November 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 20, 1975 |
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cAIfrey A.R. Christiansen Emma Levagood
il l. McAlfrey, aArthur R. Christiansen, 54, A funeral was held at 2 p.m.
BEtna area for 38died Tuesday in his Potlatch Wednesday in the First Christian
Elma nursing home. Church for Emma Levagood, 90,
12 at the age He was born October 9, 1921who died Sunday in Shelton.
vasborn January in Seattle where he was employed Pastor Kurt Hardenbrook
Los Angeles, as a truck driver until ill health officiated, and burial was in
caused his retirement one year Shelton Memorial Park.
.tirement because ago, at which time he came to Mrs. Levagood was born
lr. McAlfrey was Potlatch. October 25, 1885 in Carrick,
Mr. Christiansen is survived by Ontario, Canada. For many years
manager of the
riculture Soil
Service office. He
of the Shelton
t,inelude his wife,
Nfrey of the family
his wife, Doris, of the home and
by a son, Ralph, of Bellingham.
At 1 p.m. Saturday a
graveside service will be held in
Acacia Cemetery, Seattle.
she lived in Pasco, Washington,
where she was a member of the
First Methodist Church. She had
been a resident of Shelton for the
past four years.
Surviving her are two
daughters, Mrs. Jean Hickam of
Ldaughters, Sherry
Shelton and Mrs. Lorraine
deen, Washington, William Berringer Buckingham of Pasco; a son,
I _eY of DuPont,
Sandra Ehshardt A service will be held at 3 Hugh Levagood of Portland,
L California; eight p.m. today in Batstone Funeral Oregon; seven grandchildren; 11
land many nieces Home for William J. Berringer of great-grandchildren; two brothers,
Shelton who died Tuesday in Allan Berscht of Kamloops,
with the wishes Mason General Hospital. British Columbia and Trenton
r ,no funeral service Cremation will follow the funeral. Berscht of Canada; a sister, Mrs.
Mr. Berringer was born in
Issaquah, Washington on January
eorge 9, 1891. For 35 years he was
r rge of 1222 East owner and manager of a heating
adied Tuesday infuel company in Seattle. He had
Hospital. He was made his home in Mason County
ttan, Kansas onfor the past 12 years.
Survivors include his wife,
Olga Welch of Vancouver, British
Columbia; and many nieces and
tofthe Shelton Edith J. Berringer of Shelton; a
8years, Mr. Georgearea niece, Beverly Siemon of Des
pt0m the real estate Moines, Washington; and a
I nephew, Gilbert Montgomery of
n@ed by his wife, Los Angeles, California.
the home; two
. mrs. r orman St. Martin's College, Olympia,
Shelton and Mrs. will present Mrs. Jane Edge and
ttlall of Vancouver, Michael V. Shively Mrs. Helen Pagels in a concert of
I! Son, Lloyd George organ and violin music November
t grandchildren; six Michael Victor Shively, born23 at 3 p.m. in the Abbey Church
dren; two sisters, September 28, 1975 in Shelton, on the college campus. The
[0f Kansas and Miss died Saturday in his Sheltonprogram will be free to the public.
Arkansas; and a home at the age of one monthMrs. Edge is a former Shelton
r" George, also of andl7days, resident.
I, will be held at 1
'L Batstone Funeral
ternaent to follow in
itial Park.
blh LeGarde
(Betty) LeGarde,
at of the Shelton
; day in St. Peter
pia. She was 55
Surviving Michael are his
father, Randy J. Costi; his
mother, Consuelo M. Shively; a
grandfather, Clarence Shively;
grandmothers Mrs. Janet Shively
and Mrs. Patty P. Costi.
The Reverend Bernie Thole
officiated at graveside services
held at 10 a.m. Wednesday in
Shelton Memorial Park.
The presentation will include
Handel's "Sonata in D Major,"
Bach's "Prelude and Fugue in D
Major," Franck's "Prelude, Fugue
and Variation" and Hindemith's
"Sonata No. 2," as well as
selections by Pachelbel, Reger,
Vitali and Piston.
Mrs. Edge, an adjunct
instructor in music at St. Martin's,
is a former organist and director
of music at St. John's Episcopal
Church, Olympia. A graduate in
arde, born August
i .a, Ella Loughrey music from Cornell College
was employed
(Iowa), she has pursued advanced
Ella Loughrey, 95, died work in organ and church music.
red by three sons, Friday in Shelton. She is an occasional soloist wtih
ner, all ofShelton; Born in Minnesota on the Evergreen State College
Mrs. Lorna Smith November 5, 1880, she was aChamber Orchestra.
'.Zpia and Mrs. JoAnne resident of Seattle for 18 years Mrs. Pagels, a well-known area
lton; her mother,
k itOUse of Tacoma; before moving to Shelton inviolinist and teacher who studied
Ed Valley of 1961. music in Germany, is a former
Surviving Mrs. Loughrey areconcertmistress and soloist with
ValleyofSheltontwo daughters, Mrs. Verna the Olympia Symphony, the
• ey .or Ta oma;o Erickson of Portland, Oregon and Grays Harbor Symphony and the
'. ( lona Leg cy
l Ven grandchildren. Mrs. Ruth Moore of Shelton; a Evergreen State College Chamber
., rvices were held son, Arth;r
J. Loughrey of Orchestra.
Oregon; grandchildren; 14
| ,l iay in Shelton great-grandchildren; rive [ ----L-AY-AWAY
With Leon Avery
tations were made great-great-grandchildren; and
numerous nieces and nephews. [ 1"0 Y S
t Monday evenings Graveside services will be held / Hamlln's Toy and
"tOUrs of 7 p.m. and in Oakland Cemetery in St. Paul, / Hobby Shop
Minnesota. L 220 West Cota
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oy, November 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9