November 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 18, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIS---Published in "Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, November 11
By RETRY CRISS ,Spanish, Marine Biology, Art, En- cent Legislature for school district
BELFAIR --- Parents are asked glish Lit, .and composition, employees.
to bring pencil and paper when A general open house will Col- A meetingwas also set
they attend the November meet- low after which cookies, baked in I ~cia~e~°r anoC~C~lln D~Yrdt:re ~:rt2~-
ing of the N.M. Jr.-St. High JTA the Home Ec classes, and coffee lect a representative organization
Thursday evening, Nov. 18 at 8 will be served, l in accordance with the Teacher's
p ..... m in the Cafeteria This, will The. annual. Harvest' ,~ l~eshval: ~. Negoti~tioem . Agreement also pas-
be a combination back-to-school,Bazaar, sponsored by the Corn- ,~ed by the Leg,slature.
and open house session with clas- munity Baotist Church Will be l Resolutions were passed request-
ses for ,~arents in Math, Al,~ebra, " ' " ling the Grapeview school Board
v ~" November 20 at the church. A lun- I to sell bonds approved in the Nov
~-- cheon will be served from 11 a.m. 2 election as soon as possible and
" to 2 p.m. with prices of 75 cents lasking the Tahuya School Board
for adults and 40 cents for child- I to set up another election within
||LL~uD ~sl~L, ren. A turkey dinner will be served 160 days to again submit their bond
i llJl~ IllUI~I| in the evening from 5 to 7:30 ]proposal to the voters. Results of
. p.m. and prices will be $1 for]the recent election of Directors
|~ur~l~ adults and 50 cents f'or children. ]showed Ken Leatherman elected
........... The Bazaar will feature "Arts and to a two-year term and Jerry Reid
BJ|,d[ Ih,~ L-w,~,,,,~lJ Crafts", including paintings, can-land Ray Kronquist elected for
Ul~i ||~ ||~[V~[ dles, ceramics, driftwood, doll I four years each. Directors okayed
clothes and church stationery with ]a three-year insurance policy coy-
o, ...... ,t Mrs. William Cady in charge. ]ering boilers in the district, pay-
I00 ~a’l ~Ollt ~rOWI), Mrs. Milton Byerly is in charge able annually. They also approved
vesay.., Our first question is of the "Green Thumb' booth" which [ a call for bids for inside curbing
Didheleawhisfamilvwith will include house plants, cones|around the running track at the
- ~-_.._.., ~..r_ .. ..... "___,~ and pods. dried flowers, grasses high school with bids on poured
~um~v,L. ~u~ m~u,~n~, and manzanita. Mrs. Dorothy I concrete, asphalt, and pre-cast con-
r~o aouot you arv lazing Spangler will have tl]e Sewing Bee [ crete. Approval was given to a
yourownpropcrprceaufions booth and Mrs. Izetta Dean will reouest from the Cub Scouts for
:and will wa.t to get a|l ha~c tl~dC~rddt~dog~t bnO~eth.MTh: use of the" Chalet gym on Nov. 17.
............. u s a " ,' , I They heard a report from ~upt.
][tic Cle[all$ SCOUt In{~ Nlelro8 Pi~i]l Rarey will feature various J Norman Sanders that the water
politaa's Family Incomo new and selected used items. Mrs. /situation at the High School may
~Pl~I1, - Dawn Eddy will head up the baked I become critical due to the fact
goods featuring candies, cakes, I that the present well Is taking
t~an r~a,,~ jams and jellies- and those inter- / some sand. An offer df topsoil was
~,lv, ~,~r~r~v.. ested in information concerning the ] received from Harold Meukow,
............. 4^_ geniology of a family tree m,ay I Old Belfair Highway, and Sanders
~o~ ~eatue ~z. -- az~-~ ~ consutt Mrs. Grace Hunt. /w, as asked to get bids for moving
AT THE NOYEMBER meeting [the dirt to various locations at
~/t"~,~**-~-~1~*~ T~ of the North Mason Board of Di-/the High School. Allowance was
j.~l,J.~j~ll,t~lL ~l~,X~.~ rectors, approval was given to a~also granted for Sanders and any
~wvo~,~:~r, request from the dmtrmt emp oy-~Directors who could attend the
~~~~ ees to set up a tax sheltered an-~Washington State School Directors
~~~=~ ~ nutty plan, permitted by the re-/Convention in Spokane December
.... -16-7. ,
i] The Senior,Play, The Night of
m ~|| ~A~ IA~ ~ m ~a |/January 16th', will be given both
I I]IIU lullS/ illll lL I IIRR iiFriday and Saturd.ay nights at 8
i [-- i]p.m, the High School gym, Nov.
