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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Cosmetics for JANUARY NUPTIALS PLANNED YOU s question and answer serlet is brought to you by NeWs Pharmacy You In your choice in the for you.) !RING THE won't face powder stay area. around my nose? vel'ilcal al'ea between of your brow and your so-called "oil panel". won't '~tay on the r 0 U U d your nose, the are the skin in this area too much oil. an astringent to immediately after your face. It wouhl also yOI.I nsed a non-oily foun- tlader your powder. IAKEUP APPLICATION eye makeup he ap- or after face powder? If you use an eye start by patting all over your face • neck . . . brows . . • Allow this powder to a few minutes, and then the excess powder with a brush. Your eye shadow at the Yotu. eyelid, and blend the and outward. that you have applied shadow, pat more poT- your eyelids and brush off your brows and This. second application a wonderful base for liner . . . eyebrow pen- ,. , mascara. ~DRAYS DRYING? hair sprays dry the hair? sprays need not dry the USed properly. Use hair and brush thor- the end of the day to of spray. There are hair the market that contain These are, of course, THE ENGAGEMENT and January 15 wedding plans of Miss Viv- ian A. Althof and Ray T. Coleman have been announced by Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Althof, of Seabeck. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coleman, of Welch, West Va. Recovering Repairing Restyling 120 No. 14th --- Elma, Wash. For Free Estimates Phone Elma 482-3729 or Shelton 426-2144 T.B. ASSOCIATION SLATES RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale will be held November 26 to supplement th( annual Christmas Seal '~ale funds which have fallen behind the goal the past several years. The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the PUD auditorhun. This sale is the only source of income for the association, other than the seals. About 3,752,075 people use the New York subways each day. for -- OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE --- money is always available at Sound Finance Co. for Holiday needs or any .= purpose--Call on Us for Fast, Friendly, Confidential Loan Service, 105 Railroad Avenue Shelton Hotel Building This 1,OO0,O00-pound tower-heaviest load ever carried cross- country on rails - is one of 8 for Standard Oil's remarkable new isemax refining unit, being built to serve the West's expanding demand for petroleum energy, 't'he Isomax Process, a revolutionary technique developed by Standard 0il scientists, is uniquely efficient in its ability to refine less desirable heavy oils into the highest quality motor fuels. It is a major breakthrough in supplying the ever increasing need for aore specialized high-quality fuels. ,. so important to oil conserva- tion that Standard Oil licenses the process to other oil companies throughout the Free World. Isomax Process means better gasolines for today's cars, and for Cars now being designed for the [uture...another proud research "first" by Standard Oil-for you. The Chevron- 8ign of excellence #, • # P _ ili 3o¢t#1 greats "*o;, Society Editor • Marj Jacebson * Phone 426-4412 i~/,o • " "~.~*~%.~;`°~:°*:°*~°~°~°°~°~"*°~e*.~.°~*v~°°~°°:~*~:~:~°~°°~°*~;*~*~;~°~*°;~;~;*°;°.;~;";~;~;°~ I COUNTRY ItICKS The Country Hicks 4-H Club met at tim home of Donald Whin- cry after school Nov. 4. Five new members, Jeanette and Joe Wald- rip, Ken and Sally Selvidge and Don Whinery, wme welcomed into the club. Conflicting phms cancelled the !car wash slated for last week. i It will be heht at ,a later date. Tray favors ~,for the nursing home's Thanksgivizg ditmer will be made at tonight's meeting which will be held at 7:30 p.m. in . the home of Dave Bedford. Refreshments were. served and Marriage Licenses Applying for a marriage license in the Mason County Auditor's of- rice this past week were: Phil G. Jackson, legal, Centralia, and Lois Baker, legal, Shelton. FLYING FINGERS The first meeting of the Flying Fingers 4-H club was held Nov. 5 at the home of the leader, Mary Ann Blanton. Election of officezu was as follows: President, Kathy Blanton; vice president, Debby Goldsby; seere- tary, iVL~y Ann Hoosier; treasur- er, Betty Blanton and reporter, Delores M. Goldsby. There were two visitors. Paul- games played following adjourn|- ine Thomas and Cora Drake. The rnent of the meeting, club meets every other Friday. Eddie ]fischer, reporter Delores Goldsby, reporter The research shills which created the Isomax* Process go into tI~e development of all our products at the Sign of the Chevron.,. to take better care o/your car. Your boat, tool *proprlatl~ Nzmu OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA t i i I ............... • .--. I'*~.