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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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One person was arrested Saturday morning as a result of an. altercation between state fisheries department agents and a group of Skokomish Indians who were attempting to retrieve two fishing :° nets which had been confiscated .... by the fisheries agents near the ...... : Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery. Arrested was Calvin J. Peterson, 25, Rt. 5, Box 446, • Sheiton. Peterson was arrested on a charge of second degree assault by a Mason County sheriff's ' deputy and a fisheries agent at the ,: ........ : Union boat ramp where the altercation took place. Peterson was released Monday ii on orders from the Mason County prosecutor's office pending further investigation of the incident. Robert Cumbow from the department of fisheries said the problem had started last week when fisheries patrols began to find illegal Indian fishing in Hood Canal near the Hoodsport hatchery in an area which had been closed to chum salmon fishing by the department. The closure had been agreed to by Judge Boldt's Federal Court and by the Indians. The main concern, he said, was around the Hoodsport hatchery, which is the center of the department's chum salmon program and where the churns were returning to spawn. Fisheries patrolmen, he said, CONCEALED WEAPONS, such as the handgun this gentleman wears beneath a loose-fitting sweater, are seeing increasingly widespread use in Mason County, say authorities. fisheries agents if needed. They fishing, and violence in thehatchery so we can acquire chum these fishermen to trial. did not take part in the vicinity of the Hoodsport salmon eggs. "In the meantime, 1 have altercation at Union. hatchery may lead to a change in "The present closure of south asked the harvest managers to The Shelton Police the chum salmon enhancement Puget Sound to chum salmon assess the value of planting chum Department received a reportprogram, Moos said. fishing has the concurrence of the salmon elsewhere so we can insure from a fisheries agent Saturday "These illegal fisheries and Boldt court and is generally the returning adults are not evening about 10 p.m. that a senseless acts of violence are agreed to as necessary by theintercepted until eggs necessary pickup had backed into a fisheries threatening the very, existence of Indian leadership, yet the illegal f6r spawning are taken by department vehicle, apparently the chum salmon enhancement fisheries continue. The value of hatchery personnel for incubation deliberately, and that several program," Moos said. "The chum salmon to the reservation in the hatchery system. vehicles had suffered slashed tires Hoodsport hatchery is valuable to Indians makes these fisheries "I cannot emphasize strongly and other vandalism, us - it is the heart of the chum especially difficult to understand, enough how much I abhor these State Fisheries Director salmon program. If we are to be"I have asked the Bureau of illegal fisheries. All department Donald Moos issued a statement able to continue planting the Indian Affairs to"cooperate with patrol personnel, in cooperation Monday on the chum salmon streams in the vicinity of department personnel so that with local law enforcement situation and the problems Hoodsport hatchery, we must be these illegal fisheries are stopped, officers, are patrolling to prevent officers were having, able to be assured that we will Local prosecutors have pledged any additional incidents," Moos Recent obstruction, illegal have adults returning to thetheir full assistance in bringing said. Thursday, November 20, ! 975 Eighty-ninth Year- Number 47 4 Sections- 36 Pages The final blood drawing for the Regional Blood Bank has been set for noon to 6 p.m. December found that Indian tribal police 18 at the PUD 3 auditorium, it were not halting the illegal fishing was announced this week by and that Friday night a Arnold Livingston, chairman of concentrated patrol was started the Mason County Blood Council. by fisheries agents to attempt to Livingston also announced halt the illegal fishing, that the blood drawing dates for He said that early Saturday 1976 had been set for March 25, morning the fisheries officers had June 24, September 23 and round two 1,200-foot set nets, December 16. All of these dates drawing is quite predictable, which is a big help to the regional operation. She stated the area served by the Regional Blood Bank did not face a shortage of blood during the Christmas season last year as many areas did. The Christmas season, she said, is a time when there is a high usage of blood and that blood donations are off, which causes a problem in some areas. She also commented that in the area served by the Regional Blood Bank there are no paid donors and that there is no need for a credit system whereby the family of someone who uses blood is asked to replace the blood or to pay for it. The Regional Blood Bank persons convicted of any crime of when a man went into a tavern one below and one above theare Thursdays. dat big