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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page ],2 rT,I,To-MA.n Cmrw .Tnm.AT. , Thursdavi November 20!:1  ....................................................................................................................... 7 .......... : ..... : .......... _ ......................................... - ..........  ...... , NOW Budget Easing Rayonler Buys A00THRJTJS GET A m PORTABLE - Shortwave Diathermy In Your Own HOME and you&apos;ll say: "h'a p py Days Are Here Again" WHV ¢  L z a NEEDLESSLY? 50 SUCCOS[Ut IrS "SHQRT WAV DIA- THERMY" proven to many people in treating ARTHRITIS, N E U R I T I S, RHEUM!',T;SM and SINUS that the NEW PORTA3LE DIATHERMY instrtJ- ment is now in demand more than ever'. So cony,nit.hi for home useNO DRUGS, NO SHOTS. Medical t:¢or6,.; point out that by continued use of RAO!O WAVE D!AT;-HF;MV the fous of infection may be eliminated, thereby arresting the disca':e and eventually reestablishing functions to the affected area. SIMPLE, SAFE, EFFEGTIVE Easy Terms if Desired No 00omOln Free Demonstration Obligation SHKL.TO'N HOTEL -- NOVEMBER 21 - 22 (5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. Saturday DO(TJ'OR'S ATTENTION The "FHERMAE MODEL C-45--A Shortwave DIATHERMY machine designed for small office as well as hospital or clinic uc. THERWIAE MODEL W machine is heavy duty portable type Diathermy machine intended for" aonstan¢ pro- fesioilal Use, r, .w DAVIS MA J. v v • Tacoma IDEAL XMAS GIFTS ASSOFTED ¢3iZES, TYPES, PRICES Shol) in Shelton Ways to Use Extra Turkey The meat left over after a roast turkey dinner is the start for a variety of good dishes, both hot and cold. Although the following recipes are for turkey, any other fowl such as chicken, duck or goose, can be substituted. To' make the most of leftovers, save all meat, bones, skin, fat, stuffing and gravy. Stew the bones to make broth. Grind well- flavored skin and use it as a source of fat in sauces, gravie:¢, or soups. All poultry fat with good flavor can be need in cooking or baking instead of other fats. Render the excess fat removed from the bird wizen drawing it. Cut it into pieces and heat slowly, preferably in a double boiler. In such recipes as turkey loaf, substitute stuffing for bread crumbs and gravy for part or all of the sauce of broth and milk. . Turkey Bntlget Pie lt, (:ups cooked chopped turkey :1 cups cooked diced potatoes ,. cup cooked diced carrels or celery 2 tablespoons finely minced on- ion 1, cups medium cream sauce, or canned cream soup Salt and pepper % cup grated cheese Pastry Combine turkey, potatoes, car- rots and onion. Add cheese and cream sauce. Season to taste. Place in shallow baking dish. Roll opt pastry, cut pastry slightly larger than baking dish, cover dish with it, pressing firmly just below edge of dish. Cut a pastry turkey from scraps of dough, arrange atop pastry. Cut sls in pastry. Bake in mod- erate over (400 degrees F.) until pastry is nicely browned, and fill- ing begins to bubble. Serve bet from baking dish. Serves 4 or' 5. Turkey-Cranberry Salad (Cranberry Mold) 2 packages cherry gelatin 2 cups hot water 2 cups cranberries 1 orange 1 cup ice water % cup chopped celery % cup sugar V, teaspoon salt Add hot water to cherry or strawberry flavored gelatin and when melted, add iced water, set- ting in refrigerator to thicken. Grind the raw cranberries and Entire Poison Logging Holdings {Continued Id'rom Page, is on the Hoquiam River, and also owns most of tlze adjoining up- lands. Its booming grounds in these tidelaqds are equipped for large- scale handling of logs. These assets, important'in get- ting logs to mills at lowest are part of the Rayonier purchase, as are the Poison investments in the Ozette Railway company and the Bay City Lumber company. PRESIDENT BARTSCH enl- phasized the importance to Ray- onier