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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
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Nove nbet 18 19" 5 L C)N--MA:SON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastow , U.S.A.", hel on, I Huskies Stephen, Dunn To Speak At Foe|bail Fete; Tickets Ava!iable Subject to later changes, two muscular linemen--Dale Stephens IN MASON COUNTY ~nd Roger Dunn--have been iden- Ufied as the two players from the Univmsity of Washi1"{gton football ...... : ...... team who will be speakers at the . . I nnnu ' ' Oh,h ,~,,~ ....... ELK KILl, I OW" cxmtent thin past week but a . a ..... al KlWaUlS .......v" - • ~ ,,- * ' I " " " /ban-uet, t honor in~' g Lne"" *'~'~':~-~:~neiton-- SE $.S()N. |:ND~, "~UN D a'Y" •I new run of. silver sahnon, reported [ Hi~hclimber team No- ~n Unless hunter-luck improves : by RestWtnle Park proprmtor Earl I ." ....... *" "" considerably the rest of thi.~ week i Mauge prmnises a~'.tion this week- | no~ii~,Se~,t:;~.~ent Jonn Pill wa~ the 1965 eik kill in Mason Coun: lend. does such luxury attend Bruce Board and a few t" /and Duny had' bYentti:t S~pl}ens ty is destined to be one of the I "They're jluTIping all over the • ""s*" ................... oners| ................. :__.." eet:o ten- smallest in years. [place ]~ut so far haven't been go- bf coaching junior high pu,,,,~; ,~,r virility recognmon. | LaLlvely ,u, ~u*z a~mgmnent. As of Wednesday morning only[ing for lures," Earl reported. ~as that surrounding The Blazers open their l~-game] Tickets for the banquet, to be seven bulls h~v1 been repm ted altl"They should be getting hungry iberg as he called his schedule Dec. 9 by enter:.[ held in the Mr. View school cafe- Shelton's two sporting goods cen- I ~oon.;' ~er hoop turnout tliis taming Miller of Aberdeen in Shel,[ teria at 6:30 the last (lay of this ters, although this does' not rep- i Chick Rockey, the retired Olym- ton gym. The complete sahedule~[month, were distributed to all Ki- resent the complete pictme by a[pia High Sch(;ol coach, pulled in five lettermen! Dec. 9--Miller, here [wanians at their weekly meetingi long way. However, it probably a pair Tuesday at 10% and 14 of an unusual lack of ,)ec. 16---at Hoquiam [ Tuesaay ana are also available at i iu indicative of the situation-at- pounds, and Mike Shuler of Seattle aterial among last year's Dec. 21--Washington, here | Beckwith Jewelry, Mann Real Es- lai'ge. The sexson ends this Sm~- had a pair at 8 and 13 lbs. Sun- lets, the top five eighth Jan. 6--Jefferson, here [ tate, The Journal, Kitsap Dairy day. day Rockey still leads 'the Rest. ayed on the Blazer var- • , ~ -: ' • Jan. 13--Centraha, here [ and Hoodspolt Lumber at $2 each. Gaylon Wheaten had the incest While salmon derby witll the 17- , during the 1964-65 sea, Jan. 2e---at Hopkins [ The banquet is open to all men trophy-head, a lmge 4-point taken pounder he caught tluee weeks ~arned their varsity let- Jan. 27---open [ and boys and will honor the coach- opening day in the Matlock area. ago. by. Feb. 1--at Miller [ing staff, pl,ayers, and fathers of Walt Eash also had a 4-point, Bottom fishing is beginning to rH the exceedingly rare Feb. 3--Hoquiam, here [ players on this year's Highclim- likewise downed in the Matlock give results to those who try it, L of ah'eady possessing Feb. 10--at Washington | bet varsity and B squads, district Jerry Hirsche of Portland landing ~ity basketball mono- Feb. 15--a,t Jefferson .