November 20, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 20, 1947 |
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., m
Effective November 24), 1947,
the weight limit of gift parcels
tuldresued for delivery in Italy
ml Vatican City Static will be
increased from I1 pounds to
22 iNmndm. At the same time,
tim llmilatlon of only one par-
cel jr week from tim slime
mmder to tM, same, addressee
will he removed.
The lareel post rates are 14
(egllS per pouml or fraction of
a pound,
, um n ,
ticle has been given consideration
by Washington State Game De-
partment officials, who have found
it interesting,
Rose continues: "Then, if yon
miss your lead sad the ballet
l'mds a. couple c)f feet back of
where you wanied it you still
count on a very ddad deer some-
where in the immediate vicinity,
or at least a deer that won't run
into the middle of the next coun-
Rose's study of 5,000 kills dur-
Best Place to Hit
Deer is in Neck
Excellent information on where
to shoot :J deer is given in I.he
October issue of the American
Rifleman, with John S, Rose, the
association's conservation expert,
saying: "If you want to drop a
deer in tis tracks, forget that
time-honored heart shot and hit
him in the neck.'
Information contained in the ar- ink 1946 showed that 94 per cent
Junior High Showboat JR. C. Spanish Club Holds
Mark this date on your ealcn- RegUlar Study Meeting
dar: Tuesday evening, Novels-
bet 25. Come. to the Junior High Last Thursday, November 13,
auditorium at 8:00 and enjoy the R. C. Spanish Club met at the
yotlrself. ]lOlllt of Mrs. Ag'nes Ah-xnnder.
There will be dancing', singing, The)so prese}t were Helen Lem-
music, a one-act play and other
novelties. This entertainlnent will ley, Norene P e t e r s () n, Mih'e
best adults only 40c and students Grimes. Helen Wratkin:L Mar3orie
25c. Don't miss it. Johnson, and the ho;;tess.
of all deer hit in the neck dropped The next cvenin- (r study will
in their tracks or trailed a little be held at the home of Milre
over five yards as an averag(,, Ch'irn(,s today, Novenlbcr 20.
no" Y.o. Aewey. Yes 1€o
[ • S,.s'l, e ,ur.i., or comi., )o a .,.p, [
2. c...,..,.,,.;.,.,,,.,.,,., [2 [2
3. 0,,,,...,,., ["7
, Givs the pedestrian a break oven tlfOullh
he =.. no, .,h...h, o, .y, , , u_J
e Ions, "
8 Drive' with eXfre coloW in fog, rain ev anaw
.nd'cmw. or lcy: pavement, I 'it [ i
Io. ,,,...,....., ,,.,,, F)I)
In ....................... ,
10 YES AI... Are you 11 that
good ?
8 to 10 &NISWIW . . . GOod dlqving,
We need more of you.
6 to 8 YEB A-NSWElgS... Falr driving, You
Le than 6 YI[; Wers , . . Poor driylng.
You're beaded for trouble, . . perhaps death.
PS S Take another look 5t your score. Would your
flUZlly and friends rate you the saree?
" I i m I i [ i Ill i[ I i
LIGHTS . . . Do any bulbs need repling? Are
headlights pr'oir!y focused and aimed,? Arb
tall and stop lights In good condition ?
[] TIRES . . . Ate they all In safe conmtion? (Con-
sider outs, fabric breaks and excessive wear,)
WINDSHIELD WlIBS... Do they operate satis-
factorily? Do blev]es mined replacing?
--'] HOI . .. Does It operate eaelly and when you
need I?
Aro there any. other safety Items that need atten-
,Mels, such as Jtteerlng, defects in glass; rear view
mior, mdflei', etc.?
Keep your ear In safe condition and drive as Saely as you
want others to drive. Correct all deficiencies NOW.
/±_ II_ n n , ,,, ,,, n ,
Like most people, you probably
think you're a careful driver. Ia
a traffic mishap, small or large,
It's always the other fellow's
Yet every once In a while, don't
you have a sinking feeling
when a near accident occurs...
and the thought, "wasn't look-
ing" or "That was a clbe one
•.. I mu PaT more a@enflon"
goes through your mind.
Even if your driving is pretty
good it could probably bs much
better. ()heek yourself, honest.
