November 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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GERTRUDE BEESE poses with four of her ten pets. She keeps house for
nine assorted cats and a wire-haired terrier.
Veterans of ForeignWarsPost Cafe for their annual dinner. Witcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
No. 1694 will meet at 8 p.m.Attending were Commander andRobinson and Bob Springer.
Friday in the Memorial Hall.President Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Auxiliary members plan a bazaar, Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jo Sparks and Lucille
rummage and bake sale Tor Kokett, Mr.and Mrs. Glenn Chapman traveled to Madigan
December 2 in the PUD Stepper, Mr. and Mrs. DarrellHospital on Sunday for a
auditorium. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Walt veterans' party at which cake and
On Saturday VFW Post life Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Leecoffee were served to
members met in the HoodsportChapman, Mr. and Mrs. Georgeapproximately 80 patients.
eran Ja
ies slate
A holiday gift bazaar will beinclude paintings, quilts of all
presented by the Ladies of Mt. sizes, holiday decorations, toys,
Olive Lutheran Church in the needlecraft and decoupage.
PUD auditorium on Friday Fresh-baked goods will be
between the hours of 10 a.m. and available with many goodies
4 p.m. packaged in coffee-break parcels.
Items to be offered will Coffee and cookieswillbeserved.
Proceeds of this event will be
used to purchase a van in which
Exceptional Foresters may be
transported to church services.
The ladies also hope to obtain a
piano and to supply funds for the
"Teens in Christ" group.
A HOLIDAY GIFT BAZAAR is scheduled for Friday
between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the PUD
auditorium by the ladies of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church. Cora
Rauscher, seated, and Andy Needham arrange a display.
__ t,
Dance set
Twanoh Grange has scheduled
a dance for Saturday night to.
begin at 9:30 pan. Patrons will
dance to old-time favorites, and
food will be available. Donations
will be accepted.
WSNA to meet
Washington State Nurses
Association District No. 22 will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Mason County Public Health
Department. A speaker from
Crisis Clinic will address the
in your own containers.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m.-- 1 p.m.
i Tuesday- Friday Saturday
1407 St.
5helton, WNhington
For beautiful brows,
use the following easy
Place three dots on the
brow - one at the high
point of the arch and one
at each end -if you need a
guide in coloring.
Apply with light,
short, feathery strokes, as
though you were sketching
individual brow hairs.
A brush-on, powder
brow is ready to go. If you
used a pencil, brush the
brow once more to soften
the effect.
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. November 20. 1975
mily is
One walks across a landscaped
lawn where rhododendron
cuttings run riot in raised beds
and where rhodies of every size
and description flourish in the
extensive areas of the premises.
As one steps upon the porch a
greeting may be extended by a
Manx cat whose basic fluffy white
coat is beautifully blotched with
two shades of gold. His name is
Butchie, and he is a "stubby"
with a mere tuft of a taft.
Gertrude Beese will open the
door and invite you into her
home where you may catch a
glimpse of Dink-Dink, an aloof
black-and-white shor t-haired
tailless Manx known as a
On divans and chairs will be
seen an assortment of felines.
Snoopie is a pure white
three-quarter Siamese; Put-Put is a
black-and-white shorthair;
Britches is black and white and
long-haired; Kit-Kit is a
long-haired gold-and-white
bicolor; Cookie is grey and white
with his long coat extending into
perfect pantaloons; white and
long-haired Scooter can't run
without sliding. Mittens is a huge
tiger cat with a thumb on each
The nine cats were acquired
by Mrs. Beese and her husband,
Ted, under varied circumstances.
Several were rescued from
dreadful fates by their adult son,
Teddy. They have a daughter,
Terri Matson, and three
grandchildren. The entire family
loves cats.
Mrs. Beese maintains that in
reality she owns ten cats rather
than nine cats and one dog. Her
wire-haired terrier has lived in a
cat-oriented household for so
many years that she regards
herself in specie.
"All of them are neutered or
spayed," says Gertrude Beese.
"One of the males is currently
faced with a paternity suit
involving a neighbor's female. It's
nice to be able to laugh off such
serious accusations."
Gertrude Beese, a native of
Shelton, was married at the dose
of World War 11 in New Jersey,
her husband's home. The
newlyweds lived in that state for
seven months before moving to
Shelton in 1946. Two years later
they acquired their present home
located in a portion of the Grant
Angle homestead.
Mrs. Beese, who worked in
various jobs before her marriage,
took a 28½-year vacation before
resuming her career.
"I decided," she states, "to
get a job, learn to drive and lose
weight. I've done all three, and
now hold a part-time position
with Mode O'Day."
She is a member of Weight
Watchers, and one of her favorite
pastimes is beachcombing. She
and her husband collect Japanese
floats and own approximately
250 of the glass globes.
The Beeses maintain a mobile
home at Westport, where they
spend many recreational hours.
Gertrude Beese works in
ceramics and likes outdoor
gardening. As a member of the
Rhododendron Society she
propagates rhododendrons,
utilizing a sweat box to root
But most of all, she likes cats.
