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CR 5-2774
Mr. and Mrs. Boston lnglese
have returned to their home at
Escanada, Mich., after a visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Gina Hannan
and her family. During their stay,
they visited Seattle and had
dinner with other family
After their long drive from
Michigan, the local sharp curves
and our rain left something to be
desired. Knowing that the Pacific
NW salmon plant near the north
part of Michigan has been such a
huge success, it was a sad event
for the visitors to get skunked
while fishing here in the rain,
hoping to catch a Washington
State salmon.
Good news was in a surprise
call from Jan Lackey this last
week. By this time she hopes to
be long gone from University
Hospital and back home with
family and friends. Jan said it is
rough being confined after such
activities as the Olympic College
tennis team, and she looks
forward to saying "hi" in person
Want to spend the holiday
weekend with a good book?
Don't forget the perfect timing
for the Bookmobile to be at
Leathermans at 4 p.m. and at
Moores at 4:30 p.m., the day
before Thanksgiving, Nov. 26.
Recent high winds forced a
temporary closure of the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge to traffic. This
brought a reminder that it was 35
years ago on another Nov. 7 when
the first structure, nicknamed
Galloping Gertie, took the fatal
plunge. Our long-ago ride over
that original model was an
experience not to be forgotten as
oncoming cars and headlights
would disappear from fight when
the bridge rippled and swayed in
the wind.
The day of the big disaster a
Haul Rock Bulldoze
Fill Dirt
CR5-2195 CR5-2113
with a
1318 PARK
Menu For
North Mason
Nov. 24 thru Nov. 28
Monday: Scalloped potatoes,
barbecued weiners, mixed
vegetables, biscuit/butter, fruit.
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe, mashed
potatoes, carrots, dessert.
Wednesday: Lasagna, garlic
bread, tossed salad, applesauce.
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving
- No school.
Friday: Happy Holiday -No
et Sound
National Bank
The hometown bank.
neighbor and I joined the lines of
cars activated by radio news that
the Narrows Bridge was in
trouble. (There had to be a car
accident in the crowded route to
the narrows with the well-known
C. A. Hanks of Port Orchard a
fatality.) When we arrived, the
center portion of the bridge was
hanging, broken and trailing in
the water. The hanging span was
whipping in the wind with
sections separating and falling
into the water and onto railroad
tracks nearby. The stranded dog
and car had also fallen from the
bridge into the water by this time.
One part that seemed not to
be publicized has been a puzzle
these many years to the "1 Was
There" gang. Very few know that
there was another car left on the
bridge towards the Gig Harbor
side that was also lost. As the
bridge had whipped and cured, a
crossing panel truck loaded with
electrical parts tipped over. The
man and a woman passenger were
able to get out of their wrecked
truck and started crawling
towards the secure part near the
towers. They were skinned and
bruised from their efforts, having
to avoid their overturned truck
that was sliding around in the
violent bridge action. All was lost,
and so were their names and story
as the years went by. During the
sad event, none of us thought to
take pictures that would have
preserved this for posterity.
There are so many activities
missed when the articles and
announcements are for Thursday,
like today. When the Huckleberry
Herald is delivered on Friday in
some parts, it is already the day
after and another missed event.
Just in case of rain, sleet, or
other problems, this is an early
wish for a happy Thanksgiving
Day for everyone (and includes
tiny visitors that like Lou's closet
A new motion picture film
titled "'A Whole Lot Proud" has
just been released and is available
on a free-loan basis from the
Seattle District, Army Corps of
The 25-minute color film tells
the story of the Corps Park
Ranzers tending recreation areas
around more than 400 Corps lakes
throughout the United States.
Their job of making recreation
areas and wildlife refuges
connected with the lakes more
enjoyable is but part of the story
told in the new 16-mm film. It
also emphasizes society's
responsibility to support
recreation resource management.
It was filmed in the panoramic
Ozarks, the rugged hills of South
Dakota and the sprawling beauty
of Tennessee. Over 350 million
visitors took advantage of Corps
day-use and camping facilities
throughout the Nation in 1974,
the Corps said.
The film is available to
schools, clubs and other groups,
free of charge, by writing to the
Public Affairs Office, Seattle
District, Army Corps of
Engineers, Post Office Box
C-3755, Seattle, Wa. 98124; or
telephone (206) 764-3750.
On Nov. 6 the sheriff's office
received several calls from
motorists who had passed a car
towing a cow on Highway 3 just
south of Allyn. Some were
concerned about possible cruelty
to the animal, others over traffic
hazards presented by the
slow-moving vehicle. Investigation
revealed that all necessary
precautions had been made by the
driver for safety of the animal and
that the vehicle was traveling as
far to the right side of the
highway as possible.
