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Page A—22 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019
Staff report
news@masoncounty. com
Community members, elected offi-
cials and Port of Allyn staff members
earlier this week celebrated the port
marina’s repaired floating dock and
unveiled its new moorage facility.
Port staff, commissioners and
other community members cut a cer-
emonial ribbon Monday morning at
the dock after more than two years of
repair work.
After the Port received funding for
the project, a winter storm earlier this
year sunk the southern portion of the
dock. A nine-month legal battle with
the port’s insurer, Enduris, about the
cost of replacing the damaged section
followed, according to the port.
The Port and Enduris reached a
settlement in October, but the Port
lost moorage revenue for 2019 since
the dock was deemed unsafe.
The Port’s board of commission-
ers decided to move forward with the
repair work despite the legal battle,
but found additional damage in the
center section of the dock, prompt-
ing replacement rather than simple
repairs. '
Tacoma-based Marine Floats com-
pleted the work for the Port of Allyn.
“We’re thrilled with the great job
Marine Floats did for us under a very
tight timeline. They delivered a great
Veterans encouraged
to receive pins
Veteran who served during the Vietnam era in
the US. military are invited to received a pin next
week in Belfair.
The office of U.S..Rep. Derek Kilmer of the 6th
Congressional District will conduct a veterans pin- ,
ning ceremony at 6 pm. at the HUB Center for Se-
niors, 111 NE Old Belfair Highway.
Veterans who served during the Vietnam conflict
(Nov. 1, 1955, through May 15, 1975), or spouses
or immediate family members of veterans who are
deceased or are not able to attend will receive a pin
from Kilmer (D-Gig Harbor).
Patti Kleist, trustee and chair of the North Ma-
son Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs
Committee, will be in attendance to welcomeat-
RSVPs are not necessary. For more information,
contact Katy Crabtree at
Christmas parade
scheduled; still time
to donate socks
The seventh annual Belfair Christmas Parade
takes place Dec. 1 in downtown Belfair.
State Rep. Dan Griffey (Fl-Allyn), left, cuts a ribboonahile Port
commisSion chair Scott Cooper stands next to him during the Port of Allyn
event commemorating a new moorage facility and dock. Courtesy photo
productin a timely and professional
manner, and were just terrific to
work with,” Port Commission Chair
Scott Cooper said in a Port of Allyn
I TOPS Washington No. 1032
Socks can also be donated at the Belfair Christ—
mas Parade.
White at 360-286-8675.
The cost is $3. The HUB will be closed Nov. 28
and Nov. 29.
For more information, call 360-275-0535.
The festivities begin with a concert at 3 pm. at
McLendon’s Stage at Scatt McLendon’s Hardware.
The parade, which begins at the HUB Center for
Seniors and finishes at Scott McLendon’s, folloWs
at 4 pm. A grand marshal presentation and Sock
Drive Challenge winner will be announced after the
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The annual tree lighting take place at 5 pm,
when Santa Claus will light the big Belfair tree.
Individuals can donate socks through Wednes-
day at the following locations:
I Belfair Elementary School’s music department
I Cub Scout Pack No. 4513
I Girl Scouts of Western Washington
I Hawkins MiddleSchool’s music department
I North Mason High School’s music department
I Sand Ell Elementary School’s music depart-
The North Mason Giving Tree, a collaboration
between local service organizations and churches,
which will provide the collected socks to families in
For more information,‘call Troy Jasmin at 503-
791-4000, Susan Odette at 360801-6806 or Ruth
HUB Center for Seniors
hosts Thanksgiving lunch ._
The HUB Center for Seniors in Belfairvwill
host a Thanksgiving lunch from 10. a.m. to pm.
Wednesday at the HUB, 111 NE Old Belfair High-
Superintendent talks
to Community Voice
Dana Rosenbach, superintendent of the North
news release issued earlier this year.
The new dock features 30- and 50-
amp power hooku‘ps and water access
and can handle boats up to 50 feet.
Port cuts ribbon on new moorage facility
Pump-out facilities were moved» to a
more convenient location, according
to a Port of Allyn news release earlier
this week.
Attendees of Monday’s event in—
cluded 35th District state Rep. Dan
Griffey (R-Allyn); who cut the ribbon,
and 24th District state. Rep. Steve
Tharinger (D-Port Townsend), who
heads the state House Capital Bud-
get Committee. The committee fund-
ed the $267,000 project.
“We have always viewed this as
an economic development project,”
said Cooper — who also sits on the
Economic Development Council of
Mason County’s board of directors
in this week’s news release. “Our goal
is to bring more people with money to
spend to Allyn. We have great restau—
rants and other amenities all within
walking distance of the dock. We now
have a first-class place for those boat-
ers to moor.”
The dock is open seven days a
week. Moorage is $1 per foot per day,
but boaters can moor for free from 7
a.m. to 7 pm. each day. There is an
electronic pay station at the head of
the dock that accepts all debit and
credit cards for moorage, boatlaunch-
ing and parking. ‘ .
For more information, or to make
reservations for the dock or other
port facilities,,visit www.portofallyn.
com, or call 360-275-2430.
Mason School District, will speak at Monday’s
North Mason Community Voice meeting from 6:30
to 8:30 pm. at the HUB Center for Seniors, 111 NE
Old Belfair Highway.
The event is open to everybody. North Mason
Community Voice’s mission is to encoufage free and.
open dialogue between residents of North Mason
and their local and state governments on issues of
community concern. .
For more information, go to
Photos with Santa Paws
The'Humane Society of Mason County hosts
Photos With Santa Paws from 10 a.m. to 3 pm.
Saturday at Scott McLendon’s Hardware, 51 NE
state Route 300, Belfair.
The event is a fundraiser for the Humane Soci-
ety of Mason County, a nonprofit aiming to provide
assistance to displaced,'abandoned or abused ani-
For more information, go to
Burger Claim and More
to donate profits
A Belfair business will donate a portion of its
daily profits to North Mason Coalition of Churches.
Donations will come from patrons who eat at
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area since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Reconstruction and home repairs
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Frank Merri|l~
Burger Claim and More, at 24171 state Route 3 in
Belfair, from 11 a.m. to 8 pm. Dec. 3. The coalition
will use proceeds to feed children in the North Ma-
son community. 1
For more information, call 360-277-4612.
I Compiled by Adam Rudnick
Belfair WA