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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iii ii i I , ,, .., ............................. . .. , , nnnm!ll i ,, IL .............. I ] ......... FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19;1920" ii I I I I II I :THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL TEACHERS' 00STmfrl GRANT C. ANGLE & SON, Publisher, I "Thl-teache,t ;, ------ l be held next week beginning Monday Member of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Assoelationm at the Shelton high school and con- ]tinuing until Wednesday noon, when i mntered a second-class matter at the postoffiee at Shelton. Washington I the attending teachers will be dis- _ . Published every .Friday morning. ' missed to enjoy the ThanksgiVing uoscrlptlon: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance [holiday at their homes. Owing to (All papers discontinued one month after delinquency, t the disability of the County superin : ,,  = [ten(lent, Mrs. Knight, who has re-" qPLII -OI_ lrIIKYDg, turned to her home from the hos- x.xx aJ.. a_rxv, pital but still unable to take her , - ..... : . ....  !usual active part in the sessions, the Much Ires been saifl and written about prices in 1;he preliminary work has been done by her asmstant, Della Barrett Fol last few months Newspapers have devoted a great deal , " .. . • - , .  " • . ., ,,.     . Lowing is me program pmnned or oI space o me subject, and me puonc haS been leo o the meeting next week. expect a "big drop" in prices. However, no one has MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 attempted to show just where this drop is to come from, or who will sacrifice their earnings in an effort to accom- plish it. We have not heard of any manufacturers, re- milers or members of labor unions who have Volunteered to work for nothing next season in order to bring it about. A reduction of prices of existing surplus can easily occur, as it has in the past, according to the undesirabil- ity of the merchandise or the necessity of the holder to sell it and meet his :obligations. But that cannot affect the cost of making the same goods again. The prices of merchandise to be made for future sales must be based on manufacturing costs alone• Newspaper propaganda, buying boycotts and public sentiment cannot affect them in the least, but raw materials, transportation and labor costs will be the factors setting future prices. The shaking out of abnormal profits in the automo- bile industry does not mean that an unprofiteered line can be reduced to the same extent, either now or in the future, but wherever there are inflated profits they will be shaken out. Lines which haye enjoyed a popular demand regardless of price will be forced down to a legitimate basis by slackening demand, but with labor, materials and "overhead" contributing nothing toward a A. M. Chairman--Paul Hitchcock. 9:00--General Assemmy. Music. Invocation. Rev. W. H. Thomas • Special Music ............. .. Mrs. Helen Lewia 9:45---Theory of Reading.. ......... .............. A. E. Shumate 10:30--Intermission and Enrollment. 10:45--Seleetedi.Ralph W. Swetman 11:45--Announcements. ,P.M. Cbalrman--Mrs. Jeanette Ashley. l:00--Musie by General Assembly. Special Music. 1:30--Selected--Ralph W. Swetman 2:1S---Penmanship ........... ...... ......... ivlrs. B. E. Stineman 3:00Intermission. 3,:10--Practice of Reading ......... .............. A. E. Shumate Monday Evening First number Lyceum Course at Lyric Theatre. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 A.M. Chairman--Bennett Howard. 9:00--Music. Invocation.Rev. Addison Self Special Music .... Chas. Paine 9:30--Round Table Discussion, 7th aml 8th Grade Grammar. 