November 20, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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. - ": Z.-.-" ' ' " ' ' --
Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED
Representative in Mason County for
o_il ! Wood
High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils
1at and Franklin Phone 397
34i'lli'o#s of temperate people
enjoy BF00:F00 R, :the
refreshment beverage
"'it. tke Water "s.
]rH;r| ORIG4HAL tIGHT TAB1| gfiR
_ u j , L . H *,,
Yes, Husband and Wife Can Have Up to
$15,000 Worth of
insured Savings
•.. here at this friendly savings institution;
an account for $5,000 in the husband's
• name, one in the wife's name, and one held
joiny. Whatever the amount of your pres-
ent and fut.ure avigs, give'them federally-
insured safety by )pening an account here.
Thurston County
Savings & Loan Association
Siva€iCy Bldg., ,Olympia, M/an.
Associated Slips
Onto Top Rung
,W L
Pastime ................................ 18 12
Associated Oil .................... 18 12
W.H.S. Electric ................ 17 13
Simpson Igging Co ......... 16 14
Beckwith 'Jewelers ............ 16 14
Active Club ....................... 13 17
Lumbennen's Me¢'c ......... 12 18
La, ke Cushmhn Resort .... 11. 19
High game----non Dodds 224
High total---Warren Earl 595
Matches Friday
,7'W,H.S.E. vs CuShman
L.M. vs BeckWlth's
9Pas¢ime vs Associated
Simpson vs Activians
UN,O86TRUSI/ELY bUt .stead-
ily, Aaaoaiated Oil has been pll.
ing uard :in the .city beveling
leag.ue and quite to ,the surprise eft
almost evexyone but themselve:
the Oilers found themselves shar-
, ing the circuit's top rung with
Pastime after a eleansweep vic-
tory over the Active Club in last
Fziday's matches.
Fr(t Foter set the scoring pace
for the Oilers with a 502 total and
a 207 ,closing gme. The defend-
ing champion Pastime quintet,
earned' the odd game fxom Simp-
son Loggg @0mpany .behind Ken
Fredson'S steady scoring, losihg
the finale to Percy Funk s 201 eon-
tribuUon to the logger cause.
Bt'LL S M I T H ' S IleCtricians
dropped from a first .place tie to
thi, vd on a 2 to 1 loss to Lumber-
men's Mercantile and Buk Mack-
ey's in-toppling, while Beak-
witWs Jewelers made use of the
ht's best individual scoring--
rren EurFs 595 ad Ron Dodds
224--to score a 2 to 1 decisionove
Itke Cuslaman Resort.
The scoring:
W,H.. :Eiec. ,(1) L.M. (2)
!handicap. 231 handicap 189
I.H,Woo4s 41d IR.Stewm-t :522
L.Weatund 4651R;ustafson 479
D.Wods ,84 ]hbagh 351 4fl3Mackey 538
W,Woods 492 ]G.Ol}stafson 485
857 852 855 2i64868 903 793 2564
As:'d ,(3) Aolize £lub (,0)
handicap 225 hand.leap :32
Tucker 45.7 I,Oardner 48
Skelsey 466]Stevenson 90
Foster 502] ,Williams 886
Holt 483j P,rce 463
J.Daiels ,497[ Career 447
852 863 915 26301830 ,798 88 2512
Lake Cushman () :BeckwRh (2)
handicap 288 handicap 129
Durand 40Merrick 542
L.Carlson 409 [ Dodds 583
JoeForrest 500Deer .475
A.Carlson 491t YV.Earl 595
A.Robinson 544 Bayley .388
888 24 860 2672 900 69:943 2712
Pastime ,(2) 'Simpson Log (1)
handicap 111 handicap 225
A14en 5],6 [ Aranson ,538
Dotson 500] ,Peterson 460
Koppermax 4661C.Hokonson 379
K,Fxedson 5841Ftmk 505
F errier 464 lP.redson 420
20091/840 818 869
Cartw/ight Undergoes
..._.L.-uperaton on Foot :
.Medical specialists performed a
foot operation Saturday in Ta-
coma on Mary Cartwright, young
Shelton athlete who recently
signed a contract to profes-
sional baseball with the :Tacoma
club of the Western International
eag, ue.