| ...... ~ .... ~ The Skokomish south fork reg- four ling cod of 38, 36, 32 and 21 Yris Close, Bill Daniels, reb• 17--at Centralia [ I~IA|IJ~||V~ eJ~n ion gave up a 2-point to 13-ye~r- pounds ~ednesday Of last week. 'isIarsh' GarYfind themselvesAustinreadyand 1FIe:nd2y~_s H?fk,~Surhe~ had 23| luqi|lll'a'l" II U Ke~l~ old Merle Bariekman and a spike Rock cod arkd red snapper a~e !t,r their second fl~'st ' t IBA@I~@ d~@E @1~1211~¢t to Carl Anderson, while Dale taking lures, too, Mauge reports. ~rdS as the.Blazers p re- ninth graders, 20 eighth graders,] oMor-o O~{i]l OKflIC Paulsen picked off a 2,point neat" , ~ ..... ~,~---, and 14 seventh graders responding.| MIXED FOURSOMES Camp Grisdale. Guy Miller and RAINBELT ENTR~ WINS he 19,65-66 season under The eighth and ~eventh grade| Striners ' 3~~ 5 Ted Blair hunting together in the Chuck Thompson's 533 series coach, teams will be under the directibn ~ .............................. Clemw e ~e ion ~es ect' "' " ' ....... | Twisters ............................ 21 15 • at r ' g , '.. p ~vely Faced Shelton s entry in the Rain- :hi~egradersand,theirtW°c0h0rtsYears o[.uoacn ~ene wenunt. '|Board Busters .................. 18% 17].~, brought home a 2-pointand a belt junior traveling ..league to undefeated 10-game -------------------- ~ All Kats ........................ 18 " 18 '" spike Monday. a 4-0 success over Westside Lanes HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE ¢ * * * of a after losing tl~e t6p . S '~ ~ . Odd Balz ::ii ........................ 17 19 " • Olympia at Aberdeen last Sun- varmty" " .......... last year, the W L What's Next .................... 16 20 NEW RUN OF SILVERS day. l~ocky Robinson had 455 Gary e team came through Dean's Gun Shop .............. 24 12 Timber Ducks ................ 14 22 PROMISES ANGLING ACTION Robinson 427, Cluis Thompson 421 ~[ng season. " " Bait's Food Center .......... 24 12 Knock Outs ............... 8% .27V, Activity on the saltwater fish- and Bruce Pearson 415 for Shel- I~I~BERG has the fullBuechel'sOarage .......... 20½ 15½ High games'""Jo Wentz '1-76, L" ing front has been ahnost non- ton Sheltn Union Service ...... 20½ 15~ L McInelly 236 ' " * * * 'ce back together as B&W Marina .................. 191 17 'High sets--Marge Witcraft 467, ~ :;:!:: rs, with such boys,as Mell Chew,ol~t .... : ............. 15 21 L L McInelly 625 ~.:~ Don Donaldson, Scott Wate~,,vhee~ Gro.oery ...... 12 24 Split picks--Henry Cook Sr. 5:7, ~ Burfiend,(after heBUdrecoversTUS°n' mood Canal Marina .......... 9 27 Nancy Karshner, Clara Erickson, , awed shoulder), High game~Donna Coleman 201 each 6-7-10. ~*~:i ,~ Bill Jackson,High set---Marge Witeraft 514 --------- i~ Split picl, s--Marie Runnion 5-7Based on a 236 foundation, L.L. .~ Ruby Allen 5-7-9, Gladys Nelson ~cInelly built a 625 series in ~'/ 5-6. ' mixed fo~rsome league play Sun- Theatre I~,. SAT ONLY 7:15 -- Start• 7:30 BOND IS IN AOTION I h Um FEUlCS • UNITEO ARmT| I' H E ,It T Pt £ * * * day at the Timber Bowl. Ball's 4 (Ginger Olsoe 496), Ca- It also boosted the Strippers to nal Marina 0 (.Marie Runnion 428); a 1.0-P0int lead over their nearest Buechel's 3 (Annette McGee 461),challengers after a 4-0 whitewash- Waterwheel 1 (Donna Coleman ing of the Twisters (Don Knudsen 508) ; Union Service 3 (Stella How- 441). e~ o ard 458), Mell 1 (Pat Noreen 427) ; Two other shutouts w "e p sled Dean's 3 (Betty Dean 476), B&W during the evening's play. All- 1 (Marge Witcraft 514). Kats (Ralph Simpson 5~1) over the Knock Outs (Nancy Karshner 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE 403), the Odd Balz (Gayle Wentz W L 5201 over What's Next (Max Mik- Shelton Union Service .... 