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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920  MASON &apos;€OY JOURNAL , " P&GM . I I I j Ill I I II I j I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIImIIIuIIImuuMuIIILI :/' HPff N YI ' CHURCH NO ....... ' ------ • - .... --I Several new patients were admitted --  to • . - I...,.! and Personal .f the Sbelton General Hospital thin M.E. CHURCH " _ week and an equal number were / ,.\\; -- --- discharged, leaving the re ister of Morning Sunday School I0 o'clock. _- --]Inmates at seventeen, all doing well. Preaching ii o'clock. - 'litqlnil|||iiliiiiUtim The x-ray apparatus has been in- Evening services at 7:30. , .... stalled and a number of pictures have Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- t Fred Diehl is spending several days Some fairly neavy ou warm uni- lrndv h, t,l,,, q'h .;.^ day of each month at 8 p. m. m Seattle thin week nook rams have fallen during tlu will i ......... Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday • • ........ " I p "eve mvamaole to perlec[mg . ".ao.u.a pAr.or': .... weeK, a zoremste o[ zne winter sea-[the work of diar, nosis and aidin- evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Pritchard were son. ' treatment at the hospital•°  s The public is cordially invited to O!ympia visitors Thursday. Amon those discharged this week these meetings. The Guarantee • The Carmody Orchestra of Tacoma were Mrs. Franz of Union and Mrs. W.H. Thomas, Pastor. L. B. Allphin returned Tuesday gave a dance here on Wedensday Howell of Elma, both having minor on these Rubber evening. In spite of the downpour a operations. Carl Sandstrom of Camp from a trip to__down Sound cities, fair crowd was present. 5 was also released, fully recovered BAPTIST CHURCH Goods is liberal Mrs. Esther Munson and son Har- l!rom his knee injury. Irancis Deiser, Kennedy Tavern announces an oht fore, haft. of Camp 2, was admitted to Sunday School at 10 a. m. nesday.°ld were Olympia visitors on Wed- fashioned turkey spread for thos Ithe' hospital last week under treat- Morning service at 11 a.m. SO liberal in fact who journey over the highway on'l mn for lung troubles, and is mak- B.Y.P.U. at 6:80 p. m. Mrs. Runkle of Seattle is here to Thanksgivin'g Day. ' ing fair progress. Young People's meeting at 6:30 that there are visit Mrs. Kate Getty, planning to tis announced that practically all P' m. remain over Thanksgiving. Alvin Butler and Cal. Rodenberger Ihe private rooms in the hospital "vening service at 7:0  m. no dissatisfied made a "killing  of trout in the Sko lre taken and will be fully furnished Prayer Meeting on Thursday night aV-r:000, buyers of them. Judge Wright and Attorney. Ty komish'river last Friday, their string ly;the .end of the month. Except for • Iverybody, coyd|ally invited to at- of 32 fish weighing 84 pounds. ' ] the:electric elevator and dumbwaiters, forWerea session°Ver frOmof superlorOlympiacourt.yesterday , ' , ',: ' :. ', and the ambulance, coming from th 2gii,.. l;hese services. • Local oyster, shippers report a fair E,s the hospitakwill be m c0mplet Addison Self, Pastor. / ffohn Masterson of Seattle, who demand or the bivalve this season rhmng order by ttiat  time arid ...... spent last week visiting Mr. and and expect to, soon be enjoying all idoubtless have its permanent cors CATHOLIC"CHURCH rs. J. A. Schmidt at the mill, re-thetradetheycanhandle: The price o;f'emplo'es. At present"thdl need" is ASt' ......   "rd ' " ..... ¢.,.0.o¢,.**.,, _IR DRUG STORE tfirned to his home Sunday. remains the same as last year, $11:a forJi fitst-classflnan co0k'to .oPei.ate F sack. : the modem kitchen equipment of the Mrs. S. W. Brown returned to her ..... institution. ' 8 on` 2nd Sundays-first 'Mass is at ,,, a:' m. and second Mass at Skoko- home in Seattle' last Friday, after The rains this week following the  spending a week at FHsken Y with frosts of last week have loosened MIS..MAR LITTLEBRANT mish at 10:45 a.m. $ her sister, Mrs. Guy Hutchinson. the fine roads.we have been crowing 'Oti fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m. =:- .................................. - ....... -,=--_-=_ about and now they are afford heavy DIES :AT RETSIL HOME Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S.B. Mrs. C. J. Rupert of Seattle arrived travelling, but not too bad. last Thursday evening to join Mr. The remains of Mrs. Mary Ellen Rupert, who has been a member of Each Home Economics Club mem-Littlebrant, mother of Mrs. W.B. O.E.S. ATTENTION TRY OUR the Journal force for the past month, ber is requested o cook something McMurray, who died at the Retsil Welcome Chapter No. 40 O. E. S. . for the food sale held at the bazaar Veterans Home November 9th, were Wilbur Cummings and family were on Saturday, December 11th. Also brought to Shelton by W. S. Covill, regular communication Saturday, No- near°Ver McCleary,Sunday frOmto visitStims°n'SMr, andCamP'Mrs, to contribute a glass of jelly., it who ha, been looking after her Tel. vember 27th at 7:30 sharp. Initiation New Line of Candies Jay Ransom. Fred Runkle is reported to have fare at the Home for the past year. and election of officers. All member. r- been held up on the road near Pot- The funeral sezMces were held at urgedw. M, to atteml. Esther ll-26-1tGrisdale' the chapel on Sunday and attended Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Robison were latch last Saturday. According to by many ohl firends in Shelton. The II I Oriole Silver Chest Chocolates town. visitors from their Reservation the report he was fm'tunate enough sewice was given by Rev. W. H. All tadies interested in building Oriole Purple and Gold farm Tuesday. They have leased to have no money in his pocket at Thomas and the remains interred in their farm for the coming year to the time. the Odd Fellows cemetery beside a Memorial in Mason County shouhl Pig'n Whistle Candies Guy Robison, and plan to take life those of the husband who passed be at work now on some article of easier in the future. The Journal will next week be aivay iu 1915. sewing for the Bazaar December 10 Parisian Chocolates i.sued a day earlier or on Wednesday. The deceased was born in Pennsyl- and llth, whether oz" not they are Emory's Chocolates Mr. and Mrs. Trose Donaldson evening, in order that the force may vania May 16, 1850 and was mmwied members of the Alumni or Home this week moved into their fine new be re)ieved of working on Thankse 'td Win. Littlebrant in 1871. In 1905 Economics Club. It is a worthy SHET.TON home just completed corner of First giving Day. All matter for publiea< tile family removed to Washington cause, ll-19-1t PHARMACY and Pine streets, and the house tion should rech the office a day, Settled in Shelton, which contin- L.B. ALLPHIN, Prop. , vacated will be oecutfied hy Mrs. A. earlier:than.ordinary.. ',. e until age and in- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Bordeaux, the owner.  ,,, sed the veteran and his . School, chiidren in ,the county wilt; advantage' of the stae's , Unless the last half of the 1919 Two couples from outside points enjoy a vacation all of next ek. secured license§ 'and were married in through the ,fact, that the w y at the Retsil He, taxes is paid on,or before November :=: ...... .=----:: _ =-- ...... --?===- =:---. .... Shelton so. far .this month: Win, f. t.eachers' institute will be l, re neWere born to the 30/'.1920i the axes become delinquent. = = ......... - = 7. Edwards a.hd Elizabeth Kirkwood: of the nrst three days and the'  liing being the :Huur'rev/ttance is not received , H ME C NG . {UALITY :AND sERvICE Seattle;-and "Re3/"Rapley and Esther  , holidays' L will 'take ' ' :" " in the .T .ri'SUir'.oIce br November 0 OOKI Woffe o£ Elma, the lattr.ie4, b. d: ter f" the ':m'e.':'. - 80th,.;n{eref"a/aclies,: fzbm June 1, Hey. Thomas on the ltl.  ,i,  , ,. :  ..... . ........ :- .... INDIAN WOMXN 1920. " .... '' " PLCi AT ' ' ' : .... .... " ....... " """: " Dilg C. {LOTH:[ER " W SEgX: ÷0 00.xT00is '' ..... •  .......... ",t The condmiati0n .,DI,S'NT PbTLATCH II-12-2653,t Treasurer Mason'Ounty. .,, w., ,____, ,,:" ' " ' :: " " "  ' eek Susan W.@tern,-l. ,wlfe  of. Billy , :' - ' ':': "' - '! j . ,. , and purchased a carload off,beef the INake, Cusl{man aterman, and One. of the older res- .HELTON , FALE DANCE teers fcr:,:the,:sprg.,narket:: ' The site, will begin before ..... :  q"I:::,.'::', ,.:, .,.;;J' -' .... ; :::': ', tock .was -$,,,rai .to 0 ym- court- -in..-Shelton- Monday,, and komish, i '' .....  ' :'"; ....,,:i .'. . '.L :...d"  " ........ . ' pia and driven overland to the ?aye- l[or .i A social ' "  ' "" "':' ....  ........ '   (! .... lor,f.arn whre,:the willberintered;. Mrs, at Pot- I be given- SI)R#r JRDERS' . , , , [C'E JRk .--ev----- : .. .... her [}h.:vhnerbill::i "::::"QUICK.:SER'v'ICE '.. :, ,.[td,.',v.-,.Ii:,.'cDLUNHES' ': M, ;and' Mrs,,.:Wai2,. A cafe.eria ppe* .. :,a.,i . ..... : ! came rom San.:Franciso to EveWby @4ome. " .... *' thd. winter, in T'onut, terra(at made in the old burial ....... ,:,, over Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Rob.- for the selection of ........ wrin -i:,:..','..':/ ,, :::. .......... ,-: ..:.;, ::  . ,,,.U :. ::q);, i ,,:. ',: ' autoert$' b'usiness.'Mr' !:WmTle. is: engaged ::in:Mrs. WalT[e: expects'tothi' ensure The, outgoil  i S ,Ul "'^'''''; "'" .... ''=':"=:'::':):/:=::::-- spend most week-ends Wih her "' Quality and Service daughter while oit'. ,fl. ham. Not mu interest has  * " ""'' ..... :  ; "" " , 3 * 2 Mr. and, Mrs. Cliine Wertz of " 'iL.'*'Ili[ andl 'Camp, '. : ;, Ford's Mill am the. b,pp::,;parents of .:an eight=pdil, sog/:bn ,' at  td ose on November 27th. plaint,ff afar/ted, die rc .by A '*'' '"' • .....  *' ' Orders* a Specialty; : i ' .: . " . , , q. 9:, e m hereby green that' the ,¢::: home of Mr Stoma Pn," gl n town  We'PayCasli'and  -, ,V]. ,W., Se)nour vs. Nelhe R, ' .... November 13th. "Th.e new baby is I Aiyone ,hving ca:st-rift, clothing, • , ,, ecticm .of. ofltcm's for the ' Iler_' et al'; fureclosure 'of' tar lien; I bf _Slielt.on : will, be held on Market Prices for / :  '" e nrs gregranacnim Of, William [which they are willing-to give will , Shaughnessy oSheltan and Mrs. E. ]l)leae leave them at the Odd Fellows .order of sale entered favor plailltiff. I i December 7thi 1920, at the Stock and Poultry. : M: Culliton, of ]atlock, Mrs. Wertz [alPon Friday, No'ber 19th to be' .'Estat of Chris Hammer,deceased; I Hall, at which thd' following vemgI' granuaugnrer.. ,. ', zo .mere. Dora'. ,en to the Near East Relief for the At . Ward appointed special ad-.