of these acquisitions as part of the company's long-range pro- gram. adopted a few years ago, to build for the future by assur- ing a continuous and adequate supply of wood for all of its mills. When  asked how long the Northwes's great forests would last at the prcsent rate of con- sumption by tile lumber and wood- pulp industries, he explained that good forest managcmcnt general- ly practiced, could assure a per-! petual supply of timber. He added that Rayonier's man- agement is particularly proud of their long-range reforestation pro- gram which prevents depletion of the nation's timber reserves, while at the same time supplying a large part of the company's wood re- q uirements. IT WAS EXPLAINED that trees are a crop just as much as wheat err corn, but taking longer to ma- ture. When maturity is reached, the trees should be harvested; other- wise they rot, are attacked by di- sease, die and eventually fall, tak- ing down with them countless smaller trees. The result is a wasteful and dy- ing forest cluttered with dead wood that is a constant invitation to forest fires. Rayonier's president went on to say that under the planned and progressive forest management of the company's timber division, mature stands of timber are felled;: through methods developed by Rayonier for greater utilization of wood, the company's mills are able to use many of the small trees knocked down during logging oper- ations as well as other small wood which had not previously been utilized. WASTE HAS been materially re- duced and at the same time, the forests are cleaned up to make llagie Skin DOLL 9.95 Her latex skin is almost human. Flirting eyes and long lashes. 18-inch. Lay-A ette included. _. 5:meimes Even a Doll Gets Sleepy ! DPLL :..' Pretty maple or pink enameled finish. Side drops just like a real crib. Twenty-eight inches long. A Teddy Bear, A Cuddly Lamb And Playful Puppies Two; '* Tkey'll Make Tkei, ,: " Into Your Hear t  And Stay: ..,l Whale Year , 5' PLUSH ANIMALS 2,98 .. Little folks will is 15 inches; scotty, 12 lamb and terriers 11 inche It'll Look Wonderful Under the Tree Big 25-Inch Semi-Trailer TRUCK 3.39 This shining beauty will really make a boy's happy. Heavy-gauge steel with detachable trailer. Six rubber-tLred wheels, even a spare in the rear. Dives Under Wat " 48 INGS THEY EM to words, "what are thinking about, some study and. bring out." of several dis- experiences of the still in mind,  Shelton Chamber r are determined that Christmas decorations good as the money avail- will allow, and and complete satis- Chairman is personally watch- of those who are the community's: for the holiday: past outside decors- given contracts to streets and after a of boughs and have blythely gone ,With Shelton money in and a lot of dissatis- with the results. the contract has been local decorators and promises that as as is possible will be matter of holiday is important to any and the elegance or beauty at Christmas- the community as a one or not. Merchants individually polled by as to their wants their own business acceptance of the pro- will contribute 'of Shelton dur- holiday season. The is to ira- visitors who will shopping needs and a beautified commun- a lot to the pic- half of the orange Add the su- way ........... .... . unuvr proper zoresr manage- Fun . . • and Educatin' Tool Built of All.Steel obtained. gar, :uice of the other half orange meit for the even finer stands (ff '  @ and finely diced celery Allow to timb(r that will ''" " -- .k' 1.98 A' . .)-"  F at any direction of the • " """ "- " 'h melted  " provme :or tne stand until tne sugar as f z e h " € *'  v''/vf ://," "-'/ '" >m a given point in :, ......... .. -_ t fur throug wznd.pread reseed- oerore. . aumng, to tne gemun, unu in .s from tzees', semcnvmy ...... left zor :l...