12 kelsen 442). The Board Busters Johnfs Richfield .............. 22 22 (Lloyd Clark 559) trimmed the Cota Grill .............................. 20 24 Timber Ducks (Jack Frost 507) NeWs Pharmacy .............. 14 30 by 3-1 In the fourth match. High games--Georgia Coleman 209 LaVonno Cast,o 207 204 M ler©y©lids Due High set--LaVonne Castle 552 ..... Union Service ,4 CT~aVonne Cas- Very Bu~y Weekend tle 552), Nell's 0 (Florence Wood " Join LTJ e ........... ..... 484) ; John's 3 {Mary Wicken 470), Shelton Trailblazer Motorcycle Cota Grill 1 (Evadean Lord 418). Club will hold a work party Sat- urday morning beginning at 10:30, at the fair grounds. Finishing toucheson the Endure will be worked out. Following the work party there will be cycle n~ee'tiv starting at 7 p.m. Cramped Compacts with The cycle club is holding a Cross-Country Endure this Sun- day, beginning at 9 a.m. sharp. The run will start at the Shelton airport, Mason County fairgrounds. Refreshments will be available throughout the day• All riders are welcome. Several trophies will be awarded. MR. & MRS. LEAGUE iv L Grapeview Grocery .......... 25 11~ REMARKABLE RACK--Gaylon Wheaten of Route 1, Shelton, has At Our Price So Easy ! Eacrett Lumber .................. 24 12 a fine trophy for his den after killing the big bull elk shown in Purdy Realty ........................ 22 14 the Wingard Sport Shop picture above. He bagged it in the Mat- Griffey Construction ...... 21 15 lock area on opening day last Sunday. There are four points on ART is the BIG COMPACT that will NEVER Sharer's Diggers .................. 20 16 one side and five on the other. J&J Se~wice .......................... 19 17 Allyn Shell ........................ 13 23 ..... LADIES TRIO , W Ronnie's ............................ 25 B&J Mart .......................... 20½' City Center Motel .......... 20 KMAS ................................ 20 Mamie's Cafe .................. 18 Barnacle BoWs .............. l'ff Cottage Cafe .................... 15 Northwest Evergreen .... 9½ High game~-Irene Spoon High series---Irene Spoon LEAGUE L 11 15~ 16 16 18 19 21 26½ 189. 496. KMAS 3 (Irene Spoon 496), City Center 1 (Ginger Olsoe 480); Mamie's 3 (Ellen LaBresh 377), Cottage 1 (Clara Erickson 353); mnie's 3 (Ginny Dundas 424), Evergreen 1 (Mac Dunbar 387); BOWS 2 (Jo Hein 460), B&J 2 (Jo Wentz 432). SIMPSON REC LEAwGUEL Loggers .............................. 26 10 Railroad ............................ 19 17 Loaders 171Z 18~L W.C.C. MIXED LEAGUE W L Eight Balls ...................... 23½ 8~fi Outmates .......................... 23 9 Miserables ......... ~ .............. 18½ 13½. Strikers ............................ 12 20 Kan Knots ...................... 9½ 22~,~ Fearless Four .................. 9~., 22~/.~ High gam-es--Gerry Geist 172, Dan Wilson 201. High series--Gerry Geist 479, Dan Wilson 556. Split pick--Howard Austin 6-7- 10. All spare game--Norn~ Schim- schat 158. Miserables 3 (Bob 'Bent 522'), Strikers 1 (Dan Wilson 556); Eight Balls 25.