"Too many people," she
declares, " want them only when
they are little kittens, cute and
cuddly. When the pets mature
people tend to neglect them.
"When 1 acquire a pet," she
states, "1 am willing to accept the
responsibilities that go
hand-in-hand with ownership."
into an eight-inch by 12-inch pan
or into two 9-inch round pans.
Bake at 350 degrees, 35 to 40
minutes for layers or 55 to 60
minutes for fiat pan.
Old-Fashioned Cookies
(Thin and crisp)
5 C. flour
2½ C. sugar
1 C. plus 2 Tbsp. shortening
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. nutmeg
1½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
2/3 C. cold water
Blend sugar and shortening. Add
water and blend well. Add
cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and
baking powder and blend until
fluffy. Add flour one C. at a time.
Sprinkle sugar on pastry board or
cloth and roll dough to thickness
of pie dough. Cut with cookie
cutter and bake at 350 degrees for
9 to 10 minutes or until very light
Mrs. Beese allows her cats the
freedom of her yard during the ll~ .~
day, but at night all are confined .....
within a special room.
"Dogs may be leashed by
day," she explains, "but they
roam at night."
She refers to herself as a short
order cook, but her baking is
wonderful. Her raisin bars are
quick to make and quick to
Raisin Bar Cookies
1 egg
2/3 C. brown sugar
1/3 C. melted butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 C. sifted flour
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
2/3 C. raisins
Beat egg, and gradually beat in
sugar. Stir in butter. Sift together
all dry ingredients and add to first
to meet
At 10 a.m. on Wednesday and
at 9:15 a.m. on November 30
in the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints cultural
refinement teacher Alice Savage
will substitute at the Relief
Society meeting for LaReta Gates
who is in Salt Lake City, Utah, to
attend her daughter's wedding.
The title of the lesson to be
presented is "Denmark, Land of
Lovely Country and Beautiful
Islands." It is hoped that the
study of certain aspects of
Denmark and its culture will
strengthen bonds uniting
American and Danish Relief
Society women.
;ale slated
North Shelton Community
mixture. Add raisins and spread Auxilia~ of Fire District 11 will
into buttered 9-inch by 9finch by hold. a bake sale tO begin ~ cj a.m.
l-inch pan. ~ top s rinkle/2 Saturday in the Safeway Store.'
Tbsp. white sugar and ½ tsp. Members should bring foods
cinnamon. Bake at 350 degrees
for approximately 20 minutes. Do
not overbake, leave in pan and
cut into 24 bars. i
Fudge Cake
2 egg whites
½ C. sugar
Beat together until peaks fornt
In a separate bowl cream together
until smooth 4 Tbsp. shortening
and 2 egg yolks. Slowly add:
1 ½ C. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
4 squares melted chocolate
Slowly add 1 ½ C. milk and to this
mixture add:
1% C. flour
3 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
Fold in beaten egg whitesl Pour
to the store by that time. Those
unable to do so may contact
Pauline Schwietering at 426-6362.
The auxiliary, now registered
with the Secretary of the State as
a duly incorporated organization,
is accepting donations to purchase
a respirator for the firemen.
December 14 is the date set
for the annual Christmas party to
start with a potluck dinner at 2
p.m. in the Island Lake Firehall.
Gifts will be exchanged, and all
packages should be clearly
marked whether for child, man or
The next regularly scheduled
meeting will be held on Tuesday,
November 25, 1975 in the Island
Lake Firehall.
• •
Full line of
All brands
reg. cigarettes.
(100 mm length
$3.60 carton).
(Bulk Pack, 10 packs of five)
Panatelas $4.00
Planter Tips $3.50
(Bulk Pack, 10 Packs of five
Elite $7.00
President $8.00
Wide selection of silver,
turquoise and beaded
jewelry. Shop early for
best Christmas gift selection.
(Bulk Pack. 10 packs of five) (20 Packs of five cigars)
Diplomat $7.50 Regu ar or Aromatic
Similar savings on pipe
tobacco & chew tobacco.
You pay no sales tax!
North of Shelt0n 0n 101 at junction of Highway 106. Look for the sign.
: i/¸ (
MITTENS is so named because of the large
visible on his forepaws.
Club names win
North-South winners at the
Monday evening meeting of
Shelton Bridge Club were Howard
and Dorothy Holt, Bruce Kreger
and Clyde Ruddell, Robert and
Bob Quimby, Lil Updyke and
Doris Christy.
Winning for East-West were
Gusti Goldschmid and Francis
Sanderson, Henry
Stock, Betty Swift
Byrne, Dorothy Hill
All bridge pl~
welcome to attend
the dub, which are
p.m. each Monday i~
The next best thing to your own..'
Bottom: Before. Top: After.
Permanent nails applied over
You'll always have a perfect
Reg. $35.00
Special thru December
FREE: Hair cut and cone
with any frosting or framing thru
Come in early
browse through
of clothes befOre
hair appointment'
Evenings by appointment.
Kneeland Center Ph. 426"zt '