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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dalby Waterwheel gets historic listing The DalbyWaterwheelinUnion and Matt Korb of the Hood has been declared a historical Canal Salmon Enhancement treasure by virtue of an 8-0 vote Group. Work required a habitat of the Washington State Advisory management plan and permits Council onHistoricPreservation, from Mason County and the The news came in a letter to Washington Department of Fish this newspaper from Dr. Allynson and Wildlife. Brooks, the state's historic Relocation and restoration preservation officer. Action taken was completed with the financial by the board at its November support of the "Bucket Brigade," meeting in Ellensburg means the people who contributed a total of waterwheel will join more than thousands of dollars by sponsoring 1,500 other historic and culturally the buckets that mobilize the wheel significant properties on the as they accept water flowing down Washington Historic Register. from the upper elevations of Union. "The waterwheel is historically Of late some people in the area significant as one of the first have talked about the possibility hydroelectric plants on Hood of using power generated by the Canal," Brooks wrote last week. structure to illuminate the site at "Having a property listed in the 6920 East State Route 106. register is an honor." Brooks wrote that benefits of the William Dalby and his son listing include potential property- Edwin were pioneers in the tax deductions and possible relief Union area when they built the from some regulations when this waterwheel in 1922. As the first can help "protect the integrity of hydroelectric plant in the area, it the resource." Listing does not PURPLE SHOVELS IN HAND, current and former members of the created electricity for the Dalby impose any additional state or house and 13 cabins until PUD 1 federal restrictions, she wrote, but Turning Pointe board prepare to break ground for the new shelter brought services to the property it does "assure protective review of for domestic violence victims. From left, they are: Pare Privette, Dan in the 1940s. It continued to roll a property should a federal or state . Voorhees, Linda Kroum, Terri Petree, Rob Wilson-Hoss, Marilyn Sayan, as a tourist attraction until 2003 action have a potential adverse Sandra Hernan and Mason County Sheriff's Detective Bill Adam. when a realignment of State effect to the property's historic Route 106 hid it from public view. values." ,0000 square feet total" Steve Levette, president of the • Hood Canal Improvement Club, ,00rnmg Pomte breaks ground met with Marilyn Dalby, who ! • • lives in Sandpoint, Idaho, and was Flrrested but the owner of the wheel, in March 2004, and she offered to donate Ot hrgd shelter for wcUms of DV the structure and some of her land to the club if the members were interested in the project to Two men who appeared for _ (ontinued from page 3.) tivities were the official begin- son County and state government relocate it. arraignment on November 19 in 7,ill provicle victims and their ning of the building process, with through Haigh and Senator Tm The relocation committee was separate Mason County Superior ies with a chance to grieve the big grand opening celebration Sheldon, D-Potlatch. a project of the club that involved Court cases were told no charges _": enjoy the support of other planned for this summer. Though When the shelter is finished, it not just moving the waterwheel had been filed. Jeremiah Scott r Fs while they pull their lives the project is not yet completely will have 13,000 square feet ofliv- to the side of the new SR 106 but McKague, 21, of 1017 Cascade Ither. Building this shelter will financed, many government agen- ing and office space and 12 studio- also building a flume trestle across Avenue, Shelton, and Wade Allen ,2[to motion a legacy that will cies, private individuals, comma- type rooms. Also included are ad- Dalby Creek and replacing old Parker, 34, of 251 SE State Route t ue to help those struggling nity groups, banks, and founda- joining rooms that can be opened buckets of a design which Ethel 3, Shelton, were released from domestic violence long after tions have made contributions up to create more living space for Dalby had found "clunky" with conditions imposed after their ! Yone here is gone, Cathcaz to help fund the shelter. Among families, much like a suite in a ho- new buckets based on the original arrest in unrelated cases. ] tel. Guests will be allowed to stay design that are made of stainless steel treated with a process that i S them were Shore Bank Enterprise for up to 90 days in these living gives it a rusty look. a IESE SHELTER site fen- Cascadia, the City ofShelton, Ma- quarters. Jlr  The building will also have a Ken Dalby, who is nephew to large community kitchen with Marilyn Dalby and grandson to (I i fi h ,, y__commission roundup: adjacent food storage and lawn- Ed and Ethel Dalby, worked on  ] d , dry facilities, two