~ (Gerry Geist 479), Kan Knots 1½ (Riley Fraley 536); Four 2 (Jack Mays 535), Out- mates2 (Norm Schmischat 506). RECREATION I, EAGUE RAMP YOUR STYLE or Y-OURBUDGET! & Railroad 426.8183 OLYMPIA~' LACEY I~i~B ~,TO I~ I, Iome office ~ IIr~ob I;nm~ ' High games--Cleo Hulet 180 Eldon-Todd' 220,~ High series--Cleo Hulet 500, El- don Todd 556. J&I4 :(John Hulet 545), Allyn 0 (Juby Hicks 390); Grapeview 3' (.W'. Coiling 517), Diggers 1 (Jack. 456); Griffey 2 (Fae Rob- 497), Eacrett 2 ~lldon Todd ShOpSHigh ............................... game-L 9~fi 26½ ' , W ?01~ Ritner s Pink Ladies ...... 29½ -Georgia" Coleman Shelton Recreation .......... 23% 16i~ ~02. ' Clar~, & Clai'y 22 18 High set---Donna Coleman 546 ..... ;_, ~. ' " ............. "" "8 , ~ ' ~em~e's ~erviee .............. z~ Dear Friends: Loggers 3 (Donn-~oleman 546) Rainier Beer ...................... 18 22 Shops I (Trudy Ellison 447) ; Rail- ~)men Furniture .............. 18 22 ~ucky Lager 14 26 road 2 (Ardis Claussen 47(J), Load- ... ' •. ~" .................... I wish to take this means to express my ° "'"d ......... n.rston .......... 13 ers ~ ~ou y ~vzanKe a~). . . ........ thanks to all who have been concerfled dur- - ...................., . , r ]gn game--.t erry t~e~st zu~. RAY ONIER RESEARCH High set---Donna Coleman 537. ing my recen illness. The ffiany calls, . w L Split pick--Dot Barnaby 3-7-10 muc-h ap rec-- p i Maintenance ... 23 13 ........ " • cards, and flowers Water Boys .................. ::i:22½ 13½ Beverage 3 (Jo Fisher 403), Luc- were S0 re to Acetate Aces .................... 21 15 ky 1 (Si{trley Stiles 446); Lem- uteri. I back at my desk am now Wood Bnds o 6 k~'s '' ....................... 0 1 ~." 3 (Peg "Bloomfield 522), el- serve your savings and loan needs. Pin Curlers ...................... 19 17.. sen I (Virginia Dahman 460); Rec Fourfowle~s 16~ lq'/ 2%. Don r. ' ...................... /., • /z .. ( na Coleman 037), R'it- Silva I; oxes 14 22 nt r s 1 V., Bc • arne _ .'.'" ":'" ..................... " I " '. 2 ( )bbic B, it 489); Yours l-¢ayonettes ...................... 8 28 [Rainier 2 (Dot Barnaby 476), Cla- truly, High games---Lois Demcrs 178, I ry 448). Bud Ristine 235 i ....... M. M. ";BUD" LYON High se, ies--Lois Demers 419,t .............. Bud Rlstine 591 " Gt~Ar~(w~ I~E~tH~E Branch Manager • ". • w L Maintenan 4 |Bud Rist" I Skol¢omiish 26 10 ce .... ine ...................... Ii " ~ ~°ate .. 591 ) oxes , c~ t ~, 23 13 , ~ "., 0 (Marx Mork " ..................... , ............. 6 R Shell )n Valle 18 18 45 ); ayonettes 3 (Nit*t Nelson .... Y ................ 412),Cu]'lers { (Julie *Cole~nan Southside .......................... 17%. ]8% ( P )mona 16 20 377);Aces 3 i.less Tohler 496)," ............................ Boys1 (Percy Zamzow 500) ; Few-Harstine .......................... 16 20 lers3 (Lois Demers~ 419), BirdsMatlock .............................. 14 22 1 (Tom Matye 472). Patrons ......................... :.13%22V., .................................... High games--Joyee Olson 174, Charlie Sawage 219. AI),I)rPIONAL ~POI{TS High series--Joan Sharp 453, : . - ..... :. : " "...~ ON I'A(;E 13 TODAY! Jim Rossmaier 530. S ; 1 ~h'estl'ing' coach Larry \Veir, I;ntil aronnd the first of the year.. The complete Climber mat scne~. grappling with the i)roblcr~ of too due to the knee injury he sui:l'~(red [duie: many aspirants for one coach to in the last football "game of timIDec. 2--North Mason, here supervise, already has more than season. [ Dec. 4---Olympia, here a week of condit'ioniag behind his Between Gunter the 230-1b be,, Dec. 9--at South Kitsap Highclimber mat squad as he preps hemoth, and Mills; the 103-lb. lowDec. 