November 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 18, 1965 |
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The efforts
the Sal~h Eckcrt
Guild Put into their
and bake sale were
Saturday when the
worked out mqst suc-
Lucky recipient of the
painted and do-
Grigg w,a~ Mrs.
a most
(]~ild wishes to extend its
t9 George, Lewis for do-
lls ti~e and skill sharpen-
and scissQrs, to Mrs.
her lovely painting, to
Auxiliary for their do-
• ~-1~ to all the generous
people who par
regular meeting of
kert Orthopedic guild
Friday at the home of
L~wis, who will he
l~rs. Les Soule. Re-
it will not be nec-
bring your own sand-
this meeting as the
will provide them on
basis, receipts frown
be put into the special
Christmas deco;rations
WAS a joyous day
Somers family
hearts fairly' bursting,
the Coast Guard
aa it arrived
Q1 }n Seattle with their
aboard. The dockside
complete with brass
flying and fire boats
marked the culmination
.month~, cruise for the
r which carried it as
as the Lepton, Barents
Seas o~ the rugged Si-
logging 34~Q00 mites
900 miles north
retie circle..
however, Ensign ~o-
that, at no tLme did
d~r, below 20 de-
stopped at
~rway for three days be-
its homeward" Jour-
York the group of
and oceanographers who
valuable information
northernmost w~tters, left
and she continued on to
port via the Panama
e~pects to he eta-
his ship in Seattle for
of the winter.
confirmation service
morning at St. Dav-
Church in Shelton,
Lee Milner and Kim
Dana Nicklaus became members
o{ this church.
Four generations of Debble's
family were present for the oc-
casion. From Elma came her
great.grandmother, Mrs. Beulah
Taylor, a tiny lady of 80 years and
from Aberdeen came her grand-
mother, Mrs. H, L. Pearson. Chauf-
fering both ladies was great-aunt,
Mrs. Henry Taylor also of Elms.
Both Jack and Pat Milner were
disappointed when Grandma, Aun-
tie and Mother had to leave for
home directly following the coffee
hour. However, they did most gra-
ciously host a delicious buffet din-
ner which was much enjoyed by
the Walt Claytons and danghter
Georgia at the Milner residence
in Grapeview.
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Nicklaus with sons Art, Kris and
honored guest Kim, drove out to
Taylor Towne for dinner after
leaving St. David's.
ONE OF THE major milestones
of one's life is the 21st birthday
and our congratulations on pas-
sing this milestone are extended
to Bruce Fulmer. Although the
actual date was Nov. 14, he and
,wife Sue drove over to Tacoma
Saturday evening for dinner to cel-
ebrate. Sun,lay a Los Angel~s
phone call from mother, Mrs. Peg-
gy Fulmer and sister S~lsan ex-
tended congratulations and a Seat-
tle phone call from brother Earl
:added to the family felicitations.
A roost fulfilliPg and exciting
day Was spent in Seattle Saturday
.by the Bill Staudts. Arriving in
town, early, Bill and Judy with
Kenny and Miss Kama Conger of
Oly~Pia enjoyed to the fullest the
beautiful music, story and scen-
e~ry of the remarkable show, "The
Sound of Music". The last nate
had not yet settled when Bill
i sprinted to the nearest bus and
wa# ~ his WaY to. the Husky Sta-
dium to thrill to the U. of W,.'~
v~ctgry ov~or Oregon State.
aInnd the meantime, Judy, Kama
Kenny spent the afternoon
shopping and later, all met ,at the
Pepper Mill for dinner before re-
turning home.
Speaking of fun times, don't for-
get that the Grapeview Mothers'
Club Game Night is to be held Fri-
day at 7:30 p.m. at the Grapeview
School. The theme for the evening
will be based on the Thanksgiving
season with touches of Christmas
tucked in here and there. Prizes,
fun, free refreshments, a home-
made candy sale ,and an overflow-
Class To Present 'The Night Of Jan. 16'
And Sat. Nights; Judy Turner In Lead
presents "The Night
16" Friday and Sat-
Nov. 19 and 20.
role is taken by Judy
Who plays Karen A~. _~r~,:
on trial for her life.
plays the defense at-
Ben Davis, the l~dl;6d
is this: Did or didn't
murder Bjorn Faulk-
boss and lover? At first
cl~tima that it was
the millionaire Faulk-
face the crash of his
But later circumstances
(antastic plot of a fake
and an escape to South
The evidence is evenly
The fate o~ K~ren Audr~
hands of the jury.
is unique as jUrors are
the audience. Upon
the gymnasium, spectat-
to serve on the jury
their names at the door.
of the plaY, t]~e clerk
12 names from a box;
~ill have their ad-
plays the role of
young widow; Start
part of her father.
members are Mike Er-
Cooper~ Charle~;
Drake, Wayne Mul-
Ducal, Don Sohrieber,
Steve DeMiero, Laura Foster, Lee
Uldrikson, Dianna Timm, Pmn
Livingston, Myra Schroeder, Sue
Smith, Mildred Kisler, Chris Bix-
enmann, and Pare Reynolds.
