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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,, November 20 Club luncheon, noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., IRestaurant. Chapter No. p.m., Baptist Church. Club of Mason Seniors, noon, Senior Anonymous, 8:30 Library. for preschoolers, Library. meeting, 8 Canal Woman's Club, Potlatch clubhouse. County Democratic p.m., PUD. Park Board, 7 p.m., Canal Lions Club, Society, 10 a.m., For You" bazaar by League, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 21 Reed Orthopedic loon, home of Mrs. Knott Orthopedic home of Mrs. H. A. Lunch and Bazaar Masonic Temple. a.m.-4 p.m.; lunch, 11 meeting, 5 p.m., Senior Center. PWP, 6:30 p.m., Capitol Hall. Olympia Association of Professional Mortgage Women, 6 p.m., Tyee. Tuesday, November 25 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Heinie's. City commission meeting, 8 p.m., city hall. Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 p.m., Timberland L rary. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport hall. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Mason County Hospital District commission meeting, 8 a.m., hospital. Dirt Dobbers, 10 a.m., Fir Tree Park. Student project and music program, 7:30 p.m., Mt. View School. WSNA, 7:30 p.m., Mason County Public Health Department. North Shelton Community Auxiliary, 7 p.m., Island Lake firehall. Wednesday, November 26 Elks, 8 p.m., in the lodge. Kdstmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. LDS Relief Society, 10 a.m., in the church. Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day. by ladies of Mt. Olive 10 a.m.-4 p.m., }er 22 Sashayers, 8:30 p.m., Center dance, 8 p.m., 9:30 p.m., Twanoh NOVember 23 churches invite you the church of your 'NoVember 24 NO. 3 commission P.m., PUD conference commission meeting, Bridge Club, 7:15 c ntennial committee Hard to Get Available 426-4424 Science compared to art What art was to the ancient world, science is to the modern. Benjamin Disraeli --School Menu-- Menu for Shelton Elementary & High Schools MAKE SOUND LUMBER YOUR LUMBER! Week of November 24-28 Monday: Macaroni and cheese, tossed salad, fruit, peanut butter cookies, milk. Tuesday: Plymouth turkey, cranberry boDsalad, Massasoit dressing, Miles Standish mashed potatoes with butter and gravy, pilgrims' dessert and milk. Wednesday: Cooks' special soup and sandwiches. Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving. Friday: No school. LUMBER INC. 426-4282 1 mile South on Hwy. 101 LUI Product of Longines-Wiltnauer Watch Company Wittnauer Polara! The 100% Solid State Digital with every feature: [Z] No moving parts. Q No cleaning or lubrication necessary [3 Brilliant light-emitting diode display Displays Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Date AM dot differentiates between AM and PM Split-second accuracy When a completely new way to tell hme is introduced, you wilt want a name you know and trust_ Wittnauer Polara Men's or Women's Polaras $295 Orty-seven years at the same location'" 426-6182 Sorori Tonight in the Olympia Golf and Country Club the combined chapters represented by Olympia-Shelton City Council of Beta Sigma Phi will once again honor pledges who have joined this international organization within the past year. A tradition which began as All City Rituals was renamed Recognition Reception in 1974, due to the tremendous growth in membership. Chapters represented are Preceptor Mu; Exemplar chapters Xi Alpha Upsilon, Xi Alpha onor pl Gamma, Xi Gamma Tau; and Ritual of Jewels chapters Beta Theta, Gamma Omicron, Gamma Epsilon and Epsilon Omega, all of Olympia. Exemplar chapter Xi Gamma Psi and Ritual of Jewels chapter Epsilon Omicron are Shelton affiliates. As a highlight of the evening the Order of the Rose will be bestowed upon Margaret Howard, Elva Jackson, Diane Jones, Diane McAlpin and Leota Sonne. These women have earned the gratitude and esteem of