10:30--Intermission. 10:45--Selected.Mrs. Evelyn Spencer P.M. Chairman--Mrs. M. E. Mahoney. ....... ]Classifi Look REAL:ESTATE .TRANSFERS ed Ads ' Real estate transfers furnished by ='i' the: Maosn County Abstract & Title HOUSEWORK WANTED--I wish to Company. :, :,,, : C. O. Mahnberg bach to Peter Van Der Wa], wd, ne sw 11 20 3. Con. $0. George W. Wilder and W to Calvin B. Maxson, wd, lots 9, 10, 11, 12 blk 4 Lakewood plat A. Con. $10. F. C. Mathewson ind mad as ex. est. Ellen Armstrong, deceased, to W. R. Karfis and Roy Rector, qed, logs 7 and 8, blk O, David Shelton's 1st add. Con. $10. W. R. Karns and w to Roy Rector, wd, lots 7 and 8 blk O, David Shel- ton's 1st acid. Con. $10. C. I. Pr]tchard and w to Wallace Johnson Motor Co., qcd, e 330 ft, government lost 2, sec 34 22 3 ex pub oads. Con. $10. M. L. Taylor and w to S. L. Taylor, &id, qcd, sne and se nw 17 19 5. Con. $1. Mary A Lindsey wld to Mary J. Matthes, wd, nw nw 12 20 3. Con, $10. I Oscar F. Hanson to Fred S. Wiles et al, wd, sw ne nw 34 33 3. Con. $575. Jacob Wingert and w to Rose C. Mner. wd, sw se se 7 21 1. Con. $10. R. W. Irving to Swan Truedson, a bach, wd, 58-100 acres in ne sw ne 29 23 1. Con. $30. J. W. Holmes and w to C. Young, wd, n n of lot 3 sec 29 19 3 sub to cont to C. Young and Magne Nelson. Con. $10. Thomas W. Rule bach to W. R. MacDonald and Cleo MacDonald, wd, lots 4 and 7 in blk 1 of plat of Hoodsport. Con. $100. Morrison F. Pixley and w to W.A. Nobles et al, wd, lot 5 blk 109 and lots 12 to 20 incl blk 103 Union City. Con.. $800. Kristine Washahl and hus to Har- old Nordal, wd, lot 1 of sec 15 and lot I and se ne and e se sec 22 2, being 1-6 interest. Con. $166. Ella D. Zinn and h to Elizabeth R. Phenis, wd, lot 5 blk 7 Beachmont ; Con. $1. Ada C. Clothier treas to H. O. )secure housework of any sort for :several hours daily. Mrs. Harry Taylor, care Mrs. Gee. McKibbin. 11-19-1t WANTED--Second-hand baby car- riage. Apply this office. A1. it FOR SALE--Haine.s Bros. Mahogany piano. Good condition. See Mrs. Swinehart, Maxwell cottage, Shel- ton. 11-26-2t FOR SALF_,--Fresh cow, Jersey and Guernsey, with 4 weeks old calf. C. J. Sowers, Route 1, box 40. It TRY THE BARNUM HERB REN- OVATOR. Ed. Ray agent for Ma- son, County. A laxative, tonic and diuretic. 11-12-26-3t your films over and bring the good ones in and have them en- larged and color- ed in oil or water colors. Te Heckman Photo Shop OR SAC-room house, running water and large pantry; 1 lot fruit with fruit trees. Price $750 for quick sale. Terms $300 cabh, bal- an'ce monthly payments. Phone 443 or address P. ,0. box 124, Shel- ton. 11-26-3t !, LAUNDRY CUT FLOWERS and wreaths for , funerals; bulbs, trees and shrubs! of all kinds, can be had of Mrs. Esther Munson, Shelton. Rush or- ders receive" prompt attention. PHONE YOUR ORDERS for fryers, roasters or stewing chickens to the Concord Beach Poultry Farm. Phone 30F44. Route 2, Shelton. 12-3-5t LOST--Six heifers, 2 black and white spotted, 1 spotted red and white: 2 light red, 1 dark red. Finder please advise A. P. Zumwalt, R. 2, Shelton. 11-22-2t WILL BUY ALL YOUR EGGS every week at best cash prices. Concord Beach Poultry Farm, Phone 30F44. Route 2, Shelton. 12-3-5t. SHELTON Now with power ms- •. equipped emnery for first class work• FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prep. I i IN YOUR TITLE I00.Y BI[S00KL ST00::BE,,FATAL general drop in prices it is not easy to see where the l:00--Music by General Assembly. Hulin, tr d. se ne ne 14 20 2. Con. I "big drop" is to come from. special Music S30. . WANTEDA good, steady, gentle- True som me h r l:30--Wanted---A Teacher ......... . , e c ants, la ge and •small, have an- n,. a w ah' ............... manly salesman to handle aWards • ,, • ,, ......... :.: ................. r u u--ou year-ore egnom wa on in Mason Count No ex " nounced ........... wth a great splurge a bi dro in some of 2"15--Interm]ss]on ...... . .P  . F fullY• partie-" T ..... g P .... chickens. Come and get them. 85 enence needed or " herhnesmcludm som tal  . 