14----at Tmnwater it for the busiest season since the end of the weight scale, Weir has l Dec. 16.-Pint Angeles, .he,'e sport was returned to active sta- ~ettermen Toe Thompson at 1201 Dec. 20--.-at East Bremerton tus at Shelton high school• ibs Don I~loll at 13"3" lbs Day- Dec. 30---at North Thurston The season opens with two Det'hlefs at: 138 lbs.,'Steve*'[')augh: Jan. 6---at Vashon home meets early in December erty at 145 lbs. and Dan Barrom Jan. 8 --St. Martins, here and continues until the end of at 165 lbs. [ Jan• 10---at North Mason Februaiy when the state meet is RON ELSON at i27 lbs. and Jan. 13--Soutlt Kitsap, here held at Ellensburg. Terry Buckler ~rown from lastI Jan. 17--Hoquiam, here W~ i~ cx ects o h~ , ; " ~" • Jan 20---at Port Angeles ~' ~.P . t ~ve at least: 5ears 127 lbs. to 150 now missed o '--- --- ; ~ ....,,,, h,,,., one, possibly several, of his mat- their lettms last year respectively[ Jan. zy--u~ast ~r~ ...... ' ............ men in that one Best bet Weir by one point and two points Merv] ~.ep. ~--a~: moqma:m figures, is his smalle,~t one I~obbie I~innan at 138 Ibm w'as showing ~e~. ;~---vas~)on,_nere . Mills, the 103-lb. mighty mite. lots of potential until felled, by~e,~. a~-~ortn,,'l~m.lrston, t)ere ~reir figm'cs it is going to take sickness and later by classroom ~eD. 1Z---SUD-(UStrlCt meet a mighty good little matnmn to troubles Shelmn beat Mills this year Jon :'( " .... ' I Feb. 18-~19--district meet at Pu- - - , • vonno~ tne sopnomore near- ,,alhP~ me n"L tS nSinOgNf,,oon t s vse ettae.,r; !et,_terman of tw? years afro, ma,~:l F:t~. 2~-26--state meet at El- , ' taae up rne s~acK ouring ~untersl ~^,,sbur~, Olympic League championship ag- absence in the heavyweight divi-] ,~,, ~" s greg.ation, pl.ns two .otl~ers who sion, although a couple of hefty [| =;:/",i,:,, ,,,: , ::-----~:=-:--=::-:i oar¢~y missena thira wno would football linenten 210-1h Jim Bor~t[I h'a.)e but for illness and inelig- mid 2d0-1b Bili Mend'~n~i~'"l'[ al"~| ..... ? .... ] ibility, and a fourth who almost ~ivin~ him'~ lot of oo'n~netiti'on /I I~ • kl~l~l~ I lettered as a sophomore two years~" ~" , ~" " ~ " , ' • • IIRO'I HLRS of" two lettelmen f i llaNl.r I ago and lind out last~ . year. me makingspi~'ited b,,• ,ids for Wei, r.s ~' rli| ~v~ One °f the lettermen, and als° attention. Steve Mills is a go0d/[ ....... , ..... I one of the best, Dave Gunter, bet fro" the 112-Ibberth if he~l ~.~s~. ~lJ~ ~ I won't be available tothe squad can I • ~,~s,~ • =] i~,vw= .mv won't be available tothe sc • )eat otlt Chuck Thompson.[I I 'P:a;t2o:"' [ 600s BY THE PAIR iN SIMPSON LOOP : " :, , • ..p. • II I SIMPSON MEN's I FAGUF mr opening workouts, down to 4~1i ~ ' ,, , = .= I ....... SV i after the first week, of wtfich 3011 uommunlty Hall i .......... ';. are sophomores to put a rosy II ] ~vmt a " . ................ 2a x,) • " --- " ................ ,= -.. tinton the futureof Climber I I ---- I ~nop .................................... z~ it) Mill 2 23'/. 16~/ wrestling. Ii $1.00 per person I Insulating"B'o'ar'~t ............... 18;~21~).'~ On December 2 tl~e Climb'e*i.,~ [ Raih'oad ..............18 '" 22" host North Mason on Dee. 4 I Loggers ............................ 17,~.. 22,./, Olympia com!es here witll two ] must, by T.n~de'rs ......................... 