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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Arcadia and Pioneer Way. Terry Patten reported a wallet COUNTY Helen Franich, 6819 20th St. officer, $50 fine, $25 suspended; lost. ~TCOURT East, Tacoma, speeding, $25Joseph Madeiros, Rt. 3, Box 194, A vehicle driven by Joe on the docket inforfeit; Richard Andrews, Rt. 10, Shelton, failure to stop at stop Holcomb hit a parked vehicle owned by Gait Baker in the Cut District Court Box 234, Shelton, speeding, $25 sign, $25 fine. Rate Auto Parts barking lot. Y urm forfeit; Daniel Underwood, Rt 3, eu,~.Tn~ on.,rv ;o e ' • iklll 1 ll..d i=.ll~ 2, ~I / I~F I.~ l~l.., i~ Carol Full r d g ' to SHERIFF S OFFICE Box 679, Shelton, failure .~ - . were: _. oenevieve Smith reported she _ secure load, $10 fine; Ray Sharp ..... George Schramm reported he l ....... lost an iaentitication card holder. t=tice t.oun Box 7 18 Shelton, . found a boy's bicycle• =, Rt. 1, , Joyce Lund reported a kitten ~enyon, Rt. 5, Box430, possession of marijuana, $75 fine, had its head stuck in a pipehole in S tan Morken reported he btl, driving while 50 hours of community servtce; the b~th ..... r h,r -esidencefound a red and white steer. _ . • ¢lLlU~lJlll %./1 ll~& 1 • , $150 fine; Yvonne Thomas Davis, 6814 Martin ............. Lloyd Robertsonreported fire _ .. ~ne gotten was ireeo oy OlIlcers l, Rt. 5, Box 432, Way, Lacey, speeding, $41 forfeit; who used a keyhole saw and aset to a mail box. speeding, $25 fine; Buzz David Mathews, 2117 Washington ras" t" enl ..... "~ ""le enou"=" soJim Haltames reported a cabin k' U i~lg¢ tire lid ~:~t !.14, Box 69, Olympia, St., Shelton, speeding_, $25 the kitten's head could come out. burned down. qriving, $30 fine;Buzz forfeit; James Shaw, MarineVehicles "~riven b,, Ivan Mark Borgmanreporteditems It. 14, Box 69, Olympia, Barracks, Keyport, negligent Thorsos anH ~¢ ..... Needham missing from a residence. ([ r ........ chris on the highway, driving, $65 fine; Aden Gunte , collided at Fo,~th ,,a Railroad Mary Henningsen reported a T" -id ......... lm Watson, St. Rt. 3, P.O. Box 675, Shelton, no val William r~,ol,. ~--,~rted a German shepherd dog missing. , Belfair, no operator's tonnage, in excess of legal weight, battery taken fr"=~'~*~,,~h~de Mary Lawrence reported ~rson, $25 fine;_ . $60 forfeit; Charles Young, 480 A vehicle driven by Daniel gasoline taken. ook, Shelton Hotel, East 6th St., Tacoma, speeding, c~.i,, ~.nla.,t .,;~h ........ 1. Gordon Moore reported ~)eeding, ......... no operator's$25 forfeit; o"n"'='Olymp,~.''''~u:~"t-:"'-',.r~,w~ty ~uut..e~" - ~- oe-.~.~,,=,~ vandalism to a water line. '~rson, ~3u une; laml Robert Card,. USE Englanu, of the shattered pole struck a car A burglary was reported at t0-'.'~U4.Arcadla' Shelton, San Francisco, Califorma, crossmg driven by Bruce Johnson. Craig Alderbrook Inn. ere license on person, center line, $25 forfeit; Robert was admitted to Mason General Victor Hite reported a cabin Gexh..aust, $25 fine; Zaring, 243 29th Ave., Longvie.w, Hospital suffering from a head broken into. ,. Ullmg, 33a fine, speeding, $34 forfeit; Patrick laceration and a back injury. Vandalism was reported to mVmg wRhout a license, Kneeland, 1240 E Falrmont, . , . " " • " A fisheries department vehicle Department of Natural Resources equipment. , John S. Brown, 605 Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; was reported backed into by A burglary was reported at ' Shelton, possession of Harry Coles, P.O. Box 188, another vehicle ~.k'$50 fine, 15 hours of Union•. speeding, $25 forfeit; Gerald Goldsby" reported his" the Buck s Prairie Store. ~Ys.ervice; Clayton Sartin, 2709 Rodgers, vehicle backed into by another. Dixon McClary reported =.