 Cu. Ft. Rich Food Plan Freezer
Also one used chest and a couple of used
ice Cream Freezers
Several built-in models.
Deluxe, two cycle Kenmore, Rebuilt
)letely rebuiltWhirlpool Deluxe (yellow)
(2) Kelvinator Deluxe
:RS (Wringer type)
Maytag, Kenmore, Norge, Thor
All Guaranteed
Cieneral Electric, Frigidaire, Kenmore
Westinghouse, Maytag, Hotpoint
Monarch, 32-in. Clean and Dependable=
ibson, 40-in. Deluxe
Frigidaire, with extra warming oven
(:i.E., 40-in. range Norge, 40-in. range
24-in. Push Button
ber: every item sold with a WRITTEN WAR-
LATION, all included at no addition in
Warrcn Refrigeration
Mrs. May McCann reported a
A dog was reported hit by a
car near "The Hut".
Alice Dielle reported a billfold
an outside light were broken•
Alice Dielle reported a bilfod
lost while attending a concert at
the Junior High Auditorium.
Ole Ramsfield reported a cornet
Francis Catto reported a set of
keys lost•
Oars driven by Price G. Woods
and Bessie M. Hastings collided
at Second St. and Railroad Ave.
Cars driven by Ula Walkup and
Lana McInelly collided in Ever-
green Squire parking lot.
Joe Tylcz~k reported ~ bicycle
Mrs. Valroy Clark reported a
diver-grey poodle missing.
A car driven by Gerald Gripp
m( a bicycle ridden by Bonnie
~ee Demmon collided on Cascade~
Cars driven by Richard O. Rob-
inson and Mary Jo Koch collided
at Second and Cedar Streets•
' Vandals broke a front window
in Cooke's Feed and Hardware,
and then fled.
A broken hasp w~s discovered
on the garage door at the Time
Service Station.
A purse was found in the rest
room at Wolden's Chevron Service
Someone stole seven batteries
from Singers Service Station•
Tom Royland reported a pair
of trousers lost while he was
moving from the Shelton Hotel
to the Timbers Motel•
Booked at the Mason County
Sheriff's office during the past
ventions in marly yet~rs. Under the
able leadership of President John
McMurray, secretary-manager of
the Western Washington Fair, the
Association showcd great progress
in 1965.
It is the aim of the association
to help and promote the old type
county agricultural fair with only
a few modern ideas or innovations
and to encourage local business-
men to participate not as a dona-
tion but as an opportunity to dem-
thing, which was enjoyed by every.
one. If I know Mrs. Miller, I'm
sure there was plenty of good
food !
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger
are the grandparents of a baby
daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs.
Don Pavel.
(Continued from Page 1)
msinessman does not participate from under you sO you hanged by
then outside people will come in your neck until dead, the Judge
and capture an unfair share of lo- told the young defendant.
cal business. Just a quarter of an inch closer
Mason County Fair President and you could have taken the life
Martin Auseth and Fair Manager of another person and have lost
Clive Troy were in attendance and your own life in'the way which
report that Mr. McMurray was re- was described to you, the judge
elected to carry on for another said.
year. Boynton was also ordered to pay
The Mason County Fair Board the cost of~the court action with-
reports that our own local fair hue in 30 days from the time he :is
made phenomenal growth, for in released f~om jail.
May 1963 the first building was RAGAN' REPORTED to the
started• Now there are seven dis* court that a check with the Shel-
play buildings 40' hy 64' or larger; ton: 'Police Department revealed
one 30' by 44' office and caretak'- while there was a fight go-
er's apartment building and one ins on, up until the knife en'tered
16! by 32' 4-H building and a 4-H the picture there was little upon
food booth. Although we have held which charges could actually have
three fairs on the present grounds
this has been accomplish~d in a been brought.
In another court action, Judge
period of a little over .two years, Wright appointed Ragan to act as
and we have paid as expanded; all attorney for Bert Dale Day, Shel-
of this because of the loyal support ton, charged with second degree
of local people.
Dates for the 1966 Mason Court- burglary. ..
Day ~ppeared in court on me
ty Fair are Aug. 19, 20, 21. charge for identification and for
appointment of an attorney.
There ~re 200 public skating
WANT ADS rinks in Montreal.
Family coming home for Thanksgiving? Preserve
er in a r
this memorable occasion forev _ . P iceless
Professional Portrait by DEAN..~oaay's family
, ri¢¢less treasure=,
photographs are tomorrow S p
Ask about our Thanksgiving Family Special.
Phone DEAN'S at 426-3272. A few daytime ap-
pointments still available --- evening appointments
by special arrangement. (pd. adv.)
Four representatives of the Ma-
son County Cancer Society at•-
tended the annual meeting of the
'Washington unit of Lhe American
Cancer Society at tile Olympic
,Hotel in Seattle Thursday eve-
ning and Friday.
Attending from here were Rich-
ard Souliere, chairman of the lo-
cal chapter; Mrs. F. D. Ridout, op-
erational vice-president; Mrs.
Mickey Goodwin, crusade chair-
man, and Dr. B. B. Forman.
MRS. RID:OUT, because of thc
successful organization of the
fund drive here last April, was
asked to be one of the speakers
for the program• She discussed
crusade organization for residen-
tial areas.
The educational committee of
the local chapter presented a film
to the Business and Professional
Women's Club here Wednesday
NEW PiCKUP--redesigned from the ground up! Powerful
new 1300 cc engine, 4-speed stick, new alternator, stabilizer, big 6' bed, up to 2000 lb. payload.
More cab & load room. Cuts operating costs ½. Buy two|
loaded with extr~¢
-Telt RI
Sales & Service
616 Legion Way - Olympia
Phone 352-9960
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OPEN 'TIL 8:30
,I . •I i ! .. i ....... i,
4th & Cota
Phone 426-4702