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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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- @ PHONE ,~. ~; ~ ~¢r~ • 10 cents for each additional word over IS. I!, 'L41 I • FOUR (4' in.rtions for the price of ,.~ )la ~1~ • THREE (3). ,@ .~ I • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday ~ ~ For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale -- Work Wanted ots, Uvostock Services Servkes ! caLIks size 10, $40. FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer MOST POPULAR sizes of tires ITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and LICENSED CHRISTIAN mother, SHELTIES FEMALE pups. A-1 BOOKKEEPING Service -- AUTO PAINTING, reasonable ~F!0 ' e ~°oLerl~.liYnoDra/ ,A40W3 ~Uvth i11tohr; t;ad ?z~tte;~)lnos~/~t~tnOCk. Call dairy products, all your healthexperienced and dependable, Registered % Arab colt, terms or ledgers, payrolls, taxes. Yourprices. Also trailers, etc. All work R and dryer, set, Mt. View• DI 1/20 ~...r~-,,~v-o~v=. ~/~o,n food needs. Old Healthy's Natural loving care, reasonable rates, trade. Registered % Arab mare for place of business or mine. Phone guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. )ocubic foot upright.~-- INVESTMENT PROPERTY In 426-5158. O4/17tfnF°°ds' First and Railroad, drop-inSphone welcomeMary,anY426.8480.time. Please lease. Call 426-6152, F11/20tfn491-9263.~W11/13tfn ~1202 Cote St. R7/20tfn • 0. Bunk beds with FIREWOOD -- FIR, green. You Shelton F,~ .... , ....= ,-;*. ,.-*~ (iS • .-.,-..i.*,~/~ v,, .J ~.-,~ =~t3, , $15. 1-275-2692. haul or we haul• 426-6350• room for exnansion ¢1q n~'n=~,~ C~ Dll/20-12/11 WINTERIZE YOUR horse with CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Free BING'S PLUMBING and I~=,~=;r =~l/On÷f ................ hot shoes. Horseshoeing,Julie estimates, pick-up and delivery. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn - "'-" .... ~'-=/ ..... zaKe over low interest loan. Write Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, ~R--~- Olli, 426-8774. Oll/20 Lowest prices anywhere; --~--------~ • ~ c/o Journal Box49 10/23tfn for free estimates. E5/16tfn block from Mt. View School• "COnmPee~lre,'..' satisfactionCONCRETE FINISHING. Patios, USED camper with 197419 Glasply boat with 197b ................. ' ..... Fenced yard, love children. FREE PUPPIES -- collie mix. gu o• L;an COllect aCsZ-Jt~/U sidewalks, driveways, concrete 0d Condition, $500 Call 115 h p Johnson, excellent TWO COMPLETE sets skis and CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Breakfast, lunch, snacks served 426-2865 after 5 p.m. 111/20 after 5 p.m. Tll/13-1/1 repairs. Small jobs welcome. 'Bll/20-12/11 " conditiorL" $4500.1-898-3813. bindings, boots ski Doles Misc Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn while in care. Need steady job W11/20-12/1t' , ...... "~-~-~-~ 426-1710. KlO/2t fn ~HE/T~J r- .......'+,, / / - SKI equipment, excellent days or nights. Drop-inswelcome• TROPICAL FISH and some ARE YOU still wasting expensive oa~e" "- ................. Sale, Saturday,~~~b.H.P. garaen rozodher, good condition ..................... 877-5817 P11/6-271v-,-, SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, 426-5840. Bll/13-20 goldfish for sale. 425 Dearborn. gas? Call John at 426-2489 after 6 CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, ~2; sStarts.,/.-u 9 p.m. at ~ ~diUon~ rs USepdh_napproxi5%a3tz~lnyu ~ ,:.~-oo ~. CHRISTMASour fir ine TREES -- Choose carpetphone S l°Url/30tfnSpecialty" EvergreenLICENSEDschool.-- 3 Wantbl°CkSlotsfr°mof 426-1721.LOVING H11/13-20% Welsh, Vz Morgan ~P'm" for help. H10/2tfn ataCcuratesaegerPrecisi°nMotor Shop,grindin~'HiIIcrest.'N°w CRUSHED ROCK for your Phone 426-4602.1/15tfn Nll/20-27 I~ter. LosPLak°rR~°bl:4~w~3C4~t" FOR SALE- Antique Edison love, care and fun for your black mare, excellent shape. Great driveway or the permanent ~, $50. 426-3~54. THIS SPOT that spot, traffic H10/16tfn ..... hand-crank phonograph, $200. children? Call 426-2589. Christmas gift. $150 includes 1 solution, concrete pavinq HORSESHOEING -- Jim paths too, removed with Blue WHAT ^ ~ "l ...... See at Shelton Furniture Repair. C8/21tfn t o n h a y . 