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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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llacklash posslble liter, The Journal: in constructing reasonably limited Now that the teachers' dream levy requests and encourage great- 150 percent majority on school has squeaked by the Wash- voters (and was a resound- !:flop in Mason County), do we hope our local school boards !the message? ..this is to be proven as an victory for Washington vot- I should enable the schools to I less time and money pursu- r dollars, provide more time er attention to teaching. As State Representative Ed Or- cutt stated after the vote, tax-wea- ry homeowners should be wary of anything that makes it easier to levy more taxes on their prolSerty. Voter backlash may well become the reaction to next year's levy presentations. Robert Holt Union Ire may buy Bonds ii: L, The Journak Bonds has been indicted a lie. His old team won't back. Maybe he will go )Politics like other past politE- liars. ixon had a credibility gap. Bill ton was proved a liar about his . tionship with a young woman. Z_ if Bonds is proved a liar, the [rs would know at least what are getting. it here are many other things t I wonder about. ,With this [crunch, why haven t our Con- or state leaders reduced the l limit to 55 miles, per hour they did in the early 803? Sup- dly that saved fuel and saved hy are we still getting dan- tls imports? Is the Almighty ar that important? We got poi- us dog food from China. Now [st dangerous toys from China 0ison our little people. Watched a panel discussion something to do with internation- al relations. There was a fellow from Washington State Fisheries on that panel. He said something about exports and imports in fish- eries. Two or three nights later on a newscast a reporter told of dan- gerous fish imports. Asia, Latin and South America were named as dangerous suppliers. Differ- ent levels of poison in their fish were mentioned. Fish from one area were likened to getting fish out of a sewer. It was mentioned to check the source of the fish we eat. We all know of when Oakland Bay or parts of Hood Canal are closed for seafood harvesting. One man interviewed by the re- porter stated that he would not eat fish in a restaurant because he would not know where it was from. Is this a way to control our pop- ulation growth? Ralph Wingert lerated by Brad Owen. It had Mountain View 00onic staff cuts tor, The Journal." Lae Shelton School District sab- d my education for 12 years. Ccessfully graduated with'hon- Ifrom Shelton High and was still Stupid to get into college-level Ses. Today I am not too bitter lUse I know that next year I be able to staple my bachelor's tee to their forehead and tell a that even though they tried hardest to stop me, I still tUated from college. hen I read this week that since are unable to educate our : tents to meet the state mini- mum requirements, they must cut $75,000 out of the budget. Gall Straus of the school district says they plan on doing so by cutting staff, the very same people who are supposed to help educate the children. What kind of "jackass- ery" is that? If they need money for the budget, I wonder what Gall Straus' salary is? (Note that the preceding letter was under 150 words to keep the people with a short attention span interested.) Justin Cowling Shelton 00ote down levies htor, The Journal: the supermajority requirement. L.xes! The good news is that Have you ever heard of a union ative 960 was successful, contributing towards a political politicians will actually  to ask us for permission :lend our money. Even King ty said "no" to more taxes i transportation solutions that r come. And of course the bu- l.llerats cannot spend what the ticians do not give them. laxesl The bad news is that SUpermvjority requirement [_passage of school levies, a tutional amendment devel- [td in the 1930s as school dis- h caused some homeowners se their homes to the tax col- or, is dead. The Washington Supreme Court also over- ed our 1 percent cap on an- property-tax increases. We Y will get back the 6 percent erty-tax hikes. The bureau- s are salivating at that pos- lty. a KVI Radio interview Scott 1, King CountyAssessor, said i within 24 hours of the court tion, 12 of the 166 taxing dis- m in King County asked him .t the possibility of returning Percent. If you don't think same thing is happening You must be smoking funny ettos. , e Olympian of November tported the Olympia School td is considering a larger- 'proposed levy because the" rcent property-tax lid was tUrned and the simple major. School vote was enacted. The %1 board :wants to "collect as h money as allowed under , law." L"e need to vote against future l