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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAG lo COb rY --Published in ttChrlstmastow , ghelt, on • Thursday, -N I m I t Former Location of Wax-N-Wool Shop • Mary Helen Anderson, Pat Carver, Proprietors 1303 OLYMPIC HI'WAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) i I i Iiii iiii MUSIC BOX 205 Cota 426-4302 _ J i 1 Iotans Meet For" Luncheons; Attend Tacoma W0 kshop Iota Chapter of Delt~ Kappa ;Gamma, an internat~nal honor- ary society for women teachers met at the Tyee for,business meet- ing and hmcheon Nov. 6. Members also attended the Area Workshop at the Top of/the Ocean in Ta- !coma last Saturday. During the luncheon members were entertained by Mark Schlict- ing, modern troubadour, who sang a group of folk songs which he accompanied by guitar. One of the selections was his own corn- position. • Miss Boydie Rich introduced the' guest speaker, Miss Anna Marne Nielsen, curriculum consultant for the Olympia' sch0ols. 'In keeping with the society's theme for the year, "Creativity", she spoke on "Creativity aild Originality in Math". BRIDAL ,COUPLE HONORED SUNDAY .. Auto Glass . Floor Coverings Installation I [ : Linoleum Expert I Tile I I • Carpeting .... JIM PAULEY, INC. I I • Formica MR. AND MRS. GEORGE E. BARKLEY--Their 50th wedding ] REX FLOOR COVERING anniversary will be honored with an open house from 1 - 4 p.m. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-3926 I Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 this Sunday in the Skokomish community hall. Hosting the event I ..... • • will be their'sons and daughters, Blair Barkley, of Edmonds, Mrs. Ed (Gayle) Kortnick, of Bellevue, Leroy Barkley, of Minneapolis, Auto Repairing . Furniture Repair Minn., Mrs. Bill: (Carol) Hunter, of Shelton, and Mrs. Don (Jan- I : ~lIaJor Overhauls I [ Repairing and Refinishing Ice) Patterson, of aothell. The Sarkleys were married Thanks- giving Day, Nov. 25, 1915 in the home of her parents near Gar- [ • Brakes & Ignition I I On All Types of Furniture den City,r S. D. They moved to Shelton in 1943 and have made I Welding & ~ne-upe J their home in the Skokomish Valley since Mr. *Barkley s retire- [ Special Winterizing I I SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR ment from Rayonier, Inc. They have 11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. [ ED'S SERVICE | I 214 So. 2nd. St, 426-8577 - - . I 112 W. Cots 426-399261 ....... . E" *~ Beauty ..... . Heating Hospital Patients AIn.. Stale.= Members ght Andstuff Forty • Complete I-Iair Care [I Safety Check uiV=, l. P.=rly I • Cle=-up larles T.B. Envelopes • Wigs- Wiglets- Switches | I • Minor & Major Repairs By VFW Auxd • Merle Norman Cosmetics i • Free Demonstrations I I STAR.KEY'S HEATING Doughnuts and coffee were ser- The November 8 dinner meet- J Sales & 8ervioe red to 75 patients by members of ing of the Mason County Salon ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON | 514 EIIInor 4L=6-4673the VFW Auxihary at a ar~y 6th & Laurel 426-4582I ! , " P -. No. 508, Eight and Forty, was held at Western State hospital held in the Memorial Hall Fol- last Friday. Games were played lowing the dinner Agnes A'fexan- Chiropractor , Landscaping , i and prizes given. Helping put the der, a member of the Fun and I • Office Now Open I • Lawns, rockerles, trees party on were Phyllis Moore, Fellowship committee, presented I auxiliary hospital chairman; At- the entertainment. I shrubs [ 323 Franklin Street I • Top soft, tilling, leveling lene. Smith, auxiliary president; Penny chance was won by Part- I • Phone 426-8060 ~ • Free Estimatee Willie May shay and Florence ner Dora Jackson. Hamilton. * The meeting was conducted ac- | J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. | SUNSET LANDSCAPING Friday evening Fae