426 - 5507 • Graystone, phone 426-334Z~" Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. peal LIKe new zaxau G12/7tfn " B4/10tfn • Lustre carpet shamnoo Coast to • K11/13tfn Mc11/20-12/11 ilnqe, oold self-clean nn Coast Store Cll/20~ " 1971 .Kirkwood mobile home, 12"5 ~ ~-~....~ ~=.~..~= ~ " " musz De moved immediately MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at LICENSED BABYSITTER, loves children, in her home, very close Jll/:~n'~' ..... v=-' SEWING ~ Owners will pay moving expenses" Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and to Bordeaux. Phone 426-3814. male peacock, lZ/z years old• Will PRESERVE THOSE precious old Lew'* TT~ ~rvla'~ " "" ......................... I 42 ......... " consider female in trade or $150. photographs with fine art copies. Tree Topping repairs for all makes. Central ~;(~/301~/'2x0''¢~ arzer :~ p.m. Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfnA11/6tfn ............. 5ALE -- White enamel Sales, 877-5798. Cll/20-12/11 / -~ C a I I J o d i e, 426-897 1. Twenty-f ve years experience. T... ~. , Naugahyde rechner, ~~ .n== Fred ........ TRADE IN your old furniture at ~ ~1" -W-~est E• Call $11/13-12/4 D ......... rnova, ~otstool Lotsofodds SNOW TIRES -- H78-15, ,~=-~ uTe~U rou..u,•t3-yarQoump Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote• 426-5926 on Mt. View. eansStudmo. 3/7tfn Stump Removal • • . [ruc , very lizue aZb-4,.llt~. 4/16tfn Mll/6-27 2-YEAR French Alpine goat, Phone 426-2064 • Friday-Saturday, Dynaglas XFT, hke new, $45 pa,r. M10/23ffn " " bred. Sell or trade for beef or Shelton, Washington t-22, 10-6. 118Cedar F78-14 on wheels $25 pair. galvanized roofing. 426-3887. ~------~__~__~____ 9/19tfn Park. 426-9211. 426-9474. Dll/13-12/4 DOWN TO the last three dozen! ~---- -- ----~---~---'------~-" Licensed Day Care Tll/13-20 ____~ Jan Danford's book, "Passing Used COrs TWO 8x1758-ply nearly new on Fancies," will not be available K180, low mileage. Ford rims. 426-4970• $11/13-20 again after these remaining copies --=---~--------------~-~----------~ dishwasher, are sold. Purchase them at the or after 4:15GIRLS' 20" high rise bicycle for J ou rnal or at bookstores. 1968 GMC V~T pickup, 6 cylinder, Gll/20 6-year-old and up, like new, $40. stick, low mileage. $1,200. D 10/30tfn 426-5811. L11/13tfn 426-5814. F11/20 25" color GAS DRYER, like new, $125. condition. Terms MAGNAVOX COLOR TV, new 1973 FORD long van, 33,000 at 311 North 1st, picture tube, used one week, 4-piece bedroom set with miles, $3,500.Call898-3749. mattresses, $125. Call 426-4823. 1 remote control.Call426-4545. U11/20tfn R 11/13-12/4 B11/13tfn needle portable, 1970 PLYMOUTH Fury III $59. Terms 197416' Alia camp trailer, usedCHR ISTMAS AUCTION -- 4-door, nice car, $750.877-9332. Sales, 877-5798.once, for sale or trade plus cash, Gigantic toy, gift and tool Pll/20-12/11 $1,795.877-5548. Cll/13-20 auction, all new merchandise, door prizes,, gifts, fun for all. '623-4 yard Ford dump truck. saxophone and 21' CRUISER. Call after 3 p.m. Don't miss this sale Sunday, 1 Rebuilt engine and clutch. W11/20 426-5435. HT/31tfn p.m., December 7. Regular $1,450. 426-4940. Tll/20 auction every Saturday, 7 p.m. McCleary Auction, Col. Virgil '68 PLYMOUTH station wagon, Vz-ton pickup. SONY CAR cassette player, Reading, Auctioneer. Phone $600. 426-6251. excellent condition, evenings 495-3541. Rll/13-12/4 power steering, automatic, radials, 866-2891. D9/18tfn good shape, $800. Phone 426-1556. Hll/6-27 1974 DODGE 4x4, meg wheels, good condition, low miles. TOP SOIL 426-5247 or 426-5846. Dll/13tfn Jungle of Boat Patio Curtains 15 years XDerience. Rt• 4, Box 312 WA 98584 tfn t Holstein steers. live weight. 426-8856 tfo Upright, $268.88 a Che~t, $199.88 e L Chest, $329.88 Ward Sales W. Railroad PRICES t seller Model 862, Regular price $116.00. Model 882, q.L./D.T., S/RFO price $179.95, extra SBE -- Turner Specialists -- Beach Radio 877-5560 ll/13tfn OI~ATION Mm ls Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Reedy Mix )AY POURS ELCOME ISPATcHED TRUCKS Park Street 2/1 ltfn Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truckload anywhere. After 5:00 p.m. call 426-2570, F. E. Ogden. 9/11tfn Field . Phone 426-1500 after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County @ • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing G ravel P.O. Box Grapeview WA 98546 Call Norm for fast quotes on continuous aluminum guttering. ~otis[aetion Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, Evergreen Square ('all Norm 24-Hour Shoppmg 426-~201 For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL ARE WELCOME ] l ........................ LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/1 3tfn MUST SELL -- Antique oak dresser and oak-trimmed matching mirror. Price reduced $10 -- now selling for $90. Call 426-4915. No Friday night or Saturday calls, please. P11/gtfn '69 COUGAR, 2-door hardtop, 26' Sabrecraft with boathouse, newly rebuilt engine, good shape, $7,500 firm. 426-1032 or $1,595. Call 1-482-2942. Jll/20 426-4643. N 11/6-27 3-YEAR-OLD 3M automatic 1 949 DODGE %-ton pickup, $150. Call 426-4892. Wll/!3 photo copier. Can be seen 125 - Railroad, McComb Business 1 958 VOLKSWAGEN with Service, 4~26-8262. Mll/6-27 extras, snow tires, $250. 426-8624. W11/13-20 WURLITZER PIANO, four years old, $650• 426-5266. J 10/30-11/20 WINCHESTER 308 Model 100. Redfield 4X scope, strap, 2 clips, shells. 426-6100. B10/30-11/20 FRESH GEODUCK, 50 cents lb. Less for quantity. Delivered. Phone 426-2998 evenings. E10/30-11/20 ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. S1/lOtfn FOR SALE -- 1972 CL70 Honda, $225. 426-6785. D10/2tfn JAY'S CUSTOM MEATS (Complete Meat Processing) FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping • and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. ELMA 482-2203 6/19-tfn Crushed Rock and Gravel for Driveways _ Parking Lots Eddie Kneeland 426-4889 OR 426-6326 10123 tfn Chain Link Call today for FREE ESTIMATE Call Norm Bunko ~atis[action Guaranteed or Your Money Back [Sears] SEARS, ItOEauCK AND CO, Evergreen Square ('all Norm 24-Hour Shopping 426-8201 Not just a babysitter. Organized pre-school and school activities. Constant supervision with loving care. Hot lunch and snacks. Drop-ins welcome. llene Olson Mt. View 426-1076 lO/30tfn Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER/GENERAL office with at least 10 years' experience. AP/AR, state and federal taxes, payroll. Must be self-starter and independent worker, lO-key by touch, accurate typist. Write Box 73, c/o Journal. 11/20 NUTRITION COORDINATOR -- 30 hours weekly. Responsible for planning nutrition sites and meals for senior citizens. Experience in the field of aging necessary. Apply: Mason County Senior Center, 208 Grove Street. M11/13-20 Used Cars 1974 Plymouth Duster Six cylinder engine, power steering, air conditioning ........................... 1972 Plymouth Gran Coupe Very well equipped one owner vehicle ......... 1972 Chrysler Newport Two door, hardtop, equipped to pull 1972 Dodge Dart, six cylinder .......................... $I trailer .... 1968 Buick Skylark ................ 1395 1968 Plymouth $, 4 door ................................. FRONT& RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 1975 LTD 4-dr. (was our rental) ............ $4,995 1975 LTD 2-dr. (Ford Motor exec. car) SOLD. . $4,825 1975 Torino 4-dr. (our rental car) ........... $4,695 1975 Pinto wagon (our rental car) ........... $3,995 1974 Mustang XAS 784 ................... $3,595 1974 Pinto Runabout ..................... $2,995 1973 Ford k-ton ................. SOLD.. $3;850 1973 Mustang ........................... $3,295 1973 Datsun PU .................. SOLD.. $2,795 1972 Hornet wagon ...................... $2,495 1972 Maverick Grabber ................... $1,925 1972 Vega wagon ........................ $1,895 1972 Matador 2-dr ....................... $1,895 1971 Ranchero .......................... $2,450 1971 Comet 4-dr ......................... $1,725 ! 970 Torino GT ......................... $1,895 1969 Vz-ton ............................. $2,395 1968 LTD 4-dr .......................... $1,095 1967 Dodge Coronet .............. SOLD.. $1,095 1967 Ambassador 4-dr .................... $ 999 1966 Dodge van ......................... $1,495 New Hours: Service and parts, 8 a.m.-5 p.rr , Mon.-Sat. Sales 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Mon.-Sat. and Sunday after church until 7 p.m. JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8231 I , I II I KITTENS -- CATS. 426-3648• Hll/13tfn Farm Slaughtering Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426-1643 Kamilche OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG ANY BREED -- 8-week course will start soon, $40 in advance. Send your name and phone number to: Barbara Friehs, Rt. 3, Box 645-C, Shelton, WA 98584. 