2.30--Sected:MrEvelynSpencer cents aiece Mrs P E Oxle..; " ,, HE TROUBLE t g e s p e art cles, but this as mere a ' p ..... ¥_ ulars write promptly to Dr. Ward  ly a "feeler'. intended to attract trade during a dull H. EnzoTUeLoop--Chmram y venmg. ,R°ute, 2, ,b°x 04, Shelto n,, lI-26-2tWash .... 'taMedmal" ,+.,,onC°m any, ,aWm°na" ,oMmne"a, ' Vl llT  | sason,,and planned to move: second.rate or slow stocks; ssi°0.Setlonh ofth:e Passi0n , :i ..... ,.. '.., ;!;:1 !7 7 ............. v,,,. ,--. 11 1, ,g#!% ||!/L 0F else an effort to raise money required for creditors• ' --Play. ,."...,..DY:.,'W, iNash FO-SAF--°°d-'J-ers.-e..milk,epw'!l:  $100 REW/[RD. " |llr DD emil • " " ' ' Teacher' 'eia ..... fl   ' , o. n. ay, nelon (lUml utag.) i ' ". ', " ,: ' : " . ...... " ' The bumness, conducted:along fair trade lines cannot do a,i.,nTsw2%w.:.; ' ', 11-e*st [ iE °r information leadnig to the ar- : ll Ul ,t|, . . ,.. , . . .,. . . . .. . . .. ..r.,ov.,,...,%,,.,,::... i _ • ......... anct conviction of ,persons rust- I imm ,m v R tins o any exen., Wtno 10s a0.a ,me real rectucuonsi ...... a.M.' ' ' '" '' ................ ',,.', ........ . '€1,1i* cattle branded "B;"on left hi., ImN ISl t"m'm 'm.." 1 I '11 ] must beuin with the maufac{ii/er " .... : I Chammr.,:Miss ],di Gulliver W" .qAI:r.W .......... l a, ff earmarked, j.,d., ]¢Rae, Boy - 18Lily Oil & DL [ tt "  " 9" S/J[ 81e # . . . , ., ,-,, ..... • ,-a*-=w | ....... • . .tb--- U ..... ,, ,,r .... ; • d an ........ . ....  ..... x R .h ........ 1-8-8m0 .......... . .,, :: ..... : .... : The best hope of th courttry lles in gradual reduc- Invocatmn..Rev. W. , Thomas PRACTICAL PAPER .HANGER ] ........ O. " I • , . ,,.. ,., . ,, .,.. .-...  ....... . . •  ..... . .........  , ...... : ' e loud is eumgh to eclipse all Liens from War pnces:all alor, te IJimi and in which]!' s ,p,al Mue....-.,;:.4L,.£ ' q AND DECORATOR' ' F0R ,SALE..Woodstoc k Typewriter, of the *un, :. -, : ' = 'r ' .... • . . , ; .',,,...,.,.,.ls, m p, , '" -=' " '°q" is omce .... , . It is the Slmostinvlsible flgw' that; ,eery process must stand its share If this works out in O.S0--Round Table mscussion,  , ..... ......  .... ..,,,,: is °race"  / :- " }sen ......... " --, ..... --- -r -L-  .................. ""-  ...... " . Grle &rjthmetie , ' 'rnone 71ro. '"r. u. $ox 4b .(1 - , us :me .mg,,ammono tae: :tmlV an o uenb': .,,W, ay,as now seem,,.BKel-y no one wnLoe..nurl; i4.brg...a#oo;..., • '-" .,'.: ........ " , " ', Shdton', 'Wash. ' '." ,l" rghe new releaSeof Btii*'etu r, ' neap. • ,,. ; .,,. : ...... .,-., . ., ...... ...... ' ' : ' " ' .... ': ......... , ...... 4-29-' { and in U .... If there,.te, but one cloud on your m,the regra_ de to nrmal--whmh does not,mean pr¢,war I I0:0Seetd,.Mrs, Evelyn' pencer.¢ll ...... , : ..... :;., u,o,d, w , Jo rnal-Statmnery Sh p tit' "* ---:" ................     ' - " I '  1 lb Will  1 W anu ln 1 15--Seleeted • ,,,  , conditiofiS,tt some htl'iei/ii"between the past and j :, .... ,,,_;'-flfa::i,'';iF;tG  L d..., sale a. you py. :a ..... ,,#   f: o ,, ket "" " ' .... ....... ' " '"  I amhty as the first essential to real the present dictated by progress and fairness to all..! i]:45--Reiorts of .Committees. I]  ' '  : ' r ":' '   '--:---- -- -- ' = estate ho-- it :-- "'-- _L.._: • S r , • • • ; Dismissal .... -: -.., - , ; .... : r" ,,- .m.l- ,*Lay' rur DL tu bance of the country s commercial-and Industrial t : •  I' UtggJP31  .F'OUR ..... I value. ;' ::.: '' ....... : : ,equilibrium is neither dxpected no. desired: ....... 