their sisters through devotion to the ideals of Beta Sigma Phi during their 15 years of active membership. Entertainment will be provided by The Sound Tones and The Recollectors, singing groups from the Puget Sounders. Captain of soul It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. W. E. Henley 426-4302 THIS 205 W. Cota Shelton WEEK'S SPECIAL The long awaited LP is here from "Gabriel"! Featuring Shelton's own TERRY LAUBER $2.00 LP Album off list FROM FLAVORFUL BOSTON BUTTS ..........................LB. BOSTON BUTT BLADE CUTS ..................................... LB. FRESH PORK CUBE STEAKS .................................... LB cOUNTRY STYLE ............................................... LB. SLICED BACON BAR-S SKILLET SIZE 12OZ. PKG. SHRIMP COCKTAIL READY TO SERVE .4 OZ. JAR HYGRADE'S LEAN, FULLY-COOKED, 5to7 LB. WHOLE HAMS ............. LB. BONELESS AND FULLY COOKED 2to4 LB. SIZES ........ LB. als0 featured: FAMOUS SWIFT'S PREMIUM, " 8"g' BUTTERBALL TURKEYS, BONELESS TURKEY ROASTS, AND OTHER HOLIDAY POULTRY. "ROYAL ROCK", U.$.INSPECTED YOUNG, NON- BASTEDFROZEN TURKEYS. NOT GRADEDBUT GUARANTEED 100percent. /D 10 TO 14 AND 16 TO 22 LBS. LU. HEALTH & BEAU1 PAIN RELIEF ........... 36 COUNT KAOPECTATE ,1.39 SHAVE CREAM 99 OLD SPICE...I1 OZ. AERO KRAFT PHILY ,.....8OZ. SWEET POTATOES 49 TAYLOR'S .................. 17 OZ. TIN BUTTER $1.09 DARIGOLD ........... POUND I MINCED ONIONS 89 OR CRESCENT CHOPPED..5.5 Oz. Jar CHOPPED WALNUTS 59 CRESCENT ................. . PKG. WHIPPING CREAM 67 CARNATION ........ PINT ~oRO~o'~: SERv?s .,o 65 SHOP-RITE CUBES .......... POUNDS SPRITE FRESCA, PLUS O EPO5 IT MR. PIBB.o OT. BOTTLES PARADE ASSORTED FLAVORS HALF GALLON eoeoeeeeoee SHOP-RITE ....... QUART JAR Harold's Bakery ASSORTED Dinner Rolls ooz Dressing Bread LB. We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions Phone 426-3377 CUKECHIPS , 89 FARMAN'S .............. 8 OZ. BOTTLE PITTEDLpLIVES 39 OB X- GE ............ 6OZ.TIN LTIOBr~Y .A X 0.. J.U ! .~.E ..... 46OZ.TIN 55 CROUTETTES 49 KELLOGG'S ................. 7 OZ. PKG. PIE CRUST MIX 59 .......... KRUSTEAZ ............. ~ ..... 0 OZ. PKG. HOME PRIDE ROLLS PK 49 WONDER .......................... G. "DAISY FRESH" PRODUCE " ......... THANKSGIVING WILL SOON BE HERE! MAKE US YOUR FIRST STOP FOR ALL YOUR TRUSTED BRANDS AT EXCELLENT SAVINGS!! BONE-LESS HALF HAMS 89 LB. £ FRESH TURKEYS THE FINEST OF PRIME, YOUNG, U.S. GRADE "A" FRESH TURKEYS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE. FOR PROPER SELECTION HERE I$ A CONVENIENT ORDER FORM JUST FILL IN AND PRESENT TO YOUR SHOP-RITE MEAT MANAGER, NAME FRESH TURKEY* ORDER FORM I ADDLES5 TELEPHONE 4 FROZEN FOODS i IDON'T FORGET I' VEGETABLES TO STOCK-U P ON YOUR ' \?~\ ~A,, COR. J k II |~ holidayfaV°ritewines. || l~ M|XEO VEGETABLES "-II | we have a fine | assortment | PIE | WHIPPED I PUMPKIN / to choose | l ...... ":_m'_ .... I SHELLS I TOPPING (MRS PIE MRS. IPARADE 2 ~M~,,.,: ..,oz,ow~ 1 ' Grocery Specials-..-- LIBBY PUMPKIN COFFEE ZEE TOWELS o 45 ..... ', ............. CT. ROLL • F01L REYNOLD'S ....... 12"x2S'ROLL MAXWELL HOUSE .. 3 LBS. JELL-O 5t'1 .................. 3 OZ. PKGS. ''OZ COB"E TIN .......... ,,oz TINS 3/Sl CRANBERRY SAUCE PARADE STR. 16 OZ.TINS PARADE ................ tTOZ. T,N29 PEACHES 45 PARADE CLINGS ..... 29 OZ, TIN CHEDDAR CHEESE MILD SHARP PARADE s2 69 ...2 LBS. • PARADEs3 09 ...2 LBS. • M & M'S =1.19 PLAIN OR PEANUT ...... 16 OZ, CAT CHOW Sl.49 PURINA ................ 4 LB$ N BCsoSRNAC~K CI~CKER~ 59 GREAT CANDLED FOR THAT HOLIDAY DINNER LB. CELERY .yuFE t:" .... EA. MUSHR00MS*°? LE AN?E LB 98 RADISHES Bu 2125 GREEN ONIONS .................... Bu 2115 WITH YOUR TURKEY LB. BAG NEW CROP FROM CALIFORNIA LB. PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26- LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED P WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DAILY 9 TO 8 Thursday, November 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pa(w /