***'~.I' a w" Coo in'? lit i i BEEF RING WITH BARBECUE SAUCE from Davida Caesar is inexpensive for family dining but festive enough for entertain- ..... ing~ With Davlda in the above Journal photo is Anita, four. ................. * * * We are featuring an attractive, mouth-watering way of serving hamburger this week. Davids Cae- sar's Beef Ring with Barbecue Sauce will dress up the family or company dinner table• It is es- pecially good served with baked potatoes to spoon the extra sauce over. The Caesars moved to Shelton a year ago from Arlington when Julius ("Bud" to family and friends) went to work at the Cor- rections Center. An older son, Jim and his wife, remained in Arlington. Danny graduated from Shelton High school last year and is now in the Air Force• Their third son, Doug, is an SHS junior this year. The youngest member of the fam- ily is Anita who is four. Davida and Bud are among the growing number of local people who have taken to the convenience of trailer living and find they en- joy it. Davids likes sewing and bowling. * $ • Bee~ Hlnff With Barbs.tie Sauce 1~ lb. ground beef 1 ct~p condehsed milk 1% tsp. salt 3/4 cup uncooked o~ts 3 tbsp. chOpped oiiton ~A tsp. pepper Mix the above ingredients and form into a 'fl~ th~ ~egtllar bak- ing dish or pan. Sauce. 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce 2 tbsp. shgar 6 tbsp. water tbsp. vinegar I cup catsup 6 tbsp. finely chopped onion Mix ingredients and pour the sauce over the i'tng being sure a ktrge amount stays in the cen- ter of the ring. Bake in a 350 de- gree oven for an hour or until it is nicely browned. Serves six. The sauce is dspeelally good spooned over baked potatoes. VFW POST NEWS The VFW Post 1694 is sponsor- ing a lite-a-bike program. The purpose is to help the motorist see the bikes on the roads. So far we have taped bikes at Mt. View and Bordeaux schools. Girl Scout troops 305, 306, 307, 308 and 313 have helped in this pro- ject. A toba2 of 162 bikes have been taped so far. Each bike own- er was given a leaflet on safety of riding and general rules. Arlene smith, presitlent of the Auxiliary, also helped in this pro- ject. A work party was held Saturday by the VFW post and the Amet% can Legion in the Memorial Hall, to work on projects recommended by the fire marshal. Turkey shoot boards will be shot Saturday at the airport shoot- ing range. Don't forget the next post meet- ing will be Friday evening at 8 p.m, at the Memorial Hall. l eltSh NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General IIospllml Mr. and Mrs. I)onald lJawkes, Island Lake Drive, a =)oy, rr~)v. 11. Mr. am' Mrs. John Lane, 1122~,,~ Dclantey Road, a girl, Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barrett, Rt. 1 Box 621, a girl, Nov. 13. LINDA LABISSONIERE An opportunity to do a little traveling lightened the summer months for Linda LaBissioniere. Shelton High School senior. Linda was a representative from SHS to Girls' State and later took ~ trip to California. She does not plan to travel very far from home, however, when she starts college next fall. She wants to attend St. Martins and earn a. degzee in teaching. She is debating betwe~n thh'd grade and high school French. T e a c h e r s orientation, civ- ics, speech, world affairs, and sen- ior literature and composition are her subjects this ye~r. Living on the canal has made it difficult for Linda to partici- pate in extracurricular activities. She is active in Pep Club and the Catholic Youth Organization. Linda's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Les LaBissonie~e, both of whom are graduates of Shelton High school. Her only sister, Les- lie, is 15. A blue-eyed brunette, Linda is not quite 5 feet 4 inches tail. Wa- ter skiing, reading and sewing are her hobbies. AT U OF DENVER A Shelton resident, Terryl Turner, 705 Sidney, is among the 59 students from Washington registered this fall at the Univer- sity of Denver• Approximately 7,- 900 students are enrolled at the 101-year-old institution, the larg- est private university in the Rocky Mountain Region. All 50 states, ,everal U.S. territories and 49 for- mgn countries are represented in the current registration. GETS SCHOLARSHIP Ronald P. Stoppler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stoppler, Shelton, received a $300 Anderson Fellow- ship during the Honors Assen|b- ly at the University of Washing- ton College Of Forestry recently. SOHOOL MENU Menus for Shelton Elementary Schools and Shelton Senior High School Week of Nov. 22-26 Monday ..... Pizza ple. tossed green sa.lad, chilled fruit, coolde and milk. Tuesday .... Thanksgiving Lunch Wednesday .... Sloppy Joe on a buttered lnm, whole kernel corn, potato chins, fruit wedges, Thanksgiving Cake and milk. Thursday & Friday Thanksgiving Vacation Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 132 RR. Phone 426-4642 I • who will be associated with Johnny's Music Box as an organ teacher. If you are interested . . . you are invited to hear and meet Marly, SUNDAY, NOV. 21, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cola, Shelton. BEGINNING and ADVANCED INSTRUCTION! i i j I i i I What's new In tiger country? What did you have In mind? l Thin Is our luxury tiger. This In oar economy tiger. k There are 3B more tigers In between-all Wide-Tracks, all Pontlacs/'66. Do you want a no-apologies luxury car? A 360-hp sports car with a back seat? A long- wheelbase family car that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? A sleek town car? An economy car with a 6 you'll swear is an 8 until you count cylinders? Come to tiger country. You name It, we've got It, As usual, Special safety note: All 1966 Pontlacs include front and rear seat belts, dual. speed windshield wipers, windshield washers, outside rear view mirror, padded dash and sun visorS, and backup lights for better visibility when backing up at night. Be sure to use them. EVERYTHtNe'S NEW IN TIGER COUNTRY, YOUR PONTIAC DEALERS--A GOOD PLACE TO BUY USED CARS, TOO. SHELTON MOTOR COMPANY 233 South First St, Shelton, Wash. I i i