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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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::i/a.Y, November 20, 1947. SHELTON-MAgON COI rNTY JOURNAL Page 1 Thursday, November 20,L - .................................. e Journal W&apos;ant Ads-- . . rv.,vv,,.,v-,.,..-,,-., :  .... ..  . • €  * - . --"r - Pnflutoh • Chrmtian Scmntmt ,9,mb,m Grls Plan Tea Belfair ........................ .-,2Y'__T ''" "''*''" i ......................... iof the l,e.;son-Sermon \\;vhich \\;Till The l":}at(91 ladies' ehlb was vvvvvv- --,-.wY v vv ,rvv,vvvvvv ... ...vv,.vvv plem-v, nliy cntcrtaim d at. tim imne of 511':< ,l. I.ein]al| hl,.;t Ttle.'-'dqy. After a v(q'y delectable dessert hlnch i]le g;lle:d.s enjoyed needle- \\;VOF] v, alld col/vers/ki()ll, tlbos( presmK were Mrs. Piekerin.,.z, Mrs:, Sieldon, Mrs. \\;Vorl, Mrs. Oberg, Mrs. Vie Lockwood, Mrs. Jack- ;;on of Hoodsport, Mrs. Hussman and Lhe ho:-;tess. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Eaton have returned to their home after bein K down near Willilm Harbor most of the StllUlller. Marl( ]-]ussulan canle honle on |I Sin]day from Seattle to spend tile 'lh LET US HELP Armistice Day holiday. He re- L[I you work waist- turned t(; the ""U" Tuesday l.fter- t our large assort- lr0OOll. buckles in agen- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pickering --'''--''--" _c _ize  _n n s^_^s qncl hi: sons of Seattle were guests mmmma tiff., ]a.u ..u),c.. "qt the C A Piekering h(:rl last llr ! i aone to your ram- Sr., with Dram. Monday after- IIllY I at your SEWING noon C. A. Piekerin: joined his [wife to visit with their son nnd - • .... • qtflMm'r eDlltt'. ]family during the holid'ty; both I ",mam,,lllf, Hqq - .............. I comi/tg back to Potlatch Tuesday. .JIUIIllIIILI Ibm' 1111 It, lit ............ [ Further news from the Ernest 01w|N[ MAId,IN[ :. LCarlsons is that they are now en- W,I.W tt :,t. E. 4th Ave., Olympia joying the warm weather of In- - UV'' i: ............ I di("Sprmgs.Calif°rnia' Indio is near Palm ilD. I '11 I Ill II nd Oldtime Dancing  II I[qlmqlq! iS New Accordion i brJl - [ ,.00_ LAD,ES FREE  f- -- ......  . " WHERE 00 | FOOD STORE ' YOU GET THEM '" .. i' i'M WINTER ' THEY HAVE FRISH, ,...IS  .... m i1 ..... CRISP VEGETABLES and Mcs(lallies l:[at.ue Brcmks and Delll'tlo riqlOll]psoll r(tl.lrlted from Snohomish Friday where the 5, vis- ited relatives. Shirley Anil Thoml)- SOD HCCOllll)al/ie(t thelTl honlc ['or a vi.Mt. :Mrs. Gordon Squires, ST., is vis- iting in Seattle and caring for a sick friend. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mecham and fam i ly of Lea vel-lwortb, Wash., vis- ited her rlother, 51rs. D. Cross- while, this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Tomp- son of Snohomish visited over the HIGHES Q U AL!T Let EAGLES EAGLES HALL , TUNA CAN FLAKES MILK i Style Val Vita All Brands in the 33 ¢ LAT CAN ............ 39 ¢ 4CANS .... 49 ¢ HEATING 0ILS Second and Grove )me Comfort This CHICKEN COFFEE ® • . TANKS AA,LA,' F.mCaASE °oLit or FAGLE BUFFET 0PEN a-oz € € |NF fill COM 1.59 CAN..: ......... 98 2 ,.s ....... 98 11A.M. to MIDNIGHT ...,m ,w.-- .,,.... -    Monday thru Friday OIL PRODUC Uli --r. :    ' .... I .... yus00c Each Saturday Nigh Eagles and their invited friends • ,, are invited to enjoy the privi- leges of the club and the danc- se Uut [ --i -- ........ ' ______-==:--'=ing Saturday nights. . Check 00hese Prices esses _,N_ PRICE WAR SURPLUS af Street and Afternoon Drese  , ' , and $10.00 IIISE H01d Furnishings S ill I E R S , Also Just Received / BEDS--Double ...... 13.95 SKHS .............................. pr. 12.95 'tdWood---complete with Mattresses Laminated Hickory, metal edges ASSORTMENT OF ................... .%.. 3.95 SKIIS ................................ pr. 6.95 :ibNKETS : Virgin Wool '":i) SPREAD ...................... 2.95 , X 96 Navy E SOAP ...................... bar 5¢ LLYWOOD BEDS, 36" .... 8.95 ;I' OMBS i .......................... 9 EL CUPS .................... 10¢ Hoodsport "Soul and Body" i:; tie sub>ct Honoring Grandparents Mr. and 3ff]'s. l.iei',ard I,:. 