~th, Rt. 3, Box 51, Bremerton, failure to stop at stop Terence Wiley reported itemsdamage to a pump house. taiture to use due care sign, $25 forfeit; taken from a vehicle. Ronald Larson reported a ~, $25 fine; Rodney Cody Black Jr., 2717 College Several garbage containers and goose taken. ~, Rt. 10, Box 230, St., Lacey, transporting a loaded the book return box at the city Water was reported over the ~ding, driving without rifle in a motor vehicle, $25 library were found tipped over• roadway in the Collins Lake area. ~t3line;GeorgeStraub, forfeit; Colleen Rumsey, 110 N. A tool box was found on Richard Rowe reported an at. Theilson Ave., Division, Olympia, speeding, $25 Ol.,m-ic Highway South attempted burglary. ~, Speeding, $81 forfeit; forfeit ~ v ..... ~_ .~ ...... L" .... Robert Cox [eported ~,... . • a vem~,~ u.v~. uy marry vandalism 1405 to a vehicle• 17t~ce, .Lewts St~ Municipal Department McCarty hit a fire hydrant on ih,~eess we~gnt, a~o Gary Moore, 3 Cherry Park, Summit Drive. _ Beverly Miller reported two -u Jonnston, Kt. l,~h~h,, t~kln,, nronertv of A window in the K and K white-faced calves missing. • , ~ .............. ~, ~- .... Donald Dehn reported _ helton, failure too..~.,h,~ ecn~,-o'Uo,,Evers Rt Amusements building was notch deer tag, $25 *~""~" *~," "~"'," ~ ...... : -'--" re-,orted brdken vandalism to a summer residence. Io, ~ox v,*, ~nelton, ~attme to v • Mrs. Norman Jones reported ly Lowe, P.O. Box 75, use due care and cautl°n'tR $255 cut James Tostevm reported hoses chickens taken. ~aeedin,. ¢30 forfeit torteit; Andrew Wilbur, • ," Clarence Wivell reported the s, ~' ; Box 417, Shelton, minor A vehicle driven by Joann burglary of a residence. frequenting a tavern, $25 fine; Martinez hit a building on Randal Norris reported guns Brett Bowcutt, 1531 N. Adams, Olympic H~ghway South. and electronic equipment taken. | h,~_ . ,.= .e~ Shelton, negligent driving, $85 A vehicle driven oy G"mson ,end lrO ua$$1ly forfeit; Gay Bruce, 413 Hemlock, Lord and a parked vehicle owned Del Border reported he found Shelton~ failure to yield by Sherry Harrison were involved an Irish setter dog. q)OOR Ford LTD right-of-way, $25 forfeit; in a collision in the Kentucky AI Nichols reported he found a fiberglass boat• o.ndition, air, steei Francis Cooper Jr., Rt. 3, Box Fried Chicken parking lot.. , Vandalism was reported to L tape deck $1,350.~ eh,.h.,. ,~;~h,~r,;.,, the neace Linda Perkins reported a Vl ....." ...... o, o, ...... , .......... ~ --* r , the gate at the county landfill. aDn, q-/o-O D~/ Ol" . • :nings Mll/20 hindering an officer, resisting purse lost. ,"-'S-_ ~ arrest, $200 fine: Gloria Allen, " /~ icar reported stolen out at Cheryl Hall reported a pony ~om, ~ mantas rl Seattle about a week and a half loose on the South Shore Road. 0. Fll/20 206 Hemlock, Shelton, hinde "ng *' Carmin, Han~ill reported she a public officer, $50 fine; Dian ago was found at Front and Cota found a girl s 10-speed bicycle. HAY for sale, Tullar 2025 Washington, Streets. Officers ran a check on ,l~r bale. 426-1446. .. ' ~.,~ r.._~.:.. ~;~o~ the vehicle after observing it A mobile home owned by l speeding, ~J IoH~tt, ~*Hb. a~,= Frank, 1339 Olympic Highwayparked in the same place for Jack, Gordon and located at Beard s Cove was destroyed by . D S a h o m e. N, Shelton, hindering a public several days. The car was towed fire. n a t e G e r m a n " to the city hall parking lot and female dog. Eight . . John Moore reported cattle in 'es kids but hates the owner notified. - the roadway. ~e to riaht oerson " Cheryl Knipshield reported a a mu-L 42'6-4998 Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll -- ,-- , --- P.m. or weekends, window in a velaicle smasne(1. Grant Manning reported a Ar~ ,,.,,,~,,,,, ~,.