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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 19, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 19, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A—40 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 O o Flsh. Legendary sharp sh continued from page A—1 ‘ a “There was not much to do,” he said. “There weren’t close neighbors, so I did a lot of fishing.” Shelton “was just a logging town, probably 1,500, 2,000 people,” he recalled. “The sidewalks were two-by-fours. “The loggers would come to town for the weekends. They’d party, a lot of drink- ing. After Prohibition was over, the liquor was allowed.” At Shelton Junior High School, Nelson played tackle on the football team. He also played football at Irene S. Reed High School, where he graduated in 1939. For a year, Nelson worked as a spotter on a conveyer belt at a veneer wood plant. He then sold guns and fish- ing poles as the manager of the sporting department at Montgomery Ward in Olym- pm. In December 1941, the United States entered World War II after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and Nelson’s friends signed up for the US. Navy, but his poor hearing kept him from join- ing them. He spent the war years as a gunnery insthtor in Alaska. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks for the US. Air Force. “1 had a talent that was very rare in those days —— I could shoot,” Nelson said Kansas, Florida and Iowa. ber.” Those skills had been honed He met Olive Mae at a USO firing BB guns, slingshots show in Sioux City, Iowa. and then ‘a .22, “She was just the best- 77 Nelson trained soldiers 1560—8982481 Get the best of both worlds nexTV and HCC smart WiFi are a perfect match. Brilliant streaming TV powered by an intelligent, next gen home WiFi system on HCC’s blazing fast fiber network. For a limited time, enjoy the benefits of HCC smart WiFi and nexTV at deeply discounted prices. Add HCC smart WiFi to your HCC internet account for _no additional charge for six months. Start streaming today and receive $15 off any nexTV package for six months. Call today for more info or to sign up! a .{w n: arm i M ’.,' 0‘3”sz iii," in)?“ "Minier iur wrmr‘ WM » «w? hm iV Mair: Nauru: _.! “m . av »’ a” "M’l ’Jiw‘i its“. She/ton resident Larry Stevens, longtime fishing and hunting companion of Tom Nelson Shelton resident Tom Nelson, 99, displays the 64-1/2-pound king salmon he caught in 2000 looking one,” he said. “I stateside, including stints in asked her for her phone num— of the war, they moved west said. The couple dated for a year before they married. He daughter Jayné in 1958. was 24 and she was 19; they r closes in on 100 Gallagher Cove to harvest I oysters. Later, he bought Al- lyn Oyster Co. and Toma, C Shell Farm. “It was all Olympia oys- ters,” Nelson said. “Pacifics — hardly anyone did any- thing with them.” But Ray- onier’s pulp mill on the Shel- ton waterfront, and the mill’s liqueur in Goose Lake that leaked into Goldsborough Creek and flowed into Oak- land Bay, polluted the waters and devastated the Olympia oysters, he said. A worn hip joint sidelined him in 1975. “I couldn’t work. All I could do was fish.” ‘ Olive Mae died in 1990. Harriet, Nelson’s second wife, died in 2006. “I had known her all my life.” Now he lives alone in his house in the Mountain View neighbor- hood. He gets his exercise walking on a treadmill. What does Nelson envi- sion'as he prepares to start his second century? FrOm the results of this month’s general election, he thinks it might be a second American civil war. ' “The final solution is going to come out of the end of a gun barrel It all depends on how tough the Democrats want to be about chipping shared a'birthday. At the end away at the Constitution,” he Nelson said he also envi- sions racial prejudice evolv- ing. “That will go by the Nelson bought 56 acres on wayside.” to the South Sound. Daugh- ter Lynn was born in 1950, Sztme Day Emergency Appointments Pain m. Deanery Experts In Helping You Maxi mine lnsn rnnoe ,Bonef i ts Easy Financing Options Evening Appointments Available Serving you in two locations: Marlin Meharry, DDS Thomas Duffy, DDS 1525 Olympic Hwy North (360) 426-9711 Don’t let your unused dental benefits go to waste. Be sure to schedule before the end of the year. Steven H. Bowers, DDS Always 71 7 W. Railroad Avenue (360) Welcome!