5:',arics : 13('.. read next Slln(l:ly in all attended the Military tlal} at l.he:br:meh(:; of The M(fl.ll:r CJmrch, Tacoma State Armory la,-'t Tin*:;- The lrir.% Cim'('h of Chri.d, Sol(m- , List, in Boston, Mas.mtch,setts. day and reported a very e.ujoyaM(' i time. They fotmd the :u'n;m'v full [ Golden T(xL' I[ C,nqnthian of people at the color pre.;el;1,a - 13:18. "We all, with (,ppn face be- Lion ceYelnony ill honor of Aim- holding as i,z a gln:s the ,lory of istiee Day. An itllmellse Chin('se I lhe Lord, are (:h:lllgc.(l it(, ih. ,qtel.ling silver gift cup was; ()]t.:;ame irn;t.R(* l'r,m /;h)ry L,) glory (.lisphtv :1t the ball which was re- eveu as by the Spirit of tiw lor(i." pnted" to be worth at hmst Tile l'ollowinV vtq:;, i'lT)fll lHlll- .g5(10000 tad present(d ;as  litt;  ans is' int'llal,.(l in tile r.esson- fl'On'l the Chinese overllnlelll.. The I Sel'n'lf, lI: " 1)o lh)t coiYIfO!'llled cud was nqa]e in 1900. I to this \\;v()rl(t: hut be yc. it:ms- Week end guests of tbe Sparks I formed by the '(, (,wH g of your DRESSES week end with Jaek'.s mother, were friends whom they had m)I 'infind, thzt 3,(, ]x:y prove what is; Dellrue Thompson. seed for years, Mr. and .lrs. (]oo. i ihttt good, and acceptable, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Caldwell of Beeman :)f Seattle. Mr. i3eeman Iperfect will ,if (od." Aberdeen were visibrs at the D. is a Federal Housing UniL (,m- i From "Sci(,nc, and IIealth with Crosswhite home over the Week pleyee, iKey to Ill(, Scriptures" by Mary end;:r.m aI Mrs. Fay Caldwell of lx)ir.s. Herbert Di(:lcim.'.(m re- = Baiter likldy is ttw folio\\;ring cot- tin'ned Tuesday from :t three \\;veek I relative st'alement: "To dive:L the old Lelfair higt{way havc re- tri to Sqn Francis( w (,re sbe thought of false trusts ;pld nt- turned from Alaska. visited her daughter, 'Ir.;. ,]. I., teri':d evidenees in (u'd,w lhat the _-r--:_-" ....... -, Fink and family. ,,Vhih" the,'€, sqml qpiritt,al._thisfactSis the°f beingg.r:,atmaYaLLain..',p- glaClc ;eaver .alsin celebrated her arand -;on S(ott's. pear, New Game Dept.'" " " "Project second birthday, • her granddau<h- Iment by m,,:,,,:e ,,1' whk we slmli ter, Barbara's'christening:, a Chi-]sweep 'avcav thn fnlse and Kive One of the most ilnusual pt'o- nese funeral and :-aw the Grand lplace to th( trm,. Thus we nippy jeers undertaken by the Washing- National Stock and Hors:e Show. I establish in truH the temple, or ton State Game Department is Mrs. Warren Emericl from Tu- }body, 'whose builder nnd maker that started recently under the coma has been spendl.n the pa:t i is (od'." direction of O. L. Resner, Super- week with the Stephen Hales. She I ................ ,,is,,, of ,, osources says sl,e,,sl..en h,'in,'. , ,,,,d M.tl0ck a'e The project involves the raising time. The two iadic:,, in ,.,m- .,*.. Gran of black beaver to provide a source pan?¢ with Mrs. Harold M:illo, tra- The holidav seas(m is'e",asL ar- of extremely beautiful and vahm- vehd Thursday to see Lhe seen- riving and with Ciwistmas around ble pelts some years hence, ery along th( canal with Mrs. the era'her now would he a 'ood - The departmenL obtained a doz- H;le at the wheel. Their dcstin- time to purchase CbrJstma /rifts. en of the black beavers from alien was to be the Silver Sands This is the suggestion' n:ade hy Frank Kalm of Arlington, who had antique shop near Sequim. Iqcw- the Matloek Grange. bred them ove' a period of 24 over, the ca'r stalled on top of The Grange is sponsm'inv a ba- years to achieve a newstrain. The Mount \\;¥alker and refused to zaar Saturday, Novcmbm' 22, aL beavers have been planted on the run. Along came a charming the Matlock Grange Hall hegin- Methow project in the Okanogan gentleman, in a Packard, who was nine,  at 8 p.m. area. very helpful and sympathetic---so "i;here will be a farm booth and was his wife, and his mother. He fancy work booths eont:dning (,v- assisted them to Quilcene where ervthing from aprons to napkins they spent some time waiting for b(;tla crocheted and embroidered. help from Hoodsport. It was along Tbe handy worl¢ has; be,m do- wait they say, and for a while