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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, November 20I¢NDvember 20 1947. RI-IELTON-ASON COIrNTY JOURNAL Dagc.17,  &apos; - ' -- ._i .................. ' ............................. -- ..... " " ..... H [   I Gene ][nsu! Wins Pelt , . ..=, Painters m Homes I E W00LL!S NO. 7 IN HOUSL PLAN SERIt,S, BUILt .. = . . ._ • Ji [] _== PPY Given Warflin00: ON LOW, RAMBLING LINES, A WELL:LIKED FEATURE iIii|,lin,l;itt |/e?, ., OGGIH@ SUPPLIES ggett xwenty X'ears ago tae i,,Ijl [] [] I JlLSlk " " , ....... • . . " ..... .... ..,,. ,., ..,. ,.... " , , contot si)()  ('i'(  I I II ; '(]  I l ) ' I °f00l00m00s:.°00I00IMl UAY [Bv State Droctor :,: : = :++:: ' : : 'i'; meet- [ famousu:::n: 80 collision policy.  • ] .I .... 2 i ; "' : : / L,..': • "" ;" "": .... " (,I vled" " 1 ....... i r to of thousands of State F child s'end m ,ered b le td )oi's( - ,: "'  :: / ..... "":'" ' " ' : ; '" " " . Game l)v<)tector. wilh two yent ': - .  ' Lulu eraswear°b th¢StateLy 00MONY ,.., ; .: , ........ ...................... hold ne when hc chews on the corller .. ", .,.,,!  .; ,,x; " -, i .. •k '.'  ," ,::,* ..... ,: " " :..,, (,xpe£it,l]('Q }li(i o'¢('t"'. CA:I'I t-[(l- '" " • { ofDrot¢ctinvottrcar. AI: J'-'"L Iof°hi ,. crib  V i1 -€' 4 ':., './ : -,. ' gatt <,f Ftaymend :u G(u:e 11","] c ' N _ agent is as near as your , " "/]]*//r I  g • y • , - • . /  . . :::..-. :.+n::: : :;:.= .-.+: ., .:......:.:: .;-:..:. ,......, : . . , , , • , 2'k,t ':' .i/Ill., ( " " or he'd of the SLatc Health De-  >,,::,. . Cib (((((/ A .... " ]'i.q ., , ...... .., ............ - .................. - ...... "- "'-. + '/-:4 "': • , "" .  l'l"(l ['('Llt'" ( l,'lIl' Lllr(I • ' ' )ailment S ldllSt l hy l(llC + +%.-:)- ;....e.^;:-.x :.W... . .+. .......... ":.'v. -• ....5 ... x. - . .. . . '. . . " '" . .... l De STATE FARM INSURANCE r;  J -- *la nti "on the crib ..... ,.."L..,:.i:2 , . ............. &  :i:i ~. - . _. ............ r [Y."IIL- .... ' I  Te Worlds LargelfAufo Iss , - . ufaetulels no\\; l(t,lyH 1LSO h,ad- .El; """ ..'.-':v'. :fi :" "' "'':?,-. ....... :  "z-: . .... :' ' ...... ' ............ ': 1;un i(r'lin( r T{ 3 e -ieh .ccollci .IT. .  -- . • . . o.. ,> ............................... f : .... ..... , ,, ,-..,.,, ....... :::.:.  ;;.,,,: .... ,; ,., ..... I  ....... Lml,s, Chains etc, make ' free paint. Bat when pmntm a €: .+ ....... .:::.:::, ...:.,:, ;%: [':e.;;' .......... ...U:.z. .,. 5e,,.F .  ".,e ,,  ..... . .... ,, . doric at home )alcnt,, mu.t be .''> .,N..+  ....  '>et' ..... ., .... + : .-,' ' ... Z ,*. ' .... ' / . " :g"..c:": .'. .... :;'- .... :"" ...... -z...: ..., . . - : . I ..... .  :,,.!tend. , +,  / may have a lead base.  ' .::.,.-.,.,;.::. :+" ..... :': ...... r:.:* ".: ...... • ....... • ' .'--/ " paints (s,,(h as house paints)are :: .' Z..i!!::....t/},:! :;;:.:i..<..:.:i:":.:i:! .... ..." ...... ,j' [ :,n:,tml !n'o,teetori;' ;,ml ctt Lake l gil! M Pt:I:II g IlTfl IflAN : k which, if applied on a crib, could  HOUSING PLAN RVICr', Inc. 180t NU pc}t judging contest "flso was held, (fornlerly Olympia lPeed Storc) Handle With Care Is the by-word here! And that's yo u r assurance your preolous wearables will be carefully and thoroughly olean- ed and pressed to your complete satisfaction, OYESWE DELIVER • LEANERS & Phone 86 for that new look .., high, high. atformers n your choice of two delightful styles tailored bow pumps or high.riding alized slings. Yours in mink brown forest green, calfskin, black suede ,atenL leather. ,. our experfs. your washer lt*s a lot easier to clean, when your pleasant- noise tells you it's expert check-up, and lubrication. tronble. Phone .' We service ALL of washers, BROTHERS S:t. Phone 334 be dangerous for your child. The doctor advised parents to buy a special can of lead-free paint when planning to paint or repaint cribs at homc. With this precaution you can re- lax--yore" child won't be poisoned, 'Kieburtz Permanent € Homes Bring New Building Ideas Here • ,T. Richard Kicburtz. who has built ten homes on Angleside. has just started four new homes of concrete construction which he calls "Kieburtz' Permanent Homes," embodying some new ideas of building, heating and oth- er conveniences. They show a marked change from conventional home building for permanence, and will help re- lieve