November 20, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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g$ SHELTON-MASON C01TY JOURNAI, Thursday, Novemlaer!v r^.:., .... r, nA.
L- I II I I I Ill r I I I II III I ' . I • II I I I /11 I['') J'''/llll AtJL lJ t ::J:6*
I 111 Ilillll all IIIJ I _ - ....... .---, ......... .
L;|asslne(1 Ass BURGESON ADIO REPAIRING ser- FOUND: Plastic rain hat, Owner c'laim . " "
WANTED: women to wor an oyster FOR RENT: Locat6d on North Bay " ilk 0 NO. lrrg
vice on all makes homo and auto cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- at Journal office and pay for ad.
radios. Across from Junior High lance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for " and State Hiway 14-A at Allyn, _ F IlI, ARING OF FINAl.
Wash. Known as Bayside Apts. 119 Cots St. Phone o ,i..|0N, AND DItqlAR(:I,: OF" S
school, 1221 Franklin. Phone ll2W. uvcar Zanaell. 10-1-ttn LOST: Drag saw blade on LostiLake The usual furniture, hot and cold
Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- WANTED: 40 or 50 acres of good road. Reward for return. 1:) r ul. jn K Water, .rfl..geration, electric -,qTlA'l'llX.
urdays, or leave work at Klller Christmas tree stumpage. Write at Rodgers Blacksmith Shop. " lights, tannery zaellftlee,near graae OPEN EVENINGS SATURDAYS SUNu.IPRttIOR O()UIT OV THE
r., ,. ,tv.vvvvvv-,evvvvv.9..v,,,. Electric. ll-7tfn, once. R. Peterson, Rt. 5, Wenatchee. L-OST:. Tuesday evening, an inner- hool. ad high school bus In front 4J 0p VA.qTTINTd)N IN ANI) "
Classified Service Classified Service Ec'rRoLu Wash. 11-13-20 spring mattress between Kamilche of building. 2 and S-room apts. from -.ITIiE ¢CtTNTY tJF MAS,}N a
. v. supplies. Free pickup and .delivery. WANTED: To buy, buzz saw. and Mill CPeek Road. Reward. "Y" $25 to $85Per month, also cabins for ]i
.. ......... . ,v,, CLEANERS. SALES, Service and M' <In J'robat, k
Jack Maaley, only authormed fac- 768-R-4. Mll-20--12-4 Service Station, Kamilche. Hll-20-27 rent. w. . Rley. gr. S--n '42 Chev. 4-door sedan, R & H e m,., ,, . ,:. t,. ,,r .,,;,,, .
EXPERT FITTING ann alterations tory representative in Mason Coun- VANTED: Ironing to do, at your Lost: Keys in leather case near Post ' a wk.k D,,..a,.,I. i',
ROBERSON & ,lone. Mrs. M. McCann, 222 So. 4th iy. Phone Hoodsport 2-R or Shel- home or mine. Phone 227-R. Office Sunday. Finder return to J. FOR RENT: Floor waxers, 50(: a day. ; is h*'r.Jw :'iw.n thai
St,. Phone 489-M. 6-10-tin ton 664. 7-18tin. Dll-20--12-4 E. Angle, Shelton. Reward. 11-20/12-4 Lawton Lumber Co., 420 So, First '41 Ford 4-door sedan. R. ;Z.^dn,..+,., ,,r., .... .-.,. t
.................................................. St., Phone 6. 10.16-tin .an ,u a)w ,k, d ,r,a.ed. m::
FONZO sEwinG MACHINE REPAIIS HEMSTITCHING: 10c yarn, also but- qvvvvvvv.e-vvevv mvvvvvw'vv v,v '41 Ford coupe. R. & H. :i.. th. ,'. ,,, m., .,.,r.,r
EXPERT WORK, Reasonable charges, topholtng. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 3-room :ssid County and Stan, he,.
Estimates made in your home by a cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous cottage, refrigerator, oil range. Mt. 'rt and polithm for dislribu- il
courteous, bonded employo. No ob- Boundary" Streets.) 2--tfn vvvv.vv ..... vv vvvvvvvvvv.v View, Union,. Wash. DI0-30--II-20 '41 Plymouth coupe, H "'d Iml '"'"'":, ,. ,r an,li),.,,,,,t,,.,,,, """',,,
Heating & Plumbing Igs.,,n. Leave ca.s .t The oJu.'na in Oa- SPZeZR---b-X-SS-- " "k M t,'l,.. .,,, n, ,
Shclton, Phone liD. FOR RENT: Heated sleeping room,
SINGER SEWING MACIIINE CO. J supports, phone 799-J for appoint- you? Check up on the NeW Exclus- '41 Plymouth 4-door sedan, R & |I,'ror C,,nr, a,,,n ,, I,
Everything in 510 E. 4th Ave. Olympia ment or call at 1416 Summit Drive. FOR SALE: 5 acres on Mill Creek ARE YOUR EYES of any value to breakfast If deslred, ladypreferred. - "
8-5-tfn $9-26 road. some timber, $750, terms if ive Bonded Vision Annuity today. Phone 713-W, 1107 Railroad Ave. has been ,|fly fixed ly
desired. C. W. Rader, 1335 Mason Insures your vision. Herbert G. Mc11-13-20 C,urt |'l)r llw se|lltqltont
, Angle. l(N-tfn FOR RENT: Small 2-room apartment. '41 Plymouth 4-door sedan, R & ..,l ,,.,,,., w,,i,,,
Plumbing and , st. rot... Box 86-A). 10-30-If.