[ are to be electcd . A Large Assort- /  ,, it m also the'first jzradcfld of Mr. dos,,÷o a,oo xv ....... , miat0r. " [ or for h':termoftWo years• merit of, Smoked and Mrs. Fred Ferz of Matlock. lier'-orps ......................... " [ E.A. Loertscher vs. F. C. Mathew- ] Two Councilmen for terms of two son et al as M. & S Mill. Co" ears SHE T  " ''- • Argued'f0r day and plaintiff's atto-t y ,-' ...... o +o  , Meats, ' "CII L ON E KS VISIT OLYMPIA la d r e z or r .... reasurer zur m ............ e year. Sauerkraut and • ' " P ce your or e .a'ly f you hey gven week to submit brief, rul-},: B,, order Of the Town Council Xh+,, "u,. -. rn - Thanksgiving turkey at the Peerless ling reserved. ". " F,ED ....... _ Pickles. ' ,.,w, ,.,, ame,, ,,, v,-,v,,, Mark :' s ........ o ' • \\; ez a we wm omy oe ame re Judge Wright held a special see-J11 19 12 3 3t ' Town ]erk ORDERS YAK NOW F0R THANESGIVING TURKEYS n Tuesday evening for the Turkey sum,l, , ad,a,, o orders t sion of court Thursday to determine| ....... ,,, . Trotthe newheld Elk'sbY theclubOlympiaand Iodgereturnedat "" " : .... --___ [disposition of minor Wheeler child. ,,- • '  PEERLESS MARKET e0sc  CISL0CK with a number of Thanksgiving tar- WILL HOLD BIG DANCE STR. SIMPSON LAID OFF keysand geese and lively interest HERE WEDNESDAY TO BOOST ,,v,.. y^"iCavo-- '"''"''' in She celebrated game of "Keno." COUNTY MEMORIAL FUND The steamer S. G. Simpson will be , ..... U. OF W. A'LUMNI MEETING The High School Alumni and laid off the run on Thanksgiving day, 25th, 1920. Shelton Trans-! " " " • - ,County Minute Wmen are Company. ',Shelto.n,'"Washingon .& meeting of the University: 0£ forces here " - 00N'S AND, LADLES: Wadhtngton alumni wil] be helcl on gie th'e lJigg, . : this, Friday evening, November 19th, the season at the ':' " '*: I!IDER ! : : in the city council room at 7:80 p. m. are making preparations to hand] "' '-'   fortie purpose of forming a local a limit 'crowd and an alpeal Millinery Sale , NEW'JN-GEEN "' alumni organization. All U. of W,' made to elle liana .=, alulni in the count '.leured t.  o tle county to mii-e AL'L HATS AT COST ..... -- '" 'l' .lU 'R0'B be ,resent or if that i tkssble,.to tow ¢o.,er,y:..n,..venig Of e.ter .... ,,, - , .-", 4"" '. ...... .•' .AU [ .-, {. send, in their names to E. H. Faubert, tainment , in the'interest of' the Couh-: " re "hiwe reduced every hat Rates: ..... i • Shelton. " ': : .. .. ty Service Men's Memorial fund, ," in .the store and are giving ::  ...... * '':'. ''mght . - ., : '." Tle dice' iarmagements "Rrd ,.,you.'*a splendid chance to ..... "' ' :':' " .... MADDOCK-STAIAKER Charge of the Alumni while the 1 purchase a new hat for the ': 3'.50 perweek. ' • -- ute Women are servingthe suppe . ':lolidays. ,2 , .:. Warm and,c0mfortable - thes eoId' ornmgs. ': ..... "" The marriage of Miss Mazon Mad- and :the evening pronuses to be / ...... $8.uu per mon,. AU sizes and a variety bf c01'ors in the heavy dock of Jacksonville, Florida, to Mr. festive one. The affair is being L. : Carl C. Stalnaker of L this 'city was given on theight befori the holida I .'", , SHICK'S consummated on Wednesday, Nov. 10 which will give plenty of time to ] ' MILLINERY Clean and.Comfortable , Beacon Robe cloth. $6.00 to $15.00. at Portland, Oregon, upon her arrival recuperate on the following day. The I from her home in the south. The Paramount Novelty Orchestra of I MRS. EMMAO;'SMITH,.