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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November  Thursday, • - .... " ............ , November 20, 1947. , , Sn,TOmlIASO COT'r JorraRAt; Page 9 i i ,my I , i I i i, i i j " - - -- .... Ji:" i i a i# week of December and will be un- d&ii i i1 li i i ' ' de the eneral ' supe vision of ...................... uiri-bCOUt News . . e.llateHc ratter :Mrs. Herb Angle. :Mrs. John L. Dotson, eommis- #lllS WEEK, the Girl Scout Vm. H. Albax.h 0000ono, o,., Shelton Lumber its initial appearance. The paper We're always happy to hear from our readers. We received a breadC°uneil'andmadeserveda deliciousit hot rromging'e'-the is edited and published by mere- letter and a first day cover of the ,OF "¢OUI pan to the leaders and members bes of Senior Scout Troop No. 6 under the leadership of rs. 2eArmour,DefenSeofStamPD.ewattofrOmlastMr, week.C' H, 9,;'ompany OF ST of the council in a joint session Charles Walton and :Mrs. Grant Mr, Armour informs us that he oo And when you shave you'll want plenty last Vrednesday in the Little Packard. . CONSIDE House. A new staff will be chosen it;ore has a general collection, a collec- tion o1: first day covers, U. S, ESr of hot water. See the new Red Spot Elec- Durin'g the business meeting, tile troop members each month Navy 'cancellations, etc. plans were discussed for the forth- to report the news and assist in Modern E( tric Hot Water Tanks. Call D1CKISON coming visit of Miss Dorothy Pet- printing the paper. TILe staff this Speaking of first day "covers ton, national field director, who raonth was :Barbara :McElroy, ed- reminds us that a number of our Operated By FUEL CO. for yoflr heating problems, will be here today mad tomorrow itor; Joyce Price, Jean lkussell, re- local collectors, junior and adult, have shown some interest in first for council and leader training and porters; Jackie Halbert, ilfustrat- day covers. And so, perhaps, a special conferences dealing with or, Experienced Let us put you on :bur regular delivery specific problems, word of explanation is in order, TUESDAY, November 25 the MRS. IIOWARD MEYER, train- Girl Scouts, are going to Olympia New stamps are first released FOR list. ins chairman on the council, is to see the ,Clare Tre'e majb*" prb- in a specified city and on the ..... @ LAND CLEAR|NG llakinff all arrangements which duetion of 'Hans B'rtnker and the first day of sale are,available only include hmeh and an afternoon Silyer Skates." in .. ,y .e oo.,oe €- FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT session Thursday for Council Tle girls will be excused from partment provides, a spe¢ia L can- • BULLDOZING members and an evening meeting school at 2:20 and must have writ- eellation to be. used on that stamp devoted to leaders, ten excuses from their parents to on that day only, . Envelopes bear- Other special conferences will be the school principal. Girls, she ins that particulai" stamp and cancellation are known as first • DITCHING e.ondueted Friday. All leaders and yoth" leader 'or further Infer'ms- day covers. council members are urged to be lie's ...... In Our Location on • BASEMENT present for these conferences. Mrs. Gustafson's Troop 4 will THERE ARE a number of com- ING The annual Girl Scout cookie receive their tenderfoot pins to- panics that render special fh:st @ BULKHEADING sale will be