1t is asked to s(qlle nlch
"FOR-SXLE--Clio[ce-i0-:l"e--tl-a.ct- 5f W'ILL TAKE CARE of children lnmy Inquire 1324 Railroad. Mll-20 th. property Io |he tl
waterfront, 175-ft. of lovely beach, 1 home by the day. Mrl. Ed Bergeson, FOR SALE: Child's gentle saddle
all virgin timber. Only 3 mll from '41 Olds 4-door sedan, R & H ..d s,...,,
Heating Supplies TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelflon and the nicest piece of beach 1411 Railroad, Tel. 272-R. 11-6/12-25 horse. Phone 160-M. Ell-20--12-4
lane available. Will go to the highest YOUCA--n'o-w-s-urc-yo-dr--iye-S gght FOR RENT: Large apt the H.n, D, F. Wriffhl,
Etimates Given on ANY JOB Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. erie,'. See H, V. Yule at the Post for a single premium which will thing furnished exceot fuel and wood. '40 Ford coupe, H. sama''"C,,u,t"nm]edam,,IC""tl,,,"n",.t
Office. Dl1-13-27 allow for best medical attention' in Inquire at Chatter Box after 1 p.m,,
"FOR SALE.'--aLrool-n'--fur--n-l'sh-cd-h6tiS'e the United States, Investigate today, ask for Mrs. M. Carman. S11-20-27 )or. 19,17.
Herbert G. Angle. 10-30-tin R-N-ISH-E-DH--OUSES: In--ud]-ng--= '39 Buick 4-door sedan, R. & H. ,m'ZTT,
Large or Small 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 double woodshed and garage, 3 lots said Court.
under good fence, nice garden spot, _ -.v..-...u,r frigerators and oil heat. Hand, to tlOUSE.
. outdoor buildings. House rcdy for school hu, .nd bos. Wtn.r rates '36 Ford coupe, H
222 S. 2nd Phone 85 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President occupancy. Access to bus line. Lo- REAL ESTATE $20 a month. ¾ mile past Raus 11-13-20-27-'3t
cated mile outside city limits on -.,-----v Chicken Dinner Inn on Hood Canal,
...... C. Nolan Mason Secretary-Treasurer Lake Bird. Will sell furnRure sep- Star Rt. 1, Box 255, Union, Phone '36 Chev, 2-door sedan, H NO. 19.18
' aratcly. Phone .291 after 5 P.M. Union 27fi. Cll-20--12-4
MI1-20.27 -. CnEI)IT(}R. TO I'I{E-
DIY SLAB WOOD Agents for )-lt--S--XLE.=$4750:--5r°-o°Ttag ,'' l)R" RENT: Comfortable sleeping FILE CLAIMS.
bedrooms. Hqlcrcst. Phonc evenings, WORTH LOOKING room in quiet home. Prlvlleg to COURT OF" THE
279-W. Wll-20 right person. -'mploycd young nmn Come In and We Will Give You WASHINCTON IN AND
$1 per cord PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE "i,0R--Som '' modern house INTO preferred. 311 No. 4th, Phone: 643.
near Bellfalr School. Phone Bclfalr 27 LOT. in Seattle Syndicate Ad- Cll-20 la I'r.baie,
(,f thc Estate ,ff 5aek
121. Tll-20 difibn"fJr only $1500 at one-third v .... ==,, ........ Docens(!d.
Shiplap and Shingles Membcr Washington Title Association Best Deal in Town
.. 'oR-SXL-- 3-roo,n house, one lot o. FOR SALE
on tile i]s -
Park St. $1700 cash, $1850 terms down. Timber enough on property .,.,.,, .... .,,.,.,,,,,, Edward Bcrkwith, "de-
Mrs. Nellie Stort Matthews, 3 miles for a house. MARK R. ADAMS ranled h) |he under-
IOR SALE: 2--be-roo-m house, corner 3-BEDROOM MODERN HOME on FOR LLE: 93 acres second growth, day of Noveml,er.
alder, hemlock and cedar. Che. Jme said Superior Court.
lot, insulated, utility room, complete- grAs, having claims against
LUMBER CO. AND CASH REGISTERS ly furnished, picket fence. 1903 Hays Hillcrest, hardwood floors, plas- Inquire Rt. 2, BoX 129A.-Hll-20/1.-5
............ 'arc required to serve them,
St.. Olympic View Addn. Sll-20 tered, large kitchen, basement and FOR SALE: New Speei ueas-'-
iBecossat'y vouchers, upon
........... ing machine, $105. Inquire Apt.' 4. gned at'the Law Office of
RouteSheltol, Box 60 -- Sold and Repaired -- FORAIder.SALE:AIso L0t,2.roomCOrnerhouseSth andSt" andlot, furnace, corner lot, paved street, 103 So. lth. .Hll-20-27 E' SBaley, Title Insurance
Phone 284-R or inquire 518 Park. cement walks, house newly paint- SINKS, all sizes, bo{}b-l'd _ el[(,n, Washington, that
HARRY S USED CAR " plo, e designated for the
FII-6-20 ed. single. Hlllcrest Hardware Phone , LI ( of llw busmoss of the
I I n llu . . . 499. II-20
ff0R SALE: Coal 'oker ahd controls, .LV "::;pdhin six montlfs after the
WATERFRONT =:o0 first publication of ihi.
