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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• it00ONG Y00R M0000RlCn00ANTS iiray Early Vlro, lill a Wanvtr Ftre Department Benefit -- !  IO .prolect yam" garden _v._ t 7_&apos;*= Volunteer firefighters are pnt- II .A i ] 'essr] We ;before insc'ct or funq- ] l.),t-t-.,,,r ,lh,,,,, ing ,m a qm'key Bingo party l ........ ---- ="6'is aoparent. After t}o ]l IILL*E:;I J k_IIIUFVII Novelnber 22 at 8 .p.m. in the I i 0000Nt#I r*.e00,,.looi,e I At Woman's Club s(hool. Motets lees ash ¢t, agency %, • ..  j m i )RS ,L seaHon ;heltou 'ing to 'oming ng by rel)ort ?h the [ seals *,ell re- bl" the. :e any I been Pl'e oil sedate of fie- Mess- oup of' which tg Mr. ,g for for at egular gan}e. ath- ] hree- :y of I :" the ] aeh-] will] quet a the [ 1947 [ with from 0 R D L. Marble To Servi¢ se,iin th,, L1FII Yo o r COMPANY Iersonal Accident lnsuraneec Phone 709-J All good descendants of Seotti:uh The district wlfich embraces "Lil- highlanlers and lowlanders shotdd wllich was sold less than a year Fit Right-- Last: Your car deserves Parts and that'S 'when We service . fit better and are materials. They keep m Genuine Ford part! able now for your stock of parts is Ford cars an'd this errieory. To bc sure of the' your Car to us for HUE MOT 5th and Railroad To Give Puzzle 'From Any 00Gilfillan lplete line of L95 table models ful consoles and rations to the , ne recorder set. CHISE DEALER; IN GILFILLAN RADIOS itreet Phone 664 Headquarters for zs oF OIL ers- Floor Furnaces :ATE S ON 'ERSIONS GLADLY GIVNIq RVICE anty Residents 00eWind and 00,ppliances es from City at Chevron Gas n - First & Cota Virginia W(,nver exlil) ited pie(:os nf pot.tery at, the Shelton Voln:llT.; Chill meeting" held at the hOiSt! Od' MI's. Norroan Hll|bert on 'l'uostlny llttt't'n(oll. November 18. SLat.tin K [rom tim t)ogimlillg she said tlm.t playing with clay had interested her as a girl. While her .hllsbard was in the Navy she de- cided to make this hobby into a p:lyilg proposition and went to ]os Angeles to study her trade. leing a native of Seattle, she wanted L5 stay in Washington and is now located on t=Iammersly ]nlet. Though she makes pottery of many types and colors, her chief output, is in foliage green pottery with the eedar motif nnd every l)icee is autographed, She denmnsLrated the monld- ink of .'t ceramic bowl and the casting of a vase. Plans were made for the next meeting of the group, which will be n hmehenn on December 16. liw'mp 'rod PotlirtCh ns well as Hood:;lmrt hopes to rqise naoney fin" uddiiional fire fighting equip- roe)it, says Fire (hlef Arohle Cal- lahan Tiere wiil be ,evernl nice plump tllrkeys nnd \\;vitmers frolD, each four p,woes of Blare will play for a bird. Free eats will be. :in addi- tional feature, with pop for le. It is hoped that attendance at this benefit affair will be large ns a good time is being planned and everyone is sure to enjoy him- self. Everyone is welcome. Come and get yore" holiday bird. leR.IENI)SilIP CLUB SALE The lriendship Chlb will hohl its baked food and candy sale at I the L.M. Store tomorrow, Novem- her 21. Wild Greens Many common wtId greens from fields and woods have been found to be rich in vitamins A and C. by OLYMPIC •MOTOR SALES -2" Better Automotive and Body Repairing " * Wheel Aligning * g and Color Matching " * Steam Cleaning " .Estimates Gladly,Furnished on Any Job get a lift from a new line of wall- paper designs the Lumbermen's Mercantile pJint depm'tment has recently, added. Designs of the new wallpaper line are authentie reproductions of six original Scottish clan plaids and are made in both the original colors and several complimentary color combinations. The Birge Company came up with the novel idea and the wallpaper is being dlstributed by the W. P. :FUller Compmy. -Elzrl Jordan, managdr of the L. .:lV[.,paint dep/rtment, has a sample book ,h0wilg the six 'SCottish plaids selected fb the wallpaper designs with both the original col- or combination and the several complimentary combinationk The clans represented include the Leslie (original plaid in shades of green), the.McPherson (origin- al plaid in grays and white), the Maccoll (original plaid in reds and greens), 'th gewarts (drlglnal plaid in greep.s, reds and browns), the *MaCLeod  (original plaid in yellow and black) and the Nap- ier (original plaid in blues and 'browns). RUsty lIunter, manager of.'