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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DV responders break ground at shelter site By REBECCA WELLS Turning Pointe was established. A shelter for domestic violence "Words cannot express how this victims in Mason County is now shelter will actually heal a place even closer to becoming a reality, in my heart," he said emotionally Turning Pointe Domestic Violence at the reception. Services hosted a brief "shovel" ADAM SAID HE has had to ceremony Friday morning at the investigate the deaths of domestic building site off of Railroad Av- violence victims he was not able enue. A reception followed at the to shelter in time. If this shelter Shelton Civic Center. ends up saving at least one life, he "It's an amazing thing when said, then those other lives lost in committees come together to tack- the process would not have been le the big issues," said State Rep- in vain. Most men are not violent, resentative Kathy Haigh, D-Shel- noted Cheryl Cathcart, executive ton, one of the guest speakers at director of Turning Pointe. She the reception. Battina Gorin, a vic- invited all of these peacekeeping tim advocate for Turning Pointe, men to join with the women, chil- thanked the board of directors, dren and other men who are suf- volunteers and the entire commu- fering the effects of domestic vio- nity for all of their support in help- lence. ing the agency achieve this goal. "It takes, truly, a community to "Services provided by Turning do this. Together we've made this Pointe are as necessary as brush- dream happen and come true," she ing your teeth daily," she said, remarked. comparing dental hygiene to the This ceremony was an occasion need to prevent the decay and to remember victims and fatal- havoc wreaked on society by the lies affected by domestic violence. l symptoms of domestic violence. "They're strong people. They're not JOHN GOODCHILD hosts a screening of the movie Up in Smoke on a Detective Bill Adam of the Ms- poor people, they're not indigent portable device in his car. He lives in a fifth-wheeler without electricity son County Sheriffs Office said he people, they're people," Cathcart and sleeps at the emergency shelter on cold nights, was was deeply moved by the cere- said. mony. He still remembers answer- She talked about how the shel- 00nother winter setting in ingdomesticviolencecallsbefore (Pleaseturntopagell.) those without a home r as ig way , men, w/ utsz I Tith tile temperature having ers who counted 504 people who of alcohol, drugs or anything else SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE ed below feezing for the didn't haveaplaceoftheirownin that can do serious damage to oth- s3200o00 time this fall, Saint David of January of this year. They used ers and themselves. Soon to begin Episcopal Church is again a definition that includes people its third winter of operation, the nental ,ission to provide a warm living in cars, people living in the shelter is a joint venture of Saint USA) ., ,, * 22" finish size * Gift box w/bow * Tax & shipping included gto spend the night so home- woods and teenagers who have David's and the Cold and Hungry  Alaska or Hawaii extra Irople can make it to another flown the coop but find themselves Coalition, an organization that  (Yde $y c. 13t f  bt iBm mm m m m mm m mB lib m mll lib mll lib I III IIIB mm IIm mm / m m    m m  m  L couch-surfing from one place to an- has been awarded a $10,000 grant Sells, a deacon at the other and without a stable home. by Mason County to supervise the I  GIFT ORDER FORM: !  and coordinator of pro- All are welcome at the emer- shelter whenever the temperature I I Ill.+ for the homeless in Mason gency shelter so long as they agree is near, at or below freezing. I From: I Y, led a group of census tak- to be searched tbr the possession That happened last week, with I I the National Weather Service re- I Phone: I / porting low temperatures at or I I 00iet it of hi below 32 degrees on 13 of the 26 I Street Address: I nam vet wr es s nights between October 25 and ! I Fy of tie November 19. "We save lives," ! ! ssey hem ssness said Lisa Hayes. "We provide an I Method of Payment: I . emergency shelter. On nights that I Visa 1 MasterCard  Discover  American Express  I percent of the households cerns revolved around his daugh- are life-threatening, we open the I I in." ed in the 2007 census of ter and the issues related to the doors to allow people to come ! Card No. Exp. Date: ! Fess peoph:, in Mason County "liberal visitation rights" granted I .+.. I ed that their number in- him by the court at the time of his HAYES IS A member of the I PLEASE SEND TO: EI I a military veteran, and divorce. After protracted legal pro- coalition who addressed a recent !  ! 'of the 266 households were ceedings related to various charg- meeting of the the Shelton Kiwanis I Name:  I ring beneiits from Veterans es and countercharges leveled by Club, an organization that supped !  