conducted the second night, day eover,o,'iee. o,.,o,e,,,e MoUnlain View fee they proyide their clieuts with first day covers appropriaSely en- ,,ved w  e,gn o" t.e oe- O THE OLYMPm m(;nWA¥ 41 PILEDRIVERS casion. For Land or water HoWever, t is not the design MAILING ADDRESS -- P.O. Box 598, Shelton . DUMP TRUCKS that male's the finest day cover. For Hire but the stamp and cancellatio. Charles Weirauch PHONE 657 Mafly,.perhsps most, collectors_0f 41 PILING AND L08! first day covers arrange for their For Sale, covers directly With the issuing ........................................................ postofflce. For those in t'erestM, PHONE 601 here is how you go about it. --- The new 3-cefit :Eve'g!hdes Ia- I tional Park stamp will be placed T on sale at Florida City, Florida. -on December 5. f you Want a " TAIii.iIL '- I II first day cover, take a plain 636 , ry Mark NEW BUICKS by 3,/S envelope and address it to  ple of fofds of 15a)er will do) to fit the envelope and ins'err for a filler, ENCLOSE riffs adressed.en- yelope, in a large envelope with . the cash or money orc]er fpr the have received and delivered the beloW listed Niew Buick Atit0mobiles to ttie blw list= ,stamp or stamps to be affixed ' to your coVer. You may want 6sly • t,,. ,/ u ;' ed resitltents of Shelt and vicinity, The list is Up to date and represents the t}thl siipply era singleh blh'ckbfStamPf'0ur(that'(12e,willplease);be 3e)  ;T lb. f new cars allocated to this dealership since post War pr0ducti0n tested, No new Buii:k o you may want as many as ten i h_ covers,serviced. Be sure to en- ......... uu ; ....... close sufficient moriey foi • tim ser- " SAUSAGE lb. has. been delivered oat of Shelton--desplte nameg0us offers of SL00,0 eas gift trade. eepartmentdesired.does notThe postoffiCedo a credit bus-de" We Have, A Very Complete Line of ms--or other valuabl consiiteratins. All cars have been delivered to the f011mg crd. - ,e, OXa SZoNEi , Finally, adclress yofir larger en- (Rib) lb. ins to the age of the order, and as permitted by availability of color and odel, affd ih ,o,o,¢, lo, i .mal,eoo° e o0  ,o STYLED BY CORKLYN lb. trier accordance w]tli Btfick's suggested retail price. .. o ovo, oo ,,.  eover Everglades tamp." Then Oont An Ideal Gift when forget to mail it. .. "*" First day covers in an in- ................  HONOR ROLL FOR are teresting field. The biggest prob-  Now o,, HONOR ROLL FOR 1946 1947 P E RS O N A L I Z E D lem is in preserving and display- ins the covers or, at least, your • ,o t' 51 Mr. H. E. Grant, Grant Lumber Co. €oh,mnt has always cOnsidered SHELTON PRINTING and 5;IVING POULTRY ik,:_, e, Model 51 Mr. D. R. Goldy, DGn McKay Log. Co. T MARKET PRICES " 56S Mr. Simon Posen, navonier Inc. it a problem. Perhaps the J. A. • "" " 51 Mrs. Grace Forbes, Simpson Log: Co. " 71 Mr. Earl H. Mooie, W,stern Supply Co. Woblers or . H. 4rmour will prove ................. to the members of the Mason STATIONERY ca_,. " 51 Mr. A. w. Drummond, Simpson Log. Co. County Stamp Club one of these " da3,sthat it is Io prqblem. Graham Theatre Buifding on Cota Street 5TEFISK l :Mr. Elmer Arndt, N. P. Depot " 71 Mr. George M. Grisdale, Grisdale Con. Co. wen .' a m,t.t a,- KER BEEF GS Mr. Gene Burgoyne, Burgoyne Pll0to 51 Mr. Floyd M. Lord, Simpson Log. Co. ou.c,me.t .for, ou" reaxlers PHONE 57 " 56'S VI, Merle L, Nebet) Simpson Log. Co. 