/oy McConkey's Fir DrUg Sto're, wishes the an who left a dark gray "hat on the hat:;ack at the Cabin;in-the-lir would claim it. * k :1: WALT SCHERI, manager of Shafer's Bakery, had to get to work and back home via shaik's mare the past week because his car was Wrecked after a four- .block ride by thieves who stole it from its parking place on Second street last Thursday. It was a short 'but disastrous trip for the Scheer car fox' in at- tempting to :turn onto .:Park street after crossing the Go|dsborough bridge on First street the thieves missed :their aim tml piled the vehicle Up on 'the railroad 'tracks and Water pipe culvert which runs parallel to Park Street. Considerable damage was dmie 'to the front enti of ghe car and two new tires ruined. hteVes es- caped, abandoniig the car. Anotler used car lot has :joined Shelton's business enterprises, op- erated by Harry Iagram .at 322 Sofith First street ethd !known as HarW's Usel Cars. Mr. Ingram has been a resident Of Shelton :the past 2 'years arid is a veteran of the automobile trade. 'He and Chef gridges founded the Ingram and Bridges T R E E "Why are those men out in ,the brush," a woods visitor inquired• "Didn't fire season Close weeks ago ?" Sure did, Mister• This is a new season-- tree planting season in the Shelton Working Circle. From now until May, crews will be re planting lands which have failed to reforest because of ,fires or seed 'failures. rThe South Olympic Tree :rm expects to plant one and one.half million fir seedlings this season. Another half .million trees will be planted by state and federal, forest agen- cies on their lands in this area. SIM PSON LO@GING COMPANY I,H E LT.( N - A _ND, Mc C LiEARY,<WASHINGT.ON, ago to the Reiten 9rotllers, who in turn just recently sold the bus- ihess, located at First and Plne, to tWO Bremerton. men. :Mr. ingrain sells his used hers 0n'cOnsignmdnl and all are recon- ditioned and gtmrantoed before sale. Conducting a sale the size of the Lumbermen's Mercmltile 52nd mmiversary event, concluded last Saturday after nine days of bar- gain offering, 'takes a lot. of 'work, but L:'M. employes squeezed a lit- tle-fUn Out df heir labors, too. An iiter-'department "horse race" 'idea was carried out at Gen- eral Manager tlank :Bacon's insti- gation, Wlth JocRey Elmer MOore riding "Strawburner" to victory on ,the §trength of .the sales rec- ord establi.,ihed by "Strawburn- er's" backers in the feed depart- ment. • he nine-day sale, .incidentally, was the most Successful'eVent ever held by the Lumbermen's Mer- can|le, Manager Bacon said. "We certainly are grateful for the responsethe public gave out" anniversary •sale," he sttld, "and we of the L,M. extend our slncere thanks and appreciation for 'thls splendid sdpport 'and slidving of cJnfidence in 0Ui" .tore. *' :It :I= * And before .leaving the L.M, it should be noted tltat .two new seep_ sirras placetl re¢ently !lelp to dress tip considerbIy the tiS- play wfndow 6n "ditheb side of "the gln nff, Rnce to 'he bfg deprt- ment store. One sign says "Toy Town," the oher "'Gifts." Orthopedic Group Sets Election For Monday Evening The MaSon County Orthopedic Association meeting- for the 'elec- tion of 1948 officers will be held in the court room of the Court House in Shelton at 8 p.m. Mon- die" officers will be elected for one mtd two year'terms. Anyone not yet in a guild who is inter- ested in 'becOming a "member is urged to attend the ineeting. Mason county women 'who wish to form their own orthopedicguild or auxiliary are asked to contact Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale at 552-5 in Shelton for nformation and as- sistance. THE FIRST Auxiliary formed in he cottnty included the Mes- dames A. D. Adams, Waltei" .llen, W. E. Allen, .Frank Bishop, Ray