I ts. Peterson and his ex, he ran out of on the seafood at Xinh's Clam & I Street Address: I VA estimates that 23 per- money. He asks: "What did I 'earn' Oyster House and stuffed dollars ! (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) I f homeless adults are veter- in Vietnam?" into a jar before hearing Hayes I ! tad many more veterans liv- This question is a preamble to declaim that the actual number of I City: State: Zip: I hpoverty are at risk of home- his complaints about Veterans homeless people in Mason County I I less at this time. Affairs. About five years aider his may be four times as high as the Ii I would like it to arrive approx. II aong those who have found a divorce he was admitted to a VA official count. Among those unac- I Your gift card to read as follows: I after living in their shoes is hospital with PTSD but denied counted for, in her view of things, ! ! is a large population of campers in ! ! i Peterson, who says he now some benefits after doctors em- the Belfair area. "Campers" is her ! I i place in Hoodsport with the ployed by the federal agency con- name for people who keep to them- ! ! hold of another military vet cluded his stressed condition was selves in the woods and only come L ................. - .+ - - -€,- ....... J has "provided me with sig- not connected to his military ser- looking for shelter in town when Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms t support here in the last vice. He asks: e of months or otherwise I "Does anyone truly want to an extended period of freezing 360-898-22220r -'A'[a'-m2FarmJLadi'ti°'n- /€UT Fh [   d be out on the street again." 'thank' me and/or any war veteran weather makes frostbite a painful 380-426-2222 weeks ago Peterson said he for 'service' to his country?" reality. Fax to share his story with this His letter describes further trou- "The people who are in an en- 360-898-2221 • aper because he sensed the bles for Peterson and his daughter (Please turn to page 6.) East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK IB lce of a sensitive and sensi- with accusations of criminal be- fit in the commentaries of ML havior, the loss of a formerly debt- '" '  ' ! is was a reference to The free home on 10 acres of land and als editor and publisher, a court order that his time with SPEC At the illtersOCttOll Pies Gay. H declined an invi- his daughter be approved by a Di Higtmy 101 md o sit sti]; for a photograph visitation expediter. "Even though provide the paper with I did everything I could to obtain OF THE 108, Jut lnul 'Page letter addressed: "To employment and pay the bills, &W&yffOm Olympia It May Concern." and I have paid everything from WEEK and Sheltoa r, Peterson is 60 years old and that time period, I became bur- 11/ZZ 111Z8 360:4Z6 5Z54 tbes himself as a veteran of dened with a bad credit rating," he • • r_edical corps in Vietnam and wrote.  ....................................................... l.!descendant of a man who was ENTER NOW IN Peterson's  FACT O RY tgeon in the Civil War. He is of  • story a "psycho-social, legal, re- 0Pinion .that "a psycho-social, ligious circus" in the form of phi- " /f: dlt STORE , religious circus" has denied losophies telling him his troubles IOOKUM CREEK of his constitutional rights resulted from bad karma, God's " " fresh facto ] six years ago led to his becom- (Please turn to page 6.) ' ,, TOBACCO ,,, Jvzaae at our own tOraeless and suffering a total 0tts breakdown. "I am sure I I Some firsthand knowledge I why there are presently, at , 275,000 homeless veterans is country," he wrote. l HE TELLS IT, his mar- i Was dissolved in 1996 and .Compaq .HP ! tnonths later was diagnosed .Blackberry Reg; ........., ,, tlffering from post-traumatic .Handspring ' disorder. There followed .Ca$,o.O., COMPLETE -- N EW --- CIGARS M2kK:E 'domestic troubles and his re- *Palm & MORE ROLL-YOUR-OWN Walk-In Humidor GAT GI]FTS g ofan attorney "who became BatterlesPlus.-If. Sl 2 GREAT SELECTION ,, 99 00our own egatlve. His deepest con- +tax of Fine Cigars & ISLAND BLENDZ One Pound Bag Humidor Accessories Hand rolled-Fine cigars i i NI i i i i i i i i i i 00IAPPY THANKSGIVING .......................... SURGEON GENERAL'S WNING: OulttllR Smoking LLGE ' I I i Now Greatly Reduces Serious RIsI to Your Health, I I ................................................................................................................................................................. tU, iMIOIEO I I : ing this holiday ,ason m,(t every day, we wish you all tim wwy best.  ot,t.t, n I '00iL_l/I * .. +48s ' EIII}ILT Janis Byrd Member $1PC $3.62 apack ÷ tax | Pt..tthIIceu.kxy0rFRIICI*PCIaII. CaJIrALLRJ2=G.SPURCat. ,&V&I;JBL|  m m m m m mm u m u m m mn mm mm mm m m mm mm Im mm mm m mm mm m Financial Advisor , ,, , ,, , , , ,,, ,, , ,, I ,I, , 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am / Fri & Sat 6am-2am / Sun 6am-ilpm . The Karnilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington 'Safe To Shop Suite 100 Shelton, WA 98584 360-432-8965 ( TOBACCO PRODECTS DPd-TI[RU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am-gpm, Fri & Sat 7am-lOpm ] II III II I I! I I II III III I III III I IIII II I IIIII II Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 DV responders break ground at shelter site By REBECCA WELLS Turning Pointe was established. A shelter for domestic violence "Words cannot express how this victims in Mason County is now shelter will actually heal a place even closer to becoming a reality, in my heart," he said emotionally Turning Pointe Domestic Violence at the reception. Services hosted a brief "shovel" ADAM SAID HE has had to ceremony Friday morning at the investigate the deaths of domestic building site off of Railroad Av- violence victims he was not able enue. A reception followed at the to shelter in time. If this shelter Shelton Civic Center. ends up saving at least one life, he "It's an amazing thing when said, then those other lives lost in committees come together to tack- the process would not have been le the big issues," said State Rep- in vain. Most men are not violent, resentative Kathy Haigh, D-Shel- noted Cheryl Cathcart, executive ton, one of the guest speakers at director of Turning Pointe. She the reception. Battina Gorin, a vic- invited all of these peacekeeping tim advocate for Turning Pointe, men to join with the women, chil- thanked the board of directors, dren and other men who are suf- volunteers and the entire commu- fering the effects of domestic vio- nity for all of their support in help- lence. ing the agency achieve this goal. "It takes, truly, a community to "Services provided by Turning do this. Together we've made this Pointe are as necessary as brush- dream happen and come true," she ing your teeth daily," she said, remarked. comparing dental hygiene to the This ceremony was an occasion need to prevent the decay and to remember victims and fatal- havoc wreaked on society by the lies affected by domestic violence. l symptoms of domestic violence. "They're strong people. They're not JOHN GOODCHILD hosts a screening of the movie Up in Smoke on a Detective Bill Adam of the Ms- poor people, they're not indigent portable device in his car. He lives in a fifth-wheeler without electricity son County Sheriffs Office said he people, they're people," Cathcart and sleeps at the emergency shelter on cold nights, was was deeply moved by the cere- said. mony. He still remembers answer- She talked about how the shel- 00nother winter setting in ingdomesticviolencecallsbefore (Pleaseturntopagell.) those without a home r as ig way , men, w/ utsz I Tith tile temperature having ers who counted 504 people who of alcohol, drugs or anything else SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE ed below feezing for the didn't haveaplaceoftheirownin that can do serious damage to oth- s3200o00 time this fall, Saint David of January of this year. They used ers and themselves. Soon to begin Episcopal Church is again a definition that includes people its third winter of operation, the nental ,ission to provide a warm living in cars, people living in the shelter is a joint venture of Saint USA) ., ,, * 22" finish size * Gift box w/bow * Tax & shipping included gto spend the night so home- woods and teenagers who have David's and the Cold and Hungry  Alaska or Hawaii extra Irople can make it to another flown the coop but find themselves Coalition, an organization that  (Yde $y c. 13t f  bt iBm mm m m m mm m mB lib m mll lib mll lib I III IIIB mm IIm mm / m m    m m  m  L couch-surfing from one place to an- has been awarded a $10,000 grant Sells, a deacon at the other and without a stable home. by Mason County to supervise the I  GIFT ORDER FORM: !  and coordinator of pro- All are welcome at the emer- shelter whenever the temperature I I Ill.+ for the homeless in Mason gency shelter so long as they agree is near, at or below freezing. I From: I Y, led a group of census tak- to be searched tbr the possession That happened last week, with I I the National Weather Service re- I Phone: I / porting low temperatures at or I I 00iet it of hi below 32 degrees on 13 of the 26 I Street Address: I nam vet wr es s nights between October 25 and ! I Fy of tie November 19. "We save lives," ! ! ssey hem ssness said Lisa Hayes. "We provide an I Method of Payment: I . emergency shelter. On nights that I Visa 1 MasterCard  Discover  American Express  I percent of the households cerns revolved around his daugh- are life-threatening, we open the I I in." ed in the 2007 census of ter and the issues related to the doors to allow people to come ! Card No. Exp. Date: ! Fess peoph:, in Mason County "liberal visitation rights" granted I .+.. I ed that their number in- him by the court at the time of his HAYES IS A member of the I PLEASE SEND TO: EI I a military veteran, and divorce. After protracted legal pro- coalition who addressed a recent !  ! 'of the 266 households were ceedings related to various charg- meeting of the the Shelton Kiwanis I Name:  I ring beneiits from Veterans es and countercharges leveled by Club, an organization that supped !  