""" ' ' ' H. I). BAKER CO., INC. INCOME PROPERTY downtown, In excellent condition, Phone ll0-W, tt: within six months arter
(CorseUere) large corner, 8-room house, corn- 612 Turner Ave. Hll-20--12-4 't 0f November. 1947. and
BERNICE STEWART 114 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 pletely furnished, oil furnace, fire- FOR SALE: Small cook stoves, oil is nOW open 4me with the Cle.rk of this
(Charts) place, nook; additional building heaters, beds, springs and mattresses, ii:Pgsther with proof el: su,,.h
table ana chairs, davenos, dishes, i..Wththey will be t'orevor barred.
Established Clientele Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes For Sale by Owner th two apartments; 4-car flay See J. B. Schott, little cream house, ::F. this 13th day of N(,v,.mb(q..
J; age; reasonably priced on terms, corner of urel and K st.,n./ 322 SOUTH FIRST STREET
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PRICED FOR QUICK SALt= Excellent possibilities for Increased View. 4D E. BECKWITH.
Phone 372-R 616 . 1st St. CABINET WORK I $7 to 17 per front foot. 20 choice income. See this now. FOR SALE: Quaker-ell heater wltff ,. trator of th,. Estate of
• blower oi flame.. W. E. Bushn'ell, 2 -- .,maWard Beekwith. Dereas(,d.
' PLATE GLASS SETTING UNDERSEAL lots, clean, gravelly beach, no pot- * * * miles out 0n Bayshore Road. !1-2047 Offering this week these special _1 :,.AYLEYAdministrator,
son oak. This tract lies 10 miles 5-ACRE TRACT an d 2-room FOR SALE: Wuriitzer 120-bass accord- . :.alce Building,
For Prompt Delivery REPAIR WORK A 1-].6 to 1-4 inch thick east of Shelton and eight miles house 3 miles south of Shelton ion, 3 switches, beautiful grey pearl, : Wsbington.
west of Allyn on Shelton-Allyn woodshed, wash room, chicken fi;lsh, W. E. Bushnell, 2 miles ,out I' ........ i1-1-20-27--12-.i-dt
on myshore Road. 11-0--7 1946 NASH Ambassador, overdrive; " --
rubberized undercoating road. Follow the Signs at this house;66,ft, drilleds°me firwell;andelectricity;alder; berrieS;road F-0R--SKLE'--Tpp=--rn;-prae: '
STOVE OIL Homes Cut to Blue Prints (Minnesota Mining Co.) point one mile to beach, tlcally new. Phone 431-W. . ::j_S{OF Iqq'I"ITIONNA TRIdETS
in front and along entire length; Wll.20--12.4 :ILJ:.'
DIESEL OIL Shelton Cabinet Shop from $35 CaretakerEASYon groundsTERMSto show pricedBRICKatBUILDING$3300.. • * centrally lo- ELECTRICat HllcrestIRONS'Hardware,el-"-lCphonetOasters-11.2099. 1946 CI-hEVROLET 5-pass. coupe; R. 8onio, T'£'. o w^SmN.- s ,,
FOR SALE: Montag kitchen range 1940 DeSOTO 4-door sedan, R. & I-L i of le Va,,aUon of
JACK DREW BOB ERVIN /OTORS or write owner cated; two stories, tavern busine with coils. $25. Mrs. K. G. Otcr-"
fully equipped, stock on hand ant berg, 309 Kineo. Phone 543-W. lmrt of Jef-
iMock 1 and
Phone 87 Behind the Bowling Alleys 633 S. Ist St. Phone 673 C.P. RUSSELL beer license; ready to step into and 11-20--12-4 of the alley in Block
v6 --czn-a- pon;- neal 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, AdiUon., the NZ;.,
reasonably priced, ncw saddle and bridle. Gentle with 13. Township 20
' '==' Gig Harbor, Wash. • • •
..... r children. Lawrence Bailey, Star Rt. 4 West, W. M.
BULLDOZING 10-16tfn. FIVE-ACRE TRACT near She1- 2. Box 57A (Dayton). 11-20-27 thc
ton, with 12 x 18 ft. cabin, $600. FOR SALE: Boy!s all wool sult,'dark 1940 FORD 4-door sedan, R. & H. for
, , . blue. size 16. $20. Inquire at Journal Inwsuant
Office.- Bll-20 ct seq. Rclttingtou
of WashingLon. thai
RESTAURANT BUSINESS in BATHaOOM SCALESr=.saah..t 1938 OLDSMOBILE 4-door sedan, tins R,,.d
LAND CLEARING FOR EXPERT FOR SALE good location, including all neces- Hlllcrest Hardware. Phone 499. 11-20 a
States of Atllel.-
sary fixtures and equipment. Reas- FOR SAL- -Pa'tTcafiy"--new rust of the Interhn'. repro-
Ralph Danielson WELL DRILLING 5-room modern home, plastered, onably priced, terms if necessary, cloth coat with detachable fox col.