Collins. ..H. Chambers, Charles Dodger, Hardy, J, Marcy, A. C. Lord, H. H. Hudson, Martin Lang- dan, Robert Wallin, Charles Wells, .Welyne Btuck, Ira Stansbury, An- gle Phillips, .Martin .Hart, .C.C. Collins ancl . A. Rogers. • .The Auxiliary was formed, at ,itt.le SkOokum, and Mrs, Adas or .Mrs. 9tshop at ill-F-12 or 11-F-33 may be contacted for fur- ther information. The .first Guild of the county ine.lfides "the Mesdaines Don Ruck- er. Harry Deegan, Joseph Finn, George Wagener, Alice Gass, Fern :Miller, Pauline Harris, Ehner Smith, and the Misses Virginia Malloy and Carol Callister. Eight guiIds and auxiliaries are well underWay towards 'becoming fully organized. Baby Shower Given A baby shower was given hon- oring Mrs. Sydney Anderson last Thursday, November 13, by Miss Norene Ferris and Mrs. Col-:Mor- an at the Ferris home. Mrs. Anderson, the former Ana Baiger, received many lovely gifts following the serving of refresh- ments. Those attending we-re'Mclaes Gene Lindberg, Viola Ferris, 9. S. Barger,'Tom Myers, Harry '9. An- derson and :Mies Kitty Price, Lola Barger and a sister-i-law of the "honored guest, the hostess and honoree. Rainbow ,Girls :Hold Subscription Drive The Rainbow Girls will again be starting their annual magazine subscription drive about Jan- uary 1. This is the ninth year the girls haw sponsored this drive and hope to make it a success. Christmas subscriptions will be • vailable by calling Mrs. Claude .Rhodes, 405-M. Ij I TOTEM CURI00S INDIAN BASKETS Old Baskets New Baskets Grass Bskets Sweet Grass Baskets Swamp 'Grass. Baskets Mountain Grass Baskets Cedar Root Baskets Split Cedar Baskets Raffia Baskets Hard Baskets Shopping Baskets. Picnic Baskets ].1 a.m. until 8 p,m. daily ' except Monday mile Soutl and West of Union, Wash. ,ll,T, : ..................... Pge.z3 -'- ' '--.2.'2.--...===-_.2..=2.k ........ :LLJ_ZL=.=,..,.Z:L=L 'i:-:=. i B i F,.ce t I ..... Chatter ........ I1 (by Shirley Thorpe) B • :i,--,vw ,r,',,,.,,'=','-' 'The next, ,lelirnt! pubilc{t0n 'Dinner Honors Edward Bartsch Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schlossor en- tertained at their Pine street home on Tuesday evening at dimmr fro' a few friends ill ]loner o17 Mr. Ed- ward Bartsch, ipresident of Ray- miter Ine0rp0:;ated. Mr. Barteh is on a visit to the company% propertie in the Nortl- west and will return to New York in a few days. Otler guests in- date will be on "Turkey Dy," eluded: Mr. and Mrs. George Novemher 27, starts the lls of Cropper, Dr. mtd-Mrs. A. N. Par- lmliday eatin's and greetin's rett, W. S. L.Ucey, company vice so do'u't forget to Im giving president: Dr. t.:M.'Pickins tecll- thanks on Thnksgiving ' nical sales director of the corn- Mr. andMrs. Earl Leggett spent [ pony, Mr. James Shee!w .of New last week-end at Dallas, Oregon, York and Mr. William Breiten- visiting :Mr. Leggett's niece and]bach, company vice president and nephew, :Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Daw- ] mmmger of Rayonicr's Port An- son. i The Winston ,Seot, ts and Mr.t geles plant. Mr. Schlosser m asset, tared witl and Mrs. Gene urgoyne motorcd researclt at the company's labor- to Seattle TueSday, November :18, Shelton. iii i i i for dinner. While they were there they attended tlle show, Angel Street. Sunday guests of the James Shrums were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam O'Neill from Olympia and l Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens of Shel- ton. Miss Dorothy Tarner, former clerk at the pest office aml the cotmty auditor's office here, moved 1o AI)erdeen TueAlay llght )yllere /be will at;tend i;ays Harbor -Business KMllege beginning December l, nd will work prt time *t 'offCs, b- erdeen's most exclusive depart- ment store. AI Drummond. superintendent of the Simpson Logging company's Mill 1 and Mill 2 operations, left hast Saturday for a. two-week va- eaticn trip in California. He will drive as fax" south as Los Angeles, where he will visit a sister, as well ns stop-overs at various places to see friends and other relatives. Mrs. Lodema Johnson and daughter, :Lodema, were surprised