The operation was declared
completely successful and was
tmdeitaken as a measure to
stregthen Cart.wright's f o o t,
which had bothered him at times
during his ,high school .baseball
and basketball play,
The aouble was caused by an
ankle weakness and the ,operation
was made :because artright
feared ,the foot lirght %0£ stand ap
under the .'enuous reguirements
of ..daffy play hieh he wtll face
if txe makes 0od in his irst try
at professional bail nezct sg.
'he fOot .will ,be a ca-st for scbout
six weeks:
he Friday Eve
• altan IA Club members Will
hal their f.lit busins meeting
of he 'new season next ,lrlaay
eeimg at eit o€10ek in the
couttuse, Club President ,Sam
Bedna2-skt annotmeed Clis week.
AIl members arid anyone inter.
ested n skiing are urged to at-
tend the first sessian of the new
Model KB6F 6.wheel
Model KBS,6 2.axle
to drop into our showroom
South First and Mill Streets Phone 465-W
.......... , . iii,i _ i i ...... I "I I I
, i
Few football farewells
ever' been quite as fitting as that
popular ,Kenny Cardinal enjoyed!
last week as he Highclimbers
closed their 194'7 season with a
thrill-ptcked' :1'3 to 7 last-quarter
victory over St. Martins Prep. I
As team captain, lanky Ken was
winding UP three years of Grade
A football play. As a lineman--
and one of the very best ceffters
in the state this season, too--he
had had little opportunity to ever
score a touchdown.
So it was an especially itting
occasion that the only touchdow
of his .throe years of high school
play,, scored on an intercepted pass
in the middle of the fourth quar-
ter, was the wilming tally, break-
ing a 7 to 7 deadlockk and win-
ning the game for Shelton.
But that wasn't the orovn-
ing touch. It also happemed tO
be .big Ken's 17th birthday, too,
making his achievement just
about as perfect as anyone could
There's only one more thiug to
cap the Highelimber captain's
prep football career, and that
would be his selection on the All-
State Senior team next summer.,
Cardinal's ability and performance-
during 'the past season justifies
his selection on the all-star squad.
Whether he'll get a tumble from
the .selection committee is some-
th.g else again, as the Htghclimb-
er record this season isn't going to
help' and the fact that Shelton
had Gene White on last year's all-
state squad may be another draw-
The H.ighclimbers may not con-
sider their 50-50 record during the
197 football season anything to
puff out their chests about, but
they did beat the champion of an-
other league when they knocked
over North Kitsap last month,
The .Vikings won the .Olympic Pen-
insula league title without suffer-
ing a defeat or tie, trouncing Port
Atlgeles by 27 to 0 last "weekend
for ..their fhml .victory.
On ,the ,other hand, the High-
,climbers also met another lea.
gue champion during the season
.and failed .to enjoy such success,
Ili:g to Bellarmine,,whJch went
.n ,,w3n i/a tSt Taooma city
;{blJ, cham.P]o,ehip i. •20
yoat's with ,11 14 ;to .0 .victory.ever
.Ji01n last J:rida¢, .The 'Lions
.1 .a!*n :a .1# too = lacing
a.t ,Fife early ,this uan.
Shelton 1947 prep football team
m{ght ha ue been a more potent
outt had Mr. and Mes. George
Canaan remained Shelt0n residents,
but they left this logging village
some seven or eight years ago to
reave to Renton. Last Armistice
Day, Larry Canaan, their son,
scored two touchdowns and was
one of :the luminaries of Rentor's
smaig 33 to 6 victory over
Highline which won Reton its
second straight 'Puget Sopmd lea-
gue champlonshl.p. Mr: Canaan I
w, as ,a put,lie a0cuntant er for l
a ouple. ,of ears ai%er several[
yeas in the ayoier office here. ]
•/:Iex. year's gclimber foot-
ball team may not use a T-forma-
tion offense, for Coach Norm Hil -
d :is thinking seriously of go-
g o a .sifigle-wmg .style of piay.