nated by the women of the Grange. seemed as though they might still The ladies will also serve supper bc around for the weekly show on to those attending. Saturday night. But all ended The Matlock Grange sponsored well when ClarR Bealle mad Her- the bazaar annually btore the Shelton Aerie 2079 old Mille finaly arrived, and the war years buL this will be the ladies came h(;ine in a c.aravm- first of its kind since. FRATERNAL ORDER OF with no clocks. Mrs. Hahn, (Bes- sie) said she wasn't much of a mechanic but she knew something p]ust be wrong when the radiator started steaning and bolting, and the car wouldn't run! Men have their uses, don't they'." Mrs. Ent- erick, who has quile a sense of humor, says she really has en- joyed everv minute of her visit, and she th'inks the canal has the loveliest people. With this we quite agree. We think Mrs. Em- erick is charming, too. Mrs. T. B.-Smith returned on Tbrsdav from a tour aeress the United States. She traveled by train and lefL the twenty-first of last June. While gonc, she visited in Pennsylvania, where her high school class alunmi met aL Lu- zerne. There were 17 f o r m e r schoolmates to see and enjoy at Lhe diuner table. Her Lrip in- cluded five weeks in Wyoming, and visits to New York and Phil- adelphia. She made tbe trip hmne from Chicago to Tacoma in ,t5 lrours despite bad weather'. Going over, she covered the same ground in 15 hours less. She tells us-that last 1riday bad weather held up • the streamliner, Milwaukee Flier, for hours, on its eastbound trip. It took a crew of 60 men to the LATEST STYLES EET PHONE 228 Same as above. Slightly used. SKII POLES, ca),e .......... pr. 2.95 Laminated SKII CAPS .............................. 98¢ SHOE GREASE .............. can 10¢ SKiI POLES, cane ........ pr. 2.95 SKII GOGGLES ...................... 69¢ CLOTHING lll III 15 FLIGHT JACKETS SHIRTS znt 'aver collar, Alpaca lined. Nyion$27.Q0 value. 16'95 sHSUntan -- 18-OZl RTS ........ ' ................. 2/95t LQ Navy Dungaree ................... .... --'-'-- kVY N-1 JACKETS )aca Lined ............................... 12.95 ,,Ts ..... 79* T U FiT £'E'"IE'CI"S W E ATi:IR'S ,d Supply of mKAS .............................  .......... 2,95 100% Wool .........................  ........... ,. w' ROWN NO. 1 ' SWEATER SHIRTS 4  100% Wool .................................... ,,=tt tic  COATS  11 SOCKS • " € 00e.O00ou00. ........................................ o.00o woo.00oo, ................. : .......................... v_ LOGGER  Q Triple Soled . ,l I1,' 4 Weekly Meetings 8 P.M.  MONDAY [l The Rainbow (!rls of the Shel-'l ton Ass(m'.l)iy No. 19, v,,iil KiTe a tt,;t honoring their adopted grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ward of ZeniLh, Sn]l(l;ly, ,'quvember 2a, from 2 to 4 at the Mm;onic Tem- ple. Parents nnd l!riends of the Rain- bow ('ilqs ;IS V/()] t/s ]asterll Star, An-lal'Hlltll H[ld MasoBie 1Ylen3bers 'NTS 2.50 3E ,¢s ............................................ 5.95 :7"" & MISCELLANEOUS R MARGARE' [ i: n I Searchhght wi'" :a 7.DS nels .... 19¢ • - WILL ROGE it[ Strainer " ..... "''' ,',. :. |. , _ . I AND STAND--Complete t B tte'y esinlo, lRoseBushe l!tlmgTorch... 14.95 [ G.E . . .... G VARIETIES i!' new. 5 tips. Mfg. by Regal [ hammocks ....... ,+.ou ,.... , 00o.,o O,a00o,, to | ,, " I gnt tana ...... .a i ,ble compt. Ideal for tools, fishing gear I Used for bedroom, telephone, stand, etc. ,AN PoP.L  e.;." C.d .. 3=49 I TARPS NG ,BULB' he" ............ ' " ; ',!t: heavy duty. Wire socket. Navy ] 5;;: 6;:08;:O  9LXolw2e9 pSr{c,e9 s o d be P anted Now, T ., ll[tid-""-- " ' " ' S- OAFFOOILS- TUt'lr- AND SEE FOR YOURSELF  Many Other GOOD BUYS _ rvicemen's Mercantile* t's EVERYONE WELCOME--OUR AIM IS TO SERVE SHELTON'S OWN WAR SURPLUS nd GIFTS ,o, sooT. .RST T. PHONE ,. phone :Ire invited t the I:(!1t. [ Two other guests expected to I attend l'rmu Zenith qre Miss lk:k- hart and Mr. Taylor. Use the Journal Want Ads-- they really get results! $1.o ° NOT TH00S b you Io0k your best and feel you.r best for" the joyful celebra- ! "/ ('fl/'DO I[ lion of Tha,,ksgiving . . . all your favorite nationally