levies for these reasons: ) The Olympian of Novem- 15 reported that the teach- [tiglon of WEA and NEA con- ted more than $1,500,000 rds the passage of this con- tional amendment to drop campaign without an expected payback? Teacher strikes, such as happened in Bethel a few years ago and again this year, really show the arrogance of the teach- ers' union and the gutlessness of school boards. Teacher strikes will happen here. (2) The former graduation re- quirements were watered down because the teachers could not teach to the subject; thus there were many student failures. (3) The school districts are so arrogant as to refuse to hold levy elections on normal election days. Their answer is that it is difficult to budget with a levy election in November. What a crock. Many companies budget years in ad- vance. Our own legislature bud- gets two years in advance. (4) The teachers' union is scared stiff of charter schools, hates private schools and deni- grates home-schooling, even though tests of students show that private-schooled and home- schooled kids far outperform the government-educated kids. Why should we support fu- ture levy elections if the teachers get the bulk of the money with- out producing results and our school boards acquiesce to their demands without requiring ac- countability? Voters and taxpayers state- wide approved 1-960 TO rein in tax-and-spend liberals. As all farmers know, sometimes to get the attention of a jackass, you must hit him over the head with a 2x4. I think we got the at- tention of a few donkeys in our statehouses, courthouses and city halls. It is time to get the at- tention of those donkeys on the school boards. Ardean A. Anvik Star Lake f r 8 PIECE TOY TOOL KIT • Includes assorted toy tools and tool box • High-impact plastic construction 910698g r23- PET BED • Machine washable • Overstuffed bolster • Assorted designs 8209876 4.99 5.99 r WET/DRY " AUTO VAC • Plugs into car's 12V DC accesso outlet • Flexible 3' hose • Includes brush, crevice and nozzle attachment head: • Reversible suction also inflates pool floats and air mattresses 8209819 r 18 PIECE  COMBINATION WRENCH SET • Includes SAE and metric sizes • Nickel chrome plated 2188043 r VIVITAR ® BINOCULARS • 7 times over the naked eye magnification • UV coated optics for glare-free viewing • Rubberized grip • Includes protective carrying pouch wth shoulder strap 8209793 r JUMBO / UNIVERSAL REMOTE • Manages up to 8 separate devices • Compatible with most major brands • Code search ' finds device codes automatically 6135172 9.99 HoMedtcs ®  IGITAL PHOTO '-SOFTSIDED  ENVIRASCAPE I KEY CHAI N TOOL BOX ILLUMINATED I FOUNTAIN / ..... • Flower blossom/ : I design  j • Water flows '::1 geny over ! I flower petals .1 creating r  l soothing 1 sounds / • Tabletop design | 6134381 J 19.99 • 1.5" color LCD Screen • Holds up to 60 photos • Change photos easily by linking to your computer with UScable (included) • Built-in rechargeable battery 6135263 19.99 9 outside pockets, 8 inside pockets • Cushion grip stee bar hancle • Adjustable shoulder strap 2154409 Contents not included r HUFFY® 1"6"  KID'S BIKES • Boy's or girl's i Cster brakes, training wheels For children 4-8 yrs. old 8209850, 843 assmb/y requ/r '*RADIO FLYER ® 34" STEEL WAGON • Classic design is a kid's favorite • Molded 7" wheels 82293 29.99 rS PIECE CARD  7" DIGITAL  TABLE SET PHOTO FRAME WRADIO-CONTROLLED OUTDOOR • Altitude and rotor speed control, adjustable gyro anl built in flight stabilizer • Inctudes rechargeable bqttery pack with AC charger adapter • Remote uses 8 AA batteries (not included) 9107004 ,* DeWalt ® POWER TOOLS • Create a slide show set : with * your favorite pictures • Extra holiday seating, or perfect * Built-in speakers, clock and calendar , for games; set includes table and * Black finish wood frame Cordless Drill Kit with 2 batteries 4 padded chairs • Plu 9 in your memory card and case 29307, • Steel construction, black finish to vew pictures Pay 9.99 Limif I rte each 29306, 8209868 6135230 Ree (30.00) 1llr €llce 2029866 39.99 49.99 P°werGlide® '   IonicPr°® % / _ .,y_:n eumn - OMPOUND MITER SAW | I €OMPACT AIRI • Laserfor pinpoint -__..__1 PURIFIER / accuracy / I • 24 toolh carbide I I I .Wosiltly I / blade  _dY I top • Pre-°d IIIlI  I /r"tantsand • / 1 mit,r stops .--lI:? I   ,..... | allergens / / to,. tst I • Quick.d.n-up / 1 adjustments 1--no filters / / |to replace J / 2304 .............  