November 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 20, 1975 |
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Timber Company
last week for its
to the MAST
ambulance program in
P. Sandstrom,
- Northwest
0us, took part in
at the capitol rotunda
Sandstrom expressed
for MAST on behalf
industry and presented
for contributions to
SPeakers were Governor
and Major General
Hulbert, former golf
)aal and nationally
SPeaker on the subject
treatment and
will address the
Kiwanis Club of
Volney F. Warner, commander of
the Army's 9th Infantry Division
and Fort Lewis.
Simpson was recognized as a
major contributor to the
emergency air ambulance
program, which began in 1970.
The company has contributed
$3,500 over the last three years to
help purchase communications
gear and other needed equipment.
In addition, Simpson has built
a reserve fuel supply station for
the helicopters at Camp Grisdale,
the company's resident logging
camp in northeast Grays Harbor
Built in the camp shops, the
fuel tank holds 740 gallons of the
kerosene-like JP4 fuel. The supply
is more than enough for two
fill-ups for the rescue 'copters,
greatly extending their range.
The tank was built to exacting
MAST standards that include a
circulating system to keep the
fuel "fresh" and twin, three-stage
MAST stands for Military
Economy car to be shown
Viking II, an economy sports car produced by students at Western
Washington State College in Bellingham, will be on public display in
Bremerton on Thursday, November 20 on the Olympic College
technical campus, 135 N. Calloway. The car, competing against cars
produced by students from other educational institutions, obtained
58.15 miles per gallon over 1,400 miles of freeway, city and
coast-highway driving.
Car cost set at $3.25 a day
It costs the American motorist an average of $3.25 per day to own
a car - even if it's never driven - and another 6.45 cents for each mile
it is driven, the Automobile Club of Washington reported. The new
costs figures are a national average based on an intermediate size
eight-cylinder, two-door hardtop sedan equipped with standard
accessories, automatic transmission, power steering, power disc brakes
and radio.
Insured unemployment drops
Insured unemployment under regular entitlement in Washington
State fell 2,601 to 75,131 for the week ending November 1. Including
the 13,874 persons filing for extended benefits and 19,962 individuals
claiming federal supplemental benefits the number claiming came to
108,967. The over-the-week decline was not indicative of any
significant change in employment patterns, but rather reflected the
election-day closure of local offices across the state.
Japan gets most of logs
A total of 254.8 million board feet of softwood logs was exported
t, who began his years Assistance to Safety and Traffic. from all ownerships in Washington, Oregon, northern California and
with a single Operated by the Army's 54th Alaska in August 1975. The August volume was up 0.9 percent from
high school football Medical Detachment out of Fort July 1975 exports and up 17.3 percent from the August 1974 total.
appeared on many Lewis, the helicopters have been Some 235.2 million board feet, or 92.3 percent of the August 1975
television and radio used to aid the victims of west coastlogexports, went to Japan.
and is the author of highway, logging and farm
")ks and papers on accidents, and to transfer ~"~""~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~""~"~"~
premature babies t° intensive care I BUS i
01 is society s built-in hospitals.
d the cause of many of In the ceremonies, Sandstrom
~nas we face today, noted that the helicopters have
ert."It is only through removed injured men from = • i
~d the realization that Simpson woods areas 12 times iShelton -- Ply
a dangerous drug will over, thelast fouryears, mplai
to cure the real We believe ~ese helicopters i EpXACsE:ETN ~ll)Sac~ ~ t~ J EH i
related to alcohol have saved lives,' he said."MAST DAILY OLIDAYS
m not a crusader or a works, and it's a tremendous
It I feel it's time we service." "--. I_,eave Shelton 8-45 a m 4:45 p.m. ::
aSsed the problem of ~ Arrive Olympia 9:15 alto: 5:15 p.m. |
t and arrested its [ J E ~ ==
d growth, adds Hard to Get =" Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m. _=
Arrive Shelton 10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m. ==
Relations Division of -=" PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE =-=
~ratories in Los
is presenting the ~ OLYMPIA DEPOT I SHELTON DEPOT i
Innocent Addicts Available i Capitol Way and 7th I a0a Grove Street ===
bout thestateof [Club will meet at its oH, . j iE Ph°ne:357"5541 ] Ph°ne:426"2910 ==. • ~-
at the Senior I 426-4424 I " Cascade Tra,lways "
I I I III I I I lilt ItS I tl I I I I I lUlIII |i II I I I I I I I I III I I II I I I I I I I I I II III I I I II I I!1 ell I I II I I I III Ilnnlllll nll llllllllllnlUIl~
Like New Ride For The.Heavy Wagon For the "Full Trunk" . "For that Swing and Swa
nit Selechvely calibrated Extra m many ways. from
Valved for maximum sta- double s~zed p~ston area
[ is only pos- of the 1 {at' bore which is twice
m a larger bore unit such as large as the standard unit
Is The lY,6" bore ,s 50'0 ]he Ys=' hardened piston rod
m working capacity d~splaces two thirds more oil
rlthe indust£y standard than the standard umt The
' mduchon hardened Y2" larger fluid volume and lower
~s Chrome fimshed for workmgj0ressure of the ex-
~fh funchoning and long tra g,ves capacity beyond
ultiple stage valwng on the greatest demands of the
Compression and ex- car or driver. ~n comb,nation
~On cycle for max,mum w,th a luxurious r,de
Fluted tube for more
)n from road hazards
Value buy for extra drw-
Pair Pair
Increased Capacity, stabd~ty, Combines additional spring
reduced roll and rear-end rate,wh~chre-establishesfac-
steering are SOmeof the ben- tory design height, in combi-
efits which this umt offers A nation wtth heavydutyvalving
for optimum stability and con-
combinahonVar'able ratewithCOd theSprmgspecialm ,|trol. Critical front-end dimen-
valving raho of the shock ab- slons can only be maintained
sorber gwes a quality of road- ' ifthe vehicle is at the intended
abdity not only for over4oaded m design height Since shock
dnwng conditions but every- D absorbers are only damping
day drwmg pleasure A supe- D machines, the additional spnng
r~or eng,neermg development ~ rate of the front stabilizing unit
for the most d~scriminahng P ,s necessary to maintain proper
owner ~ front-end geometry, after sus-
pension springs have sagged
"al ry
during our two week introductory period. Thru November 30 only.
