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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1975
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I Be advised, observers of that which even now pretends to be Climber basketball. In the short span of the forthcoming two weeks, he who dares to watch will be party to the physiomorphological transformation of the century, if not the half-month: The metamorphosis of a gangling kid with 27 left feet and more stray notions than meakers into a singie-minded basketball machine able to leap tall state AA polls in a single bound. No mere pipedream of an aspiring hardcourt Gregor Mendel, this, it may be the very substance of the pregame plan envisioned by Coach Terry Caegg for his young successors to a team which last year finished seventh in the state. "In basketball," he observed, "the whole success of the team depends on the ability of the players to blend together, to play as one. "Right now we've got some good players. The togetherness will have to come." With perhaps one cut in personnel remaining, Gregg has 27 players - 14 of whom he labels varsity material, the rest jayvees - and just two weeks before the league opener to mold them into that cohesive unit. "'We'll have tO see how some players respond to game situations," said the coach. "We try to create game situations in practice, and we always practice with intensity. But right now the biggest problem is finding the best combination of players who perform well together." The Climbers will have good experience at the guard positions this year, but that's about the extent of it. Seniors Randy Bostrom and Dale campagna are the only returnees who logged appreciable varsity experience last year, but Gregg said both have displayed f'me leadership qualities and should be instrumental i~ the WHICH WAY doth the ball bounce? Sage confidence exuding from every facial cavity, a courtful of Climbers watches as the ball ascends during a rebounding and positioning drill Monday. From left are Dodge Kerr, Dave Sutton, John Bennett, Sam Martin, Kelly Smith, Chris Kenny, Chris floor leader by Gregg, tallied at an eight-point clip. The two will be Climber co-captains this year. "'The other spots are pretty much up for grabs," said Gregg, refetrin+g 39., t, he Va¢, 9ties left by Climbers' anticip a4,d++ the:,likes, of,Ma k TtlttOa#4Nlltz* run-and-press game. + Baze, Todd .Brew and Bob Bostrom averaged 10 points a - Christensen of the 1974 squad. game last year - one of five"Sutton (junior Dave) has Climbers in double figures - and looked good in practice," Campagna, dubbed the team's commented the coach, "and Chris McGee seems to be improving rapidly coming off his knee injury suffered during football." Gregg added that junior Dan Fitchitt, at 6-5 a likely candidate for cent, or along with ~lik6+-~d~t~efl~l~ed senior Start Kaszycki, also has been coming along well since leaving the gridiron for the hardcourt. Other fugitives from the football wars perhaps shedding a and whites together... The blacks will be mixing it up with the whites next Wednesday in Shelton High's Minidome, but don't bother to call out the riot squads. The strife will be of a competitive nature, only, as the underdog "white" squad tries to upset the first-team "blacks" in the annual intrasquad basketball game. "'It's a pretty close match-up, really," said Coach Terry Gregg, who promises a game fought to the wire. "The blacks have traditionally won this game but don't expect a runaway." Expected to suit up for the blacks in the 8 p.m. varsity tilt are seniors Randy Bostrom, Dale Campagna, Sam Martin, Start COACH GREGG watches five Climbers converge on a jump shot during practice this week. From left are Coach Gregg, Chris McGee, Kelly Smith, John Vernon, Roger Ayers, Brian Martin and Doug Christensen. McGee, John Vernon, Tom Swift, Stan Kaszycki and Dan Fitchitt. The trousered legs spilling from Sam Martin's shorts actually belong to Coach Terry G regg. few pounds in pursuit of a varsity spot are Sam Martin, Jeff McGee and John Vernon, who is to be relieved next week of the sling brace he has worn throughout turnouts for his mending collarbone fractured while in combat for Coach Stark. Dodge Kerr and Larry Baze, two seniors who last year earned varsity letters, are also expected to see a lot of action this year - if Kaszycki and John Vernon plus" juniors Dan Fitchitt and Dave Sutton. Kaszycki and Fitchitt both stand 6-5, giving the blacks a distinct height advantage against a white squad in which junior Chris McGee at 6-4 and senior brother Jeff at 6-2 occupy the only Climber headspace above the six-foot level. But the whites may have more team quickness, with the McGees being joined by senior guards Larry Baze, Pete Francis and Dodge Kerr and junior pointmen Roger Ayers and Dale Johnson. In a preliminary contest at 6 p.m., the jayvee squad will entertain a similar match-up. While no black/white distinctions have been announced as yet, those playing in the jayvee game will be juniors Doug Christensen, Tom Swift, Chris Kenny, John Bennett, MarLy Rae, Jim Christy, Dusty Gallinger, Mel Ferrier and Kelly Smith plus sophomores Brian Martin, Stan Bourgault, Joe Baze and Bruce Dorcy. Coach of the jayvee squad is Jack Marquett, while Brian Brickert and Harlan Buitenveld round out the Climber staff as sophomore and ninth-grade D coaches, respectively. -- ,,esu,,s -- .....,, , ,., , ,, F,rConeA ,9 Accident Prone? Wins Losses Allyn 76 86 $helton Rec 101 61 Spencer Lake 75 87 Don't worry, we can fix Fir Cone " 91 71 Grove 71 91 Bob's 82 80 White Spot Women 68 94 that windshield in a Allyn 77 85 Cub Women 47 115 hurry with a White Spot 75 87 ~ --.