the housing shortage in She]- toll. ICYCLES pardng stand new handsome B. F. Good- is "prewar plus'... "new construction lea- mean easier riding... $4.00 down $1.50 a week +s4t,50 TH AND )TA PHONE 754 THE WILLISChapman & Evans, well known architects, recently made a study /or thc Anth- LJ,'. c p,o.c - racite Industries to determine the little details of popular acceptance while others with substan- : ............. tidily the same living accomodations seem to'  l leave the public cold. They leai'ncd definitely that'r-:tl--  ' ' ..L. '  ' many people ike oW, squatty houses that give [^ff*, ] .... :!. -] the impress on of hugging the ground, l /  t ' In thc Willis designed by Chapman 8. Evans ('[1' @i! l this popular feature has been accentuated bye; ';i ..... .---r---::- ............ extending the kitchen wing's long sweeping roof %Ku ,,.,./ [ ....... # "'i line clown beyond the dormer that lights the :r,r:5"r Lon. dinette to ,within.four feet of the ground. By the -L l'] i ,- adroit use of dropped levels the added space   k i serves to house the cellar steps and is lighted ""."=°2"';' ;,*'i by its own window underneath the dormer. "" * ......... '" .... "" Another preference, indicated by the study, was a leaning toward thc spread-out Cape Cod or Ranch House styles featuring sheltered court, garden or patio, Inasmuch as these types cost more per square foot of space than do the more compact designs, The Willis is a practical com- promise. It gives the appearance of rambling without departing too far from the economical square. It permits a front terrace sheltered on two sides and a porch sheltered on three. J Hospitable, friendly and livable, The /Villis is a mellow house. It should prove an ideal home for the family that can fford to spend a few dollars more than the cost of the minimum four rooms and bath bungalow. It was designed to FHA standards and its eectrical layout carries the seal of approval of National Adequate W'ir- ing Burcau. Detailed Architect's blucprints and pecifications frcrn which the house may be built cost $7.50 pcr set, and may be obtained only from Housing Plan Service140 Nassau Street New York 7, N. ¥. For two years I lived in a shore cottage in the lake country of Northern Indiana." There were 500 summer homes about this one lake, which was only 485 acres in extent, had a muddy bottom ex- cept for a couple of artificially sanded beaches, and was fringed with second-growth oaks. Most of the owners of the homes about that lake were Chicago peo- ple. Every summer Saturday they drove out 90 miles through heavy traffic to reach this patch of weedy water and little trees, and every summer Sunday they drove back the 90 miles into the grime and heat of Lake Miclligan's Cin- der Shore. Fresh from the Northwest. I at first marvelbd at the cffort ahd expense .that these Chicago fami- lies would bear, when the visible physical return seemed to be so small. BUT EACH FAMILY had ach=, ieved a refugc from the workaday place and routine of family liv- ing. For each a dream had come true. Every man dreams of a haven of happiness at the end of a trair in the deep, dark woods. For each of us the fancy roves far out and away, to the green places, where the air is cool and clean, wherc the-trill of the robin and the lay of the lark replace the shop whis- tle and the alarm clock, And at least the oaks were green and the air was clean and fresh for the begrimed Chicagoans who carnc out for week-ends on the fnuddy shore of our Indiana lake.' At least for a day the chil- dren were in the woods out.door.% off the dirty and dangerous streets. ZITH MOM, it was still the toil of housekeeping, yet a change. For Dad there were reaches of the lake remote from the blastn of thc radios in shore cottages, where one might drift ill a boat under an unsmoked Indiana moon, and where one could enjoy the il- lusion that the only thing that mattered in the world was catch- ing a three-pound small-mouth bass. roperly anointed agaiust mos- quitos and fortified with beero,the man from the b{g," brutdl .city would relax at last in the eventide and feel close to nature. Sueh rnoments were worth all the ma- terial cost. thc time and trouble of driving 90 miles out to the take, And then, back in the thick of the workaday grind, the worst of it was made supportable by the certainty