adver- tised-health and beauty aids at prices that help you harvest  a bumper crop of savings. This is our way of giving thanks to you for your valued friendship and patronage. ! iS IX)UBLE K & JOHNSON TH Toasted Nuts WITH AMAZING NEW First Line Of Defense The prescription your do0tor writes for you is patterned t o you r health requirement. And it is our part to build this first line of defense against illness to the doctor's exact and exacting specifica- tions. We accomplish this end through careful selection of the finest of the freshe=t drugs and the painstaking care with which we weigh, measure and mix them, Be- cause your doctor knows the professional alJbre of our work, he will often say "Have this filied at McC0n- key-Fir Drug Store." WITH LANOLIN Hc£DNKEY-FIR PHONE 0 DRUG STO S First and Grove PHONE 162 'straighten out wires and facilities for this train which runs on an eleetri fled rack. Mrs. Smith stayed two d:ys before returning to t-Ioodsport at the home of Har- ry Follette in Tacoma. She found her house m apple pie order at Hoodsport due to the care of Pete Kosmanack who occupied it dur- ing her absence. A shorter trip, but nevertheless interesting, was taken last week by Johriny Boyce. who traveled to Seattle in company with the Har- old Sund family, to visit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Boyd and fam- ily in that city. He enjoyed the scenery around the Grema Lake district where his friend's home is located. While in Seattle he eL- tended the funeral of Willis Shanks, a former leader in the Youth for Christ movement, who was killed in an mrplane wreck. Johnny returned Tuesday after a three-day visit. St. Edward's Church Father Mark Wiechmann Father Mark Wiechman has pre- pared a special sermon for Sun- day with mass at 8 a.m. and 10:30. The regular evening devotions with rosary and benediction will be held Sunday evening. Catechism classes for students will meeL as usual at 9:45 Sunday morning. Special services are planned for Thanksgivingl with a short special Thanksgiving sermon at the 9 a.m. mass Thursday. Mount Olive Lutheran Wm. n. Albach, Pastor Tonight: Choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Friday: Parent-Teacher's Asso- elation meets at 8:00 p.m. m the parish hall. Mr. Andrews will sh'ow {he Forest Festival movies and oilier movies. Saturday: The Junior Member- ship Class will meet at 9'.00 a.m. Sunday: Sunday School and Bt- bie ClasS at 9:45 a.m. Services eit i'1 a.m. Wednesday: Choir rehearsal at 8 p.m, Thursday: Thanksgiving Day services at 10 a.m. First Merest Church Wayne Wright, Minister Come to Sunday School at 9:45 and stay for the morning worship at 11. This is Lhe Thanksgiving season so the subject for the morning,worship will be "Thanks Be Unto God." Choir practice is on Tlmrsday evenings at 7:30. Come and join tile choir and use your talents for the glory of God. The Youth Fellowship meets at 6 p.m. on Sundays. Come out for SHOE DEPARTMENT Worship, fun ancl refreshments. Bring your used clothing to the church for overseas relief. ' @ To keep from wasting vitamin- ized margarine, melt a small amount over a low flame and spread on toast ith a small brush. And remember that mar- garine, whicl sells for little more than,a third of butter's price, is excellent for all types of cookery. • Removes loose unsightly dandruff • Restores the natural =parkling hlgh- lights of'your hair • Leaves it silky soft--easy to manage Ydu Are Invited to VISIT OUR Gift Annex In the rear of the Pharmacy at 4th and Railroad. Many fine Christmas items . . . from which to select your gifts. [" XmasLights I':: Yardley 4.00 | i SOAP ............ 1. REVLON POLISH ............ U'- LeLONG PERFUME LENTHERIC COLOGNES HELENA RUBINSTEIN Through the years Buster BroWn's sturdy construction, scientific foot-healthy fit, and enduring good looks have proved the outstanding merit of these nationally famous hoes for boys and girls. Buster Brown Shoes are priced ac, cording to size from $ $7.95 TUNE IN! Hear Smilin' Ed MoConnell and the Buster Browft Gang every Saturday morning. Fun, gay song=, adventure steadies . , , 8:30 a.m.--Station "KOMO