A 1 0-speed girl's bicycle was
reported found on North Shore
Nov. 14.
High-Traction Winter Radial!
........ - :?-, tire has ~.Y'_:.., these, oaT ,,actiOn /
----'---f--~ ~--:.~ter ra°ta~-~te PU~l~Ynrovidtng=-~-', With /
tests pr°v GR-15 ........ $59.95
HR-15 ........$65.95
AR 78-13 ...... $39.95 LR 78-15 ......$71.95
BR 78-13 ......$42.95 Plus $1.93 to $3.19 Fed. Tax
No Trade-In Required
DR 78-14 ......$48.95
ER 78-14 ......$49.95
FR 78-14 ......$52.95
Per Tire ]
Many other new & retread winter tires in
stock! Come in or call for prices.
27S-22S6 426-6773
Cotton flannel plaid
from Campus Sportswear
also in Tails
275-2033 Mary Wright Belfair
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Sheiton-Mason County Journal - November 20, 1975
FRANK BROUILLET, state superintendent of public
instruction, spoke at an education workshop attended by two
Belfair women.
Two citizens from North
Mason, Kathy Landram and Carol
Wen tlandt, participated in an
education workshop held in
Silverdale Nov. 12. About 150
persons from the Kitsap area,
including several state legislators
and State School Superintendent
Frank Brouillet, attended the
evening session which was
sponsored by the Governor,
members of the State House of
Representatives and the
Superintendent of Public
The workshop was divided
into two sections, one devoted to
goals for education quality and
the other to school funding.
Participants were divided into
small groups for a brainstorming
period, a discussion of ideas
brought up, a period of setting
priorities and then a recording
period so that the ideas judged to
be the best could be passed on t6
the whole group.
Both subjects were handled in
this manner and Mrs. Wentlandt,
who is chairperson of the North
Mason Board of School Directors,
said she came home from the
workshop with the feeling that
she had been able to express her
ideas and that "someone" really
listened. Many of the people
participating were connected with
education but many others were
parents or interested citizens.
Eleven of these workshops are
being held throughout the state.
Each person in attendance was
also asked to fill out a lengthy
questionnaire aimed at
determining citizen opinion on
education quality and funding.
Included among the 35 questions
asked about views on education
were such questions as whether
the administrators of local schools
have too difficult a time
dismissing unsatisfactory teachers,
whether activities such as driver
education and competitive sports
should not be the responsibility
of the schools, whether students
should receive credit for part-time
work experience or volunteer
work done in the community,
whether schools should provide
more emphasis on vocational
education, whether schools
should allocate more resources to
the average student and less for
gifted, handi
should assume a
the cost of school
reduce local special
Setting of
advisability of
testing of students
suggestions for
local school
Several burglarY
received in the
week. The Mark
residence at
been entered and
reported Nov.
home of Joseph
Puyallup was
taken, reported Nov.
Lake cabin of
Orchard had been
and a case of beer
the only thing
sleeping bags, 50
and cigarettes
stolen from the
residence on the
Highway Nov. 10.
Some people pay $20 a night, $30 a night, $40 a
more to sleep on these mattresses. We make it
inexpensive for you to sleep on them every night.
This area's largest Frigidaire dealer From
brings you of
the No. 1
Hotel/Motel mattresses
Special floral design ticking at no extra charge.
always buy hotel/motel mattresses this good,
inexpensive! !
Get full 18-1b. capacity and tender care for all of today's
fabrics from this Frigidaire Heavy Duty Washer and
Flowing Heat Dryer. Both offer cycles or settings for
special fabrics like Knits. For durability, the Washer
features many of the same rugged components found
in Frigidaire Commercial Washers. It even helps you
save energy with an Infinite Water Level Selector that
lets you match the water level to the load and save hot
water and the energy it takes to heat it.
To clean up a storm, this Frigidaire Custom
Deluxe Mobile Dishwasher offers 4-level
Super-Surge Washing Action. You'll also
find a choice of 5 cycles.
List Price $299.95
18-lb. Washer
List $339.95
18-lb. Dryer
List $234.95
• You'll find 17.0 cu. ft. of well organized
space inside this 100% Frost-Proof
Frigidaire refrigerator-freezer, including a
4.75 cu. ft. freezer section.
List Price $489.95
Full Sets
3 pc. King Sets
,00 Queen
Also special prices on
Englander Ortho-Guard
Twin Size
as low as
Foam matts with
posture board
with mail
real mail
• Terms
• Layaways
• Credit Cards