separate rooms the project, as did Rich Geiger O O ntaminate- soil for children and young people, an of Mason Conservation District 361L42 6-44 12 may ,ONto. more communal short-stay unit e moved out next week for thoseneedingonlyoneortwo 00iii nights of safe shelter, a reception area and meeting rooms. Play ar- Iblic Works Director Jay designated accounts in the city's eas for young children as well as Forest Funeral 'Son told the Shelton City Sewer Fund for the Basin 2 proj- a basketball court and areas for OARME I 'ission on Monday that he ect's budget, Ebbeson noted, other outdoor activities will be O R E ST return next week with a con- In other business on November outdoors. ,;,,i, Home for the removal of soil con- 19 the commissioners: This flexible room design will , iated by gasoline at First * Heard Fire Chief Jim Ghi- allow all members of the family reputation built on service" kPranklin streets, glione report he was to meet with to live together. Turning Pointe lr,,e contract with NRC Envi- representatives of Evergreen En- staff pointed out that this includes Prearrangement is the ental Services of Seattle is vironmental about demolishing older boys, who are not allowed in I|lh0,798.76and Ebbeson said the old service station building at many facilities. The shelter will "best" thing y 0pes the work can be complet- the northwest corner of First and be located on Goldsborough Creek OU can do [xtweek. Franklin streets. The work will and surrounded by a natural envi- fo y loped [e contractor working on the start this Friday and the total ronment, r 0 € one8 :[!la 2 sewer project will move cost will be $8,340, the fire chief ONE THE MOST unique fea- axd with work at First Street said. tare of the shelter will be the in- Burial NRC Environmental S vic- • Heard the first of two read- clusion of a separate building to [i!l clean up within the sewer ings of an ordinance setting the house small family pets, because, Cremation ches in that area. Funding tbr ad valorem taxes in the city for from the experience of Turning --Ileanup work will come tYozn calendar year 2008. Taxes in- Pointe employees, many domes- Ship outs elude a regular property tax levy tic violence victims will not leave ']" 9,,gY,'" of $1,540,871; a voter-approved their abusive situations for fear of emergency medical services levy harm being done to their pets. We are full service and affordable |00arranf:s of $243,577; a levy of $243,347 for Turning Pointe credits its board public safety and the Shelton Civ- of directors, its former executive Call on us today ic Center; and a levy of $110,291 director Patti Jo McGill and Cath- for the Fireman's Pension Fund. cart for their vision ofthis state-of- 360-427-8044 ti to appear on November 19 The second and final reading will the-art facility. The Olympia firm ncing hearing in Ma- be heard next Monday. of Jones & Roberts is the construe- 3][ 3 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton, WA , ounty s -ape ior r Court and tion contractor. CS--  --ME ge. James Sawyer issued a "[il warrant for her arrest. SonRtBe Clothing Bank can help those in need ttants were issued for the fol- i lllg people who failed to ap- . for hearings November 16 on The SunRise Clothing Bank tl financial obligations: Jesse at Second and Cota streets in , $2,731.35; Edward Daniel downtown Shelton offers free !i Holiday greetings from Shelton Cemetery Association and staff at Shelton Memorial Park. We would like to announce that we are .', $2,098.69; Tony Darnell clothingandacceptscleanwearable offering Christmas wreaths at Shelton Memorial Park for grave eY, $1,938.38; and Steven clothing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. h'ick Christy, $16,655.38. Mondays through Thursdays.  placement. The price for the wreaths will be $25.00 (tax included). o  Wreaths may be ordered immediately for placing on graves from December l Oth to the 1.4th. All orders must be received no later than December 7th. We cannot guarantee placement of orders SHELTON received later than this date. Please use the order blank printed below. Be sure to indicate how many. It is not necessary MEMORIAL I).ARK for you to know the location of the grave, but it is helpful to print your phone number in case there are any questions. We cannot accept any orders without payment. Please use this form for Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. ordering. Your cancelled check or money order stub will be your receipt. Complete Linc of Make checks payable to Shelton Cemetery Association Memorial Markers 1605 Van Buren, Shelton ................................................................................................................ 