17- 23 - full sqtmds. Weir will use his re- ..................................... ` • [I ..... ~ I Engineers 16~/. 23~serves against the Bulldogs B0th ]/ ~Thm 13rif+er_ I High g'a~;~cs:--~S't;in-~.]iiquist 25;7 Junior Varsity and Vfirsity squads | ............ I Bud I(nntzen 248, Eldon Todd 227,will compete against the Bears. I" ~ , : ~ , ,, I Jim Sutherland 222. ~- ';- High series--Stan Ahlquist 627, ' ' ' " ' '.'' ~ .................... Bud Knutzen 616. • g Up T Ply F " " Start Ahlq,,ist, showing a ,eturn S~'||l O mouth or 66 to his form of two years ago, and Bud Knutzen used tl~e same prop -~ , ~ , , to build their 600 series in Simp- "Everybody's Doing it," son men's bowling league compe- tition last week. That was '!the big game". Stan put his 257 between 188 and 182 slices for 627 which spurred Rail- road to a 4-0 victory over Mill 2 (Toad Sergeant 548). while Bud put iris 248 ahead of 189 and 179 counts for a 616 which dtd the Loaders no good whatever in a 4-0 loss to shop, which had 1069 team game as opener and a top series of 529 by Cedric Casey. In the night's other matches In- nulating Board (Jim Sutherland 571) hung a 2½-1]z~ defeat on the Engineers (Glen Robertson 548) a'nd Mill 3 (Chuck Thompson 506) won a 3-1 verdict over the Log- gers (Ken O'Dell 485, Shirley Hui- singh 484). SIMPSON ~VOMEN'S LEA('~UE • w Lumber . ............................... 22 ] { ':nsulatinK Board ................ 21" 1] Aecmmting .......................... 20 12 ~'e Logg rs ................................ 16 1(~ " h ' " Pure asmg .......................... 1o 17 Olympic Plywood .............. 14 :lb' "~esearch .............................. 13 ]9 Engineering ......................... 7 25 High game.--Lil D~.le 196 High smies---Lil Dale 538 Split pjcks--~Mae Dunbar 5-10 Verna Joliansen 6-7 Plywood 3 (Jeanne Petersm- 526), Purchasing 1 (Phyl Collin.~ 470); Accounting 3 (Helen Rice 469), Engineering 1 (Marj Park~ 365) ; Loggers 2 (Arlene Doak 421), Lumber 2 (Lil Dale 538): IBP 2 (Phyl Ziegier 510), ResearcL 2 (Mae Dunbar 444). , " i i U.S. New Car Market A aly IS* 1st Nine Months 1965"* Brand "C" . ...................................................................... 1.22 Brand "F" . ....................................................................... 48 PLYMOUTH ............................................................... + .97 Month of Sept., 1965 Brand "C" . ...................................................................... 33 Brand"F" . ..................................................................... 2.83 PLYMOUTH .............................................................. +1.71 Come in and see why more people are buying Plymouths. Ask about our 5-year, 50,000 mile warran- ty. Let LIS show you all the Safety Features found only in Plymouth. '::Based on information in Nov. 8, 1965 Automotive News. "**Pct. Pt. change '6:5 vs. '64. 707 So. 1st. St. 426-3433 i F.IO0 Styleside Pickup / New Ford pickups ride as smooth as many passenger caFs. Their unique Twin.l-Basra fr0nt suspension smooths the roughest roads, Sl,nce each front wheel has its own axl~, shocks at one aren't passed to the other. Rugged forgeq, axles and big-truck radius rods fio:ld Wheels in line, lengthen tire life. And Ford's big en0ines, Sixes or V-8, give plenty of power for pickup work or play. See your Ford Dealer for a test drive, todayl PoWe!'ed by Ford,.. )reeenbed 501 RAILROAD AVE. SHELTON, WASH. i ii i II