-,-- -=~ Mill Creek 65 97 I . I -. I Hard to Get I NO LEAK Monday, ! I-IO-7.~ Wins LossesI ,---- i F+rConeB 11,48 I ! ao+'s 10+59 I ! Lltt, Vtl It3 , Guaranteed Windshield Shelton Rec. 94 68 I me= • -- • • ---., I Sheltonlnn 83 !'--'-- ! [ Availoble | r TOYS " l ...,...,,,,,. l ! • ! I I ! Homhn $ Toy and I MI',LL LMI:V I ,. 3rd & Grove Hobby Shop I Where your windshield, 426 4424 __ ___220 West Cot~ __ 4264 -- J is guaranteed not to leak.' Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 20, 1975 ~t they're up to the challenge from juniors Roger Ayers and Dale Johnson, whom Gregg also counts among his potential varsity players. The Climbers are slated to play 20 league games this season - and no non-league "tune-up" contests at start as in years past, the reason being the addition of Capital High School to the league this year. Gregg admits to missing the non-league encounters and the opportunity they present to iron out the wrinkles before league play: _ The 1974 Climbers were 13-1 in league play against AA competition, 13-5 including AAA and non-league opponents. They beat Curtis High School at the regional playoffs and then lost to Washington of Tacoma by one point in the battle for the regional championship. At state they lost to O'Dea on the final day in the game to determine fourth and seventh places. Although it's a likely topic, Gregg shuns any comparisons between that team and his current squad. "Each team has its own characteristics and 1 just don't like to compare them," said the coach. "I think this is a team which should improve with every game and, if so, will find itself playing its best ball when it gets to the playoffs - which ideally is how it should be." Being a running team, the Climbers will not be working out of any real patterned offenses - at least not in the rigid sense. "We'll work more with reading defenses," explained Gregg. "Each player watches his opposing player and picks up certain keys as to how~he should react. Then it becomes simply a matter of who has the open shot." In keeping with his team-play philosophy, Gregg tries to discourage the run-and-gun style of play. He sees no place in his line-up for a Pete Maravich, a superstar who gets his 40 points a game but only by taking 75 percent of his team's shots. "But you have to leave enough room for individual initiative for a guy to develop his own skills," added Gregg. "We try to let each player use his most valuable asset - but always in the setting of the whole team." Gregg stresses conditioning and knows the value of physical endowment on the basketball court, but he likes to look deeper yet for winning material. 'Tin more interested in what's inside of a player in terms of fighting spirit and competitiveness," he said. As to the outcome of each game - a coach's lifeblood if in a .winning vein - Gregg has this to say: "If each player performs to his ability, the outcome will take care of itself. Winning in itself isn't the most important thing." Sports twenty-five years ago CLIMBERS & BLAZERS WIN FINALS Highclimber gridmen closed their 1950 season with ~Alory and a balanced won-lost ledger by trouncing St. artin's Preps, 28 to 6, in the annual Armistice Day contest between the two rivals on Loop Field. The victory enabled_ She!ton to end up the season with four wins against tour uosses, and second place in the Central League standings. The day before the varsity victory the junior high Blazer squad gave a preview of the big game to follow when they bopped the junior St. Martin s squad by a score of 20 to 6. The victory gave me Blazers a 4 and 3 record for the 1950 season. Merv" s Ttrecap & Car Care 1st & Cota Shelton .,., DAN FITCHITT, 6-5 junior, pleads with Stan Kaszycki during a practice session this week. 6-5 but a senior, would have nothing to do lifeline, but might have driven 'round the it not been occupied by a crouching jayvee Marquett. At extreme left is a pensive Dusty / ii libel i i,i,I~ i~~ i'I ..................... :+~ .:.~ : ; ROGER AVERS snares a rebound as Bruce DorcY Jim Christy look on. TENTATIVE VARSITY LINEUP Name Position Height Weight Class Stand i n¢ Roger Ayers G 5-10 145 Jr. Larry Baze G 5-11 145 St. Randy Bostrom G 5-11 145 St. Dale Campagna G 5-9 145 Sr. Pete Francis G 5-10V2 153 Sr. Dan Fitchitt C-F 6-5 190 Jr. Dale Johnson G 6-0 150 Jr. Dodge Kerr G-F 5-10 165 Sr. Sam Martin C-F 6-3 215 St. Chris McGee - F 6-4 171 Jr. Jeff McGee F 6-2 175 Sr. Stan Kaszycki C 6-5 175 Sr. Dave Sutton F 6-1 166 Jr. John Vernon G-F 6-0 157 Sr. Every Saturday 3 p.m. 'til 7:30 p. Win a prize as well as your winning. DETAILS IN OUR CARD RooM Non-tournament table also available. TI er 320 First