that, come Saturday, the old bus would be rolling down to Indiana again- and thi time, surely, the bass would be biting hard. MAN TVAS ]VIRST a nomad, a being who lived by hunting in the woods and fishing in the streams. The mere settled and stable his worlcaday life becomes, the strong- er h':s age-old urge to move on, in the way of his remote and shaggy ancestors. Then, now and for- ever--the pursuit of peace and happiness. So we put such names as "Shady Rest" and "Happiness Ha- ven" on our summer cottages and cabins, though we never think of the like for our homes. It is be- cause the place in the country, the shack in the woods, the cot- tage by a lake, is nearly always an ideal realized, a dream come true. u t-e.-pen'ng ,, is an expression of an ancient yearning of the race, of the rest- , .less roving springtime spirit of mankind. It is poetry of a kind common to all, which has the .pew- = er to transfigure an unpainted, .unsealed shack into a refuge and November 21 heavy-ladena haven where' for the weary and. "The cares that Infest the day I . - , Will fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away." , 1948 Buick To Introducing Introduce New, LEO NOVELLI Different Drive Flint, Mich. Nov. 3--]Buick an- nounced today that it will intro- duce a "completely new and dif- ferent" type of automatic trans- mission in its 1948 line of cars scheduled for introduction in Jan- uary. Harlow H. Curtice, Buick gen- eral manager and vice president of General Motors, described the ew B u i c k transmission as "Buick's answer to n o-s h i f t, clutchless driving." "It eliminates not only the clutch but all gear shifting, even automatic," Curtice said. "It.rep- resents an entirely new advance in driving simplicity." The new Buick transmission, to be introduced initially on Road- master models, is a development of t'he principle employed in the transmission sed on the fast, hard-hitting "Hell Cat" tank de- stroyers built by BuiCk during the war. Curtlce said the tooling, program for manufacture of the new trans- mission here, costing several mil- lion dollars, is "well advanced." Curtice reported, that Buick's Former Chef at Town Ranch in Seattle, The Ranch on tuer[ th¢' Everett Highway, Sir Francis Drake Hotel in S.F. -= a Girl Scout to weal tb¢ ':' SPECIALIZING IN HIS - martest thing a-foot o "' . Made to unusual stand ' .. =d tiber're .,, i' . aatmnally Known Steak and Chicken Dinners ad offering you the Finest Food anywhere in the Northwest , Brown Gang :" NEW MUSIC featuri00 Jerl Wel00 .m,, Station KOMO =tad IIIS ORCHESTRA "PARTMENT formerly at the CHINA PHEASANT in Seattle FOR RESEIVATIONS phone OLYMPIA 9090 Located at the MUD BAY "Y" "% ished 1895 ./ Instructor Jobs Examinations Open :Federal Civil Service annomtces e'xaminatlons for appointment to the positions o,f Instructor Educa- tion Retraining, $264,t to $3397 wa; Irstruetor-Supervisor, Educa- tion Retrmning, $3397 p/a .... Chief, Education Retraining, $149 p/a; Instructor Short Retraining, $2168 to $3397 p/a: Instructor-Super- visor, Shop ?.etraining, $3379 p/a; and Chief, Shop I:tetraining, $4149 p/a., Persona who desire permanent positions will have an opportun- ity to file for a Civil Service ex- amination leading to probational appointment with permanent clas- sified Civil Se.rvice status in these i)ositions in the Veterans Admin- istration in thc States of idaho. Montana, Oregon and \\;Vashing- ton. Applicants must be between the, ages of 18 and 62. exccpt tha tlese age limits may be waived. for veterans and under certain conditions for war serwee indefin- ite employees. Further information on these examinations and the necessary applieation forms .l'or applying may be obtained from the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veterans Administration. Branch No. 11, Exchange Building, Seat- fie 4, Washington; the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex- aminers, at any first- or second- class post office; or from the Di- rector. Eleventh U.S. Civil Scrv- io- lordon. Room 4. Central Bldg,, Seattle 4,'Wash. Applications for u'ese positions will be received un- til further notice. F produetioa, which eontinues to be limited by the availability of cold rolled steel, reached a total of 27.173 during October, bringing total 1947 model output thus far to 224,113 units. Nick P:llnwr el Prosor and Cat'] Cr(;nse of Sea Ltle. confounded the other "vxperts" of tlle game clc= l)artmenL by getting perfect scores in Lhe judginK event,. ACROSS FROM SAFEWAY O'Ncil Building Phone 378 the ta00k of the coffee steps!" "That's ths new cab that 'breathesP It 'inhalss' fresh air --'oxhales' used air --draws ie fresh air that's hasted in cold t fOrCOS out air."