I Hardware I. Perfectfor 1 / Power Glide ® | .8  I,II INIIID lllU, PII I First & Mill, Shelt0n /dellv.ering fresh, ,lI | Laser for pinpoint accuracy l 426-4373 or 426-2411 Jpurified airto / / I sma'r°°ms J I / • 2.5 amp, 5 speeds | Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 16135214 'qI/ l Sunday 9-5 49. , ,,,, II I III II I I IIIIH II II I II IIII I1 I IIIII Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 llacklash posslble liter, The Journal: in constructing reasonably limited Now that the teachers' dream levy requests and encourage great- 150 percent majority on school has squeaked by the Wash- voters (and was a resound- !:flop in Mason County), do we hope our local school boards !the message? ..this is to be proven as an victory for Washington vot- I should enable the schools to I less time and money pursu- r dollars, provide more time er attention to teaching. As State Representative Ed Or- cutt stated after the vote, tax-wea- ry homeowners should be wary of anything that makes it easier to levy more taxes on their prolSerty. Voter backlash may well become the reaction to next year's levy presentations. Robert Holt Union Ire may buy Bonds ii: L, The Journak Bonds has been indicted a lie. His old team won't back. Maybe he will go )Politics like other past politE- liars. ixon had a credibility gap. Bill ton was proved a liar about his . tionship with a young woman. Z_ if Bonds is proved a liar, the [rs would know at least what are getting. it here are many other things t I wonder about. ,With this [crunch, why haven t our Con- or state leaders reduced the l limit to 55 miles, per hour they did in the early 803? Sup- dly that saved fuel and saved hy are we still getting dan- tls imports? Is the Almighty ar that important? We got poi- us dog food from China. Now [st dangerous toys from China 0ison our little people. Watched a panel discussion something to do with internation- al relations. There was a fellow from Washington State Fisheries on that panel. He said something about exports and imports in fish- eries. Two or three nights later on a newscast a reporter told of dan- gerous fish imports. Asia, Latin and South America were named as dangerous suppliers. Differ- ent levels of poison in their fish were mentioned. Fish from one area were likened to getting fish out of a sewer. It was mentioned to check the source of the fish we eat. We all know of when Oakland Bay or parts of Hood Canal are closed for seafood harvesting. One man interviewed by the re- porter stated that he would not eat fish in a restaurant because he would not know where it was from. Is this a way to control our pop- ulation growth? Ralph Wingert lerated by Brad Owen. It had Mountain View 00onic staff cuts tor, The Journal." Lae Shelton School District sab- d my education for 12 years. Ccessfully graduated with'hon- Ifrom Shelton High and was still Stupid to get into college-level Ses. Today I am not too bitter lUse I know that next year I be able to staple my bachelor's tee to their forehead and tell a that even though they tried hardest to stop me, I still tUated from college. hen I read this week that since are unable to educate our : tents to meet the state mini- mum requirements, they must cut $75,000 out of the budget. Gall Straus of the school district says they plan on doing so by cutting staff, the very same people who are supposed to help educate the children. What kind of "jackass- ery" is that? If they need money for the budget, I wonder what Gall Straus' salary is? (Note that the preceding letter was under 150 words to keep the people with a short attention span interested.) Justin Cowling Shelton 00ote down levies htor, The Journal: the supermajority requirement. L.xes! The good news is that Have you ever heard of a union ative 960 was successful, contributing towards a political politicians will actually  to ask us for permission :lend our money. Even King ty said "no" to more taxes i transportation solutions that r come. And of course the bu- l.llerats cannot spend what the ticians do not give them. laxesl The bad news is that SUpermvjority requirement [_passage of school levies, a tutional amendment devel- [td in the 1930s as school dis- h caused some homeowners se their homes to the tax col- or, is dead. The Washington Supreme Court also over- ed our 1 percent cap on an- property-tax increases. We Y will get back the 6 percent erty-tax hikes. The bureau- s are salivating at that pos- lty. a KVI Radio interview Scott 1, King CountyAssessor, said i within 24 hours of the court tion, 12 of the 166 taxing dis- m in King County asked him .t the possibility of returning Percent. If you don't think same thing is happening You must be smoking funny ettos. , e Olympian of November tported the Olympia School td is considering a larger- 'proposed levy because the" rcent property-tax lid was tUrned and the simple major. School vote was enacted. The %1 board :wants to "collect as h money as allowed under , law." L"e need to vote against future l levies for these reasons: ) The Olympian of Novem- 15 reported that