lar, size 16-18. Cost $10. wI,l soU 1938 PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, R. r,one,'Uleusc 2°We'et eq).A-
AND witt hardwood floors, floor fur- * * * fox. $65. Can be se'en at Journal Of- to vacate: tmt
nace, 3 bedrooms, utility room. 2.ACRE TRACT 2% miles south lice, ,. Hll-20 Strcet abutting on Lot
Nice yard and well located on Hill- of Shelton, near paved highway; 'R SAL: 'Cows mid a .heifer. Do and Lots 1 and 10 in
RT. 1 BOX 12A Berkeley Pumps crest, $6400.00. bus and electricity close; timber not call Friday night or' Saturday. All cars reconditioned and ,o.uon ,,f Jeffers..
• on Lots 6. 7. 8, I}. 10
Pitons 218 R2 enough for house. $575 at $100 Star Rt, 2, Box 63: 11-20 and Lots 1. 2, 3, , 5 in
F"O'-S'A-IE: Axmlnister rug and pad the alloy abutting on
tin SEE 6-room modern home with three down. Solution to the housing prob- 9x12.. Daveno and wood heater. In- We sell cars on consignment 5 and L,,ts 6, 7, 8, 9,
bedrooms, new gas range and au- tern. quire 122 East Cots.. Phone 707. retain View Addl-
e' • NASH BROTHERS tomatic water heater, nice yard . . . ell-20 Sectinn 13.
Cabinet Work and Easy Terms Phone 33,4,: and flowers. Large garage with 2-BEDROOM HOME O l ympi,c SALMONmake finPOLES:-an-drecls'Chrlstmas, glfLsTh'c-vlllfor that., Range -t West.
...... , concrete floor. Has new building view AdditiOn, modern, sun porch, sportsman. Hlllcrest Hard w a r b. } cottons to thi
• ' IS heo,d by ,his-,
Upholstering on property suitable for store or laundry traYs automatic electric Phone 499, . ' .... 110-[
:" work shop, which can be pur- tank, Estate heatrola, electric FOR SALE: St. Clair 'all white incln-'] ED the Mason Coun-I
' chased separately for removal, range, garage garden, crater .with DeLuxe oil burner at-[ Shelton, Washingtnn, ]
tachment and, coils. Plione evenings, I .A.A,.*A.AAA the 1 dny of Dec,, 19,17. I
j the 13oard of County t
Gcneral Carpenter Work Property in good condition and 372-W, Inquire 606 No. lst.Rll.20_12. 4 FOR SALE: for Mason County,
PAPERHANGING available for $7750. Locatted close NINE-ROOM HOUSE on'5-acre USED CAR lent motor Nov. 5. a947
Park Street Cabinet Interior Decorating in to city. tract near city limits; double FOR SALE: Electric refrigerator llke I Inquire E E. PAULEY,.
plumbing; includes 3-room apart- new. Save $105. Phone 699. Bll-20] t 281, ate Dist. and Clerk of the
IOR SALE: D-2 Caterpillar b|ldozer[ 1940 Chev. Tudor Commissioners.
Shop George W. Sawyer Also farms and waterfront ment renting for $32.50; all newly excellent condition. Hystdr drum hy- ] 1936 Chev. Tudor FOR SALE: 1928 11-13-20-2t
properties, repainted and redecorated; two draulie blade: Phone ,558oJ or 699. J
MARK FAY 10 Front Street * * * acres cleared, Mill Creek crosses Jll-20]
FOR SALE: Savage sporter 25.20+prec. I
tically new, $35. Inquire at Journal
Offlce Ell-20
1934 Dodge --
1932 Ford Tudor Auto Ptrts, J NO. 1847
limits, j*.:. IIEAItlN(I ON FINAL
property; g fruit trees, berries, I02g Ford Tudor .......................... ; .... tt.'mao t,:'rrr[o FOt
o18 Park St. Phone 84-R " Herbert G. Angle grapes; spring-fed well, electric FOR SALE: 1936 St o,TIQ. '
sedan, $450. Inqui!e (0ERO'R COURT OF TItE
pump; oil circulator, trash burner, -FLy-ioD-San-d--tTn-g--ods--W]'th RAY'S SERVICE ,-an Rt 1 ox .om WASm ........ -.,-
"' " ' CALL "'" " automatic electric tank. A wonder- reels also. Give,him one for Christ- left,' Mih--ree. k Roaa:'' ' ' 0UN, ......... :'
SEWING MACItINE REPAIRING, Carl Co. FOR SALE ful combination of acreage€ home mas,499, Htllcrest Hardware, Ph0nel.l.= Mt, View Phone 99 SALEtY),:(n!U ate
also parts for all makes of sewiug J. Arney and income, priced right. FOR .'d$435 e ,: ' LP(l.r}£cease .E,|n|,
,nachine, Phone 596J or 38W be- FOR SALE: Child's sturdy table, 2 11-20--1t. r61et p ........
