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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,Page 2 ,&apos; [Shutouts Change AMERICAN LEGioN /Femimne Bowhng MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MElffORIAL HALL 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS Will Open SATURDAY Nov. 22 AND WILL BE OPEN Tuesdays - Fridays- Saturdays from 7:3'0 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. [ s ' " ' " ' League Standings WOMEN' BOWLING Old Mill' ...................... 22 11 McConkey Pharmacy 21 12 Ritner's Corner. ......... 20 13 Pantorium Cleaners .. 17 16 Shelton Grocery ........ 14 19 Dotson Tire Store .... 13 20 Mac's Corner. ........... 13 20 Werberger Winery .. 12 .21 High game---Bessie Hall 203 Itigh tota.Bessie Hll 495 Mat clie ,Tlieday 7--Grocery vs Werlerger DotSmt Tir.e vs Old Mill 9--Mac's Corner vs Pantorium Ritner's vs McConkey's T H R E E WIIITEWASIIINGS changed the picture a bit in fem- inine bowling league play Taes- day night with McConkey Phar- macy, continuing on the comeback trail after a three-week relapse, moving to within one game of the circuit lead the druggists held for th6 first six weeks of the scheit- 1Jle, Pantorium Cleaners taking over fourth place, and Mac's Cor- er moving out of the basement into a. sixth place tie on the strength of three-game victories, The 'league-leading Old Mill won a 2 to 1 verdict from Ritncr's Col her in the fourth, match but still [lost ground to the upsurffing Mc- Conkey.,quintet, BESSIE HALL paced the 2ffc- I Conkey attack with the night's top indiv:idual scores and •became the second member of thc "200 Club" ,for the current season with her 203 closinli .game. .Phyllis Tembi;ueIl Lucille Dan- mls and Freda Fredson shared honors in Panlorium's triumph 0ver Shelton Cash Grocery while Rufh Edg]ey and Marge Tiffany steered :ac's Corner out of the basement and dumped Werberg- er WineryJnto it. Edna Robinson and Merna Miff- lin accounted for Old Mill's two nods after Pat Duncan and Terry Edmiston had lUt Ritner's Corner Off to a wtnntffff start, The scor-' (0) 353 en 416 378 H.Smlth 392 White 325 TiffanY 412 Linqlberg 343 Dlckie 3BOI gimbel 359 Edgley 475 Lund 390 742 837 g18 2397 721 734 693 2148 McCankey's ($) Do,on Tire (O) Hand£eap 2131 Handicap 354 McConkey 455[,Staley 415 Schirmcr 021Koppel:man 312 all 495 D.otson , 25 Pxice 349 Schuffenh r 375 ,Bhiha 464 u£herland d25 77t Z46 861 2378 698 7.35.706 2139 Old Mill (2) Rltner's (1) Handicap 255 Hardlcap 426 E,Smith 348' Duncan 36]. T.Sharpe 3561Edmiston 311 M.Miffl]'n 397[ Iffunter 354 -A,Slrfipson 380 Wtllour 323 E.Robinson .420 I{e[r 341 718 699 739 2i6[ 730 69.5 69:[ 2116 PanrlUm (8) Slteltdn Groc, (0) Handicap 38[ HfindiCap 414 Fredson '3921 Ferrier 352 Tem breull 400 Sargeant ,321 Daniels 366} Skelsey , 88 Berets 3681,G.Gray 280 Carr 330 M:.Du{'and 360 675 793 736 2204 662 736 77.7 2111 Sh,aw's Used ¢,:ar Lot ,.I,LTON-MAON COUNTY JOURNAL : : . By JOE .,,o.. FQMER CIqlCAGO CAIDINAL 8ACKFIEI.D b--TAi, HOLDS "THE NATIONAL FCX3TEALL LEAGUE RECORD FbR POINTS SCORED IM A SINGLE ME.'NE "r.D AD xYrG FOR A TOTAL CF 0, N(. 29 i?__9 AGAINST "THE CHICAC. 15EAIL. Dec. 1 is Deadline To tiuntmg Season Punch Card' Game P/'otector George Far-[ qu!ia]: reminded Mason County' ,hUners .,who pi.ocnred hunting li- censes for £he recent big game and trpland bird seasons that the punch Cards must be rett|r0ed to ttte game department bY Decem= bet 1, whether the hunter bagged any game or n@t, He also remifftled steelhead fish- ing fans that they, too, must poS- sess punch cards this year for the first lime, .these Cards being ava:il- ale free at any hmting and fish- ing license .distributor. The steel- head season opens December with a limit of 24 fish for the season, of which not more than six can be taken in any one week. miait0v U0TES Commenting on the recent hunt- ing seasons, Game Protector Far- quhar said it wan the cianest in his expmqence ith the. state game department . . . fewer wolations anqt: a finer cooperation among' the bunters," im summarized. Best elk hunt/ng area in Mason  NOUET TICKETS [.P FAST; HURRY ! Get your tickets now for the Mason County Sports md Skeet Club banquet whieh will I)e eaten trt 6:30Saturday night at Odd Fellows Hall. my 100 tickets have linen rervel for the clnb members nd their frlelds, and they have bee n going fast. Game Biol0gist arence Pautzke will Sl)lak 'oil' file "Bll¢lid tests, aml ioor l)rizes 'will lle given away. Tickets are $1.75 each. TOe dinner is lus- cious turkey. County turned out to be the Sko- komish Rivet" section with 24 tak- en in that vicinity, Farqulmr re- p0rtcd, of which 16 were bagged on the flat, eight higher up, One ,party of eight htmtrs took eight hulls out of one herd in a single do.y, he said, for the best kill rec- ord of the season, There were eleven bulls in that herd, Far- Maintenance Cuffs Research Girls . And Bolsters Lead RAYONIER BOVLING W L Maintenance .............. 23 7 Supervisors ................ ]9 11 Office .......................... 19 11 Grease Balls ............. 17 13 Bleach Plant .............. ]5 15 Chemists .................... 11 19 Electricians ................ 9 21 I Research Girls .......... 7 23 I-Iigh total--Bruce Thorpe 530 High ganm -- Bruce Thorpe, Norm. Westhmd, Ernie Lemley each 199. 1  CONSISTENT scoring through- out its lineup, with Stu Steehler going well above his average, en- abled Maintenance to coat. ealci- mitre on the tailend Research Girls and to add another game to its !lead in Rayonier bowling league play Monday night. Maintenance moved four games allead whell second place Super- visors lost the odd verdict to the Office aud thereby allowed the Office to join them on the second rung. Bruce Thorpe's circuit I)aC- ing total and Hal Briggs average- puffing score were responsible for the Office victory, which miht have been by all three games but for Ernie Lemley's closing spurt. • TIlE GREASE Balls put a more solid foundation under their fourth place rung .with a 3 to 0 triuml)h over the Electricians in a match marked bY horrible scoring on both sides, and tim night's fourth match went to the Bleach Plant by 2 to 1 over the Chemists on Bob Lemke's strong scoring. Rog- er Stoy won the opener for the Chemists. The scoring: Maintenance (3) Res. Girl (0) Hm}dicap 399 l-landieap 10l 1 N.Westhmd 516 V.Gray 271 Jacobsen 427 W.Bishop 2'.4 Stcehler 450 C.MeKinney 374 TemPle 425 G.Mays 303 Rank 477 P.Cormicr 279 884 891 919 2{;94 827 849 8.t6 2522 Bleach Plant (2) Chemists (l) Handicap 591 I-Iandica i) (;I Carl Rains d251J.Eager 380 Wolden 408 Stoy 470 Mahaffey 342 Howry 346 Lemke ,,189 Perltins 320 Friend 430 Peach 446 Formerly located at First nd Cots NOW OPEN AT FIRST and PINE t]2 :.c?, ."L¢ ..,,t ,,, ', A.-.= We Invite You To Look Over These SpeCia Buys NoW On Our Lot , , , , ..... J , , ,,, t , , SUPER sPEOAL$ 1947 Packard 5-passenger ConVertible Brand New, with radio and heate 1947 Studebaker Land Cruiser Brand New, has Overdrive and climatiZer GOOD BUYS IN AUTOS 't60LDS 4-door sedan, R. & H. '46 BUICK sedanette, R.  H. '41 FORD Tudor '41 CilEV. 4-d0or 'dan '38 DODGE door Sedan '38 CHRYSLER 4.door sedan, R. & ii. '37 WILLYS .d66r an '37 FORD 4-dool ;ei • 36 CHEV. 2-door sedah '35 FORD Tudor '30 CItEV, 2.doOr sedan USED TRUCKS READY TO t947 FORD DUMP, low mileage ' ],.946 CHEVBOLET 34 ton With g-ped " transmiss0n. Sold new m 1947 '1941 FORD TBED, 1 ton. New tires and 2.speed rear-end quhar 8dded. CUTTHROAT fishing in Lake Cushman is particularly good right now, the game protector commented, with the few boats Which have been going out return- almost every bastance With splelldid catches. One Bremerton angler brought in a 3½-pound, 21-inch cutthroat and virtually all these •gamey trout are running .better than 12 inches, he said. Catches are being made near the .surface close to shore among, the submerged stumps on both sides .of the lake with small McKnight and McMahon spoons, Farquhar added.  