=, Prop., BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS bride is the daughter of Mrs. J. W. Olympia will furnish the music for l Maddox, who now resides at Tulsa, the occasion. " ' Boys' .long cordurqy pants in bronze, semi-peg, Oklahoma, and Carl Stalnaker is the GRAB'BAG  FEATUREq "' 2: " " ., " ' ' son of Edward Stalnaker and has ...................... ---=" - cuff bottoms, hip pockets, two side pockets, belt made his home here for several t " - ....... ' ...................... yeai-s. The wedding is the result of One feature of the Bazaar to be *' .,• loops, welted side seams. All sizes. $5.5{). a romance which started while Mr. given on December 10th and llth by GIVING Stalnaker was in army service eta- the Alumni and the Shelton Hom THANKS tioned at Jacksonville. The couple Economics Club to swell the Memorial FOR THE BABIES ' arrived here late last week and will Fund is to be grab-bag. Look in , make their home here. your scrap bag or old lace box and We have now the Kleenaneet Wash Boot for find something worth at least ten OLD FA$[[10NED Dll[iR Elizabeth Shultz announces that cents, to contribute. Mrs. Skelsey is the babies, in soft, white kid. It makes no dif- she will be in this city on Monday, ih charge, 11-19-1t November, November 22rid with the , ference how badly soiled they get you" can NuBone Corset and will also have a The Peerless Market will be closed dy's TaVern, U sample line of Christmas Novelties all day on Thanksgiving. it At Kcnne nion City clean them to perfect freshness. from New York. They will be on display at the Hotel Shelton. Adv. FOR SALE--Holstein bull 3 years old, cheap. Apply this office. M1. ME/U / FURTHER REDUCTION ON DRY GOODS OLYMPIA HI BEAT, S ABERDEEN 11-19-12-3-3t OYSTER SOUP;,. LA CREME A further reduction has been made throughout .... OLIVES CELERY ('. BEETS PICKLES ROAST TURHIEY, WITH DRESSING our dry goods. We are meeting down Sound Olympia high school won a de- Cook Wlth a CRANBERRY"SAUCE cisive victory over the Aberdeen high football boys in ,the Capital City on HART OIL BURNER MASHED POTATOES CANDIED SWEET POTATOES prices on all STANDARD qualities. SUGAR CORN £GREEN PEAS Armistice Day and thereby raised - PUMPKIN PIE "i"MINCE PIE the standing of the local high school ]%To wood or ashes to PLUM PUDDING ,' . SPICE SAUCE teamearly whichin theWaSseasonbeatenhutbYwhoAberdeenlater bother about5. Save time FRUIT NcDonald & Co. , CHOCoLATI FUDGE cleaned up on the Olympia lads. and money. NUTS AND RAISINS ,;:'ORANGES, APPLES Reference to the local-market list See a demonstration at TEA COFFEE MIL ROMAN, PUNCH , will show a marked cut in flour and Needham & Clothier's NOTE--Table reservations mu be made two days before " feed lines, and also in sugar, whi'ch today. Thanksgiving, by phone or letter: is just now $13.75 a ack, the lowest .... price in two years. JAY NEEDHAM M, KENNEDY, Union City. • The Peerless Market will be closed Agent for Mason Co.  BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS ARE KEPT ON IN- all day on Thanksgiving. it SPECTION AND SALE AT JOURNAL STATIONERY SHOP. ,_