R Rt" '{L 8 lt:
twecn 10:30 a,m, and 5 p.m. B10-Stfn * * * chairs, also stream-lined scootcr, ant, *#*" '# '_ .\\;ltEREBY GIVEN that
-i:(XVf2]Vli:iij.;ys-i-j?:taJ-an OLYMPIA 5865 Four-room house at Hoodsport, 2-ROOM BUILDING on Capital Reasonable. Phone 310-M. 11-20 he). dl W, is, Administrator De I:
..,vlf6?t&.the Will annexed of
fine view. $2650. Hill, suitable for conversion into FOR SALE: '7-piece twin bedroon a. ........... ._ - vvvv'rrZr'._Ye,'non S, Gifford De-
(,perstlon? Haw' a Spencer (h.signed 219 N. Capitol Way suite with springs, $150. One glass
just for you. ]t will resl you--aid small home, oft 40x 100 ft. lot; FOR SALE 'lfl:!10" with. the Cl;'k of c
dlffcslion aod r.h'celatlon, be,:ausc It parted outside mahogany door. $20. _ .'-wYati.t.!gd Court. h s Fire l. (
will give yo,, h,mithf,;l l, ostur,'. Two houses at Union, one on. lights in, water available, A buy Phone 171. G11.20-tfn ....................... t'v''v'v'' 'iet:,!ion Ior Distribution. [c
Phcn,' 799-J. B,.rntee Schrlebe,', 1416 BETTER INTERIOR hill with splendid view. One on at $1350. FOR SALE: 1947 General Electric port- ___.q...€ OUrt to settle and ap- I
Su|nndt Drive (ttillcrest). li-20-27 able radio, S60. Phone 553-J or in- POULTRY NETTING in 4, 5 and 6- I WASHINvinal..Rcport, dish'il)ute I t
10, " t
=NSTRICTION:Ai'--;ou-'J ;l;--ii]'i: DECORATING, main highway. Priced at $5000. For Realty Buys Consult a Realto -OR-SALE--Washlng machtne, Say: " 11-20 I F-0R--SAL-E'C.I..f.' to discharge said Ad- 1
fi,,d (,.1 a govt, rn,,ent :|,,b: Me.- Other good buys. quire 1211 Railroad Ave. All-20.27 ft slzcs. Hillcrcst Hardware. Phone Hillcrest Hardwa' }o the 1)ersons therelo .c
wt, m,,u, Prepare. now £m" nexL Wash- age Spin-dry; in good wo.rxing con- PHOHE 26 for home milk aeliverY. 'cut to order. No p0 S IG
mgton cxan,hmtious. 32-pagc book .... Papering Well Doue M.C. ZINTHEO dmon. $25. Phone I1-J or ,nqutre ,121 or Sun',-!,lR, THER ,GIV.EN that
r.,,'t,,'s ,.,.,. Wrlle .,day, , x' Frank Nosworthy, 3rd St. North. Rll-20--12.4 Mll-14tfn. Product:°ead On°tuUrdfy r
LEARN-Tf'YFJ:;Vf'Qhd[/'rhs(I Siii'gl -ihii/F" Journal, 11-20--12-li '-,v-vvvvvv,-," REALTOR Phone 157 -- Title 'ls. Building 'S:--g-daiiV$i?ff-d-g:'57 FOR SAL: see Ol'mple Motor. Sales ........... ',,of ovember, 1947 at the (
tetwcen the ages of 20 and 26'/ years WANTED Union, Wash. Tel. 441 Shelton specially prleed_nbw at $12.95 .ann for auto parts anaaccessories. First j FOR SAlOcloc Jn the forenoon at
$10.25. ]Iurry! Tnese, won' ms long and Mill Streets. nhone 695. 7-ittn I In uiremHerbert • , , uorn in the Court House in t
fimaYncst instrulCarn tOctoflY'rs._undertL S. theA,.my AiW°rld'st" . ................. 'wvY i at these prices. Hillcrcst Haraware. lv'--h-]h-=Vi-l s out- [ Blg. 's. it.PPngton.
Force Fliers. Just think, you'll bc ul Phone 499. 11.20 side house paint, $5.50 gel. Catto FOR SA day of October 1947, c
well paid and tn addition bc corn- • .... FOR SAI.E: 200-amp. Lincoln arc Hardware, b.5 Railroad, Phone 48. ran-e t:h]th c ., o.ARRY DEYETTE' " t
ulisshmed ss a 2nd Lieutenant in the LOGS WANTED welder. $75. 521 Pine St.', or Phone 5-22-tin
_ . __._ s.-__-., Nmw. IRES now available In un,r-I Hal,a,.,}. .....