the teach- [tiglon of WEA and NEA con- ted more than $1,500,000 rds the passage of this con- tional amendment to drop campaign without an expected payback? Teacher strikes, such as happened in Bethel a few years ago and again this year, really show the arrogance of the teach- ers' union and the gutlessness of school boards. Teacher strikes will happen here. (2) The former graduation re- quirements were watered down because the teachers could not teach to the subject; thus there were many student failures. (3) The school districts are so arrogant as to refuse to hold levy elections on normal election days. Their answer is that it is difficult to budget with a levy election in November. What a crock. Many companies budget years in ad- vance. Our own legislature bud- gets two years in advance. (4) The teachers' union is scared stiff of charter schools, hates private schools and deni- grates home-schooling, even though tests of students show that private-schooled and home- schooled kids far outperform the government-educated kids. Why should we support fu- ture levy elections if the teachers get the bulk of the money with- out producing results and our school boards acquiesce to their demands without requiring ac- countability? Voters and taxpayers state- wide approved 1-960 TO rein in tax-and-spend liberals. As all farmers know, sometimes to get the attention of a jackass, you must hit him over the head with a 2x4. I think we got the at- tention of a few donkeys in our statehouses, courthouses and city halls. It is time to get the at- tention of those donkeys on the school boards. Ardean A. Anvik Star Lake f r 8 PIECE TOY TOOL KIT • Includes assorted toy tools and tool box • High-impact plastic construction 910698g r23- PET BED • Machine washable • Overstuffed bolster • Assorted designs 8209876 4.99 5.99 r WET/DRY " AUTO VAC • Plugs into car's 12V DC accesso outlet • Flexible 3' hose • Includes brush, crevice and nozzle attachment head: • Reversible suction also inflates pool floats and air mattresses 8209819 r 18 PIECE  COMBINATION WRENCH SET • Includes SAE and metric sizes • Nickel chrome plated 2188043 r VIVITAR ® BINOCULARS • 7 times over the naked eye magnification • UV coated optics for glare-free viewing • Rubberized grip • Includes protective carrying pouch wth shoulder strap 8209793 r JUMBO / UNIVERSAL REMOTE • Manages up to 8 separate devices • Compatible with most major brands • Code search ' finds device codes automatically 6135172 9.99 HoMedtcs ®  IGITAL PHOTO '-SOFTSIDED  ENVIRASCAPE I KEY CHAI N TOOL BOX ILLUMINATED I FOUNTAIN / ..... • Flower blossom/ : I design  j • Water flows '::1 geny over ! I flower petals .1 creating r  l soothing 1 sounds / • Tabletop design | 6134381 J 19.99 • 1.5" color LCD Screen • Holds up to 60 photos • Change photos easily by linking to your computer with UScable (included) • Built-in rechargeable battery 6135263 19.99 9 outside pockets, 8 inside pockets • Cushion grip stee bar hancle • Adjustable shoulder strap 2154409 Contents not included r HUFFY® 1"6"  KID'S BIKES • Boy's or girl's i Cster brakes, training wheels For children 4-8 yrs. old 8209850, 843 assmb/y requ/r '*RADIO FLYER ® 34" STEEL WAGON • Classic design is a kid's favorite • Molded 7" wheels 82293 29.99 rS PIECE CARD  7" DIGITAL  TABLE SET PHOTO FRAME WRADIO-CONTROLLED OUTDOOR • Altitude and rotor speed control, adjustable gyro anl built in flight stabilizer • Inctudes rechargeable bqttery pack with AC charger adapter • Remote uses 8 AA batteries (not included) 9107004 ,* DeWalt ® POWER TOOLS • Create a slide show set : with * your favorite pictures • Extra holiday seating, or perfect * Built-in speakers, clock and calendar , for games; set includes table and * Black finish wood frame Cordless Drill Kit with 2 batteries 4 padded chairs • Plu 9 in your memory card and case 29307, • Steel construction, black finish to vew pictures Pay 9.99 Limif I rte each 29306, 8209868 6135230 Ree (30.00) 1llr €llce 2029866 39.99 49.99 P°werGlide® '   IonicPr°® % / _ .,y_:n eumn - OMPOUND MITER SAW | I €OMPACT AIRI • Laserfor pinpoint -__..__1 PURIFIER / accuracy / I • 24 toolh carbide I I I .Wosiltly I / blade  _dY I top • Pre-°d IIIlI  I /r"tantsand • / 1 mit,r stops .--lI:? I   ,..... | allergens / / to,. tst I • Quick.d.n-up / 1 adjustments 1--no filters / / |to replace J / 2304 .............  I Hardware I. Perfectfor 1 / Power Glide ® | .8  I,II INIIID lllU, PII I First & Mill, Shelt0n /dellv.ering fresh, ,lI | Laser for pinpoint accuracy l 426-4373 or 426-2411 Jpurified airto / / I sma'r°°ms J I / • 2.5 amp, 5 speeds | Monday-Saturday 7:30-6 16135214 'qI/ l Sunday 9-5 49. , ,,,, II I III II I I IIIIIIII II II I II IIII I1 I IIIII Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5