For ,one a, he ,,hinks the miter-,
ial he'll have for ,b,is backfield ndxt
year will be more adaptable I;0 the
sinffle-w, ing system, or another
thfig e has come to the eonclu-
sidn that most football gares in
this courry are played under
weather and field conditions which
make the intricate bll-handling
necessary4n:T-formation ,plays too
risky and too •subject to fumbles.
The Chehalis game was a strong
argumel£t along that line, ¢he Mon-
tesalo game another, and generally
speaking f¢otball games ,are play-
ed on wet fields in.thls region,
Abpndeen ,won the Southwest
Washlngt6 jUnJor ,hgh faotbaH
championship with a undefeated
season, the 8obkittens defeating
Dlympla,.7 to ;0, ,in She Einal
game after prev.iou$ly edging
Hoqu4am 7 to 6. *It was Olym.
pia's first .Ioas in two years of
junio hi play.
THOR PETERSON is the toast
of Montesano 'sp0rtLrlg circles af-
ter winning the Central League
football title in his first year as
Bulldog coach. Mon¢esanans frank-
ly don't believe Petcrson will be I
with them long s they think he t
is destined for big things in the]
coaching profession bnt they fig-]
ure on naking the most of the|
1048 season for 'tis said Pterson [
is under two year contract at Mo'- [
teaafio nd,,that m0tot tli yedS"
Championship club wlll be .bak
again for 1948, The BuIldogs lost
[their opening game to Hoquiam by
have a 27 to O score, then recovered]
to win seven straight games, their
latest a 20 to 7 verdict over Ehna
on Armistice Day•
And one more item before the
local football season is stowed
away for good: a bouquet to Lynn
Sher¢0cd and his prep band.
Green as grass and shoing it in
every action when school opened,
the Highclimber band director de-
veloped a smoothly-functioning
outfit which went through .several
intricate formations during the
halftime intermission on Armis-
tice Night and gave the last-game
fans a real treat while the gridiron
warriors were resting.
Like its commercial league
men's team, Pantorium Cleaners
was the first women's league bowl-
ing team to blossom out with uni-
forms or dresses for its feminine
pin-topplers. Mac's Corner follow-
ed just a week later' in the scream-
and-screech circuit.
One of the familiar figures miss-
ing £ro.m tiffs year's ltneups in the
feminine pin league is Mlokey Lin-
deman, vhose broken anlde, suf-
,fered last summer, still has her on
crutches. But she still gets around
to the bowling alleys fairly often
and is in immediate demand when-
ever she does to keep score as she
is one of the fastest and most ac-
curate scorekeepers in the kegeling
clan hereabouts,
Veteran bowlers expect Bob
Kier, now m his freshman year
as a league trundler, to develop
into one of tim town's best wood-
spillers, The Pantorium Cleaner
kegeler has a smooth delivery and
good action on his ball. needs only
experience to acquire the consist-
ency he needs to join the upper
crnst in the averages.
16 Husky Seniors
In Last Game vs.
W,S.C. Saturday
Seattle. The University of
Washington football team will
wind up its 1947 season Saturday
when they meet he Washington
State Cougars in Seattle.
