November 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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county to
Shelton when Chamber President Norm Eveleth caught up
with him '.o ask fo~ bigger and better Christmas decorations
for Shelto~ this year. Santa said the chamber committee
which ha~ been working toward that end has been doing a
good job and the results of their efforts would be evident
after the Christmas opening activities November 29. Santa
will be riding in the parade which is part of the activities for
that day.
lig "
Plans are progressing for the
November 29 events which will
kick off tile Christmas season in
The Jaycees plan to put the
Iighls up on the big tree this
weekend in preparation for the
t~ee lighting which will be a part
o! the November 29 activities.
The Jaycees said in honor of
the Bicentennial the lights this
year will be red, white and blue.
The Jaycees are also handling
the Christmas parade again this
yea~ and have sent out letters
asking various groups to
part ici pate.
The city commission this
week approved the parade route,
which will be from Fifth and Cota
down Cota to Second, over to
Railroad and down Railroad back
to Fifth and down Fifth back to
The parade is scheduled for 3
p.m. November 29.
Following the parade, there
will be entertainment in the
downtown area until 5 p.m. when
the lights on the big tree and on
store fronts and other decorations
will all be turned on at the same
The Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club is working on the store front
lighting project.
Groups interested in
entertaining during the time
between the parade and the
lighting are being sought. Those
interested can contact Gene
Brown at 426-3883.
We have hundreds of Hallmark Christmas boxed
card designs to choose from -- including one
that's right for you. Shop our selection today!
321 Railroad Ave. Shelton
1~75 HJilml~k Car~tt tnc
The Mason County Planner's
Office will be conducting a census
in about one-third of Mason
County as a part of its Trident
planning, it was announced this
The area to be included in the
census is that which is most likely
to be affected by the Trident
It includes the area north of
Shelton and Hammersley Inlet
and east of Highway 101 and
Hood Canal.
Information being sought will
include employment, number of
people, the number of housing
units, the income ranges of
households and the age and sex of
the residents.
The census will start about
December 1 and will take about a
week and a half, according to
Brian Shetterly, Mason County
Trident Coordinator.
The census is being done with
a state grant, Shetterly said, and is
being confined to the part of the
county identified as the Trident
Impact Area.
The planner's office is looking
for persons to take the census.
Those interested can contact the
planner's office in the Collier
Building, Fifth and Birch in
North Mason fund problem
Mason County Assessor Willis
Burnett told the Mason County
Commission Monday he had
discussed the under-extension of
Yule fund gets
first donation
The first donation to the
annual 40 and 8 - Journal
Christmas Fund has been received
as the annual project is getting
The first donation was $10
from the Madrona Auxiliary
1462, Veterans of World War I.
The joint project between the
Journal and the 40 and 8 provides
Christmas baskets for needy
families in Mason County.
The Journal handles the fund
collection efforts and the 40 and
8 packs the baskets and
distributes them.
Anyone who wants to make a
contribution to the fund can
bring it to the Journal office at
Third and Cota or mail it to the
Journal, Post Office Box 430.
the North Mason School District
levy with the Kitsap County
Assessor and they were of the
opinion that it would be illegal to
put the uncollected part of the
special levy on the 1976 tax rolls.
Burnett explained that when
the amount of the levy necessary
to raise the money approved in a
special levy vote in the North
Mason District in 1974, the
estimated assessed valuation
which was used was about $2
million too high and, that as a
result, when the levy was
extended onto the tax statements
there was about $13,000 less than
the approved amount collected.
Part of the North Mason
District is in Kitsap County,
which as a result of information
provided by the Mason County
Assessor's Office, had the lower
collections also.
Burnett told the commission
he would work out some way so
the money could be collected for
the school district. He said a
supplemental tax statement might
be the answer.
nderfu1 =
A bit of sass, lots of class.., the season-less
sandal to do the pretty-foot look with the
new skirt lengths. Step in, float off.., on a
sliver of platform, just the right height of heel.
now has 5,411
"The Family Shoe Store"
107 South Fourth St.
Shelton •
Richard D. Holland
The Mason County PUD No.
3 conlmissioners have appointed
Richard D. Holland, the district's
present auditor, to fill the
position of manager which will be
left vacant by the retirement of
G. D. Samples.
Holland began his
employment with Mason County
PUD No. 3 in 1951 as
bookkeeper. He was promoted to
accountant in 1955, auditor in
1961, and auditor and controller
in 1964.
He will assume his new
position of manager January 16.
Grading and sub-grading on
the City of Shelton's street
improvement LID have been
completed and paving is expected
to start sometime this week, City
Engineer Howard Godat told the
city commission at its meeting
A representative of the
Jaycees appeared at the meeting
Michael McCoy, 28, Allyn,
appeared in Mason County
Superior Court Friday for
identification on two charges of
sale or delivery of a controlled
substance, and one count of sale
or delivery of a legend drug.
McCoy was taken into
custody in Vale, Oregon,
Thursday where he had been
arrested on the Mason County
warrant which had been issued for
him earlier.
Judge Frank Baker, before
whom McCoy appeared,
appointed Shelton attorney
Gerald Whitcomb to represent
McCoy posted bail after his
court appearance Friday and was
Judge Baker entered a plea of
not guilty on McCoy's behalf and
ordered that trial in the case be
held within 90 days.
to ask permission to block off
sections of city streets for the
Christmas Parade November 29.
The commission gave approval
Deadlines to be
.early next week
Because of the Thanksgiving
holiday November 27, a
Thursday, deadlines for news and
advertising in the Journal will be
one day early next week.
The Journal will be
distributed in the mall Wednesday
rather than the regular Thursday
publicatio~i day.
The deadline for society items
will be 10 a.m. Monday next
The deadline for general news
items and sports will be 5 p.m.
Monday and correspondents'
columns will have to be in before
5 p.m. Monday.
The deadline for classified
advertising will be 2 p.m.
Jury trial set
A Mason County Superior
Court jury panel will report
Monday morning for the
November jury session.
The first case for the week
will be that of Carl Dodge,
charged with forgery, the
prosecutor's office said.
of the parade route
start at Fifth and Cota,
down Cota to Second,
to Railroad and on
Fifth and on Fifth back
starting point.
The commission
Jaycees to meet with the
department to work
way of getting cars dear l¢
street before the parade.
Librarian Katherine
reported that the city
was leaking again.
Godat told the
letter of intent from
which includes Beverly
for annexation to the
been received. The area,
includes between 180
The commission
preliminary budget
composed of rec
various departments.
The budget whi
presented was
one which was
reducing the
about $100,000 to bri t
in line with anticipated
Final budget
the first part of December'
Hamlin's Toy
Hobby Sha@
West Cotl
* 100% Iong-wearinq nylon
* Gorgeous saxony finish
* Rich distinctive colorations
* Masks soiling
* Available in 12 ft. widths
list. 8.99
* 100% long-wearing nylon
* Short shag
* Several multicolor combinations
list. 9.99 Sq. Yd.
* 100% long-wearing nylon
* Superior texture retention
* Plush shag in bold multicolors
* Strong ju{e backing
* Available in 12 ft. widths
list. 11.99 Sq. Yd.
This week only we're
great opportunity to carpet
room in your home.., and not
any carpet. This is famoUS
lington House...and the
are tremendous. Just look
of our specials, this week
Hurry int. Carpet your home for t#O
Holidays with Burlington House"
bainbrid .qe. lynnwood, shelton
first & pine 426.2611
MON.- FRI. 8-5:30 SAT. 8-4,30 SUN. 10-,1:30
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 20, 1975