~,, Jo Ann Mann reported three kayak taken. :--------- c,rlVli:lllliagc newspaper racks taken from the Charles Beerbower reported a .~raftsman table saw, ~/'-r " ...... Shoprite Store. hunting bow taken. ~r $200 in blades, 21 ~'~1 f~dlm_lrl.~dlm._~ - vehicle driven by Gary CITY BUILDING PERMITS ring head and dado,,J ~ at, $400. Antique Berntson struck a power pole at Building permits approved by ', $100. 426-2384. Applying for marriage licenses the City of Shelton during the in the Mason County Auditor's past week were to Arne Johnsen, tTING 2-bedroom this week were" Office .~ baths, wall-to-wall ...... "~ ..... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII residence $20,000; James Quinn, auilt-in appliances K]cnara Jonnson, 3o, ~nelton, l" Harvey's or cali and Suzanne Luhm, 35, Shelton. t~r]rT",,. 1~41.~,,=~ Porch, $200; and Frank Hoosier, 1/20 " Robert Paulsen, 18, Port "I/I/Ci:IUICI carport, S500. ~ND Bazaar Sale, Orchard, and Bonnie Swarmer, = . ._ COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS bet 20, 10 a m.-3 18 Bremerton High Low Preci Building permits approved by iUditoriumPlease ' " • 55 37 P• " ' " "~' - "- ~. ..... ;4 Bruce Norducct, 19, Port November l3 .... -- -=. t-xx/=u e r November 14 b~ :~a 2•01 CORRECT ard and D b a Paulson 18 . arch , ' ' M.., =mher 15 56 41 1 54 star!on, wagon, Port Orchard. November 1649 33 "99 FORMAL WEAR ,age. wi. rraae ror • er 17 43 33 1"4 ~26-5287 511/20 Michael Lamb, 20, Belfmr,Novemb ...... • 6 Complete Tuxedo and Maureen Murphy, 20, Union• NN°v:~b:rr ~ ;5 ~; ~ Rental Service i- ~pr.ingwooa .~+ Steven Acton, 25, Grapeview ..... evel name, ~ year• ..~ sam .... 8 A less than normal amount or rain L~d~ 38 Lll/20-12/11and iere ornouse, ~ ..... ....... "-" "-"" et.^lton is expecteu on vriday and 4, 1960, $325 o.~ • Saturday with an increasing >od brakes area{ Allen Carter, 61, Shelton, and . . . • • -. '. ~. ........... chance at precipitation on "elano t~oao Ipast Jeane rarrtmonu, 31, anetton. • "'i h tem • >n G 11/20 Sunday 11 g peratures will • Russell Krumpols, 18, " " " Men's ~ Women's ) R sale• CallShelton, and Kathy Garren, 20, be m..the upper 4us with lows in .>/11 Shelton. the 3us• 409 RAILROAD ...... lIlIlllIml=I Bmmmm= =~li mm=~Im= i & I0 it,s. THIS CARD! t GOOD THRU NOV. 26th 1976 CALENDAR / ;NT TERMS 418 AND COTA t he Mason County Planne s Corporation, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur transport, call, mutual aid to District 11. Office during the past week were Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. alger November 9, 1:07 p.m., aid November 13, 11:08 a.m., aid to Marvin Ackerman, residence, Ingulsrud, quiet title, call, John s Prairie, possible call, possible heart attack, Deer $31,439;W. T. Adams, residence, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wilburbroken foot, Mason County Creek, transported to Mason $28,384; George Armitage, against Swiftsure Enterprises Inc., Ambulance transported. General Hospital. carport and storage, $4,500; D.K. and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Pearson, November 9, 7:47 p.m., aid November 13, 10:08 p.m., aid Billmeyer, summer home, breach of contract, caU, two-caraecident, H ighway3, call, mutual aid to DL~tnct 2, 535,032; Robert Crones, Montesano Equipment three injured, transported to person passed out, transported m R::s;1]t~Or;:,lrehid::c,e,~:2(0~i l~ozpanYlagyTSttraM:scra~tMrs~ MaSNoG2;rralplO, spi:t3~pm,a~d private car, ambulancecanceiled. R. W. Miller, residence,judgment : " " remodel recreational residence, Department of Labor and _ ~1 $3,444; Mud Bay Construction, Industries against Hudson and | ~P~I~ ~a~mm~ t ~ I residence, $18,500; Kermit Sons Logging, unpaid industrial I ill/Id'l'l I |/! ! Roberts, remodel residence,insurance taxes ...... ${4,??O;OlgaStiffler, residence, ~asnington'Creditlnc. against