,,,,,. exci,,ng b,',.,h ,, s,.-,',,.,--The .15-;. o ...... I izoX i,;%oof s,,id Court. ,
U.S. Air F'orce. Y,,u must have eith- This home on a sidehil] overlooking the valley and Mt. Rainier FOR SALE: Kitcnfln woos st_ove_oou l tea quantities at Mell Chevrolet. | .gff. s'2- ,u m,.,*
cr at least one,-half the credits for a SECOND GROWTH including 5½-acres with excellent creek bottom soil, fruit trees, o.- or inqmre at a, .=:eAze, *:vvxu, u'o0xxo, 7'wx60 o'ouxl I one el"Y-'""g'"4, o--. e .o . . z':
college degree or be able to pass the
equivalent air force (,xamination, In- PREFERRED and outbuildings. The house is beautifully finished with living .............. m-J-ttn 7:00x15, all truck tire sizes', an ' Phone 557"'R '-. " '_:"--- :lU----l:l--.o-u-. :
quire at Mezzanine Floor, Hotel room, dining room, kitchen, bath and laundry in main dwelling FOR SALE" Hotpoint .electric stove tg.b of .all al.zes. Also used tires in I V--NRDC ' N "
in good conditlon prlceu for rock all opular sizes..Mell Chevrolet, I i" k¢T"c t ,'
Ol.vmpian, Oly,npia Wash, 11-20 Prevailing prices paid by and separate apartment on lower hillside level with living room, sale. Phone 376-M or Inquire a 427 FlrsP and trove, Phone 777 or 778. . '= ........................ ,e, P ] ,-=€,=,. -
"C'ALIS WINGARD'-'YORI(-C.:'-SI:c'I-:. kitchen, bedroom and batl store room. One block from city .... E.-.,tf- .r- ....... J crest HN'FODISTRI- t
ton for service on conunercial and ' u elevue Ave,.... ..... ?, .t..u aV-.8...: .new ll0-volt AC, 76/73--haD 1)ISCHARGF OF e
domestic refrigeration. Ph,me 62 Enitai, Lumber Co. limits,$9,500. OVERHE.D GARAGE _, y_att ltgl.t pl%nt_s, wills kit of r 9. I -'jik'.d'" ""_'"'* ' 1:
daytime, 9-F-]2 for emergencies, specially priced at .$24.30 aaa .¥19.80. Br .par, .zo: WesterQ uppl n'l. .......... ._IIoR COURT OF THE q
10-16-tfn The.,ie arc away nelow eurrent mar- ,u., 6 ,-orul First t..t'none_l'_'6. ".N IN AND
PL'EXS+'CkIL-Si0eiir "& Rfhe:tMo: Mill located at Minerva Park 53-acre ranch, bottom land, 40-acres cleared, large spring and ket. prices. Hillercst ' rarawaro. .. . . g-itn. -auA--%,,s --" ........ " ]
tors for carpenters. )hone hours will creek next to 6-room modern home, milk house, barn, other Phone. 499. • . 11-__20 FO.R. _7-'Sn=Wlfi¥d--juK[ a Mt''_"
be Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m., Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 outbuildings, machinery, stock and approximately 30 to 40 tons R wood rge, s_e. he.use _aint, ..$5.50 gal. Catto J ...... *''._E_slate of An- ,
Ul D ce
Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m., good llay In barn. 15-1ninute drive from town. Ready to move lees than '2 .years old, in..exeeuent aruware, 1 Rauroad, Phone 49. I-r.----da-÷- Dec.eased,.
and Fridays Item 9 to 12 o'clock condition, als0 ThOr, - , 6-2-tfn 1.9xLE,erebY given •that Dearie
a.m. Phone 12. S. A Torkelson. L._ , onto. $g,500 complete, chine in good conditlOn.,,,r,no?2FOn SALE. 20-al automatic g'ff"lil COqKlnghe= ester_of An-
Otl o W Jtln contaluer CUl t
Business Agent. ' 5-22-tin 564"M. ---_--- I /_at be.aier, f0"cash Inquire Herb- I . " ased.,mhas fled ,
m J RELIABLE MAN with car wanted to Good 5-room modern home. Approximately 4-acres land, gray- - ...... r u nn I 1 ............ t ........ .,.,'.,,." .... • ....
FOR SALE: xT-icnt with .qoor: t,op., I ....... • g e, She ton. 10-2-tin J ..a ....... pl,r¢,,o •
call on farmers in Mason County. (fantod, Terrier. pup:' Iqg, V.?'_SlSIFgR.. SALE':.--Rot-m'd--c.xfension table[ IAU.dn" t
._. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 m ity water system, near water including oil heater, $3,850, Perr St (mreet next to ..=y. ..... tr,uuont ele " • *' ........ :- ', 'a '
-- Y ctrlc heater, Victrola e 7 nd t
ngines day. No experience or caplll re- L'b " - :__31--1-0 I Phone 628 o" .n .:" P chine $a h:ah-tbe. 6th
quh'ed. Permanent, Write today. Completely furnished modern home close In. Electric range, '''''" 'la ) " " r " " " C
McNESS COMPANY. Dept. B, 2,23 :;t-:EO c 'ln x,,,L. ,,,,,',eS F
Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. refrigerator, full basement, good oil burning furnace, heat in
Ford V-8 .... $118.50 exch. 10-13.20 all rooms. Excellent view. Fruit trees. $7,800 complete, move
Ford Model A $95 exch. V-T-5"iJ--;i-d--h'oWe-;-o/i right' in. ,
feed, Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, tank: Phone 311-W or Inqulr, Apt. rang,ca. L_umbermen's' Mercantile ..... __._e'"..suc: report,
• Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tin For Sale--old established, goinff business in Shelton. Excellent 5 Wilcox Apts, .... Wl1-13-20 ] Harowaro _Det. 10-16-tin FQI ALrty to the_per-
' t 'r w th inqUlle o oo t ereto, ann uiscnarge
E: Used . . . _. ! .. SALE: Coal heaters, cheap, heats ._._.._-ereto, ann at.,
WXNTrglS+-h-ffd'-'-e-k.-i-r-o-'m opportunity to expand. This is an unusual opportunity. Inquire inctnera o i FOR- .....