o1' rifle violence; and persons under the and frightened someone by hatchery, and had confiscated the Mason County participates in I thangs kill just as age of 21 (in the case of anyopening hiscoat to reveal a pistol, two nets and taken them into a t he Regional Blood Bank Ymous. firearm except rifle or shotgun, in No assault charges were brought boat. He said eight officers were program. The Regional Blood and Mrs. Anytown, which case the age requirement is in the case, however. can load yourselves 18). "We assume they have g°°d inv°lved in rein°ring the nets Bank Pr°vides bl°°d t° Mas°n ! i I regular arsenal of So covered, you may now common sense and that they re- which were taket~ to the Union General Hospital on a rotating ~ t these days with lawfully conceal not only anyrational people, ' explainedboat ramp where they were basil so the hospital has a fresh to divulge it, firearm of barrel length shorter Serge'ant A! Johnson of the loaded into a truck, supply of blood on hand at all The Mason County Sheriff s Sheridan Road, Bremerton, was same technology than 12 inches, but also knives Shelton Police Department, The fisheries agents were times. Office is investigating an incident struck in the right shoulder by a out how to keep having blades longer than three referring to those citizens granted confronted by a number of Livingston commented that in which a Bremerton man wasbullet which came through the Indians, Cumbow said, some ofMason County residents being struck by a bullet apparently fired wall of a van in which he was ting with a device inches, vest-pocket cudgels, the right to carry concealedwhom were known to be treated at King County hospitals by a hunter, sleeping, officers said. a matchbook and razor-studded mahogany weapons. generations onto a sock-darning eggs aItd a whole Johnson did concede that Skokomishtribalmembers. had used ill units of blood so far Calvin C. Reed, 1717 Officers said Reed was taken smaller than an slew of other lethal goodies (some persons known by word of mouth He said that while no weapons this year. known to be quite of which may be illegal for other - but not by prior convictions - were used, the fisheries agents M a r g o H a r r i s o n, a )en taken by girlsreasons- refer to RCWCodes). to be prone to fighting observed knives, tire irons and representative of the Regional .. I/, n12 or 13 and littleHowever, authorities say most nevertheless have the same right one shotgun. There were rocks Blood Bank, spoke to the Mason #" O C[cly9orboge plck-op cut age. permit holders in Mason County to a permit if they aren't thrown, he said. County Blood Council at its You choose to arm speak only of carrying a firearm - disqualified by the standard Cumbow said during the meeting Tuesday noon at the There will be no garbage one day later than usual, they :o the teeth, please though officers hasten to add requlrementslisted earlier, confrontation an Indian woman Timbers Restaurant. pick-up in the City of Shelton said. at your local police they have no way of knowing for We may know from contacts who has been identified as She stated that the blood Thanksgiving Day, city officials The same procedure will be gotten your permit sure because weaponry need not that a person has had numerous Henrietta Freeden was leading program in Mason County is well said this week. used for the Christmas and New fights," said Johnson,~''but that's just street knowledge, and you can't restrict them without actual convictions." Record-keepers at the sheriff's department recall only two cases in the last two years where a permit was withheld from an applicant. One involved a woman who had spent some time in Western Washington State Mental Hospital; the other involved a man who authorities say was suspected of mental retardation. if an individual is refused a permit by the city or county, he may appeal to the State of Washington Division of Professional Licensing in Olympia. A concealed weapon is not the usual choice of the average assailant in Mason County, say lawmen. Rather, it is more often the family shotgun or deer rifle that gets yanked off the rack in the passion of a heated argument (Please turn to page eleven.) pumper from the Shelton Fire Department and one tanker and two men from District Five involved in fighting the fire. About 7,000 gallons of water were pumped on the fire, fire officials said. Officials said the fire apparently started in a clothes dryer in a utility room on the north side of the basement in the home. There is no estimate 'of the the Indians in trying to get the nets out of the truck. He said when the fisheries agents attempted to remove the woman from the truck the Indians became more aggressive and got the nets away from the officers. One officer, Cumbow said, suffered a broken thumb in the altercation. It was during this time that Peterson was arrested and taken to the Mason County jail. The officers returned to the Thunderbird Motel where there was vandalism to fisheries patrol cars, such as tires being slashed. With the assistance of officers from the sheriffs office and Washington State Patrol and one game