I UUL~ I U T1 I ,~,=,o• Mr• and Mrs• Randy Bush, I 1 1r~1 lrl111'1"lt'l I O!Rd transcript °f judgmennsPt~:~veh~l ?ncidd I UKAV! KIWI3 I DSssU~°IuER°IOR°C g~-tar EquNi;rte ht east I Elizabeth Roberts ry velopment and | | • t • Roberts. Sons Logging, breach of contrac. I ~ a TT 1 11 I Barbara Wheaten and Paul NT J[J' 1"1011 (3a SHELTON FIRE DEPARTME I " Y I Wheaton " 25 rn. " • "k ~ovember 17, 12" p , Carol Dick and Robert Dlc . S" " " " I ~ #~O/ ~ | | R nelton High School library, copy Violet Whisenhunt and alph ,. I z O 7'0 ;3ate I Whisenhunt. machine. I • . .. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE I I INew Isases _ i' ~ • ' " " nd Suret November 7, 3 p m, aid call, I ~.~I I~--~':~, .... I western t:asualty a Y • " " • • "~ " e Cessna mutual aid to District 2, mulUple I ~r~l~l,~'~Im 1 ~ JlJ I iidsm.f)e~siY:h;;~a~Wrn:.~g'rd~g ::::::::::::::::::::: t°l E I P , --j November 9, 12"50 am, aid | lib ~ II Ritner and Charles Clayoaugn r., " " " -- ...... call, mutual aid to District 2, II ~ IP~,--~, l . o...~ ,A.o po*o. Tschantz Injury accident, transportI,J ; 1,3- X~ I oeclaratoryjuogment. " • ed to M,. ?..,., ,,:o...~,.- • - Harrison Memorial Hospital•| ~._~- Ak --]h I a ainst W and A Development • - ag ........ November 9, 12:42 p.m., aid I 113 S. SECOND 426-6207 I t~orporation, ulympia mvesrmem --call, Allyn, woman fell, no I | 197, i Silver Duster / / i 2 II ,LM. For people who know o good thing / ' h,;':.:: ...... / when they see It. / / ] / See it today! This great new Duster is equipped with sll' l)l)ly(e=oept tires) l l / e,u×e o.u at o (wit. .ou.a e uction il- " / package), power front disc brakes, Torque Flite l / transmission, electric rear window defroster, tinted ~ ....... w-. ~_]~ / 1 w ndshield, radio, power steering, canopy vinyl roof, ~- / [ Rallye Road, wheels,,steel-belted radial tires.., plus ] l the famous slant six engine. ~ ow~r il reIpenII.bht for m~rmm.I m.ldnt~n~ / i Iervioe IuOh ml ohIngmg flher= aria wq)er mncleI. / See Bud Knutzen on this brand new / , l, 'r5Dod eColt'/, . I ~ / ~,i: i~!i!~iiii!!!i!i!i!i!~i ~ ~:,:~ ....... ¥ I / ~ Bud Says: Here s everything you want in a sporty car with super / / ~~ ~ economy. The 1600 cc. engine and four-speed transmission give you | i up to 30 miles per gallon on the highway. Another grabber, is the.i I .... ........ i price! You re getting a car with front disc braKes, reclining OUCKet / / ~~; ~ seats, overhead cam, _ __ / I adjustable steering column / I I ~/!:~ - and more. One final feature ]lI ~! l~ 1 i I ° worth mentioning is the fuelT ~KI • ~K,~l i capability.., this Colt can ~.~1~.~I I I , run on leaded or unleaded '~r '~' '~ II | This su er.econom car is ga~ Interested? Se.e me today Plus tax & license / I . P .... - Y .... at Pauley Motors," Serial number I 11-693 / oacked by "The L.lincner. t~ee a,Dove).: / 1975 Dodge Oubcab Pickup ] L~- 1.975 Dodge Shortbox /l'~.~oo~ro--°owe, Our '*,.' ' ~" '"k', O. ',,. II / ~ f r o m s i "x- c y I i n d e r Price ~1~11~III i IIBo D 200 ~ ton • 4 s"eed Price II engine • 3-speed~ manual r nsmissi " " • " R " • Oil t a on, 360 cubic richChrysler / Ttransm'ss'°n • ad|o. Chrysler* ,m, l /enD,no e Tinted ._.. 200 ii / / pressure gauge • Electronic Rebate ~-~1~1 ¢ I /..,.~............... n .... I,I ignition • Electronic - ~ ,..~ ~ ~UX?llary ~ue, II e r Fr nt ~ank • Rad,o • Step / ldiscV°ltagbrakesegulat°re Double-walle o ¢a AAI I I [ p_er e Heavy- u yd t LA~I I I / construction elndependent 41~1 ,~il~ll~lll~ I ls.,n°c.Ks...~ "_=°'On: n~raI ! i i front suspension e and I I1-]~ ".-. Ill / /,,,~ ............. ~~~' I ~ much more. One only. "--71 ~~l J ~ ~ ~I' -- Immediate Delivery On All Advertised Models " Thursday, November 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page b