1 Xmong'the'nsrtcto'rs'Will' Ii F1ll - 1 __e .... ,, , -  :'; 1 i :=@" | , e tq:rnish yot h , € exper u[e Ima,'tee • ; ' " : :: lbe G, W, Nas , presdent Bellingham li /n$111KOIV,,l:nO :l'll:iai/ IMar I ' .•  .' • "• :,: :. ., ...... , .... , , , ......   .....  , ..... . | en ..... . . 4., .... ana qreor e  .... S ] • • TITLE INS.URANCE mo .. service :EUenburg Nal A usua, we will have Cholce Turke s but The young people who,. are now nvassmg the ,.,.,.=: o_.. .ol-a.1 I-- - .,,. ....... ... y,.. _the I ApS,  . . , .......... ... v ....... .- ............ numoer Will De llmll;e(1, uraers Will b tilled as coUntfo the renewal of memberships in the Red Cross supervisor state department; A. E ...... :..^. ........ .., I aso COuntv Ah'f. ought to 'he e Wfh - ,o lt, 0  |hn n ]nxri o]1 $chumate, Ginn & Company; "Mi'ss rt;tvtu nrs come nrs serves. ' ........ m M _n :.;_ ....... ract & ,a IL -,€ ..... -,, , ................ ',., , ,. ,, , , qulos,s Assoc, at, on, and Mrs. B. E, WE HAVE CHOICE MINCEMEAT IN BULK I ""n--=-- - • - ,::," , j  ' , ;,); , t!; '.-, ...... -..:4  ,, : '" Stineman, instructor of penmanship, '--e... ..,,-, ..... .... -/i | tu aer state upervis]on ........ "" : ':"; '¢' i - : 7 ,t.,  ,  i Bremert0n high sch0Q : ! i'l'U VI2t-.E' • J E P,,,mh, ,. | Shelton, Wash.  1 ' '.. ''.. ' "' ' ': '; '1 " ' , , I r , , ... . ,. • ..... ' "" :: :' t-' " /'°, ...... ..: ',' ' 3"... ..... '% '"', . , ,, .'v'. [ ,' ! ..... ' ' ' ' ' .. . ' ' Whether wemaylike lt:0r not Washington will pay uv a home, .voun man. If yoh as it goes• if it,ge ny: )avlng in the next two Years, can, or ff your taste m In tha drec- ' " ' " ": ..........  -- -- : 'tion at all, buy ltmd for a arm or nov tha the Car]yon measure has been defeated by the lo i'ea-e "home If not bW; :a lot at voters. MasorCountylsboth fortunate:and unfortunate lleas aria start putting at m shape IFOR,SALE Woodstock Typewriter. :; e, new release of BtSWlvk reeJ I " ' ' [ ria now in,' J0hrnal Stati0nery She "' It there,.is., but one : .... ",,: ';;, :'.i-' ,.. '"" . P/title it will Thanksgiving Turkey:Now::: I in :the results of the •election• The failure of the measure or  home. will p£'obably p0ii 'for the present prospect for any pav- ing in this couny,'but having retained a representative who has been able in the past to secure for his county ather :more than ts share of attention to its hghways, it is not expected to suffer by the pay as. you go' process ill the future .... In:fact, we are fortunate In having a good _, not alyayl high. But, W Itlt -- , ' 9' ' ' ' * • . ' , n..2ler .to rgtect us against the demands 0 la er :. ",x .......... p.;:.:,. .......... : ..... , ...... .J'g always have a home if w are de- ¢0unues. ......... ,,- termine4 to get it, and nothing else in ,'he world ie o sure an indication i • Just what action ,wil! be: Lsken I regarding, the re- mainder of the road banffs, $170000, voted by Mason County will, be determined lar, but the .present indica- tion m that no more will be issued and whatever is done on the olympic'Highwayin future will be,done by state funds. A recent meetin of the boosters for completion of ithe Olympic Highway united on plans to complete the temporary construction of the circuit around the Olym- pics, and it is probable that whatever appropriation is secured from the next legislature will be devoted to that end rather than undertaking any hard-finishing. The regrettable feature of the failure of the Carlyon measure is that it leaves the state without a definite pro- gram of road building, and will continue to throw money away on the "hit and miss" plan, and as often make a mlss. i' .