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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 3.8 SIELTON-MASO¢ COUNTY 3OImNAL Thursday, NovemberI ........... ":' ......... ...... .............. .............. - ................ RECALLS creme. 20,1947 .. _ ...................... _.,... ........ , ...... .....__._,,.. . .'. , , , , .... . , . TilE OLDTIMER ................ ,..- ........   ....... ]  ...... t Ho,'e'. how to keep pictures Washington Sets from marking lreshly deeorated l walls: Just stick a thumb tack in i.he back of the two lower corners, National Pace In ,t,e,, .................................................. the .'amos 'on't =t°uc' ..... the  Gt Co ti wal> ame nserva on ] The ':;tare of Washillgton is set- ting the pace in its co,scrvation [ l)raetices and in building up game and fish sLq)l)lies , according to : word brought back by State Game I I)elmrtment delegates to conser- I vath:m group meetings daring re- cent months. * Garoe Cownission Chairman James A. Ldhdon reports he has been informed that "Other states, recognizing Washington's leader- ship, are following our lead in var- ious g'ame and fish programs." Theae programs , he said, include the establishment of habitat areas for birds, the elemin'ation of scrap fisll fl'ol]l lakes, and acquisition of public hunting and shooting area, and similar other endeav- ors stressed so heavily in this state. | MO VING AWAY? Good luck to you--and make the Job easier for yourself by letting us take care ot the transportation of your ef- fects-anywhere in Washing- ton I SHELTON TRANSFER 221 S. 2nd Phone 66 Recollections from 50 Years Ago "  ,tever Yo ItUERBY M O T O g S Fift & Railraad Phone 16 I rec-lect thet the Eliab Dunbar place in town wuz in danger when , Goldsborough crick begun to cuttin' under the banks. The city got some men' out to clear the crick Led an' try to remove the danger. Thet wnz the week thet a new mechanic come into the home of George Lovelace. His wife hed a young son. He wuz a mechanic fer the Peninsula RR shops in Shelton. Thet same week, Ed. Jmms of Picketing reported to the Jom'nal thet he had been married in Se- attle to Mrs. Jackson. She wuz a former resident of Pickering, havin' proved up a 'homestead there some years before. Shelton's newest bizncss wnz goin' full blast about then. Thet wuz the e-vaporatin' plant where they boiled the water out'n spuds an' other vege-tables. Thos. O'Neill bought a 100 cans to start on, to fill them fer the Alaskan trade. Each can held about 25 lbs. of the dry spuds. Btzness wuz so good thet the com- pany wuz rtmnin K, two shifts eaetl day, with five men on each gang. F. F. Potter wuz in charge o' the day shift, an' Allie Saeger :o' the night crew. The company had orders then fer 15 tons o' dried supds, an' expected to keep busy fer most o' the winter, dependin' on could they get the raw spuds. Shippin' out pilin's wuz another big" bizness around these parts then. Herb. McReavy, from Union ST on she You want: the best.., the tenderest, juiciest, plumpest poultry f o r your Thmksgvhg feasL . . . and that's exactly what ie offer you --pcri'ec$ poulff'y personally selected by us for the finer quality thai means finer flavor and sure satisfaction. Order yours today to be sure of getting the weight you require. We'll keep your turkey in our refrigerator and have it all cleaned and ready when you call for it. FINEST SHOULDER BEEF RO, ST MINCE MEAT i2 LBS 45 = Wal, I re-Call thet back in '97 the middle o£ November wuz a mighty wet month. All the summer rain saved up to come at once, I reckin. Brung the cricks up to the top o' the banks in a hurry, an' seemed like some houses wuz about to be floated away. City, come over to reI)ort thet the ship Enoch Talbot t]ad sailed fer LINK S1 USAGE 5 LB. 45 ¢ LB. SLICED Graded Good PURE San Francisco thet week with her third cargo o' pilin's, 'containin' 1,100 piles. Fredson an' Burtt supplied the timbers from their camp, an' they wuz peeled fer creosotin'. They wuz supposed i.o he used in the wharves o' the California town. Gee. Vogttin, a Shell on bizness man, pervided a light in front o' his livery sable fer the winter nights. The Journal re-ported thet the lights