0 ................................................................................................................ * ..................... Available for sale: Name(s) on grave: Quantity: Burial and Cremation Lots, Columbariums, Liners, Vaults Amount Enclosed: Purchaser's Name: Phone 426-2152 * Fax 426-5615 Phone #: Address: Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page I Dalby Waterwheel gets historic listing The DalbyWaterwheelinUnion and Matt Korb of the Hood has been declared a historical Canal Salmon Enhancement treasure by virtue of an 8-0 vote Group. Work required a habitat of the Washington State Advisory management plan and permits Council onHistoricPreservation, from Mason County and the The news came in a letter to Washington Department of Fish this newspaper from Dr. Allynson and Wildlife. Brooks, the state's historic Relocation and restoration preservation officer. Action taken was completed with the financial by the board at its November support of the "Bucket Brigade," meeting in Ellensburg means the people who contributed a total of waterwheel will join more than thousands of dollars by sponsoring 1,500 other historic and culturally the buckets that mobilize the wheel significant properties on the as they accept water flowing down Washington Historic Register. from the upper elevations of Union. "The waterwheel is historically Of late some people in the area significant as one of the first have talked about the possibility hydroelectric plants on Hood of using power generated by the Canal," Brooks wrote last week. structure to illuminate the site at "Having a property listed in the 6920 East State Route 106. register is an honor." Brooks wrote that benefits of the William Dalby and his son listing include potential property- Edwin were pioneers in the tax deductions and possible relief Union area when they built the from some regulations when this waterwheel in 1922. As the first can help "protect the integrity of hydroelectric plant in the area, it the resource." Listing does not PURPLE SHOVELS IN HAND, current and former members of the created electricity for the Dalby impose any additional state or house and 13 cabins until PUD 1 federal restrictions, she wrote, but Turning Pointe board prepare to break ground for the new shelter brought services to the property it does "assure protective review of for domestic violence victims. From left, they are: Pare Privette, Dan in the 1940s. It continued to roll a property should a federal or state . Voorhees, Linda Kroum, Terri Petree, Rob Wilson-Hoss, Marilyn Sayan, as a tourist attraction until 2003 action have a potential adverse Sandra Hernan and Mason County Sheriff's Detective Bill Adam. when a realignment of State effect to the property's historic Route 106 hid it from public view. values." ,0000 square feet total" Steve Levette, president of the • Hood Canal Improvement Club, ,00rnmg Pomte breaks ground met with Marilyn Dalby, who ! • • lives in Sandpoint, Idaho, and was Flrrested but the owner of the wheel, in March 2004, and she offered to donate Ot hrgd shelter for wcUms of DV the structure and some of her land to the club if the members were interested in the project to Two men who appeared for _ (ontinued from page 3.) tivities were the official begin- son County and state government relocate it. arraignment on November 19 in 7,ill provicle victims and their ning of the building process, with through Haigh and Senator Tm The relocation committee was separate Mason County Superior ies with a chance to grieve the big grand opening celebration Sheldon, D-Potlatch. a project of the club that involved Court cases were told no charges _": enjoy the support of other planned for this summer. Though When the shelter is finished, it not just moving the waterwheel had been filed. Jeremiah Scott r Fs while they pull their lives the project is not yet completely will have 13,000 square feet ofliv- to the side of the new SR 106 but McKague, 21, of 1017 Cascade Ither. Building this shelter will financed, many government agen- ing and office space and 12 studio- also building a flume trestle across Avenue, Shelton, and Wade Allen ,2[to motion a legacy that will cies, private individuals, comma- type rooms. Also included are ad- Dalby Creek and replacing old Parker, 34, of 251 SE State Route t ue to help those struggling nity groups, banks, and founda- joining rooms that can be opened buckets of a design which Ethel 3, Shelton, were released from domestic violence long after tions have made contributions up to create more living space for Dalby had found "clunky" with conditions imposed after their ! Yone here is gone, Cathcaz to help fund the shelter. Among families, much like a suite in a ho- new buckets based on the original arrest in unrelated cases. ] tel. Guests will be allowed to stay design that are made of stainless steel treated with a process that i S them were Shore Bank Enterprise for up to 90 days in these living gives it a rusty look. a IESE SHELTER site fen- Cascadia, the City ofShelton, Ma- quarters. Jlr  The building will also have a Ken Dalby, who is nephew to large community kitchen with Marilyn Dalby and grandson to (I i fi h ,, y__commission roundup: adjacent food storage and lawn- Ed and Ethel Dalby, worked on  ] d , dry facilities, two separate rooms the project, as did Rich Geiger O