co cr coils pracucau cw, wmtc au {lay and ni ht without refuel .,u A"E.: th, . r, ,, --
Prepare for Winter couteou, service. Phone us collect, for full particulars, PP' a htLca. A g " uaru ' ". .on 1) ' wrignt
Elna 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render- enamel finlsh. P ,. F11-18 [ ipg.,.I_Ids flr several days on closed aati°nalw.n' |,,] ,-, ..... ,'
Weather lug, Inc. -7tfn. -RS.L-E..NSntlncl radio; s_x? J _.grat. Phone 282-J. $11-6-20 .--aLawa Cur . ,: '
WANTED-" sazesmsn to take 'u aphone: .used radio, Ihqu&re z{Z I FOR-si,._b-ffd--h--Kd--¥u-r-fi[/h- FOR.. SAL_b,°,4¢ ........
Cleaner agency. This is an oxeep- Franklin. . -,o- I ana.usea.a,.tlcles of all kinds at Thc co)is, a_E-TT,
Car Hot Water Heaters tjonal opportunny for altve w.lre, b-IL-.-crffLTT-rS.-'_ e, trimmed: I oll)g Feat, 338 E. Phle (Bayl?rc rO°oL tT.yCoti,,t. <
Sealed beam headlights ewiug machines will be In line when It. L, OLSTEAD AGENCY ta,o delivery ,S.O each u n .... I ...... a£-o-un ........ "v-,, t'1'1 " • 11-6,13-20-3t l
Sealed beam foglights available. Tiffs could be handled on ..... , . .... ,,r-----'- ........... t.
crest Hardware, :Phong_.4 ..'._ 11-20 [ FI3R SALE, Sawnull, edger, etric FOR .SALE.. a s 1
a part time basis. Must be flnan- -- O---,'IQG?Ak about thc new] cut-off .w, donkey, 1936 Chevrolet __eU-i_ ev?mngs= z
Chris-Craft Bbats Tdq) Dressing .... Top Material cially responsible. Write or phone 116 Nortlf Second -- Near Postoffice Phone 30 *'comnlte' "pa,kaged Kitchen" --In- [ 2:4"e.on truck, 1939 1%-ton Ford FOR-S-AL-I' Jolan NG oN FINAL (
SALES and SERVICl£ ' ' • 632f°r appointment.washington Avenue,H°us° Bremerton,°f Palmer, cl-ddes---RANG--REFRIGERAT"OR' [ -be, s ravcl bed and lift. Sell motor, co',uplet! AN.D PETI- ¢
Washington, Phone 2576. 7-10.tin SINK & CABINETS. ac1m | parate Glen W. Clifford, Star Rt. sell for low prl¢ FOR Si,'T- ,t
4 to 6 it. +'wo.u ;7,. I)_+o tlaytonl. 11-6-20 son and Son, AND t
Piece your order now i or Machine Shop Scrvice =- sPos,:_VpW+ s I Dlon#glvo°°P:ct:'rSua1': 6716i OF' THE r
l Sales Super i ,o. MIS.EL ...... e_+.. .... ;' ', _. '. Phone 526-J or inquire 6P good condltiol. IN AND ,
Spring delivery and W A N T E D Olympia Hlgnwa.. a,r, wih' ] =JP st. Sl1-13-g0, 4 p m _ OF MASON. €
(re1" salesman .Win * a " ' ,FOR "'- ....................................... " '
Motor Overhaul V sor Phone 9690, Olympia, Rt. I, Boy GravAnaEi Plckcdapples, K ings..and REVERE--WAi. the Estate of Rich- t
The Marina Motor reboring Paul Maceri Farms 103 [ S.ic_-:'. ....... ,o cox. ortnern per cnrome-I,l I
..... -- .......... --''---==-=--- ""-e- I v u, wlnesaps $1.50 box. Orchard wal'e, Phone 49 GIVEN, that c
Valves faced and reseated 3000 cedar berry posts FOR SALE: Uses .spznu.. c-_/, I run, bring containers, Hay in mow _
Executrix of
Pimne 3754--Columbia at B v Crankshafts ground seven-foot lengths, 'ood condition_._ uelton .er!c I aput 10 tons..J. Jacoby Rt. 2 Box - her, eln her
t0vcy Bldg,, Fnone au-. .*+-=u I az. ' 11"13-27
OLYMPIA, WASH. I 30.000 cedar pea poles Will train for position in Shelton. No experience needed, LO-dGIN--G--SUPPII_E.S.tSIIpepe&r d°cW ' IToILEY-S.ATS, an white, $7.75 each utionand petittOnof the cs-f°r ,(
9-11tin • eight-foot lengths, hie bit Sdeger & ll.n .t : hoos ' I at I-Illlcrest Hardware Phone 499. wherein the Court
00ppny ra" '¢' r° oP .....