Many styles including
long, short and shell, all in
better acrylics, designed
to complement your
wardrobe, many colors
and combinations, S/M/L,
reg 4.99
Comfortable and
flattering, the slim look
in double knit jacquards
and textured polyesters
with tunneled elastic
waist, sizes 8/18, rag 4.99
Luxury for milady is this
satin finish acetate quilted
robe, zip or button front,
rose and blue in solid or
two tone styles, sizes
10/18, rag 7.99
Terrific price on these all
nude T-band panty hose,
sheer from waist to
sandalfoot toe in popular
shades, sizes A and B,
reg 98¢
2 .88'
FO 2..88'
.... Many colors available in PAMPER BOOTIE SOCK HOSE
these cozy & warm Comfort for leisure and Select from gift boxes, 2
acrylic/nylon socks lined sport wear in this fluffy or 3 pairs polyester/nylon
with downy acrylic, fleece bootie, assorted or high bulk orlon,
machine washable, size colors in sizes 6/8½ and assorted colors, one size
6/8½, 9/11, reg 99¢ 9/11½, reg 59¢ pr fits 10/13 -.
WALLETS French purses and small For a truly elegant FLORAL PRINT
Husbands, fathers, sons, clutches each with bath.., a variety of NO-IRON TABLECLOTH
brothers, friends, all the matching key case and fresh scents for a 100% cotton, machine
men in your life will be beautifully gift boxed, strawberry, lemon, orange washable, soil release
pleased, with any one of many styles and designs or apple scented bubble finish, tumble dry, PLUS
the gift boxed bifolds, available from which to bath, assorted fruit NO IRONING! available in
trifolds, and regular select the JUST R IGHT containers in an attractive an assortment of color
wallets in fine leathers gift gift box prints, 52"x70", reg 5.99
No glue, paste or mounts, Nostalgia isn't just a FLAIR® JEWELRY BOX
just lift the self-adhesive current fad, it's here to POINT GUARDTM These printed jewelry
boxes are useful, pretty
pages and place photos in stay.., especially with Put color in your AND musical, the proud
position, plastic sheet this embossed covered Christmas with Flair, owner can watch the
protects treasured photos scrap book, screw post available in a dozen ballerina dance while she
from dust and fingerprints, assembly, 36 sheets, different colors, reg 59¢
10-3/4"x12-3/8", a 11¾"x14" buff paper, she selects her jewelry,
thoughtful gift, val 2.99 refills available, val 2.99 reg 3.99
Arlington 18 piece set Rainflower by Anchor 8 handsome 12oz beverage 3 piece chip & double dip
includes 6 quart punch Hocking in gift box, four tumblers packaged and set, Swedish modern
bowl, eight 6 ounce cups, 10" round plates plus 4 ready for wrapping, a styling in avocado glass,
eight plastic hooks, and matching cups, perfect for variety of patterns from one 8" chip bowl and two
one plastic ladle, for the the people who entertain which to choose.., a 4" dip bowls, a must for
particular host and hostess perfectly much appreciated gift entertaining
Evergreen Square
Monday - Saturday
9:30- 5:30
Friday 'til
Sprouse Rail! sincerely tries to provide adequate supply to meet damlnd. If
i~=lvertisld items are not in stock beceule o! non.arrivll, or for iny reason.
rlin ¢h4itche ill available cm request. Items which ere limitld to quintettes in
StOCk eod which cennot be reordered ore first corn, first served. Please
shop early.
-[hursdav, November 20. 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23