13', on the driver check list in
this ad. Then when you are on
the ldghWay, drive sfely, drive
a ear that is kept In afe oper-
ating condltio • • . and above
all . • TI!12€, OF TIt
Traffic officers making checks
ask first for your driver's li-
cense. Then they observe five
car features, brakes, lights,
tlre, windshield wipers and
ltrns . • • and note any ether
obviously dangerous car eondi-
Thanks, Thanks
Eve00 yone, For
Wonderful Bazaar
'Twos a great success---the Har-
vesl Festi\\;'.'d and Bazaar last Sat-
uI'day night at Alderbrook Inn at
I [Jlh)n. 'V' x,/orc glad to see SO
manv from other communities---
Shelton, Belfair, Sl¢okomiM ViII -
ley, Hoodsport, and Cushman
The .pirit and co-operation of
everyone was worlder[ul, and al-
though we tried to make this af-
fa/r as self-supporting as 1)ossible
we owe thanks to many and have
much appreciated the help of
many. The IJnion Ladies Civic
Club wishes; to thank the Shelton
Printing Co., Beekwith's, Prepps
Drug Store, MeConkey's Plmrm-
aey, Rooncy's Dime Store. Mark-
ham's Variety, Dwight Morris
Men's Store, Olympic Furniture
Co., md Fritz Dalby for their do-
nations and discounts. To Shaf-
er's Bakery, Lumbrmen's Mere-
antile, Shelton Hardware, Morris
Clothing Store, and to merchants
on Hood Canal for displaying the
doll and radio..
Mrs. Dwight Morris, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Lud Anderson at the
piano, sang the verses of "God
Bless Arnerica," and "Carry Me
Back to Ole Virginny," and as-
sisted by Mr. Nolan Mason they
led the audience as they joined in
for the chorus---and as they sang
"Jingle Bells" and "Reuben, Reu-
ben." This group singing was
wonderful--but the writer believes
the ladies outdid the men when
tley came to the part singing of
"Reuben, Reuben." Miss E 1 i n
Strandin sa'ng three Swedish
songs, and was dressed in a very
attractiye costume of her native
Mesdames Stark, Elmlun0, Nel-
son, Plews, Norling, Viger, and
Heuer made the luscious looking
cakes. Mrs. Hacker made the
good homemade bt'ead and rolls
that were auctioned by Louis
Pfundt. (Thanks Louis.)
Mr. Mason took charge of the
drawings for t]e chances sold and
Mrs. Darrow of the Shelton Hotel
won tie doll, Mrs. L. Scheel of
Union.won the Philco radio, Gene
Maffitt of Union won the card ta-
ble, Mrs. Harry Hess of the Sko-
komish Valley won the painting by
F. Dalby, Mrs. Ira Collins of
Hoodsport won the lace tableelotb.
Mrs. Helen Andersen won the
large box of homemade candy raf-
fled by the Girl's Club. Mrs. A.
F. Viger of Shelton won the tur-
key which was the bingo grand
Thanks to Mrs: Helen Ander-
sen, Nolan Mason, Curt Grout,
Harry Hess, David James, Dwight
Morris and Clyde Bacon for their
generous help throughout the eve-
Thanks to Peter Franklin and
his friend for taking charge of
parking the cars--this was very
capably handled and added much
to the convenience of the "comers
and goers."
Last, but not least, the club
thanks Mr. and Mrs, Walter
Franklin at Alderbrook Inn" for
their co-operation and many help-
ful suggestions.
Veterans of %'(orhl D,'ar 11,
(w(ql Iholagh tile 5 ' h;i(, nev('r
held a soc'iul s('('uriIy ear(I, h:tv(
s()me .o(,ial .ecurity l)roteelion.
R e e e n I legislation provides
(hal. any honon'ahly di:('harge(I
veh.ran of %Vorhl %Var If, wh O
(iie will|in three years :if tier
his di,eharKc is ('onsith'r('(I fully
illsu."e(I illlth,r the old-zig(, :lnd
survivors ins.ralte(, 19|:t41.
This nleaiis ilu,.l his sltrviving"
relalives would be entitled to so=
eiai seeuriiy beuefiis, jus( as if
he had been reg.larly emlgioye(I
oo fl coered joh. Benefits will
not be i):gi(I, however, if snr-
rivers ar( eligible for a I)ension
from ihe Veterans Adminisira-
Vets who are now worl{ing on
jobs exemlgt from so(,ial .ceur-
ity shouhl tell iheir families
uboul, this provlMon. In some
eases, it's (he equivalent: ()f
$10,OllO or nlog"( worth of iastnr-
1t' you know of ally veteran
who died after his diselmrge,
suggest that his relatives call
at the social seeuriiy office
without delay.
The Chcsk Chamay Camp Fire
Girls will end their turkey ticket
sale with the awarding of the 30-
pound turkey this evening, No-
vember 20, at the L. M. Store.
The time of the presentation has
been set for 5:15 p,m, with Mr.
Henry C, Bacon,-Jr., making the
November 20, 1947.
Modern E(
Operated By
ING " :'
( BULKHE,ADING! ;___.____
For Land or Wetet,!i
For Hire .-I ....
For Sale, !
Sanitary Ma
Round bone shoulder cut
PORK ROAST ......... lb.
BEEF STEW (Rib): .... lb.
WEINERS ............ lb.
