November 19, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 19, 1920 |
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]I Delightful Program of McAhster lrlo II
I[ Kathleen and DeRoss McAlister, With Miss Jordan Assisting, to Be II
L Heard Here in High-Class Entertainment.
Kathleen MeAlister and De Ross MeKlister, assisted by Miss Irma orclan,
ellist and accompanist, present one of the most popular and artistic programs
lyceum. It is a program in which the dramatic element predominates. Op-
ratic arias in costume are artistically presented. Vocal, piano aud cello num-
ers together with high class dramatic readings also are featured in this un-
Usual entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. McAllster are well known resident s of Bow
ton. They have beautiful voices and show splendid musical foundation-
Mr. and Mrs. HoWard Robinson
and daughters of Camp 1 and E. B.
Robinson and Lynn Robinson of Shel-
don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will
:Huntley Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shearer and
v.hildren and Miss Marion Chamber-
lain of Charleston spent Saturday
fternoon and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. sharer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest, Miss
Esther Carlson, Lawrence Carlson
and Murrel Dickinson of Shelton,
Howard Robinson and family, Mrs.
Frank Bennett, Miss A hn_a Benne
and the Misses Helen Shearer an
Marion Chamberlin were callers and
visitors at Echo Farm last Sunday.
Everybody is invited to the big
dance next Saturday night, Novem-
ber 20th, which is the third of a
series being given by the Shelton
¢alley Piano Club. Music by a lively
four-piece orchestra from Shelton.
Cafeteria supper. Tickets $1.
"Whlsperlng--Fox Trot..
My Midnight Frolic Girl--ox Trot.
Cuban Moon--Fox Trot.
The Love Boat---Waltz.
Songs of Long Ago--Quartette.
I Cannot Sleep without Dreaming
of You--Quartette.
My Little Bimbo--Baritone Solo.
hy Don'tYou Drive My Blues Away
:Fast Asleep in Poppy Land--Onestep.
• Dardanella--Fox Trot.
Kismet--Fox Trot.
Happy--One Step.
When Shadows Fall I Hear You Call-
ing, California--Fox Trot.
Wait You'll See-=One Step.
Silver Threads Among the Gold--
In the Gloaming--Solo.
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere--Vocal.
One Sweet Solemn Thought--Duet.
85c and $1.00
Journal Stationery. Shop.
Here is your opportunity to in,ure
against embarrassing errors in spelling,
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DICTIONARY is an all-know-
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cessful men and women the world over.
400,000 Words. 2700 Paes. 6000 Il-
lustrations. 12,000 BiographlcalEn-
tries. 80,000 GeoliraphicalSubJects.
GRhND PRIZE, (Itigl)est Award)
t anama-i acifio Exposition.
WRITE for Specimen Pages. FREE
, Pocket Maps if you name this paper.
Sprlu field, Malls., U. S. A.
Spokane, Nov. 1'L--The Farmer-
Label: party of Washington is dead
and will not be revived, according
to the belief of J. N. Chaviz, secre-
tary of the Central Labor Council of
Spokane. He declared that the over-
whehning defeat at the election
mean'the death of the third party.
"I (lu not believe that the Farmer-
Labor party will continue to func-
tion," declared Secretary ChavezY
"The only way that a successful
,al%y can be built for the working
eople is to keep politics out of union
s entirely. It seems that it
to get the wage earners
to vote as a unit."
Fred W. Green, vice president of
the Washington State Federation of
Labor, declared that now the F'arm-
or.Labor party has lost, evelT work-
ing man and woman of tl;e state
should get behind the successful can-
didates and support them.
"Members of the Farmer-Labor
party and every one in the state
should forget their petty, jealousies
and differences and get benind the
Republican administration and work
for the best interests of all the peo-
Attorney Quits Nonpartisans
Declaring that the Farmers' Non-
partisan League "is not ttle orga-
zation I thought it was," jonn :1.
Mulligan, of Spokane, former North-
west attorney for the league, said
that the league government "is not
the thing we want in this state."
