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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MAkSON COUNTY 3OURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, [.~. U. =l,i ........ I BAKERY SPECIALS Asst'd. Variety ............ Loaf ' Ca. PHONE 426-3377 FLEISCHMANN'S CORN OIL ............. POUND DILL PIGKLES NALLEY'S BANQUET ........................ 22 OZ, JAR PIE GRUST MIX BETTY CROCKER .......... PKG. NUTS PLANTER'S ........ : .............. ..... 13 OZ. CAN SHOP-RITE .......................... PINT ...................... QUART A ... 16 - 24 lZES. rJ'i LB. SIZES, YOUNG, "You Can Buy mma~-~l~ I~ TFNDER 1965 CROP, WiLh Confi- ~ OVEN-READY. FINEST dence at _ E~ ~.~ .,o0..o er acorn, Van Slykc would like ...... : ........................................... LB. all their friends for DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT ................ 220Z. BOTTLE BEEF CHUCK -- VNF U. S. Choice -- Juicy, Full Flavorful Steaks .... POUND ARMOUR'S STAR, PAN- SIZED ........ 12-oz. Package GHUGK Extra Lean POUND II Armour's Star 39 12 oz. Pkg. SAUSAGE Armour's Star POUND ARMOUR'S PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS, LB ......... SHOP-RITE ALSO FEATURES . . . YOUR - BONELESS TURKEY ROASTS . . • t TURKEY. G%%... STUFFED i e MJB FAMOUS RICH FLAVOR LB. TIN 69 2 LB.TIN $1.37 10 OZ. INSTANT $1.19 3 POUND TIN Ocean Spray Jellied or Whole ........................................ graft's Philadelphia ............................................ Big 8-Ounce Package No. S 300 Tins Shop Rite's Own ................................................ QUART With The Flavor You'll Like ...................... 28-Ou,nce Jar PUMPKIN ............... V T,N 19 L,BBY'S RiPE 3 .o, st FAM,LY S,ZE .................... T,NS ~ACK o' 5 ~o~ $1 LANTERN ............................ TINS NBC 3 BOXES Sl SNACK .................... D,AMONO PK ?" 99 SHELLED ........................ ALOOA FOIL STRAWBERRY~ RASPBERRY, CHERRY • • • ORANGE, LEMON OR LIME. REG. PKG, PILLSBURY'S LAYER VARIETIES FROST. MIXES---39 1 BOXES CARNATION 2 TALL .......................... TINS 1 FROZEN FOODS ,r- or MINCE BANQUET FROZEN .......... EACH REG. POLAR FROZEN HEAVY DUTY BROILER ....................... PKG, COLGATE- REG. 95¢ SIZE .......... ; ................... POTATO CHIPS NALLEY'S 3- BAGGER FULLY COOKED... THE "HAM WHAT AM" . . . 8 - 10 POUND SIZES, WHOLE OR HALF . . . MOISTURE ADDED FOR FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS. POUND Delicia ........ Gal. NO PiES ..6pack FREE ICE CREAM CONES FRi. - SAT. YOU'LL FIND ALL YOUR HOLIDAY FAVORITES AT SHOP-RITE . . . MIXED NUTS, FRESH PINEAPPLES, D'ANJOU PEARS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, CAULI- FLOWER, PARSLEY, TANGERINES, ROMAINE AND MANY, MANY MORE . .. FRESH AS A DAISY...CRISP, FULL FLAVORED POUND NO. 1 WASHED AND WAXED MEDIUM SIZE LBb. FRESH OCKAN SPRAY FOR A FESTIVE THANKSGIVING DINNER LB. PKG. HUBBARD ........ POUND We Guarantee Everything "-- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 18-19-20. LIMIT RIGHTS. 1%Tew Hours 9 - 9 Mort. thru Sat.._. Sum. 10 - 7 PKGS. and Lor those who Tom during his nine St. Joseph's Hospital surgery. He is now on his way to recovery{, will surely be weleomed¢ next four months of Allyn grieves for the grens as his sister, passed away after a fight for life. Kathy coma General after s dent in Bremerton. Jim and Judy Von daughters Julie, Sheri made a two-week trip Paul, Minn. They ~th Judy's parents, Greenfields and son grandmother, R u b y flew. in from Denver generations together. children were honored loween costume party eral neighbor children, ited several scenic pls nesota then returned ride but worth it. Birthday party Baker's sister, Mrs. held at the Re last week. consisting of Jerry a: son and family, Valley and family, Baker and son, Mrs. and two kids, Lillian Baker and Jackie Engman with two ~V[argie Beeson was toy party last week of Frances Peterson, horst, Lillian Hemphi Judy Von Osten, Joy Lillian Jeholah, :lYI) Madelon Shellgren, L Ruth Nelson and Jac: ANOTHER WEDDI lyn last Monday was, and Susan Middleton. pronounced man and p.m. in Port Orchard. couple will live on N Jeri Griffey was for a few days last W4 risen Hospital. Hope: ing better, Jeri!! Big jump for Bard ard Knight last week into the Grande l houses down from the Honored couple at ishing shower was last Tuesday. The at Barbara Stormo's. A big welcome is Mrs. Jim Fish and ~:on who just moved tel. They were Alaska. HEADLINES for ,I-tedberg Get the Biggest D would be exactly the and Ted Matson and Ruby and John 29 and returned Novi ern Washington on a 1 They returned with the women's she saw it and All's well again w Wang after his rushed him to the drinking grout and Bey wants to say she everyone's concern anl A happy birthday Tom Van Slyke on day, Nov. 13. Mr. men Van Slyke a~~ :a)ong with Carmen ton and girls him a happy one. Another was celebrated by er with a total of Victor Community held at 1Y~arilyn for their Christmas the club is putting Nov. 27 with Call Patti Schillinger mussen for tickets. Ex-Rayonier Official Robert M. Gilmor the State Board of surance Appeals, National Safety of Distinguished Twentieth Annual ment Safety Tacoma November Gilmore is the the Pacific this international presented to less uals each year outstanding field of safety in States and Canada, managing director Coast Association Paper the award on council. Prior to his a appeals board by earlier this year, years as general ss for Rayonier, during this 20- Rayonier that he al recognition as expert in safety. Gilmore's work involved coo pany-wide prevention in mills, logging ope search Lies. Gilmore's long dustrial serving as ct ing organizations: Wood Products Pulp ~-nd P'nper National Safety Products Safety Washington State and the Safety Pulp, Paper and stitute. He also served member of the Washington Indm' Insurance