For 16 seliors, it will mark the
final game in a Washington uni-
form. While several of the 16
have additional **eligibility due to
ybars played while enrolled in a
trainee program, they are winding
up their scholastic work and can-
not be' courLted on for another sea-
son. A staggering loss to the
1948 .team, the ,list includes such
standouts as Dick Hagen, Gall
Bruce, Arnie Weinmeister. George
Meers, Dimitri Tadich, Bill Mc-
Govern,. Gordy Berlin, Freddy Pro- ]
co, and Brooks Biddle. Among
the reserves, Jelly Andersen, Hank
1V£eluSk.y, Gerry Austin, Dick Wat-
san, Fred Whede, /Ken Solid and
Bob }Rika3son are scheduled to
aduate in June.
till another senior--the sev-
enteenth-is Sam Robinson, right
half. Rolinson, Who was injured
in the Stanford game, will not play
against WSC
A doubtful starter but due to
see some, action against ,the Cou-
gai's is left guard and All-Coast
mdldate Bob Leverthagen. The
205 pound ineman broke his arm
in the California game) but played
on offense against te U.C,L.A.
Brutus last week with his arm in
a cast. PrObable starter in Lev-
enhagen's spot will be Bill Burn-
ett, a 222 pound sophomore from
Ballard and a made-over tacMe.
Other men who Will probably
face the opening kick-off against
Washington State include Dick
Hagen and Gall Bruce at erids,
Arnie Weinmeister and Pete Fos-
ter at tackles, George Meyers at
right guard, Bill McGovern, center
and Dick Ottele, Larry Hatch,
Brooks Biddle and Marshall Dal-
las in the backfield.
Canal Sportsmen
Plan Salmon Bake
At the October 23rd meeting of
the Hood Canal Sportsmen in the
schoolhouse at Hoodsport, a sal-
mon bake was planned by George
Adams to me place 'on Novem-
ber 20, at the Grange Hall on the
This proved to be a gala event
last year and every member should
plan to attend. Salmon is usual-
ly barbecued Indian fashion, over
huge bonI*ire and served stom
• " 1 ' ' ....... "
ing dehcmus y wth all the trtm-
mings--a rash fit for a true
A short business meeting will
taTke place at7 p.m, followed by
dinner at etglt sharp.
Tailenders Crack
Electricians Win
String Wide Open
\\;v L
Simpson Electricians 21 9
Olympic Plywood ....... 18 12
Local 161 .................. 16 14
Morgan-Eaerett Lbr. 1,5 15
Pantorium Cleaners .. 15 15
Grunert's Service ...... 13 17'
Kimbcl Motors .......... 12 18
Mell Chevrolet ......... 10 20
High game ...... Emery Lindeman
High total----Lee I?riend 550
Maicies Nov. 21;
7---Local 161 vs Pantorium
Electricians vs Morgan
9----Moll Chevvs Kimbel
Grunert's vs Plywood
Relapsing from their ten-g'ame
winning streak, the Simpson Elec-
tricians lost their fourtlt straight
in Commercial League bowling
play last week and also two full
games from their loop lead when
the tailend Moll Chevrolet quin-
tet righted itself after flounder-
ing for five consecutive weeks to
hand the pacemakers a 3 to 0 cal-
Norris "Wings" Rau was flying
high for the meehalfiCS, who had
lost 13 of their previous games,
and his d72, abetted by average
building scores hit by Harold
Wiseman and Poly Gerhardt,
opened the circuit on the Elec-
tricians' forvtard sprint•
Meantime, second place Olympic
Plywood got on the band-wagon
behind Bob Fletcher's sizzling
wood-ltlmpikg to win v pair' from
Pmtoitium Cleaners and close the
nmrgin to first place to three
games. But for Emery Linde
man's 213 second game, which
copped a 19-pin verdict for the
Cleaners, the veneermen would
have crept still closet'.
Two more second division teams
joined Mell Chev in the victors'
circle during the night, Kimbel
Motors spilling Morgan -Eacrett
Lumber behind Buzz Phillips'
scoring, and Grunert's Chew'on
Service nicking Local 161 with
Danny Cormier supplying the
Grunert's (2) Local 161 (1)
Handicap 159[ Handicap 237.