853 8@t 968 26851897 861 885 2643 Grease Balls (3) Electricians (0) Handicap 676 Handicap 501 H.Cole 413 Jenson 413 R.Brown 412 L.Baa'e 331 g.Edmiston 369 Dummy 429 C.Teitler 365' Fruitigcr 420 A.Wright 416 W.Carlson 347 875 879 897 26511783 778 880 2441 Office (2) Snpervisors (1) Handicap 4:35  Handicap 582 Thorpe 530 Lemley 502 Brlggs 458 LaMarsh 409 Dunseath 366 McCann 424 Holt 498 Haw ks 370 Gavareski 401 Muller 349 887 908 893 2688 815 900 921 2636 • Social Security In hospitals milk ls an important Federation Will food and is also used in pharmaceu. J Be Formed Here Mr. O.K. Says By R al R ., Howd,olk$: ,This is the cold In, the lead seasol and we feel tht: we eoIlld ,l)neit our a'eaders with a few suggestions on cold prevention and cure, , In thc beginlnng, let us.say that wc know the medicine take most frequently for colds is ad- vice. One of the best Whys to catch a cold is to hunt bear. And a. god prveat a cold is to wear a hat. It is eas- ier to e.heck than a cohl. A llorse seldom catches a cold, too many peopl'e have their shirts on hhn, (Joe Miller's Joke ]Book, 1888). When a ricll man llas a cold, it's aoute l•arylngitls, VJten...a poor man sneezes, it's just a cold. Even if 'oa're rich, yea can't/get a better hre recap than our infra- ray. recapping system gives. Try it and :see. RAUScHER & SON 1528 Olympic Hiway (HillcreIt) PHONE 585 A meeting of the Washington Pension Union, the Townsend Clubs and other organizations in- terested in social security, will be held at the Eagles hall at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 29, for the •purpose of organizing a feder- ation with which all organizations Whose members are interested in improving' the social security pr6gram can affiliate. The purpose of the organiza-[ tion is to give all such groups an opportunity to work' together to effect the passage of an initiative which is now being prepared by representatives of several inter-. ested organizations to go on the i ballot in the next election, i The initiative will restore a, floor under pensions, abolish the lien law which wan passed by the] last legislature, restore the medi-: cal program, pensions for the blind, aid for dependent children and general assistance back to lwhere they were before the dras- tic cuts were made by the legis- lature. Charles Savage will be one of the speakers. There will also be other speakers on the program, some of the sponsoring organiza- tions are inviting their top state officials to be on the speaking program. Provisions for the new initiative will be discussed at the meeting. If yOU have any questions or sug- gestions they will be welcome. The public as well as members of all organizations interested in a decent social security program are invited. There will be enter- tainment and refreshments. DAUGI1TER IS BORN A baby daughter was born to Reverend Mr. and :Mrs, Theodore Chapman, P.O, Box 118, Novem. ber 14 at the Shelton General Hospital. 22 H][GH(],IMBLR GRID WARRIORS EARN VARSITY LETTERS IN 1.947 Twonty-lwo J-]ivhelinab('r foot- I ............ ii ____ ....... bqll play,rs earned i.h,ir varsity led a.d ma,,.k l,,tters d.,'ing ,he SEASON DUCATS season wi)ici closed Armistice FOR BASKETBALL Day, with Coq('h Norm T-tillyard anilouncinz' the inMo'nia wimlers GAMES ON SALE as including: Heavy demand for season Captain l((,n Cardinnl- (3rd), lickeis indieaies lhe Shelton Bob Rice (3rd), Dave l3ager (3rd), llighelinfl)ers will be playing in ICen Carlson, Cec Crow, Mel New- full hollses nips| of Ihe coining man. Marry Cottrell, Paul Koch, .bakeihall season, judging by Gene \\;Velb'. Nm'm Bllck, and Bob Principal Gcerge llermes' rei)orl Cleveland each their second: Des of the fas! pace al which lhe Koch. (lien Amlerson. Wayne du('ais have been goLng. Clary, [.',ill Valh,y, dim Si¢figen, All (he 180 season licke[ seals Doe Collie,r, Paul Bourgault, 13er- alloealed lasl year have heen re- hie }h,t|er, Jq(•k