Robinson, cording to ritual by Le Chapeau Herbert Bazo 426-4718Betty Godwin, Jessie " Cox and Lillian Norvold. Reports were giv- 9.rmnn 2-6 closed T~hurs. _ . , . Josephine Sparks were guests ofen with partners turning in a to- the Olympia auxiliary, tal Of 16 hours for stuffing TB Cleaning Service , Rental Servme Vhe national president of the erw’lopes. | • Weekly Service to Shelton I i Almost Anything Anywhere Ladies Attxtllary 'of the VIOW, ~b- There have been requests from ~hia Goldstein, will be in Olympia the Departmenbal officer; for ar- | Bulldozers - Loaders - Putx~)s unday and Monday. The ~anquet tlCle~ such as old nylons, pieces | • J uniter Service | | Folding Banquet Tabl'es will be held at 7 p.m. Suflda~ at of felt And odds and ends of fish- I " Ruk - Upholstery Cleaxtlng | I Complete Line of Supplies I [ & Chairs, Hottpital l?,eds~ l~o. the Ty.~. r ' ' ' ' ing tackle for the children to use | L~W RENTS Reser'~;ations must be made tm- in work projects during the sum- [ DON'8 JANITOR SERVICE [ i 2216 E. 4th, OlYmPia' 357-7731 niedtatelywith Irene Wellman, 1809 mer at Camp Bonneville. ] 2103 E. 4th, Olympia352-1367 I Adams. street, Olympia, phone plans were made for the Dec- ...... ~~~ " 357-5312. Tickets will be $3.75ember meeting which is to be a Cleaning Service . Sand, Gravel each. * Christmas p~trty with an exchange Carpets - Wall to Wall J • Top Soil Members are reminded the rug:of gifts and a potluck turkey din- ulttr meeting will beheld at 8 ner. Hostesses in charge of ar- Moors - Stripped, Polished [ • Peat Soil p.m. this Friday. '. rangernents are Mary Dobson, Lfl- Windows - Walls - LPphol~tery [ • Custom Tractor Work ~ lian Norvold and Alice Hill. "SHELTON'S OWN" I Johns Creek Sand & Gravel S,helton Duplicate • .... ~ ' • ,' U. S.~|ndustries. employ 885,000 CLEANING SERVICE CO. I i 426.3552 Norm Anderson Bridge Club News ' engineers and scientists. Days 426-8 38 Nltes 426.4376 [ Sey,en t~bles in play at Mond~ty Shoes ,, n~ght's meeting*df Sl~e|ton' Dupii- Oontractmg • cute, Bridge. ~lu~ resulted in' Dick Road building - Bulkheads ~/OMEN S --- Red Crolm -- Pel;ry andI~USteWarf~/Mrs. Jack Town & Countf'y -- Cobbles [ Graler and 'Mary Keller• and Elsa Fills and Excavations MEN'S --- Flors}teim --- Weyvn- Sehlosser and Katherine Van Ars- Bulldozing - Dump trucks berg --- Hush PUppies -~ dale as ndrth-sbuth winners. " STACEL Red Wing --- CurHn Green. Winners for.east-west Were Mr, CONTRACTING CO., INC. Hoodsport, Wash., Ph. $77-5312 MILLER'S 8HOE DEPT. Corrective Shoes ..... EDWARD'S for Children Regular or Corrective We guarantee all Children's Fittings MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. Tire Service A , New OK Tires ! • Recapping I • Used ] OK TIRE STORE I Mt. View Ph, 426-4832 I H i . Draperies, Custom Made DRAPERIES & BLINDS Custom Made For YOUR Home KAY'8 DRAPERIES Travel .. -.. • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave, 426-8272 426-4134 i Drugs TV Service I Helena Rubinstein I • Radio - TW I • Cosmetics [ * Phonographs • Prescriptions ] • CB 2-way radio [ • Hypo-Allerglc Cosmetics | NELL'S PHARMACY I LEROY'8 TV SERVICE I 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 I Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 H - i i " i i i |[ Elee:rical Upholstery I Fairbanks-Morse pumps ] KEN'S UPHOLSTERY | SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. I 1612 Division | 419 Railroad Pb. 426-6283 | • Electric Heatlf~g I Phone 426-8185 L • Westinghouse Appliances anti Mrs Roy Messinger and a tie between Dorothy Qu.artiei-. Eva Aamodt and Mrs. Fulbert, Mrs. Dillard. The club welcomes all bridge players when it meets eaclr ~on- day at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD Aud- itorium. SHELTON JAYETTES The home of Carol Harison, 1527 Center Street, will be the meet- ing place