O ntaminate- soil for children and young people, an of Mason Conservation District 361L42 6-44 12 may ,ONto. more communal short-stay unit e moved out next week for thoseneedingonlyoneortwo 00iii nights of safe shelter, a reception area and meeting rooms. Play ar- Iblic Works Director Jay designated accounts in the city's eas for young children as well as Forest Funeral 'Son told the Shelton City Sewer Fund for the Basin 2 proj- a basketball court and areas for OARME I 'ission on Monday that he ect's budget, Ebbeson noted, other outdoor activities will be O R E ST return next week with a con- In other business on November outdoors. ,;,,i, Home for the removal of soil con- 19 the commissioners: This flexible room design will , iated by gasoline at First * Heard Fire Chief Jim Ghi- allow all members of the family reputation built on service" kPranklin streets, glione report he was to meet with to live together. Turning Pointe lr,,e contract with NRC Envi- representatives of Evergreen En- staff pointed out that this includes Prearrangement is the ental Services of Seattle is vironmental about demolishing older boys, who are not allowed in I|lh0,798.76and Ebbeson said the old service station building at many facilities. The shelter will "best" thing y 0pes the work can be complet- the northwest corner of First and be located on Goldsborough Creek OU can do [xtweek. Franklin streets. The work will and surrounded by a natural envi- fo y loped [e contractor working on the start this Friday and the total ronment, r 0 € one8 :[!la 2 sewer project will move cost will be $8,340, the fire chief ONE THE MOST unique fea- axd with work at First Street said. tare of the shelter will be the in- Burial NRC Environmental S vic- • Heard the first of two read- clusion of a separate building to [i!l clean up within the sewer ings of an ordinance setting the house small family pets, because, Cremation ches in that area. Funding tbr ad valorem taxes in the city for from the experience of Turning --Ileanup work will come tYozn calendar year 2008. Taxes in- Pointe employees, many domes- Ship outs elude a regular property tax levy tic violence victims will not leave ']" 9,,gY,'" of $1,540,871; a voter-approved their abusive situations for fear of emergency medical services levy harm being done to their pets. We are full service and affordable |00arranf:s of $243,577; a levy of $243,347 for Turning Pointe credits its board public safety and the Shelton Civ- of directors, its former executive Call on us today ic Center; and a levy of $110,291 director Patti Jo McGill and Cath- for the Fireman's Pension Fund. cart for their vision ofthis state-of- 360-427-8044 ti to appear on November 19 The second and final reading will the-art facility. The Olympia firm ncing hearing in Ma- be heard next Monday. of Jones & Roberts is the construe- 3][ 3 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton, WA , ounty s -ape ior r Court and tion contractor. CS--  --ME ge. James Sawyer issued a "[il warrant for her arrest. SonRtBe Clothing Bank can help those in need ttants were issued for the fol- i lllg people who failed to ap- . for hearings November 16 on The SunRise Clothing Bank tl financial obligations: Jesse at Second and Cota streets in , $2,731.35; Edward Daniel downtown Shelton offers free !i Holiday greetings from Shelton Cemetery Association and staff at Shelton Memorial Park. We would like to announce that we are .', $2,098.69; Tony Darnell clothingandacceptscleanwearable offering Christmas wreaths at Shelton Memorial Park for grave eY, $1,938.38; and Steven clothing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. h'ick Christy, $16,655.38. Mondays through Thursdays.  placement. The price for the wreaths will be $25.00 (tax included). o  Wreaths may be ordered immediately for placing on graves from December l Oth to the 1.4th. All orders must be received no later than December 7th. We cannot guarantee placement of orders SHELTON received later than this date. Please use the order blank printed below. Be sure to indicate how many. It is not necessary MEMORIAL I).ARK for you to know the location of the grave, but it is helpful to print your phone number in case there are any questions. We cannot accept any orders without payment. Please use this form for Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. ordering. Your cancelled check or money order stub will be your receipt. Complete Linc of Make checks payable to Shelton Cemetery Association Memorial Markers 1605 Van Buren, Shelton ................................................................................................................ 0 ................................................................................................................ * ..................... Available for sale: Name(s) on grave: Quantity: Burial and Cremation Lots, Columbariums, Liners, Vaults Amount Enclosed: Purchaser's Name: Phone 426-2152 * Fax 426-5615 Phone #: Address: Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page I