11/13-20 Cards of Thanks May we extend to our many friends and neighbors our deepest thanks for all their contributions. A special thar~k you to our neighbors in Arcadia Estates and to Merge Bent. Our sincere thanks and gratitude go to all these wonderful people. Vivian (Bib) Nelson and family Nll/20 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for the kindness shown to us during the recent loss of our beloved father and grandfather. The family of Jug Potter F 11/20 Mobile Homes JX BRAND Country Fresh Grain-Fed Beef. Days 426-3325 Evenings & Weekends 426-2806 I 1 1/2Otfn 10x50 CHAMPION mobile home, with extras, $3,600. Call 8-6 p.m., 426-3537. M 11/20 FREE FIRST month's rent to mobile homes 45 feet and over. Evergreen Mobile Estates. 426-5202. E10/30 - 11/20. CASH FOR your mobile home, paid for or not. Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Pacific, Lacey. 456-8890. Oll/14tfn 196912x60 mobile home with ---- - ~ -_ _ _ -----------------------..-..-_ 80x92 lot. N ice garden area. Lake Nahwatzel beach access. $10,500. Lost & Found 426-8323 ' o~stfn ..%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ROBINHOOD TRAILER Village, LOST: SHORT-LEGGED, 15 minutes from Shelton, short-haired, light brown dogbeautiful Hood Canal, $45 around Spring Hoed, Rae Lake,monthly including water, garbage. Springwood or Woodland Manor 1-898-2163. R10/gffn area. Reward offered. Phone 426-4931. $11/20 TRAILER HITCHES, all types. Trailer wiring. Sway control, ~~_--~--~-___-_ jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop, 4814 Lacey Blvd. 491-6150. Personal Hll/28tfn =---~---------------------------------- LARGE STOCK of used mobile IS OVEREATING creating homes from $2,495, easy terms. problems in your life? Overeaters Olympia Mobile Homes, 3813 Anonymous can help you! Pacitic, Lacey. 456-8890. Timberland Library, Tuesdays, 011/14tfn 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 8:30 p.m. 426-8780, 426-2751. 426-3432. O7/10tfn Wallted LIVING WITH a problem drinker is too much for most of us. If you want help call AI-Anon, WANTED -- SALAL. Phone 426-3072, 426-4535, or 426-3051. Wll/20-12/11 426-2551. P6/26tfn SHELTON FAMILY Planning Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, class held 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Call 426-4407, Mason County Health Department, for appointment. SA/3tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliance -- the best night spot in town --Sealy mattresses. 3/141fn URGENT! Will party who made offer please identify himself so that I can sign up for Clyde's job? John Kneeland 11/13-20 I Cedar Shake Eells - Beards -- Now purchased at McCleary Mill. 8 p.m.-5 p.m. daily T & L Cedar McCleary, WA 495-3909 days Timber and land wanted I WAKE UP, JOHN and smell the coffee. The person who made the offer is right across the breakfast table from you. Lean over and give her a kiss. It NOTICE Unauthorized persons caught using the facilities of Colony Surf Club, Inc. will be prosecuted to the maximum limit of the law. All roads and facilities are Private Property. No hunting is permitted within 500 yards of the Colony Surf Boundaries. Board of Trustees, Colony Surf Club, Inc. l 1120-12/4 GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 79S Phone 426-2501 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn Ammons Se Tank Installations Ditch digging, light clearing, rock bulkheads. • Phone 426-3153 10/30 tfn Wanted Rant WATERFRONT AREA with clearing of 40'x30', or building same size, with or without small house. Write S. J. House, General Delivery, Olympia 98501. H 10/30-11/20 Wanted HELP! IN desperate need of one drum teacher for our Robinettes. Contact Trudi Sobotka for details. 426-3452. Rl1/20-12/11 WANTED: USED refrigerator, large size. Also electric stove. 426-5202. EH/20tfn D{H. KNUDSEN Pole Co;, Port Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn STAMPS. AND coins. AS a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007, 426-9085. P10/2tfn is Minimum lO-inch top diameter, minimum 9 feet long, $3.00 each sapan , Inc. 426.5571 9/18-tfn I Thursday, November 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25