fez' the Shelton Jayettes at 8 p.m. tonight. The melT~bers will be working on Christmas toys. RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale wffl be spon- sored by the Church of the Lat- ter Day Saints this Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the PUD Auditorium. FACULTY SPEAKER FOR BORDEAUX PTA TONIGHT Mrs. Phillips, local faculty mem- ber, will speak at Bordeaux PTA meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. !n the school auditorium. She will tell =about her past teaching ex- periences in the Phillipines and Germany and will show slides. RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. ,and Mrs. A. F. Boylan have returned from a trip to the east coast where they visited relation in New York and Nova Scotia. They alsp spent time with their daughterl Frances, Who now re- sides in Cleveland, Ohio. ~ ~i!iiii:!=!i~*'~ :i./i:::!i.:!/?'i~i~i +: / •:': • : .:.::. • • ..... ;,:•::~i;:~:i;:!~!::::?,:•:•:, :: :COMET Eagle Notables Entertained By Local Auxiliary Several notables were entertain- ed by the Shelton Eagle Auxiliary No. 2079 November 9. Guests on hand included Merle Christiansen, statemadam president; Verna : Cook,of Buckley, state mother;: AlicePerkins. state membership' chairman; Laura Brown, vice chatrm, an of state Past P~esidents Club, from Olympial Ermy Paulon, of Renton, junior past madam president; and Jessie Mont, of Aberdeen, state trustee. Members from Olympia, Aber- deen, Renton, Gig Harbor, Buck- ley and Port Orchard were also present. Evelyn Ba~tch was welcomed into the auxiliary. At next Tuesday's meeting to be held at 8 p.m. in the airport hall. ,a civil defense speaker from Olympia will give a talk to which the public is invited. RESIDENTS TO FETE 25 MR. AND MRS. IVAN SMALL, former Sheltol~ residents, will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house ma 413 from 1 - 4 p.m. at their home, 1204 Curtis street In ==arlington, Canal Amaranth November 28. They have requestedno gift, I-Is -------- " a He or Night President Is Hostess Last Wednesday evening was For Nov. 0PWM,2et n DI At V.II Honor' Night for all line officers at Canal Court, Order of the Amar- o The last meet'ng of a n t . l! #at L /uu anth. ty Chapter No. 14, DPW was held .......... PRM Emily Contoni, Seattle, in the home of Miss Rose Fredson, ' ' acted as installing marshal and president, Mrs. Craig Eliot and d I~l~ll~ml PRP Louie Larson, of Shelton, as Mrs. Keller were g~aests. ! II~llP[ Aide when HL Lois Pierce was Joining the chapter weye Mrs. ~ ~|ll~l==I installed as associate conductress, Beulah Nichols and Mrs Carme- HL Susie Cheatham as marshal lita Shackleford. in the west and HL Addle Schauf- A beautiful tribute was read ANn AM(IIn n4 ler as charity. *-.~ .... in'..'::h0~10r of Mrs. Susie Pauley r~,.~ r~w,v===- ,=,-~ On the supper committee we₯ president. " ...... ..... : .,. '" HL Addle Schaufler. SK D-~ ~rs**Eliot ggve an interesting .... .... . . Many PeolMe OCdermg NOW to AVOID the Schaufler, HL Anna Johnson andano eouca~iona~ report al0out the .... PR]V[ Mamie Kaare. R1)ger.~ school and Exceptional December 8 will be the next Foresters. ' --YOU SHOULD TOOt-- meeting of the court, at whichThe next meeting will be held time a Christmas party will beDec. 2 in the home of Mrs. Clar- held. It will also be Honor Night enee Latham, 728 Pine St. All JUST CALL 4Z6=$201 ior past matrons and patrons, members are urged to attend. | BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. 29 and runn|n, TUESDAY, DEC. 23 we will be open 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. thru Friday "Largest Toy Supply in Shelton" U~O :tO'.: ::i,' " i ::/::::::~: • .%. ~ :ii.:5, i:.,~ , .:~ ..••.. ~DTOP ••' •:: .:i:.!:. ,::.:: .i:::.,:i~::::::5:.~£ ~ !1!. ..... 501 RAILROAD AVE. SH ELTON, WASH. LINCOLN-MERCURY DIVISION