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Page A—28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020
Good News!
and how to do it. Or when they try to make the
child pick whose side they are on. It is frustrating
and confusing. But they were kids once too.
Most parents like to work together, so the kids
don’t have different rules in different houses.
Some children are hurt and abused by their
parents, but they have a natural desire to
please them, and feel love from them. That is
a dangerous situation, because abuse is not
normal. That is when people need to step in and
help the parents and the child.
But to be deliberately rebellious and bad, just
because that’s how some children want to
behave—well, that comes with consequences.
“Suppose a man has a stubborn and rebellious
“Honor your father and mother. Then you will son who will not obey his
father and mother,_
live a long, full life in the land your God is giving even though they
discipline him. In such a case,
you.” Exodus 20:12 the father and mother must take their son to
Do you remember seeing this in the ten the elders as they hold CQUI‘t at
the town gate.”
commandments?_That is because it is the 5th Deuteronomy 21:18-19
commandmem- GOd wants us to honor our We do not want to be a disgrace to
our parents
father and momen and cause them shame and sadness.
That means we need to obey them, and show
them respect. Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children,
obey your parents because you belong to the
Lord, for this is the right thing to do.”
Some of us have “step-families.” We may have a
stepmother or stepfather. I did. I had all kinds of
parents! I was adopted as a baby, but my parents
divorced, so then I had a stepmother, and two ,
stepfathers. have a long happy life.
1 honored them an Even when my mom said I could share so many more
scriptures on this
that my dad really wasn’t my dad. I said God had t01310! 3m 1 haVe
someming I want YOU to dO- It
given her to me to be my mother, and Dad to be is almos‘ ThaflkSSiVmS,
and I Want You to "311
my dad, so I honor them both. your parents why you are thankful for them.
Sometimes parents fight, and get divorced. Then EVeI} if YOII’Fe an Older
person, like myself,
they might fall in love and get married again. It’s readlng-th!
hard when so many people tell you what to do I bet you will make them very
St. David of Wales H
Join Us for Online Worship at 10:30 am.
60 to wwwsdow. org for live streaming information,
by Wilson Casey
by Theresa Murray
theresa@masone0umy£om 1. Which book of the Bible (KIV) mentions the
word “thanksgiving” the most times at eight?
Genesis, Nehemiah, Psalms, Isaiah
2. In 2 Timothy 321—2,'what human qualities
does Paul list as being signs of the last days?
Adulterers, Sun worshipers, Renegades, Un-
thankful people
Proverbs 1:8 tells us, “My child,listen when your 3_ From Psalms 106,1,
«0 'give thanks unto the
father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s Lord; for his
endureth forever»? Love, Good,
teaming.” Merc S i it
, r
Remember Proverbs 22:6? “Direct your children y p
onto the right path, and when they are older, 4. In.1 Thessalonians 5:18,
“In every thing give
they will not leave it.” Educate our children. thanks: for this is the
of God”? Power, Will,
Train them up in the right way to live, so they Gratitude) Travail
5. From Leviticus 22, a sacrifice of thanksgiv-
ing is most meaningful when it is ...? Sincere,
Often, At your own will, Extravagant
6. Where was Jonah when he prayed with the
voice of thanksgiving? Fish’s belly, Aboard ship,
In the wilderness, Mountaintop
mvesr rounsoumui
Sunday Service 10:00 am.
at Harvest Foursquare Church
910 E.Dearborn-Avenue in Shelton .
Pastor David Wilson 360-426—3305
' Mt. Olive
. Lutheran Church
“3’ Missouri, Synod
We are Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings!
Contemporary Service 8:30am
Traditional Worship 11:00am
I! Also streaming 11:00 service Live on Facebookl
206 Er Lie wwwrmlr ‘ esht
Will Preach for
Food Podcast
l212 Connection Street, Shelton 0 360426.861 l
Rev. Doug Peterson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
360-426-8472 0 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton
f”c""~¢‘_ New Community
3, i Church of Union
\Mv" . 951 E. Dcrlby Rd. Union
{withQM,,$13lllCfii.MillLLBESll.lllJ§-§LLllQAYLA.U§lJ$.39” QJQAEAM.
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a To learn more, please visit our website,
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Simon 428 . cTA 21mm",
FIRST BAPTIST Adventist Church
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And visit
M ' v ' “The Rock",
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' hi Service! . .
Websrte Sit, ya” W0”. p . (nondenommational) thrift store,
Group Bible study W/DlsCUSSIOn: 9:45 am. .
for Updates Worship Service: 11:00 am. located "t
1209 Olympic
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r In " tor/1,1,5 gates. with "Klimt/leewarng
For tlieprird [5,30 “'1 rigid iii-s [0.1. .
is a
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