Mr. Mulligan made these state-
ments upon his return to Spokane
Nonpartisan League national
quarters at St. Paul, where he sev-
ered his 'connection with the organi-
Mrs. K. Dahl received a few callers
)n Thursday the llth, her birthday,
Who wished her many happy returns
of the day. Those present were:
Mesdames Nelson, Skene, Smith,
Kertz, and Anderson, Messrs. Frank
Nelson, Miss Nuby and Miss Myrtle
Mr. and Mrs. Halvor DaM were
dinner guests at the Harold Peter-
mn home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith made a
usiness and pleasure trip to Taoma
Thursday morning and returned Sat-
urday evening. They reported a
very pleasant time.
Mr. and Mrs. Skene, Mr. and Mrs.
Kertz, Mr. and Mrs. Knute Dahl
spent Saturday evening at the Chris-
t/tin Smith home.
Frank Nelson of Portland spent a
few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Nelson, •
Miss Emma Larsen of Detroit was
a week-end visitor at the Carl Smith
home. Miss Larsen and Miss Mary
Smith went over to the dance at De-
troit Saturday evening.
Mrs. L. M. Sisson called at the
Halvor Dahl home on Saturday after-
, ' A social dance at the Shelton Val-
ley hall will be given on Saturday,
November 20th. There will be Shel-
ton music. A cafetelia supper will
be stowed. Everybody welcome.
"I have just returned from St.
Paul, where I settled my business
dealings with the Nonpartisan League
and I am through with them, Attor-
ney Mulligan declared.
"For one thing, I do not like the
COUNTY cORRESPONDF00CE way they do business. To take an
active part in the Nonpartisan League
one has to be a servant to one man
or a small group of men. A. C.!
Townley, as the big dictator, de-
mands absolute obedience. I have a
, VICTOR ' mind of my own. Townley tries con-
" at tinually to inject Socialism into the
Otto Bemp and his uncle Mr. Chris- league progr .
tensen were visitors at the K. Dahl Mr. Mulligan declaredthat senti-
home on Monday evening and at the men, against the Nonpartisan League
in North Dakota is keen and that
Christain Smith's on Wednesday the league is holding power at the
Mrs, Christain Smith and children present time by comparatively few
called at the Kertz home on Monday. votes.
Mr. and Mrs. S, A. Baker and Mrs. "I do not believe that the Non-
Henderson spent Tuesday afternoon m League will get anywhere in
Washington or Idaho," he said.
at Mrs, Kertz.
On Sunday several families from
Victor were entertained at the home JNCLE SAM'S TAXES
of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Baker of FOR ONE YEAR
Rocky Bay.
Mrs. K. Dahl visited at C. Ander-
Ion's on Monday. "" " "1 For the fiscal year, ending June 80,
I Huckelberry picking is stilt in xut 1920, the United States government
swing at Victor. Those who are collected in taxes the stupendous sum
I shipping out berries from here now of $5,408,075,068. '
I are Mrs. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Hal- According to the latest census re-
/per Dahl, Messrs. Kertz, Peterson ports there are 105,000,000 people in
knderson and Smith. continental United States. This
means a levy of $51.55 for every
man, woman and child in the countT.
As a means of overcoming the
shortage in housing throughout the
nation, this cash would build more
than 2,500,000 modest five-room
cottages, costing $2,000 each, suffi-
cient to house more than 13,000,000
people, allowing five to a family, or
the entire population of New York
state, or 27 of the less populous
Western states of less than 500,000
population each. This money also
would give to each of these individ-
uals a Ford automobile costing $465
The earliest recorded history began
about 5,000 years before Christ, or
7,000 years ago, including the present
If Adam had begun working on
the first day of his life at $1.47 a
minute, $88.16 an hour, or $2,116 a
day, working every day since, taking
no Sundays or holidays, not even
stopping for lunch or sleep, carefully
sarong 'all his earnings, not even buy-
ing ]ve a new dress or spring hat,
havin no twenties century high cost
of liwng to pay, he would yet lack
eighty years of having earned an
'amount equal to our 1920 taxes.
No. 520.
In the Superior Court o1' the State of
Washington in and for Mason County.
In the Matter of the Estate of ADAM
ERWIN cOWAN. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given: That in pur-
suance of an order of the Superior
Court of the State of Washington in
md for said county made on the 16th
day of November, .1920. in the matter
of the .estate of Adam Erwin. Cowan.