last Tuesday evening br a visit from Mrs. Johnson's son, Jim, her mother; Mrs. O. ,M. Cole, and a Chinese friend, Li shen ,Liu from Tacoma. Mrs. Johnson and Lodema re- turned to Tacoma with them for a short visit. Mr. trod Mrs. A. O. Ghrlson and Mr. aud Mrs. Jtmes Shrum attended "he vdlhg of Miss Doris Remedes and Dmmld A. ,Scott last Friday evening at the ;Hope I.utlieran Chllreh :lh ira- conic. Belmy Boad Finishes His 'Boot' Training Benny E. Bead, son of Mr. an Mrs. Robert Bead of Belfair, Wash., has completed recruit trainng at the Naval Training Center, San 'Diego, Calif., and has been advanced to seaman, second class• Recruit training is the sharp break betweeo Civilian t/nd Naval life in which the Mew Navy man learns the fundamental principles of a sailors life. In theourse of his training the cruit is taught seamanship, avy customs and terms, basic ordnance and gunnery, signaling snd navigation. He learns proper diving and swimming, life saving', and shipboard fire fighting. Upon completion of his train- ing" tte recruit is assigned either to units of tlle fleet or to a serv- ice school for specialized training. Legion Plans Party For New Years Eve Plans for a New Year's dance or party were discussed at the regular meeting of the American Legion Tuesday evening in the Memorial 'hall. Tentative plans are to have some sort of party, either at the hall, or at some larger hall in Shelton. Applications for membership were received from Thomas H. O'Neill, Mary O. PaPr and James W. McClymont. The Legfon voted to contribute $25 to the "Yanks Who Gave" project, collection of money to be' used for veterans m hospitals, ac- cording to the minutes of the meeting written by Adjutant Gay Taylor. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED R ID L E Y" S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEEO NOW LOCATEO AT Mr. VIEW Next to Mt. View Grocery Phone 610 Can You TIE These For C hr i s t m a s Giving... GIFTS THAT HAVE A • WAY WITH MEN . . . • if, , .. Perennial Jokes not withstanding , . . Ties are really favorite Christmas gifts with the menfolk, And they nver have too many of our famous Silk= Foulards and good-looking wools. Tie him to you this Yule with a truly smart.looking Botany and Manhattan Tie. DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR- (formerly Needham's Men's Wear) 123 RAILROAD PHONE 494 IlI[ III ........ t . i i i ii FREE DEMONSTRATION ,g' HEAR BETTER! A spoclal demonstration will be held a SHELTON HOTEL November 21st and 2nd Frlcray p,m. to at, 5 Pm, Thedemonsfration will be Under thedJmctJon Of CARL W.'DAVIS You will have an excellent opportunity to try (he new All-in.One, Model 65 and $iper ' m h  nn uls t 66Western Electr" 1 '" g A! . Tteso instruments are designed by :Bell ,I.'elephone Laboratories to tlt the lersonal hearlug necds of attyone who can be helped by a hearing aid. In addition, our representative will make an audiomctric chart of your hearing loss. No charge or obligation for demonstration or test. You are cordially invited to attend. If ou have friends o'r h)ved ones who hays earing lmoblems, please call thin aaaoUuce- ment to their attention. AUDIPHONE CO. 532 PERKINS BLDG. TACOMA, WASH. Phone MAin 6342 III I[•• / " '. .... II. I I II FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING MENU 00aE00berrY 3 00o:69' ........ I[i L Mi00e Meat 39= 2-LB. JAR ........................................ I ...... Jelto and 7= .JELLO PUODIN.GB ........................ ii I Hamilton Tea I-LB ..................................................... Gold Shield Coffee 49¢1b. ii i "] i Malted Milk Th0mpsons Chocolate .................... Floor Wax Liquid Veneer .................... V2 GAL. Lowest Market Prices on TUIKEYS -- CHICKENS :for Thanksgiving HENS 37= Freshly Dressed ........................ LB. ,. $5= BEEF HEART 25 ¢ Fresh Beef ................................ L.B. LIVER TONGUE POT ROASTS ROUND STEAK Fresh ............................................ LB. VEAL ROAST Shoulder of Veal ........................ LB. ,. 39 = ,o 33= .. ,43= $7= SALT FAT BAC K 23 = T.BONE L, i':')