'et Week. Don'} mls; ltl Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutton ,ailing Market Prices ;" 51 Mr. H. Lance Crosby, Rayonier inc. " 51 oo Ervin Motors WSCS Announces , " 71 Mr. C. H. Kreienbaum, Simpson Log. " .5(S Mi . Frahk Wiliatd, Shelton School Sys. - " 76S Mr. Harry Bergesgn; rmer New Officers For .............. " 5171 Mr.Mr" WinstonR" E. Seeley;'scott,SimpsonR,, i ,," 76S Mr. S, A. Hafclaer, Siinpson Log. Co. The Coming Year C( lll,lrt h ll 1 " 51 Mr. Don H. Clark, Simpson Loft. Co. " 56S Mr. Gleii H. Sowers, Veteran apprentice Twenty-seven ladies of the " ZJ:l 1V[r.A..F.GiUm0re, Wac,omaCityaight Women',s Society for Christian M E N " Service were served a 12:30 pot- 51 Mr. Ray McColman, 20h Century Store ]ue luncheon at the grouP's last " 76S Mr. Don H. McKay, Don McKay Log. Co. " 51 Mr. Haiold JohlaS0, veteran htudent meeting Nov'ember 12 in the Meth- • odist Church parlors. - " 71 Mr. G. M. Sherwood, shrimp fisherman Following devotions, which were o Dr. Paul Schlosser, -- ^:,ayon,r Inc. " 71 :Mr. C. M. Mercer, Dahman-Mercer Log. :eL by Mrs. W. A. Brodt, a musi- " 56S Mr. E. George Ashbaugh, L.M. " 51 Mrs. V elm McInelly, housewife eaing programs solo washy BernicePresentedstewart,includ" 56S Dr. Kenneth R. Gray, Rayonier inc. " 51 Mr, M. C. M0xley, MiJxi'ey Lumber Co, accompanies by'rs. Jflhrt I+ Dqt- What About Your Wife's " son, a drier by Bei-mce Stew " 51 Mr. R. S. Bednarski, ve'eran ana Mrs, John L, Dotson. : 46C Miss Mai, ie Kubik, Rayonier InC. " 56S Mrs. Della williains, Shelton General , Another s01o was rendered by - CHRISTMAS PRESENT? i/Irs. 361afi ;S'tefnberg, aee'Gmpafi- : led by Mrs. R. W, Norvold. sapes 'on the hhtldren Of th What could be more world, Mesdames Robert C. John- wonderful than to soa, C, O. Troy, Wayne Wright, Walter Ellio'tt, Sr., and Ralph give her f r e e d o m Herren. Election of officers was held from washday drudfl- • at this meeting with the fdll0wing "=;y.+h]nk Well, Sir, Cfh members taking the offices: Mrs. W. M. president; Mrs. how happy you have RobertC. Giisbn, vice president; it in your power ;to "t 1Vfrs, Clive Troy, recording sec- A LIMITED NUMBER OF USED ARS IAvE EN AVklLABLE. retary; :Mrs. Thomas Rowe, eor- make herl condition of the car will policy of complete reconthtlonlhg t; followed whenever the year and general w.resp°ndingk. Witsters,§ec'etarY;treasurer.and Mrs. the cost of such a program. The ir is then priced faii,y and briefed t tlii P e'9l Of Siieitn and viiinity; Tos elected as secretary of BUy Her a BENDIX! " " ';  ...... m -. ..... ........ ¢, ..... ,,  Christian social re!att0ns and lo- cars invite comparmon--and by 6 t)arson ttie are bargains. We could sell them fop muclt more--nail eLl church activities, wera :lfes- doing much less. They are Good Will tlsetl ears. dames Charles LentZ, ehatian; sound o the trai W C. Batehelor and W. I-L Snel- l grove.. .. ,{ the engines,., and Other w ero ,.,, ,o, TERMS  sGeretary of mlsstontry,edtlcati'Gn li scheduled way. • and service, Mrs. Phillip Hai-de; $ ?lfl € !:': secretary Of. strident w0k, Mrs. Stful sleep, ,let UniaP t ftl Horace craW; secretary .be chil: 4) A small deposit di'en's Work, Mrs. wayne,wight; will reserve a.BEN- estinat/on--safeiy ad S¢ .0 se'eretary of. spiritual, life,, M,r. 0 i/1 W, A. Bddt; secretary of Sfipply DIX for you. rain...snow and f g' ..