* "Try that scat. it's fully adjustable.Thsytetl ms it's "Take a look .at lh cab, all got 12 inches more foot one piece. Nola rivet or bolt. room and eight inches Thers's 22%'0fbatst' vistbi{Ity more seat ng apses, too. --and oven rtt0re,'with Chess rsar-orner wl ndows l" "Ysn u0ht to oat a  look at that nsw frsnm, It's REALLY builtl" ''This beats any truck rvo ever aacnl Why, it's built to du ANY johV' "Have you sssn that nqw Chevrolet truck, Mac? It'B the truck with AdvanOo Dssignl" 'Tho eab's sps¢latly mounted.,, on mbbor I It I)racticalty e[iminatss road-shock and vibrationl" "I took a Issk under ,the hood and, boy, it's stJl! got that valve- in-head onginel it daes mare work on less gas than any other engine of its sizs P' "" ";; *Freh.alr heating and eutllatlnO system stionar at sxra cast. , Choose Chevrolet trucks for Tranmart=tlon$1 There s a new Alvanee- Design Chevrolet truck to meet your,haullng or delivery requirements--107 models and eight wheelbases. See them at our showroom . . . see the cab that breathes," CHEVROLET CO. First and Grove SLrees Shelton -- Plmne 777 I .............. GENBINE CHEVSOLET PARTS MADE RIGHT- FiT RIGHT- LAST LONGER ,, , ,  ....... v n - .... See Us For Any Chevrolet Part You Need -- We Are Gird to $orve You i i I i ii I ill IL U[r ii  . - - CHEVROLET FAN BELTS Engineered to fix Chevro. let Cars and Trucks pcr- fcctly. Guaranteed for long life and to perform perfectly. For all models. RADIATOR HOSE Don't leak out your anti- freeze with bum Imse. ) Let us chcck your cool- ing system o,.v. , STARTER ARMATURES MaMmum crar&ing speeu. 'I ik. lreiaion made. Factory N"I' i Guarantce. For all Chev- \\; 'i rolet Cars and Trucks, IGNITION COILS r Wound on automatlc ma- chines f o r uniformity. Thoroughly tested to in- s u r e high-test quality. Guaranteed 100% ntis- factory. I BATTERY CABLES Fully insulated a n d protected. AIss Starter Cablo CHEVROLET• MUFFLER Safety sealed against leakage. The finest that yott can use in your Chevrolet. Gct the best. BRAKE SHOE ASSEMIILY Built especially for Chv- rolet Cars and Trudks. Easiest to install. Wcather-proof. Long life. We carry a big stock. CHEVROLET AXEE SHAFTS mmmmmm C.h r o m e - nickle steel. "  ,Carefully heat-treated for long*life. For all makes of Chevrolet Cars and Trucks: Excellent stock always on hand, . i I n II  CHEVROLET RIHG 6EAR ANO PINION Factory machined Rears . . Nickel-Silicon-Molyb- denum StecL Vcry hard and tough. For all mod- els. Big stock now, Gct the bcs. CYLIN DER* HEAD GASKETS Dcsigned to fit per- fcctly. H c a t and .t. watcr resistant. Very  ---- - finest gaskct for Chevrolet Cars and Trucks, SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS Morc light properly distr|- buted is thrown on road aur- "faces. We have big stock .of all kind, of headlights bulbs, etc., for Chevrolet Cars. CLUTCH DISC AND FACING ( Made especially for Chevrolet Cars and Trucks. Smooth actionlong life. AIways replace clutch parts wth the genuine Factory Product. PISTONS AND RINGS -n-'' EIectro-platcd cast iron pistons for long life. ald n balanced =ets, Samc as.. original equipmcnt. Fits pcrfect[y  Chevro- let Cars nd Trucks. CONNECTING RODS Produced for Chevrolet Cars and Trucks. Bear- ,ngs spun.ln.. Greatest strangth a=d toughness. Precislov manufactured. lrtdivldusliy packed• VALVE SPRINGS Sp'ecial e!ign g/yes rTLr freedom Item flutter Made of pring, steel PISTON' RINGS It is ImPOrtant that Piston gins alway be used. Chev. roictpist0n rings fit. WATER PUMPS Yactory engineered for Chevrolet Cooling Sys- tem. Let us check your pump before putting in Anti,Freeze. WE SELL PARTS TO ANYONJE We Invite the Owners who do their Own Repair Work to come to Us for Their Parts We ore always Gad fo supply Independenf G=rages w/fh Chevrolef Parts 00hevro00et Parts is 9ur B.siness -- Hot a Sideline Nell Chevrolet First and Grove Pm',:s Department Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 777 or 778