-W;e wonder do you realize that you'| bihty to get anything is your de-| termination to ,get ? Wt voder d/ you: know that the great ;a.e0i*ity o' | ]peolfle go through life . wl-thout, ha | home of their own,. and ,that t e/ only reason is that they put 6 de-I termining to get it ? .. Times are not always goo& Wa Of our worthiness of citizenship as a home, We read a bank advertisement the l other day. The statistics were corn- ]piled by the American Bankers' As- I soclation. They are correct, inter- l esting, and th_y ought to make any I one sit up and take notice: The record is of 100 average' men, healthy and vigorous in mind at 25 Ylars of age# and dependent upon elr own exertions for their support. At 35 years of age 5 have died, 10 have become wealhy; 10 more are in good crcumstances; 40 are in mod- erate circumstances; 35 have not im- proved their condition. At 45 years of age 11 more have died; three only are wealthy, the others having lost their resources; 65 are working and supporting them- selves but without resources other than their labor; 15 are no longer self supporting. At 75 years of age all are dead but 37. Two of the 37 are wealthy; 35 are dependent upon children, rel- atives or charity for a living. These statistics would be discour- ging if it were not for the facts 'ment{oned in the first paragraphs of this editorial. Everything depends upon yourself--your determination to save a part of what you make and to keep making. One of the surest and most substantial first moves in Since Spokane was the seat of the propaganda against the Carlyon referendum and managed to defeat it, the West side is not feeling particularly bad because the eminent domain referendum desired for Eastern Washington's arid lands also went by the board. As a matter of fact both were measures of merit, but each IS NOW THE CALL OF THE DAY. ARE GIVING!AWAY TO :LOWER. ONES. DUCT.IONS.ARE DECIDED AND AGGRESSIVE AND WILL  PROVE OF ESPECIAL NO WASTING OF WORDS NECESSARY. BELOW: PERCALES 35c were ............................. 50c OUTING FLANNELS 30c, were ................... 45c GINGHAMS 35c, were ........................... 45c SATEENS 75c, were .............................. 98c BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOSE, 50c a pair, were ........ 60c WOMEN'S BURSON HOSE, 45c a pair, were ....... 60c MEN'S CASHMERE SOX, 65c a pair, were ......... 85c DAISY BLEECHED MUSLIN, 30c a yard, was ...... 40c ROMPER CLOTH 50c a yard, was ................ 60c WOMEN'S SHOES $I00, were ................. $15.50 WOMEN'S SHOES $10.00, were ................. $12.50 CHILDREN'S SCUFFERS, Brown and Black $4.75, were .......................................... $6.50 The above merchandise is of Standard Quality, strictly high grade• .~ L b ' M ntil C um ermen s erca e o , had features which might have done some harm. It is so accumulation is owning your own ,with all laws. home. It gives you a p.ride in your , community al yourself that you : RED CROSS ANNUAL ROLL CALL don't feel without it. It is a nest egg against adversity. It is the anchor of ,They. are making, up the annual call of good citizens good citizenship. It is no disgrace to be a renter, once again for there is still much work to do by the Red hut it i, aa evidence of stability to Cross at home and abroad, As the saying g.oes all needed bedette.a home owner.--Montesano Vi- is a heart and a dollar' to put everybody in good stand- ' ...... ing for 1921, and to fit this splendid organization to take FOR SAL-Coice of four cow. ] milking, three fresh February. over the details of a great work that must otherwme Jersey and Holstein. Harry Dey- f' pon the individual if done at all. 0nly a dollar. tto (Skokomish Valley) Pqtlatch • - P.O. 12-8-8t f i' % : J