Director is Peter Merrill, facul-
"ty men~be~ *o} M~so'n High. Ad-
,lqli~s$o~t, ~ ,~ Afar4 ~f~ults, 50 cents
for students, and 25 cents for chil-
dren. After the performances pie
and coffee will be sold by the
Girl's Club in the cafeteria.
The Student Fund Dinner was
a huge success. There has been
$708 taken in. The bills haven't
yet been paid, but the student
body should end up with about
$600. Overall chairman of the ev-
ent was Mrs. Alice Harris, high
schq~l secretary. She did a won-
derful job as did all the other
women and students who helped
to make the dinner what it was.
The teachers had a report card
meeting on Monday. The grades
were issued yesterday.
Tonight there is a PTA Open
House at the high school. Parents
qan attend ally "class" they wish.
Those classes offered ai'e 8th grade
math; algebra, Jr. High Spanish,
art, Marine Biology, English Lit-
erature and English composition.
After the one hour class, there
!will he a general open house. Re-
freshments will be served in the
Home-Ec room.
• • • and Ceel
good thln g ve you
That' why you never outgrow your
fez mil ] njoy a glass with every
eal.. Itkeeps you going-- e__. af.
Vitality eral: milk mal s meat
Ropt l ing the Dairy Furmors in Your Am
exwa milk lee tlke weckemr X
HELTON--MA ON COUN Y 30UR AL- Publ he4 in
en away should provide plenty of
incentive for anyone to come!
All Mothers' Club members are
urged to be sure to get their can-
dy, pies and donation-tickets turn-
ing in in l)lenty of time Friday
been keeping their noses to the
grindstone with quite regular
meetings. Nov. 9, Mrs, Sue Fulmer
worked with her sewing group,
first the girls working on pin-
cushions and then with those pre-
paring to make a cotton outfit.
This group learned several differ-
ent ways to make seams.
In the meantime, Mrs. Henry
Gatlin's little group of girls gained
peanut butter cookies and Mrs.
Louise Ewart's boys made Spicy
popcorn for their food for the
gang project group.
The School Directors of District
No. 54 met Friday evening at the
Grapeview Schoolhouse as posted
on the Grapeview Grocery bulletin
board. Main business of the eve-
ning was the reorgan~atlon of
the board with the following re-
snlts: Don Pogreba, Director chair-
man; Ed Okonek, Director; Salll
ters pertaining to Public Law 89-
10, Title I, which ,allows funds for
non-expendable teaching equip-
ment for public schools in certain
There's not much to report from
onr aspiring elk hunters but a
belated t'eport concerning the deer
season brings us the news that
John Royset spent the last week
by making Clayton, Director Clerk. Also pros- up in the Winthrop area and came
ent was Arthtw Zehe who was i]ome with a handsome 1)ig four-
appointed as the official repre- point to show for his troubles.
sentative of tl~e board in all mat- "Getting away from it all". Mrs.
Walter Clayton, Sr. left for Seat-
tle Nov. 8, to spend an extended
visit to niece and husband, Mr,
and Mrs. A1 Flournoy. The visit
also gave Mrs. Clayton an oppor-
tunity to spend some time with
her sister. Mrs. I.~)uis Sitzberger,
who has been in poor health, as
well as other relatives. Mrs. Clay.
ton expected to return home Nov.
A,vailab]e to you without a doctor'.q
:pre*crlplhm. our product called Od-
rinex. You must h~se ugly fat or yOU~
mon~,~y back. Odrlnex is a tiny tablet
attd easily swallowed, Get rid of exees.~
fat and live ]ong'~,r. Odrtnex Costs
I~.00 and it~ sold on tki.~ guarantee:
~'f ~lot saiisl'iod for any rea.*on, ~ast
velum the lmvk~go lo yot~t, druggist
attd get your frill D~oney back. No
qtlP~tiolls asked. Odrlnex Is sold with
tiffs guarantee by:
305 Railroad Awmue
Mall Orders Filled.
vil ii