brown t . .... ,_ .ut | 11-20 account and ,,
Route 1, Box 343 but must bc ambitious, lmrd worker, eager o learn, chains, etc. tlol,n -ccu € u-.yard dump bed and hy- tion of the
Sunmer, Wash. Loan across frgm ,Safcway:. P[mhe [ draulle ho"ls2t the Executrix,
378 ' ' -u-un I ^_ ...+ , ee on acger. Rt. :1, m, +
GIVEN• that f
LI'_ W][ order said
" Good basic salary wRh bolluse,, Greatest chance for ad- +ZSTCaEIdVp¢s}a; ,'I1e I,.R_XLi+ - .... . -+_+-2o.?+ Ulll' an of
218 N. lSL St. hone J26 ]0-30--11-20--4t. + . .......... ,+ ..... r--+, ..u.-,. ++o t£sanella Lake Road).
........ ,, entered on the 15tb
J • "o''199 I1-Z0| ' : luuer twine s-lo )aHs ' 947. a hearing will
- WANTED TO BUY: Light-Duty Hard'ware Pho + - = ............. + Wagner '' ' e' " "
" L ........... , i cod Cd.. 219 So, t lrst, on said final ]
"-7(]'if-':-wi:hl" " saw, Jerome Kc|'hat. 204 E. Pine .' vancemcnt in NorLhwcst. New offices being opened. ............... GRADEN TRAC.TORS .._(3 slzes•s.,_.e .... In [ ....... 11-2,O--12-18' on Sat- l
fire+st illtst|'tl¢;t-r;, Courses also lu 11-20-27 NT00] December, 1[)47,
radar, power 'shovel operah,rs, bull WANQBt)--:S;l;il,i;,r']td--tLt: on said day In l
dozer drh,ers, auto rechanlc and part lime. Hood Canal resident p|'e. Write Mr. McAlcxandcr, :[059 Capitol Way, Olym)la, said Court in the l
many 0th.r trades. Sel|,ci: lbe course fcrred. I. P, Callisun, Uoion, " Washington. t
which most appeals to you, then talk Cll-20--12-4 of November. €
It over wllh your nearest U.S. A,'nly lW]:D'DLE"AGEi)-woni'an"-WisheS":worl stating age, education and employment llistory, t
& All' Force, cnllstment officer. If yet| " z
can (lualify' yt,ur [Hty will start at by the day or hour, 1)hone 296-W. , Court ,
the civilian equivah:nt of $211.50 per FJ1-13-27 1tb20 ¢
month. Your cuursc will l)lnt you In YOUNG GII.L;.W[slfesWo/.l-csrlng for
line 'for rapid pronmtton with high- chlh]ren, cv,nlngs, after s,'hool ,,r ,
C|' Day, ]Dijui|. )A. Mezz, allJne Floor, Week ends, your honle or mine, Il|- ' ¼ .. . . , . , . i' : X !
llutul Olylllpiall, O|2/lllpia, Wal, 1 20 t q£1|'C 5(11 IRJtlc ca A£'¢adia rend or" ,; ., ,....., • ....... _i.._..:_,+...r.E.L,.,__r..z.•_:. ........ -.. 1
' -' l}ho;ne 6'/'2 ........ $11.'0.'1 , i;i i , r ....... , r Z - : :=: , q:IL. - .I ......... , ,11 I t" I .... _ ' _ lj -- 1
Distributed by
C. C. Cole, Mg'r.
L22 So. Third St. Phone 87
PIANO ad.accorditm play,'r available
for dance orchestra. Mr.. Barcia
Beam, Rt. , Box 239. c-o Frank
,: Warren Shelton Valley Grange road.
ditl0ner : and hunddtfier--the only
cleaner Which traps dust in water?
For demonstration phone 723-W after
41 i.m ..................
201 E, Pine -- Phone 40
_ I nil i i
New Fuel Tanks
(Any Capacity)
For Immediate Delivery
n , , ,, ,, , ,
del cn:raets, old ago asistancc or
a rt with ou on your doctor's
order, Prep s Drdg Store. Second
Rallroad. 10-Stfn,
With Lath and Plaster
Your Home is Safeguarded
Against Fire and Disease
For A Good Plastering Job
Plastering and Stucco Contractor
. I I I
- -,, i , ...... | iii j
:New hardwood floors mtahed, oa
or ew homes. J. A. Schlange.: ]ox
28, Belfair, Phone :Bclfair 552,
NEED+8 * YEJ'ihg n|i.n l.t3t'w't';'i! 17and 3.1
who are /ook|l,g for a. lYCl,{t?/' lhan
average job andare willing to pre-
pare thcmsclve for rapid I)¢'q)lnotion.
• M,+'n eel ,c,(ed cau ent0r the high paid
field of Radio-Radar and electronics
liwu the ne, w tLS. Army Career plal
and be I,atd mlnilnum civilian equiv-
alent of $211.50 per n£onth whlh'.
le*trnlDg'. 1nt'Lutrt lod+ly at your IT.8.
Army_& Air Force .;|:r|tit{l|g Sta-
t|a J).zv-niae IPI,)O ]4ut OIVID-
lla=, Olmpls, Wa=h Ii-