-."'"x,x. Ka Y' '''ka  ': ,tates, one is impressed when. zt zs. thick' ,enough to keep thzs v-,-puu,' ....... '' -_,h ."" Z--7 ' :: zaccounted number of the fruit*from floating, place in an "]it h "-   ..... "'-."_.._%--- Je--_-- € tile peoples of this eight-inch ring mold. id(nt BaI *-: .... ;--" ' - "' •   ' 'LUn, LII;.L man Call help urkey  ahtd n ' • .... x [K[ '- l.])J P ' x'l/,2/,_..,) " '. tl oFeasion for Thanks- . . ;, ; a.ture bmld bigger healthier for- 2v cups. aicea turJceY.s ' ests.' th,ou,h' g l)lanned' and intelli- .;"  'FT-. j 5  - ........ :' have an abundance of lillrilllll : :, cup mayona, e c,t " , ., . . /Q,:. e COAL TIKUCK :; and contrary to the {; ; n al: " I g logging practices, aid the r(aspoo s t .... met ". '% mlltl[Alllll%Tl • dMli ' r those who seek to z :I.L:: .. ^, ........... ' i pubhc can be assured that we are "'  ". .'" . ' are of our responsibility to help ................ a ,- . cup miceo cemry 7-zc r ¢ Z "-- ;" ' - • ". and all kinds of equipment Here's real fun for a bath- A whiz of a truckl The i ! freedoms and higher :/ ' '. .... tl'S" 're tne nal:ion's Iuturo SU )l ,s cup sncca wamu[s (,r +'.,,... ,, ' .- Pl Y. - for malAng pretty, uscfal tub sailor. It'll dive or our- "dunzp" J easily operate&.  bards, we do have a Combine the turkey and other ""A"F'EW YEARS a o a new an" II objects, face. 13/=-inch. Eleven inches long, ;i ?mpathy for others of salad ingredients and serve over g , all    ho-suff-er for lack of ...... • " previously untapped somcc of lettuce in tile center of the cran- , .,. . '., i| " . .........   body gomforts:The ]'or /o|.|r ]|,.]At.|VEI = CIICULATOI{ - !i:;Ya: ".,yll(: folloxv'ingS:h:iatte:a:'na'Vm(]s: Wpe°°e(S!lbnlent..of Rayonier: h:!;phlC!iyh:i J iwhich made I' .e YVootsAn, andwog,,Hi,oors Ta,', . . .  --' j'"((' E ff On Page :Eight, .... OIL STOVE- FURNACE are suggestions posslme to p, ocess the umkitll 1 Its Snoopy Snif[er 00ony Comes for other uses of your left-over hol- " " " P q " -ii Ill .m. On the Trail ':,yrnn; P 2- : " " ; ...... :; loaf baked growing Southmn pine to zoduce -' .d,, s f.,wl, rmkey , " " • E T "IE SMART FELLOW1 turkey sandwiches Lurkev soup dissolving pulp. ,[]  Wonderful Toy ,:,,,,,la in . PHONE 196 turke trnovers, turkey h'ash de" t] Prior to this accomplishment,[i , luxe and "ellid turke- is wood was considered to be too ,l, v.. ,, .,, o,, toni. and he able to .ee. >ur ' ' ' Y h ...... I m tor Toddlers Concert • lgmy resinous lor sucn use, but l thermostat act for constant comfort "-" ......................... fez t'il " " ' " • • , . -. . . c " • c e past seven years Rayon [] .__ " i)orls UIUO [o ee iez's -lant 'j ....... "Ira " " ' p a.t vernanaina, lvlorioa, [ [] " ' Wild Life Film Tonite ias depended upon Southern pine-[i Wc llave a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS Forty minutes of motion pic- ands as its sole source of wood I[ Fnsken Oz] Co :eiugpetgct OT d ::Z s:: :nt:!i!U:ati{':°P!tfPn4'!!]  ' ' :eee orchestra, made up Ig  Lots of Fun I. Lots of Action ! 7 A '. }oftygSroeuatt, lewld;a-  PAIIgNTG TANI Uncoumlin¢l : twice in Seattle and Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Products [he lPoiCclre2waiXz bte;o;u{hd fear p:dert titsthfeiedldeepbtoulllSo nh:$  ,:, ,a- ,,,., =..,=u._. " ". --w ,:;l,, e• .....  "L)o ..... program that has /=m _-.w " " -- ,7lma auring tne course -_ ..... : .... _ I forts of George Andrews, Shelton and profitable "crop," with result-[ .. r' ' .. , w  r ,'/<al series.. . ant o oztunities f '  , ;I1 J L i L "l  I[ ][,Pia appearance of the commercial photographer. PP ' or employment ,..,,.lmJ .