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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 19, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 19, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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A6E SZX II I I I I i i II i I I l I I (From Jomal of November 9, 1900) enroute to Hoodsport where they are going over the route of the Port Angeles Eastern railroad. Mrs, John O'Brien of Hastings, Minn., is visitin her nephew, J. T. Burke. Horace E. Pease and Miss Lynn Richardson were married in Olympia November 7th. The following are the newly ele'cted county officers: Sheriff--Gee. H. Vogtlin (R) Clerk--Eli B. Robinson (R) Auditor--A. L. Bell (R) Treasurer--T. W. McDonald (R) Attorney--L. R. Byrne (D) Assessor--L. W. Speece (R) Supt.--MalT M. Knight (D) Surveyor--G. M. Ward (R) Coroner--F. C. Willey (D) ( Com. 2nd Dist---T. W. Daniels (R) Mrs. Carter, a sister .of Mrs. L. W. Speece came last week from Idaho for a visit and is now at Mason Lake. F. M. Grout was home from Port Blakely Monday where he has a position. He returned Wednesday and Mrs. Grout and daughter will follow shortly. Mrs. Mark Draham returned last week from an extended visit at her home in Michigan. Martin Bingman returned Monday from 'Okanogan county where he has located, and spent the summer on a mining claim. The following men brought in elec- tion returns from their precinct,, on Wednesday: O.J. Hagen, Lilliwaup; 3acob Hauptly and J. M. Sweetland, Clifton; J. L. Rauschert, Allyn; A. E. Cowan, Harstine; Steve Ferris, Mat- lock; James Soran, Cloquallum;Hen - ry McDermid, Pickering; Robt. Ser- eant, Arcadia; Gus Hensel, Dayton; imball Sherwood, Skokomish, and Dave Lytle, Kamilche. Mrs. A. J. Waterhouse has orga- nized a class in elocution and plans an entertainment in the near future. The building at Potlatch is pro- gressing rapidly and several struc- tures are already under way. The wharf is completed and the steamer lands there daily. A party of engineers, consisting of Isaac Atkinson of Port Angeles, J. C. McFadden, Olympia, and A. G. Bogue of New York were in town yesterday  Com. 3rd Dist.David Ellison (R) James McReavy and Penn William- son were in town last week after(an extended absence in Alaska. Thee. Moran also returned after three years at Dawson. The families of Will Hunter and Homer and Lou Emmott of the Sko- komish Valley are moving to town to nlace the children in school. The new Hilton store building is enclosed and both stores already spoken for. The Wehnes residence is ready for occupancy next week and the Frank Zillman house is almost Completed. George Simpson has purchased the Chambers interest in the Shelton Market, and the firm is now Fredson & Simpson. 'IF). R,D cRoSs 00,,mm " Teaching First Aid " ' _ :i' ':!..r::'! i!::;'!; , Every persofi mentally and physical." ly able to do so should take the Ameri. can Red Cross instruction In First Aid Treatment. It's t life-saver and a pMn-saver on the farm, tn the factory, on the street, at the office, in the home, wherever accidents may occur. Here's a young wife w.ho inexpertly wielded a can-opener and received an ugly gash across her wrist from the Sagged can ltd. Mother was there.  PF.AC6 TIHE Boys and glrls who learn early to take proper care of their teet], throats, eyes, ears and stomachs, have" made a long step toward healthy manhood and womanhood. Through its public health and nursing ser. -ices, the American Red Cross aims eventually to reach all school children with teachings regarding disease per- ventlon and health promotion. Here's a school nurse treating a little girl for sore mouth, at the same time im- planting a valuable lesson in teeth- b.rushtng and proper diet. ULTONA The Brunswick "Ultona" Just a turn of the hand presents to any make the cor- rect position on the record, the proper needle and dia- phram, and the pressure necessary to play that particular record at its best. With the "BRUNSWICK" you can play all makes of records and in this way enjoy all of the Exclusive artists--no matter what record they play for. We have a number of Brunswick machines in stock at all times, in oak and mahogany finish. Terms to suit. THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I I "i I I I I ========================= OVER HALF OF YOUR RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP DOLLAR WORKS AT HOME AND MANAGEMENT COST AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTER8 AND THE 14 DIVISIONS 18 LESS THAN 4 PER CENT 0F THE TOTAL EXPENDITURESI MANAGEMENT COSTS LOW FOR RED CROSS National and Division Head- quarters Take Less Than 4 Per Cent of Funds, i ,,, Red Cross Roll CaTi--the fourfin an nual re.enlistment of members in the American organlzattonwill be held here November 11 to 25. Officers in charge of the Roll Call for the chapter of which this city forms a part, how- ever, feel that the canvass in this section practically can be completed within fine first week of the ttme set should the present plans for intensive work be followed out. In all its work preparatory to tbe R011 Call the Red Cross this year, as last, has laid tress on the point that the movement is purely a dues-gather- ing activity, and not to be confused with "drives" or other campaigns. The national body also is laying em- phasis on the fact finat more than 50 per cent of all membership fees so. cured here remain in this community, and on the low "overhead" cost of the organization. "While the Red Cross has not been subjected to that violent criticism of extravagance and waste which has been attached to some activities re- sulUng from fine war and its after-ef- fects," said an officer of the n,ttonal body recently, "we are pleased to be able to make public the fact thai management cost at national head quarters and in the 14 divisions has amounted to less than 4 per cent el the total expenditures by the organi. zation. This is a turnover expense so small as to establish a mark for many a commercial concern to work toward, and on its face proves that for the Red Cross, organlzatio[ efficiency and economy are not only ideals bti achievements." THE 00ROPER COURSE Information of Priceless . Value to Every Shelton Citizen. How to at in an emergency is knowledge of inestimable worth, and this is particularly true of the dis- eases and ills of the human body. If you suffer from kidney backache, ur- inary disorders, or any form of kidney trouble, the advice contained in the following statement should add a valuable asset to your store of knowl edge. What could be more convin- cing proof of the efficiency of Dean's Kidney Pills than the statement of a nearby resident who has used them and publicly tells of the benefit de- rived ,M. M. Thein, retired carpenter, 721 E. 2nd St., Aberdeen, Wash., says: "Dean's Kidney Pills are all right and I recommend them to anybody who needs a kidney medicine. I have taken Dean's Kidney Pills on several occasions when I have thought it nec- essary and they have always done me good." Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedyget Dean's Kidney Pills--the same that Mr. Thein had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. "Cold In the Head" k an acute attack of NMai Catarrh. Per- ons who are subject to frequent "colds the head" will find that the USe of HALL'S CATARRH MEI)ICINE_.wfl] build lip. the Byltem, eleango LBe ]BiOOO and renuar them less U&ble to €old. Repeated attacks of Acu Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRI-I MEDICINE Is t- On lntermtlly and gets through the Blood on the Mucous 8urfes of the System. All Drullglsts Wc. qNmtlmonials free.. $$0 for any came of catarrh that HAbitS CATAIt MEDICIN wtU not F. & henY k Co,, Tolo, OMo. Brunswick Records Are Superior :_=__:;__ PEARL 01L Journa ! Statton e y S,. op - -- ": _EH m  lT WATER FIRST AID SAVES LIVES ON WEST COAST Red Cross flrstaid activities in the Northwest division this year have been chiefly devoted to "water first aid" instruction and organization. Several units of swimmers have been organ- ized and trained in communities on ghe sound and western rivers, and rescues have already result- ed from the Red Cross work. GIVES WIFE GLYCERINE MIXTURE i A retired merchant whose wife suf- fered for years from catarrh of the stomach finally gave her simple gly- cerine, buckthoru bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE bottle produced q great results. Be.cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel it removes all foul matter which poison- cd stomach. Relieves ANY CASE sour stomach or gas on stomach. Of- ten CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. The Fir Dng Store. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 I I The Red Cross Remembers. Ever since demobilization the Red Cross has kept in constant touch with the families of 800,000 soldiers and sail- ors and marines. This service has embraced almost everything from sup-' plying first aid to seeing a man through to a better Job than he ever had before. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Maxwell Maternity HOt'D.e 711 West Fourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Offke Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offl'ces of the late Dr. Wells. 1 H. G; BRADBURY EMEMBER to ask - • your grocer for Cal- umet Baking Powder and be sure that you get it--the In- dian head on the orange label. Then forget about bake day failures. For you will never have any. Calumet always produces the sweet- estand most palatable foods. And ow remember, you always use less than of most ' other brands because it pos- sesses greater leavening strength. Now ,Remember- Always Use \\;• II There is no waste. If a I recipe calls for one egg--two I cups of flourhalf a cup of I milk  that's all you use. I You never have to re-bake. I Contains only such ingre- I dients as have been officially I approved by U. S. Food Authorities, I is the product of the largest, most | modern and sanitary Baking Pew- | der Factories in existence. | Pound can of Calumet contains full | 16 oz. Some bakingpowderscome in I 12"oz. instead of 16 oz. cans[Be sure Cahmaet Columbia Muffin Recipe ---4 cups sifted flour, 4 level tea- spoons Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon gar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 2 cups ef sweet milk. Then mix in the egula way. Children's Ailments ISORDERS of the sto,nch and constipation are the most common diseases of children, To correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tgblets.  One tablet at bed time will do the work and will make your child bright and cheerful the following morning. Do not punish your children by giving them castor oil. Chamber- lain's Tablets are better and more pleasant to take. =r DENTIST Postoflce Building, Shelton, Wash. n||||||m||Ummmmm|mmmmlm|| Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Abstracts and Surveying  BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT i Draughting, Real Estate, Loan and Insurane i Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinlm Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wuh i == CHAS. R. LEWIS EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. __ A0RNEY--AT--LAW' !1 I Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH, IHn||n||n|||| (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARREqfr e GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyan.ctng Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. SSYDE TYRES SAVE Tire trouble and money Order a set .today and double the life of your tires. J. B. RANSOM Phone 625, Shelton, Wash. i .i ..... SAVE YOUR SHOES by letting us repair them at the proper time. It means a great saving at the present price of shoes. You can rely on our work absolutely. We handle a line of tle best loggers boots and heavy and light work shoes at prices that are lower." H. M.ROSEHOLT, SHELTON STR, S. G. SI HPS ON I im THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.51. Round Trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundas) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma  p. n Th morning trip. Connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3. i SHELTON TRANSPoRTA00ON COMPANY