wuz bad in the city, an' it wuz a good idee if the City Council would provide more lights at appropriate spots. The Journal sed tlet some o' the street crossin's wuz high off the ground, an' it wuz possible fer someone to get hurt even if he wuz perfectly sober. The Northern Duel/it RR wuz bringin' suit against the Counties o' Western Washington to get out'a payin' back taxes on land they owned. They claimed they shouldn't pay taxes on tle land before it wuz patented. The shingle mill-men wuz clos- in' down fer the winter long about th,ct time. They figgered they could keep the prices up better if they didn't get too many shin- gles on the market. The Journal figgered a-bout ninety per cent of the mills would go along with the idee. They wuz little call fer shingles right then anyhow. The west coast lumber mills wuz givin' out with plaintive cries then too. They figgered they wuz losin' money, practically. They wuz makln' 95 cents less on the dollar than they had in 1895, and 45 cents less than they made in 1896. In the face o' such huge losses, they wuz euttin' the prices o' logs bein' paid at, the mills. Thet didtft seem to slow dwn the log- gin' operations in Mason county, thougiL Supt. Gee. Simpson ome in from Matlock to report thet logs wuz movin' lively as ever on his road, an' Tim Journal also re- ported thet the Simpson Logging company wuz buildin' a couple o' patented machines fer haulin' logs out'n the woods. These machines wuz • called '"Valkin' Dudleys." The wuz a sorta donkey powered tractor which had laid tracks fer it just like a raih'oad only they didn't have to worry about hills an such. The big RR cars had a 7-foot wheel on 'era which used a cable to pull them up the hills. They hooked onto logs an' pulled them behind the Dudley. The Journal said thet the Grisdale camp hed been usin' one o' the machines with efficiency an' economy. Thet wuz at their camp near Matlock. Claimed it wuz puttm' the hosses out'n tie leggin' biz- hess. Times wt!z shore changin', alright. Even then in the old days. ............................. Minimal TB Lesion Special Teams Check With the great modern devel- opments in the spread of knowl- edge about pulmonary tuberculo- sis and m mass X-ray techniques fro: discovering eases of the dis- ease, progressively more cases are being discovered in the early stages, It is therefore most im- portant for everyone to under- stand the significance of the early stage, or "minimal lesion," as it is termed medically. The minimal lesion is the early stage of tuberculosis of the lungs. It can by no means be regarded as a "light ease" of tuberculosis. There is no such thing., Tuber- culosis is a slowly progressive dis- ease. Unless the case is given proper treatment quickly, it ia as likely to progress rapidly to a fa- tal end, as is a case discovered ln an advanced stage In fact, an acute, almost explosive onset and rapid progression are typical of the minimal lesion, in the exper- ience of doctors who have studied many cases, Tuberculosis in the minimal stage causes few or no outward symptoms. The typical TB symp- toms such as fatigue, loss of appe- tite and weight, cough, expector- ation, fever, indigestion a n d hoarseness, which might cause a person to call in a doctor, do not appear until the disease has ad- vanced to a point where cure may be difficult, time-consuming and costly. Minimal lesions are usually dis- Find Ot Perfectly Complete as the Permits E REGULARLY FEATURE A You Want a MEAL place that makes '.things better. lgockdell Puml)kin ........................... 2 cans 29¢ Cranberry Sauce .......................... 2 cans 43¢ Large Ripe Olives ...................... No. 1 can 29¢ Chopped Olives ................................. 2 cans 29¢ Stuffed Olives ............................ per jar 45¢ Green Olives .................................... per jar 37¢ Heinz Chili Sauce ............................. bottle 39¢ CHB Meat Sauce .......................... bottle 22¢ e Hilderman, Chef French Dressing .............................. bottle Derby Steak Sauce ............................ bottle : ... #. Libby's Sweet Mixed Pickles .... :... bottle  anKsgivlng '  :.:. :.,..::.:i.:' Nalley's Kosher Dills .................. bottle Heinz Malt Vinegar .., ..................... bottle J' S,., a , . , Marashino Cherries ..................... :. bottle  nelton lVlal(l Lobster ............................................ per can !ti: ICF CDFA Shrimp ........................................ per can ii( m'm,,.,,,, uL.-# | v J Crab ................................................ per can i" {t; Pickled Peppers .............................. bole 1,!i A+sorted 1 Flavors ': ..... *^ " "-£'*'^ t II. lIllVlleO ........................................ [JIIUbl[lt , heai dish of cool I , . = .   . ! " . p ng our , cr Get a Police Wh=stle FREE. Smoked Oysrs .................................... jar l!th, -- AT NO 'r ' : ' = ,==- .................. , • v ' '" ' 7 t-'-'6-e "i¢i - ' . , gOLA Vor On00v 00oo00oo,, . _. I   " Grapefruit Juice |lt.l. : SWA00SI n in Tomato Juice v-: ................. ,, I===1 IIHP'/ I nAslllYtll J lll n Nil Dennisons nn n Pork and Beans Baker's Premium ,: N - "'' 39¢ Blended Juice the perfect ending to Thank order now. All favored fla $1.25 per gallon in = 60¢; Pints 30¢ = • .;It* ICE C PORK SAUS 49= L.. Our Own Make FRESH {tYSTERS 59 € Small Size . MEAT DEPARTMENT Pretzel Sticks .................................. pkg. 10¢ Marshmallows ........................ (limit) pkg. 11¢ Fairmont Seedless Grapes ........ 8-oz. can 15¢ Honey ........................................... : pint jar 63¢ Honey, new comb .................................... 49¢ Creamed Itoney ................................ 2 for 65¢ Fruit Cocktail ............................ per glass 29¢ Mince Mess .................................... 2-lb. jar 49¢ ]Kraft Cheese ................ 2-lb. Velveeta $1:09 Calumet Bakilg Powder ................ 8-oz. 9¢ Walnuts ............................................ per lb. 4"/¢ Peanuts, fresh roasted .......................... lb. ,35¢ Hard Mix Candy ...................................  lb. 37¢ Pfohl's Canape Wafers ............ 48 in pkg. 29¢ WE STILL HAVE:-- Pict Sweet Frozen Fresh Peas at 2 i * pkg. Morz'el, Ho,mel, Carsten Established 1895 covered by chest X-ra,y---either in SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER BACON routine examinations by the faro- Ginger Cake lix. Regular pkg. 9¢ ]4 lly doctor or group surveys of ap- .¢ parently healtly persons in corn- and 5¢ Sale pkg. BOTH FOR . .. ' munities, industrial plants and ......... schoMs, or when patients are ad- mitted tO a hospital or clinic for reasons other than tuberculosis. While these X-rays serve to screen out early lesions, no doc- tor will make a diagnoms of pul- monary tuberculosis on the basis of a chest X-ray alone, particular- ly on the miniature fihn frequent- ly used in group surveys. In the minhnal stage the lung involve. ment is so small that it can bare- ly be seen even by the X-ray. The doctor will make many other tests before he can determine whether the shadow he sees on the X-ray plate is an active tuberculosis les- ion. Any person in whom pulmonary tuberculosis is discovered in the early stage may consider himself relatively fortunate. In most cases the disease can be arrested with minimum loss of time. l]ut the patient should take no chances. He must not think that he can get well without a consid- erable period of bed rest under medical care, preferably in s tu- berculosis hospital or sanatorium. Because of the serious potential- ities of the minimal lesion, im- mediate treatment ts necessary. (This series is sponsored, in the interest of better health, by the Mason County Anti-Tuberculosis League, ) 87 ¢ LB. Bottle 24¢ ,. . HEINZ CATSUP K raft's MAYONNAIS]E Pint 45¢ " GROCERY DEPARTMENT Established 1895 COUPONS HERE!! FIll/ITS,,* Sweet Potatoes Cranberries Celery, Cauliflower Lettuce, Radishes We invite you to visit our well stocked Vegetable and Department and see the big display of ThanksgiVing • Green Onions Tomatoes Grapes, Lemons, Pineapple, etc, SCHILLING PUMPKIN PIE SPICE .................... GROUND SAGE ................................... RUBBED SAGE ................. : ............ RUM FLAVORING ............................ BRANDY FLAVORING ..................... POULTRY SEASONING ... ............ WE REDEEM YOUR LIFEBUOY SOAP