~ ~ i i 19 and 20. This sounds like a very
~'i~D[7 g'~g't~T~rlVl~T1"r~mw~'v~V t'~m~r,r~r~m~r v-~v’~ |J unusual play in that a jury will
~.~-'~vv VUJ.~=~JLJL~VVJLIUL~I bJP.~YlUJI.~JEdI.~][J~NILll |/be chosen from the audience to
P~RCH~SE JJ"participate" in the play.
6% On Reducing Balances |1 All former residents of Mason
r. .... ||County now living in California
~No uommlsslon ~narges. llwho want to have their names
._ ....... ||placed on the Washington Roster
~HP.~.~ur~ |~can do so by sending their name,
]address and hometown to Bill
~ I t Breitzman,2953 W. Rowland
Mason County Sav,ngs & Loan Assoo,at,on |Circle' Anaheim, Calif.
I Use Journal Want Ads
New Pioneer Ass'n
Members To Be
By FRANCES CATTO Sunday L LLIWA P _ Excited and
thrilled over the interesting year
Numerous Mason County rest- ahead of them, Jolm and Marlis
dents who recently joined the Pi- Anderson, with their three-year-
oneer Association of the State of old daughter Susy, are enroute to
Washington, as well as long-time Oslo Norway. John, artist and
members from this area, are urg- sculptor, has received a grant from
ed to attend a special meeting of the Guggenheim Memorial Foun-
the Association next Sunday when dation for a year of sculpture
the new members will be v'0t'ed in study in the Norwegian city.
and a new by-law will be voted John is the son of Mrs. C. W.
upon. Cheatham, and Marlis the daugh-
Go,. Dan Evans and Bing ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Hoff
Crosby are two of the new mem- of Lilllwaup. Delayed in their or-
bers, descendants of Washington iginal plan to leave last June by
pioneers, who will be voted in. an invitation from the Stone Art
i The voting in ceremony of new Gallery in New Jersey to exhibit
I members is necessary so that the his work this fall, the young pro-
Pioneer Directory to be financed ple were not able to visit Lilli-
by Seattle pioneer industrialist- waup, before their departure. This
banker Joshua Green can finally is a disappointment to them and
go to press. November 21 is the to their families here.
final date for approval of names
going into the Directory. They The Stone Art Gallery exhibit
was a sUccessful one, it is reported
must be paid up members, with several pieces of John's sculp-
The new by-laws which is to
be presented for consideration of ture work sold. One piece was
the membership would permit the purchased by the artist's brother,
president to appoint a regional Ralph Anderson of Seattle, one of
vice-president for each county, orthe top architects in that city.
group of counties, in the state. Leaving New York City Nov. 4,
The meeting is scheduled for the Andersons went by plane to
1:00 p.m. in the Pioneer Hall at Iceland, taking off the next da~
1642 43rd Avenue East, Seattle. by air for Luxembourg. They went
by express train to Amsterdam,
This is on Lake Washington at Holland where they planned to
Madison Park. spend a few days before going to
~--H~ Hamburg, Germany, Copenhagen,
Nancy E. Briggs, Shelton, has Denmark and on to Oslo. Seeing
been tapped as a member of A1- Europe for the first time is an ex-
pha Kappa Nu, the senior hon- citing adventure for Marlis and
orary for the top ten per cent John in seeing some parts of the
of the class in academic work, on continent new to him.
the Willamette University camp- ATTENDING THE Lilliwaup
us. Miss Briggs, a 1962 gradu- Community Club meeting on the
ate of Irene S. Reed High School, second Friday evening of each
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. month is a warm and friendly x-
Ben T. Briggs, Shelton. A biology pertnee. This is also Potluck
major, Miss Briggs served as Supper Night and after the supper
chaplain, treasurer and Associated and meeting come the pinochle
Women Students representative ofgame, prizes and refreshments.
York House. She is also a memberEither the typesetter or I coined
of the Willamette Universitya new word last week, so that
Young Republicans. ' we told you of the "socialbility",
-- instead of the "sociability", that
prevails at these community Pot-
-- luck Nights. (Whichever way you
E spell it, it describes the atmos-
Purchase of a $10 "bond" to aid
the Mason County Tuberculosis
League was authorized at the
club's business session.
Mrs. W. A. Leimback and Mrs.
Michael Stolen were hostesses for
the card party. Nine tables were
in play.
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