' Let' O deceased, tle ndersigned administra-
tor of said estate will in obedicnce to
said order receive bids for the purchase
of ile hereinafter described lands and
will if suci bids be accepted sell at
priwtte sale to such successful bidder
the follo'Alng described Tide and Shore
Lands :
"All Tide and Shore Lands of the
FI SH seeond class formerly owned by the
State of Veasiflngton situate in front'
of adjacent to or abutting upou that
BRAND portion oC the 'U. S, (]o,,ernment Me-
ander Line described aa follows, to*wit:
RoPIex. Co,nmenoing at a l,olnt on tl, o said
5licker ,nca,,.er line in front of Lot Tln'ee (3)
Section Twenty-seven (27), Town-
Twenty-one North Range Two (2)
i. M.. whence the meander cor-
ner to fractional Sections twenty-seven
and thirty-four said township and
range on {he Etst side ?f Picketing
l)assage bears SOUth uegrec ta
6 chains distant; thence from said
initial point North 4 degrees west 2.97
c,iains; thcnee north 57 h degrees east
4.76 chains; thence north 64 degrees
west 3.71 chains; thence north 24
iegrees west 3.75 chains; to terminal
,otnt of this description, said Tide and
there Lands having a total frontage
)f 15.19 lineal chains measured along
tim mcander line acording to a duly
' --- certified copy of the Government li:leld
,Notes of t[e survey of said Meanaers
000GGEg-0FF LAND on file in the office of the Conuntssi0ner
(,f Public Lands at Olympla, Wash-
Logged-off land for sale to actual Terms of salt cash. Administrator
settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up reserves the right to reject any and'all
lds. Sale subject to exmfirmation of
according to location,4opography and Superior Court. aforesaid. Bids may
character of soil. Liberal terms of bc filed with the Clerk of said Court
payment and interest on deferred or with B. T. Baker, care James O.
Marts, Martln Building, Olympia,Wash-
payments at the rate of six percent ington.
per annum. Mberty bonds taken in Dated this 16th day of November,
payment at par. • 190. B.T. BAKER,
SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY .19-26-2t Administrator of enid' estate
you to
that the Ctur¢Li Co. line o£ made-to-measure
clothes i recognized the country over as the "Bi,
Value Line o America."
Them am some mi h1 me suit and overcoat fabrics waitin
for you hem--the k tr that will please you and look well on
you. And everyone lhy you can't duplicate anywhere
elae at the price, 5ty] ! vahe -both, You et these here.
No. 576.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for lason County. .(In
In the lattcr of the Estate of HEI.EN
ADEI,E LEVIS. Deceased.
ice is hereby given that Letters of
nistration on the Estate of Helen
Lewis. dec,eased, were granted
to the undersigned, on the 30th day of
October, 1920. by the said superior
All persons having claims against
said estate, are required to serve them
wlth the necessary vouchers upon me
'at the law office of Alden C. BaYley,
Shelton, %Vashington, titat being the ;°
phtce for tle transacatlon of business I
of said estate, within six months after t
the date of the first publication of this
notice, to-wit, within six months after
the 12th day of November. 1920. and
file the same with the clerk of this
court together with proof of such ser-
vice. or they shall be forever barred.
Dated a Shelton, Wash., this 12th
day or November, 1920,
Administrator of the Estate of Helen
Adele I, ewis, deeeesed.
Attorney for Administrator.
Shelton. Washington l 1-I 2-12-3-4t
For sale in this County to Actual
Settlers on easy terms. Price
$5.00 per acre and up. Write for
map giving all information.
W eyerhaeuser Timber Cos
Tacoma, Washington
The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system and
demountable rims with 3-inch tires all mound, is the ideal family"
car because of its all-around utility and refined and comfortable
equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass windows. An open car
in the spring, summer, and early fall. A closed car in inclement
weather and winter. For theatre parties, for social visiting, for
touring, and for taking the children to school, it is just what you
want. The low cost of operation and maintenance is not the least
of its charms. A regular Ford car, simple in design, strongin con-
strucfion, and durable in service. Wo.a't you come in and l_o0.k it over?,
,The .comforts of art electric car with the economy of the Ford
..... Shelt°n' Washmgt°n i /