Order Now Your
At Prevailing Market Prices
One important display of the ...................................................
evening that we hope you didn't
miss was the plans for the new
sol, eel house here at Union. Even
though this district hasn't re-
ceived any help from the state it
plans to go ahead wtt) the mon-
ey it has raised in this district
and build the much needed new
school--with the plans for a build-
ing that can be added to when
that time comes.
Naturally the success of the
bazaar is due largely to the long
and untiring efforts of the var-
ious committees.
If anyone wants to order pic-
tures of the children that were
taken at the Hallowe'en party,
and, missed doing so at the bazaar,
the: may order them at Wyatt's
Grocery until the evening of No-
vember 27. Mr. James took these
pictures and they rc very good
of the children in their costumes.
24 ,Blazer Varsity
Cars involved in accidents or Spike Hliboki and his brand
e stopped for trot. fie violations new accordion are being featured
are subject to me polleas check at the Dayton Community Hall
..--'Wr 0'9 most occaslo's, But all me. public dance this Saturday eve=
ROY J KBBEL E00lEKrKl00Eb ..,.,...o urged to have thelr ,ing.
cars checked md needed eorrec- The dance is open to the pub-
, e tions made before thepoliee act iic, and supper will be served.
utter en emergency has de- :Modern and old-time numbers are
ERGER WINERY Why guaranteed topleaseevery°ne"
ERB surfed. _ .............
W not POLICE your 0wn ear .paAeS St ,tena
: and help give DEATH A nOLI- pa '[uOA oaouz pvods S! aq
DAY ou ore' Streets and High- -2ns oql 'so!sea s! gsoaod 0q,Z "pueq
ways. £q ueql zaqlea aoteqs W1T qnop
oTIOOa uo Jgns 2UTplU!.zds £.,T.
a$ns soS
Football Letters
Presented Today..,
Coach Ray Patrick hands ot
football letters this morning to 2;$
players who earned their iazer
varsity insignias during the sea-
Son which closed a week ago Fri-
day. Four student managers also
will get in on the honor awards.
One of the unusual features of
the 1947 Blazer squad was the
fact that Coach Patrick had five
eighth graders on it who played
enough ball to earn their letters,
him an exceptionally large
mcleus of experienced players
around whom to build next year's
The five eigtth graders who
made their letters include Danny
Yarr, Murry Coleman, Dtck
Sharpes, Don McCowan, and Ad-
onis Hawley.
The 19 ninth graders who move
on to high school ranks bearing
their Blazer football letters in-
elude Fritz Priszner, Walt :Miller,
Tom Buechel, Frank Warmoth,
Charles Young, Fred Stuller, Wes
Frank, Tike Hilhnan, Harmon
Sparr, Allen Kimbel, Jim Miller
{inspirational award winner), Len
Hawk, Len Coutts, Jack Davidson
(honorary e.aptain), Gay War-
moth, Bob Eacrett, Don Rutledge,
Frank Kenyon, Danny Austin.
Student managers letters were
earned by Don Ferwerda. Harold
Carr, Ronnie Heuer, and Calvin
We have receive
ed residents
of new ears allo(
been deiive]
ins--0f other va]
iag to the age
51 Mr. H. E.
51 Mrs. Gra
51 Mr. Elm
56S Mr. Gene
51 Mr. H. L',
71 Mr. C. H
7t MLR. E
51 Mr. Don
51 Mr. Wins
76S Mr. Don
51 Dr. Paul
56S Mr. E. G
56S Dr. Kehn
2t6C Miss Mai
The far-off, thrilIing sound of the train
... the distant htm of the erigines...
Pacific speeds on its scheduled way.
While you enjoy restful sleep, let UnioO
carry you to your destination--sa£eiy an d
through wind: and rain...snow and fog.:
Pacific service is designed for you
sleeping cars.,, Meep-easy reserved
exciusive stewardess service on "City of P '°¢t
streamliners.., deiicious meals. When yOg,
East, go the restful dependable way--bY
Pacific !
:'be,wai: itcy of
rant the cost of
hl cars invite
doing much les,
ad [aci|it
Fuily equi
flat rate as Mh
Parts ,fo, r an
by 'O00A, g
Daily Union Pacific Passenger Train BOC
the East Showing Connections from ,1 METAL]
Streamliner -0)' .- ,A T trln'ttlnT"
,, ,, , nd F[ &J2,OI2J.k.
City of Portland Portia J-4:l:," 't '
--Lv. " • .m. - , '<
Olympm 1:12 p.m. 5.25 p a:1000: :BOB --your B
Lv . ___--w...
Portland 5"30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. o | P. Rah ifh
For complete travel information, consult 1' " "
114 South Ninth Street. Ta'coma 2,
U N P A € t t I t :
t o A ..... aS3 sout00
, ,