\\;-'I iYtnphony is sponsored ............................................... and economic expansion. Fil '% T R A I N i *rts Guild of that i - - - .... . _ I I  _ Getting back to Rayonier's Northwest deal, Mr. Bartsch said :',  r ...................... ::""_has assumed full re- , that 'the Polson Login corn an -k  ']. Oammtflaged like the real A beauttfal "0" g ua ge scale model twl h power.A_fbeautiful "027" gauge scale model with power. ' "' _for ticket sales and is • re ""  P Y uz. H.,... n R RENT p pertics have been owned and --Ib' "'t. ones. Climbs all over 'f:0nable prices for re- TT . I[¢TW::; 2-Pk¥(lll¢LI  JL' V controlle ' " d for many years bv the , '[' / %1". " shootin' sparks and g;i;g Includcs transformer, connector and "Uncouple s and general admis- Polson, Merrill and Ring fanlilies. -.'l _ [ ' rat-a-tat-tat. Moving tur w ..... o, 'vne company represents one of -P"  \\;, ...... "' ERS from Shelton 1 III A PB  • m00rn the last.and, n'ext to Rayonier, Hill( } I'/{ }[ %/00r00ll JP00¢ thelaz'gestprivatelyowned'Umber ' "  - Budget Terms Also Available yttiesareexpect- II li ill IIm  V II BmVVlII  * | ' iW lil B * empFir e Olympic peninsula,  tnm opporr.umty to T UNT of the purchase KIDDIES KORNER musical program Of Hiico R J WAXERS .... Modernize With SANAWALL An Entirely New Plastic Wall-Covering SMAKI LOOKING --. ECONOMICAL Easy to Install  Easy to Clean Lasts a Lifetime 7= per running foot Law|on Lumber Company Owued and C)pcrated oy Eve}'ett Dillon and Joe Simpson 420 South First St. /OPEN UNTIL NOON SATURDAYS Phone 56 I' "' I I I ..... price of the Polson company prop- erties was not announced, but it is understood that all financial arrangements have been complet- ed. Present employees of the Pol- son company will be absorbed by the Rayonier organization,, it was stated by Rayonier's president. Negotiation for purchase of the Polson interests by Rayonier have been conducted over the past sev- eral years by Preside,t Bartseh personally. He has been ably assisted by Martin Deggeller, company vice- president and head of the com- pany's timber division. MR. DEGGELLER was recently elected a member of the board of directors and the executive com- mittee. • All outstanding indebtedness of Rayonier and financial support for the acquisition of the Polson hold- ings has been concentrated in a single obligation under long term a.rrangements which total but $20,000,000. First Baptist Church Rcv. J. O. Bovee t The Baptist Church will observe Thanksgiving Wednesday night in- stead of Thursday. At: 6:a0 the church will meet for a "Basket Lunch" meal. . Following the meal there will be a prayer meeting at which time a love offering, which has been ac- cumulating in the "Lord's Banks" at meal time, will be collected to be sent to help some starving peo- ple in Europe. There will also be a short pro. gram and a "Get Acquainted" play for the new members coming into the church fellowship during the past year. Members and friends of the church, bring your basket lunch and enjoy this service, Coffee, tea, cream and sugar will be served by the church. CRUISER BIKES Streamlined Styling.. • Plenty Speedy! • 16.Inch Front Wheel VELOCIPED " $7.95 to $17.95 It's a beauty! Strong, sturdy frame with bright baked enamel finish, Ba11-bcaring pedals and heavy rubber tires, FIRESTONE STORE Wonderful Gift for the Small Fry Speedy TWO.WH SCOOTER 3.98 Ylashy red finish. I-Is rolling wheels with molded rtbber tires, a parking stand, yu good exercise, too. Established 1895 such a large un- pia is particularly to present the that is currently the larger cities of Southwest Wash- are backing the event enthusiasm. musical instruc- Reed High School making arrange- local students event in school seats are still Beckwith's Music as general admis- are selling fast, are urg- tickets early. Group l, Officers Year £or the coming by the Mason association at the court house g. t officers who will were president, vice presi- Lce Carlson; sec- Smith; treas- ttooper; custodian, board mem- term), lVlfs. Frcd Mrs. Olive Gren- term) Mrs. Don Charles Lewis. on has asked each to meet, elect to the associa- 31, in order work may be end of the year. in joining a is urged to con- Arsdale at