agent, those causing trouble were dispersed. The concentrated patrols continued Saturday night and Sunday with more arrests made and fishing gear seized. Cumbow disputed a claim by Indians that the department was not enforcing the fishing ban fairly and was ignoring non-Indian illegal fishing while arresting Indians. He stated that of 10 arrests in the Hood Canal area, two had been Indians and six non-Indians. Two of the six were arrested on two different occasions. Commenting on the incident Saturday, Bruce Gruitt, assistant to the director for field services of the fisheries department, said, "Our officers were subjected to considerable abuse in the performance of their duty, much of it felonious in my ()pinion. But fisheries enforcement personnel used no firearms and kept the use of force to an absolute minimunl and as a result of which no serious injuries were sustained." amount of the loss, fire district The Mason County Sheriff's officials said, but the home was Office had officers out Friday burned to the ground, nighl and Saturday to assist the organized and that the amount of Garbage pick-ups for the Year's holidays, they said. blood which is obtained at each remainder of that week will be f ........ Winds over the weekend caused problems with trees across roads and knocking down power lines and icy roads Monday morning resulted in a number of vehicles .sliding off the mad. Mastm County PUD 3 said the problems with trees taking down 1 5 Cents Per Copy , weapons. apply for yours the 466th such Mason County and officers this year the three offices so issue the permits in turned down applicants. breaks down as he Shelton Police has issued 47 them new and 15 10-month total With the city's the year before of and 18 renewals. two periods, the Unty Sheriff's has issiaed 187 140 renewals this with 216 and year, while the 'of the sheriff's accounted for 62 renewals, 20 off 30 pace. indication of the 1973 total ;inals and 131 of gun permits is n the ' " Increase, dersheriff Ed you'll probably permit a modicum of that being so make sure you're the following types (which on the spot, as of any crime; Cted of crimes of over one addicts or drug adjudicated as lives ; veterans persons U.S. Unlawful aliens; be registered. "More people are packing them these days - can't deny that," said Police Chief Frank Rains, referring to the variety of small handguns available to the public. "You have to stand in line for them," he added. "They're bought up just as fast as they're put out." Rains said fear for life and personal property is one reason for the increased demand for concealable weaponry, but not necessarily the major one. "! think protection is one of the main reasons," he explained. "because the public's general paranoia has been on the increase the last four or five years. But a lot of people simply want to be able to carry a pistol with them when they go hunting or have one along when they go camping." Officers have record of few abuses of this gun-toting privilege. The sheriff's department recalls one incident in the last four years, Fire Wedneslday morning burned the Ned Jacobsen home on Mill Creek Road to the ground, Fire District Four officials reported. The fire district received the call at 7:30 a.m. and by the time the fire trucks arrived at the scene at 7:45 a.m., the home was completely involved in flames. Fire officials said in addition to the home and contents, one car in a carport was lost. There were nine men, two pumpers and a tanker from District Four, four men and a charges a fee for handling and processing blood but does not charge for the blood itself. Livingston commented that Mason County's goal for donations for this year was 600 units and that with the first three drawings the donations were about where they should be. There were 163 units donated at the September drawing. to the Hoodsport Ranger Station by another hunter in ~[;e ~,ea and was brought in for treatment of the wound from there Officers said Reed told them he was lying on a bed in the van when he heard four shots and that one of the shots came through the wall of the van and struck him. Officers talked to some others who were in the area at the time, but so far have been unable to determine who fired the shot which struck Reed. Officers received the call about the incident at about 4:45 p.m. Sunday. BLACK ICE in Purdy Canyon placed vehicles in precarious positions on Monday morning. Similar situations prevailed throughout the area. power lines started Friday evening when an outage occurred in the Kamilchc area when a tree went through a line. PUD crews were out from abou! I0 p.m. Friday to 7 p.m. Salurday repairing outages. The rest of the weekend one or two crews were out off and on repairing various spot problems. Small outages occurred in the A~te, Matlock and Lost Lake areas mostly from trees or limbs going through the power lines. The Mason County Road Department had reports of four instances of trees across roads, it was reported. Monday morning the Mason County Sheriff's Office received a number of reports of vehicles off the road because of the icy road conditions. !:!