Chri:tetmen, Dan- served again already for the ny Davidon, 'm(l Johnny Millet', (,nming season even hefore nny each 1.heJz' first. SLndent Manager l)uhlie announcement had been letters were earned by Jack Val- made that the lickets were on Icy, Stuart LOtlRhtlall, :tad Cimrles sale, so in order to aec(munodale Brown. the additional fans school of fie- OF TtlEE 22, only eight re- isis feel certain will wahl seas- backs: and Johnny Miller, Norm Back, Wayne Clary, and Jim Ska- gen. linemen. Des Koch Heuer were the only sophomores to earn their letters this year. Miller and Buck arc tackles, Ska- gen a center, and Clary an end. Winners of the various inspira- tional and honorary awards for the season haven't been chosen yet, probably .will be announced during the m'nual football banquet sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, wiici is scheduled for December 3 in tile Masonic Hall. PRINCIPAL speakec for banquet program is to be Dorsett Bill Coburn Member Of C.P.S. Ski Team Owner Bud Dunning announced Early ]0 prelect yaur garden nbefore insect or fung- 'is apparent, Afler t}le it is oo bte. Murble esenlin t }It', LI b'1] COMPANY Personal A, eeident 1nsurancec Phone 709-J Phone turn for more play next year. on ti('ke| an additional ffroui) of , They are Pttnl Koeh, Gene Wells seats is heing set asi(le whi('h it Right--Last Bernie I=tcue: and Des Knch, all can be, reserved I)3' calling Mr.  llernles al 97. ' YourcardeservesGetlt I'4÷'dG: Hwca. t] (eAst,, Season tickets are selling for Parts and that's Wh! eu,-& f ,SkN: II and $4 ca('h and will be goll for al when we service yours! I  { c' i'" [I , -: t )res least 12 home games. Regular . fit better and are inad I.=L-'2-'.-.. ]l?-. ,,a r. admission, prk.e: .... is 50(' pier g'alre m'aterials. The y ]ast,.li  ks- --- ..... keep nmintenance cos r /2b:'" '/<'t[ .' rod. V (Tubby) Graves, assistant ath- Genuine Ford parts! liE-- .[[ ira- letic director and long-time throe- able now for your cat;  ///,' I ror sport coach at the University of stock of parts is amP!tr ; t "j,;:' sen Washingto,,. Films showing the Ford car° and truck'lL/] ted highlights of rh, sky athlotie ach- "},is "errio;- ) -" '•._ 'lg,, uet ievements of the past year will n-^  .... : ¢thel/l,..57!2'__l ',2 a,b, also be a feature of the banquet o,TtYa ;;'u;or gel- program. Y •  ' F' ' ' " The public is invited to join the serwcemMenuno AH ttle Kiwanis Club ill honoring the 19,17 "-, , ,, el]TIJl[ I]llll"i .ighclimber football team with " '''''" banquet tickets procurable from M O T O 1 almost any Kiwanian. 5th and Railroad 'Ig]'DIP *]ltll ']I ' ..... II I '1 I ' i I ' ,, , ,,,i, " ,:ttl.ill dlUL! . llvtlff We have a complete line of G] from small $28.95 table models through beautiful consoles and nograph combinations to the , phonograph home recorder set. WE ARE FRANCHISE DEALERS IN FOR GILFILLAN RADIOS Killmer E and Col( Estimatet Phone 6fi4 early this week the .reopening of his Shelton Roller Rink on MS. View this Saturday evening with skating scheduled three evenings a week thereafter--TueSdays, Fri- days and Saturdays--from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Roller Rink Reopening SaSurday; Skate 3 Nites The College of Puget Sound ski club has recently started turn- outs. Bill Lief, just returned from ski school in Norway, will instruct and assist. One of the members of the 1947- A8 ski team is Bill Coburn, son of W. D. Cobnrn of 611 Bcllvue. Use the Journal Classifieds they really get results! 207 Cota Street Headquarters for ALL TYPES OF OIL HEATIN0 Conversion Burners  Floor Furnaces "FREE ESTIMA-TES ON AND CONVERSIONS GLADLY GIVEN A NEW SERVICE for Shelton and Mason County • AUto-Electric Service Residents e_ Appliance Repair • Motor Repair and ReWind ' : , • 'p •'1 • Water Pump Repair and installat00O • .Wiring Supplies- Appliances e Electrical Contractor PHONE 766-R2 DAY ORNIGHT Electrical Sales ,and Service Olympic Highway South -- 5 Minutes from City C ete' II,MPl