C.Bare 4791 Friend 550
J.Stewart 4331 Olivet" 445
H.Cole 4301 Dummy d14
Cormier 499[ Jacobsen 391
Rank 462 Wright 395
731 88 844 2462 800 804 828 2432
Klmhel Mtrs. (2) Morgan-Eat. (1)
Handicap 351 Handicap 195
B.Pearson 435 Giblet 45
C.Berets 387 Dummy ,I26
Dummy 435 C.Cole 477
Bud Earl 407 B.Daniels 459
Phillips 488 R.Anderson 437
823 811 869 2503 849 753 846 2448
Plywood (2) Pantorlum (1)
Handicap 441 Handicap 198
Fletcher 544 E.Anderson 468
Ahlskog" 4421 Bosch 456
Miller 341 Keever 350
Jessup 360] Kier 440
Dickie 370 Lindenmn 517
807 847 844 24981787 866 776 2429
Mell Chev. (8)Simpson Elect. (0)
Handicap 402 Handicap 549
Gerhardt 457 L.Leman 379
McNeil 431 W.Coburn 322
Rau 472 Boardman 408
Wiseman 435 McClymont 331
Toney 382 Calkins 409
853 849 877 2579 746 838 814 2398
Miller, Davidson Get
Blazer Football Hnors
by Leonard Coutts
The Junior High Inspirational
Award in footbal/ was given to
Jim Miller this year. Jim played
very good foothall when he was
on the field, which was most of
the time every game. He was an
inspiring player and didn't try to
alibi about his mistakes. He is a
swell player and the boys couldn't
lave made a better choice.
The honorary captain's award
went to a fine player, too. This
honorary position is one every boy"
would like to have• It wet to
a great little quarterback, Jack
Montesano 20, Elms 7
Raymond 6, South Bend 0
St. Mar*tins 7: Olympia 6
Oympia 0, Aberdeen 0
Hoquiam 19, Chehalis 0
Bremerton 34, Bellingham .6
Bellarmine 14, Lincoln 0
(for Tacoma city title)
North Kitsap 27, Port Angeles 0.
Thursday, November ovember 20,1§47
............................ " - ' .... z- DRZl ......
,. , , Ca. sa
BY BOAT -,' . . of autOnnew
Seattle FreiGht should be routed via Str. Indhm, Ferry If you d,
Tacoma Freight vm..'tr. Skookum Chief. Milwaukee the acci(
No. 2 does .dri
For mot(
Time Schedule as follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for
Olympia and She]ton Inter-Insl
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday Mr. Richard C. Springgate,
CLARENCE CARLANDER, President Box 495 -- Shelton,
Business Phone 767-R-1
Home Phone 767-
I I ,
In this Sensational NEW ALL-I
science knows how to give!
• The most beautifal hearln ald g/ /.i'') /A'm
you ever laid eyes on. ALL-IN- // [/:2'1// /
ONE with batteries Inside . . . ]/ {[k/ ]
small, feather-light.., no more ]"
trouble to wear than a wrist- [ " /][
watch! • / /N
• Smoother, easier, quieter, NAT- // //
URAL hearinfl quality from corn- // ///]
pletely new case, tube and circuit // //
desltn ! /k //nR
• New 3-Level Environment Con. ,.. / /
trol lets you hear your best %lllm,. /
everywhere! llli/tl, ....... /F
• Exclusive new-type Regenerative
Circuit, developin more hearing
power with smaller batteries! See it NOW!
• A special plu-ln device for econ-
omy "A" battery which cuts
battery costs almost in half/
From the
|evoted exclusively to hearing aids.
W. A. LAURENT, Sonotone Certified Consultant
810 Cogean Ave., Bremeron Phone 3624
Ask About
iand Many Othe
To Civilians and Veterans
Representative here
Tuesday through Thursday
Evenings Call Shelton Hotel
120 South Third Street Shelton, WaSh'
with SHE]
[MI,Prem{um, you get mor,
t oCtane.'You get perforz
available by Shell,Rese
is a gasoline o mar
power componentsa
lanced and ]
by Shell scientists t
ine xactl,wht it nee