¢ work, :Miss Marian Johnson; see- you...Itl tlfl° retary of literature publications, designed for irs. PUll Jemison. " r "" - , '9 Atl,)wance can be ,p-easy reserved coacla,--d  ,  k; .. • : , ....... :..  ..... ,, . ........ , , ,,,,,  . , ,, The membership committee con- ,a¢, on your ores- ti; [,€ {] I Il  " ilt washer. tc "C,t o poel :,ti lib a acflztzeg invd, ii v]mt at any rob, Wb clmm t Is the qleraest nd tlaost oiderl tfi tli West. See f6 slats of Mesdames L. I3. I-Iack. :s::: lie of fac- ehairmaia; Clay Berry and L :M. m When v e :! oursG|. FullY_ euiotd, ,_ nl] With the latest l eqnpmbiit we are able to do; work of any na, Ul'e., ..,A,, ,. ,, ,..  Hudson. i • - _ ,0d0, tory flat rate as kllowed for a certain operation is followed, with thb lal0 ctiSt iii, aibrdahce, witll thie t|tii ai= Other officers filled were pub- RIGHT NOW is the 1. dependable way -'by l_wed Parts for any make of automobile are sold at the tablished pHib. T]iiS igures isiltis,ittiai|y lbss tliaii 1.icity,..Mrs. Bernice Stewart, cour- time to reserve your [esy, Mrs. ,Mel Dobson and Mrs, BENDIX to avoid llowed by OPt. Servie and repmr reqmremeiits are capably hanliled b tlie follo@ihg fll time perst)iariel: Edward Wlaaley, Kostess, Mrs. G. lOsible disappoint- ,,i C. arkley. ment due to short. ages later. We'll emaia--formerly shop foreman at Bremerton Brock. S0Uthsiite 4-It Cliib eve. play 8ants ?assenger Train %qbp EORGE JBiOdIAN: stiop for c,, and deliver onnections from o WIN J. ME TLER: with us since opening day--formerly at Frank's Mobile Service. Chitge Medtigs 1 just before Christ- ANK BERETS: wth us since opening day. Before the War with Holt s Associated. n.. Phone us to- t0RDON STEENSEN: With Us since 0p'ening day. Before the War with various Stations. ' ,,1# . ,The mee.ting .of the Southslde day! mmliner _..d' , ,, - nd "- of Portland Portia t ,. i-H club will now 'e held on the "- "ROB --y0ui" Bu'Ck Ag nil ty oo,,d nd o . o o 2 p.m. 5:25 p.n. :10  , 1939 ra0th ufitil further' -otiee, it. was ]IEiX rSvtet Standard Model " ] ent for Shelton a VlClnl since . reported to The Journal by. Rob- $239.50 g dat ly e,,a Ward. i slid Work! with normal itltal].atton 0 p.m. 9:10 p.m. lrS, Bob--with us since openin e--former with the FBI. ,o next meeting is set for Fri- ' De Lftke Mbde, and ai Sei- DIX SaVes Hot $259.50 day, November 28, '*  .......... "" • ' ...... ble is scheduled to appear on the with normal installation ravel information, co.salt A TOTAL OF FORTY-THREE YEARS EXPERIENCE program with a demonstration of Water! 4,t put you,. Clothes in the • how to make an apron from a TICKET OFFICE washjllgt 0 ma's shirt. BENDIX Saves Bendix, s'ot the dial, add soap :reet "Fa'coma 2, Ii.s Ward also reported that a • . . and you're throughl All one B R 2275 [ " ° " d' ry Mill'¢r, was given a :medal by Clothes! l.'es three times and damp f I ;he Shelton Garden Olub for his BET[)IX Sae dries the clothes . . . cleans PACt outstanding gardening work dur- , itself, tl, en shuts of, automa- I tieallyl You don't even have ins the last year, Soap. to be there. " * ...... ' Sheiton Electric L R 0 P Authorized Brock D "' Twanoh Grange Will hold a card party at Bishop's Brn, Belfair, ,, 633 South First Stieet, Shelton Phone 673 Jadgcf Friday, November 21S, at 8 p.m. "Pinochle" prizes. B, W. SOPER Govey Building Phti 154.W ................ : ........................... ., _, USE JOURNAL WANT ADS ,, ,,