I ts. Peterson and his ex, he ran out of on the seafood at Xinh's Clam & I Street Address: I VA estimates that 23 per- money. He asks: "What did I 'earn' Oyster House and stuffed dollars ! (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) I f homeless adults are veter- in Vietnam?" into a jar before hearing Hayes I ! tad many more veterans liv- This question is a preamble to declaim that the actual number of I City: State: Zip: I hpoverty are at risk of home- his complaints about Veterans homeless people in Mason County I I less at this time. Affairs. About five years aider his may be four times as high as the Ii I would like it to arrive approx. II aong those who have found a divorce he was admitted to a VA official count. Among those unac- I Your gift card to read as follows: I after living in their shoes is hospital with PTSD but denied counted for, in her view of things, ! ! is a large population of campers in ! ! i Peterson, who says he now some benefits after doctors em- the Belfair area. "Campers" is her ! I i place in Hoodsport with the ployed by the federal agency con- name for people who keep to them- ! ! hold of another military vet cluded his stressed condition was selves in the woods and only come L ................. - .+ - - -€,- ....... J has "provided me with sig- not connected to his military ser- looking for shelter in town when Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms t support here in the last vice. He asks: e of months or otherwise I "Does anyone truly want to an extended period of freezing 360-898-22220r -'A'[a'-m2FarmJLadi'ti°'n- /€UT Fh [   d be out on the street again." 'thank' me and/or any war veteran weather makes frostbite a painful 380-426-2222 weeks ago Peterson said he for 'service' to his country?" reality. Fax to share his story with this His letter describes further trou- "The people who are in an en- 360-898-2221 • aper because he sensed the bles for Peterson and his daughter (Please turn to page 6.) East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK IB lce of a sensitive and sensi- with accusations of criminal be- fit in the commentaries of ML havior, the loss of a formerly debt- '" '  ' ! is was a reference to The free home on 10 acres of land and als editor and publisher, a court order that his time with SPEC At the illtersOCttOll Pies Gay. H declined an invi- his daughter be approved by a Di Higtmy 101 md o sit sti]; for a photograph visitation expediter. "Even though provide the paper with I did everything I could to obtain OF THE 108, Jut lnul 'Page letter addressed: "To employment and pay the bills, &W&yffOm Olympia It May Concern." and I have paid everything from WEEK and Sheltoa r, Peterson is 60 years old and that time period, I became bur- 11/ZZ 111Z8 360:4Z6 5Z54 tbes himself as a veteran of dened with a bad credit rating," he • • r_edical corps in Vietnam and wrote.  ....................................................... l.!descendant of a man who was ENTER NOW IN Peterson's  FACT ORY tgeon in the Civil War. He is of  • story a "psycho-social, legal, re- 0Pinion .that "a psycho-social, ligious circus" in the form of phi- " /f: dlt STORE , religious circus" has denied losophies telling him his troubles IOOKUM CREEK of his constitutional rights resulted from bad karma, God's " " fresh facto ] six years ago led to his becom- (Please turn to page 6.) ' ,, TOBACCO ,,, Jvzaae at our own tOraeless and suffering a total 0tts breakdown. "I am sure I I Some firsthand knowledge I why there are presently, at , 275,000 homeless veterans is country," he wrote. l HE TELLS IT, his mar- i Was dissolved in 1996 and .Compaq .HP ! tnonths later was diagnosed .Blackberry Reg; ........., ,, tlffering from post-traumatic .Handspring ' disorder. There followed .Ca$,o.O., COMPLETE -- N EW --- CIGARS M2kK:E 'domestic troubles and his re- *Palm & MORE ROLL-YOUR-OWN Walk-In Humidor GAT GI]FTS g ofan attorney "who became BatterlesPlus.-If. Sl 2 GREAT SELECTION ,, 99 00our own egatlve. His deepest con- +tax of Fine Cigars & ISLAND BLENDZ One Pound Bag Humidor Accessories Hand rolled-Fine cigars i i NI i i i i i i i i i i 00IAPPY THANKSGIVING .......................... SURGEON GENERAL'S WNING: OulttllR Smoking LLGE ' I I i Now Greatly Reduces Serious RIsI to Your Health, I I ................................................................................................................................................................. tU, iMIOIEO I I : ing this holiday ,ason m,(t every day, we wish you all tim wwy best.  ot,t.t, n I '00iL_l/I * .. +48s ' EIII}ILT Janis Byrd Member $1PC $3.62 apack ÷ tax | Pt..tthIIceu.kxy0rFRIICI*PCIaII. CaJIrALLRJ2=G.SPURCat. ,&V&I;JBL|  m m m m m mm u m u m m mn mm mm mm m m mm mm Im mm mm m mm mm m Financial Advisor , ,, , ,, , , , ,,, ,, , ,, I ,I, , 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am / Fri & Sat 6am-2am / Sun 6am-ilpm . The Karnilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State of Washington 'Safe To Shop Suite 100 Shelton, WA 98584 360-432-8965 ( TOBACCO PRODECTS DPd-TI[RU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am-gpm, Fri & Sat 7am-lOpm ] II III II I I! I I II III III I III III I IIII II I IIIII II Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3