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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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High bail set for. man accused of choking Bail was set at $100,000 for a Shelton man arrested after al- legedly choking the mother of his 4-year-old child at his resi- (|ellce. Gilbert o Pablo Perez, 27, of 302 ()Ilk Street, Shelton, was identified on Monday, Novem- ber 19, in Mason County Supe- rior Court in an investigation of assault in the first degree. He is suspected of domestic vio- lence against Josefa Maria Car- illo-Pablo, with whom he has a child. Pablo Perez was arrested November 18 by Officer Mark Hinton of'the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was re- sponding to a report of a distur- bance at the residence on Oak woman Street. Carillo-Pablo reportedly said she had taken the child to see Pablo Perez and he became angry with her and grabbed her by her throat while she was holding the child. She said he threatened to kill her and re- ported losing consciousness. Hinton noted the couple had not been living together since May 2006. Judge James Saw- yer appointed James Foley as defense attorney, set bail at $100,000 and scheduled ar- raignment for December 3. He ordered Pablo Perez to have no contact with Carillo-Pablo. Court-certified interpreter Karen Horn translated the pro- ceedings,into Spanish and Eng- lish. They get the Flame The Mason General Hospital Foundation presented its Flame Award for public service to Larry Stevens, left, and Dick Pasalich. They are the owners of Hi- awatha Corporation, a firm based in the Shelton area that produces small forest products. The award was presented Saturday night at the gala ball and auction that was the culminating event of the annual Fantasy Forest fund-raiser. to honor Citizen o r the Year Help light up the season. This is the invitation to the community from the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Once again, the chamber is encourag- ing everyone to participate in this year's Christmas lighting contest. Chamber ambassadors will travel around the Shelton area on Saturday, December 15, to judge : mideattal and €omnmr. cial entries. Those interested in entering this competition may fill out a form at the chamber's office downtown, or go to: www.sheltonchamber. org on-line. Entry forms must be completed by no later than Friday, December 7. There will be prizes for both the commercial and resi- dential entries. Meanwhile, 'tis the season for chamber members to nominate people for annual awards. Cham- ber newsletters contain ballots to nominate a business of the year, of the year and individual cam er volunteer. Nominations must be submitted to the chamber by January 4. The winners will be honored at the chamber's :mnual awards dinner in January Car hits tree; Three people were injured in a one-vehicle crash which stalled lunch-hour traffic November 15 on State Route 3 near the intersec- tion with Mill Creek Road. Walter S. Charron, 24, of Bremerton, was driving a 1989 Subaru north on State Route 3 when the vehicle left the road- way to the right and stuck a tree near the intersection with Mill Creek, Trooper Toby Haapala of the Washington State Patrol re- ported. .Charron was transported to Mason General Hospital with in- juries identified by the trooper as a ruptured spleen, rib fractures and bruised lungs. One of his pas- sengers, 25-year-old Jacob Allen Honeycutt, was taken to Mason General with lacerations. Anoth- er passenger, Joel Norton, 28, of Story time will be on Thursday The William G. Reed Library will present Family Story Time for children age 6 and younger from 10:30 to 11 a.m. (m Thursday, November 29, at 710 West Alder ,treet in downtown Shelton Court of Appeals convenes at Shelton High next week The Washington State Court of Appeals will convene next Thurs- day, November 29, to hear oral ar- guments in several Mason County cases. The docket begins at 9 a.m. in the Shelton High School Au- ditorium. Parties scheduled for oral arguments include the Port of Tahuya in a case filed by the Residents for Quality of Life on Hood Canal against former Com- missioner Cynthia Olsen. The ap- peal is based on a ruling by Ma- son County Superior Court Judge James Sawyer. The court also @ill hear argu- ments in the case of Cascade Flo- ral Products of Belfair and other forest products businesses in an appeal by the Washington State Department of Labor and Indus- tries. The appeals court also will hear oral arguments in the case of Viki White against Safeway, In- corporated involving an incident in which she was injured after fall- ing in the store in Belfair. Judge Robin Hunt said each side will have about 20 minutes to present its case. Hunt said coming to Mason County is an opportunity for the public to come and learn about the court of appeals, which she de- DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491 FUELS" scribed as "very different" ti'mn a trial court. There are no witnesses, no presentation of evidence and no jury. A three-member panel of judges reviews the trial rcord in- dependently. "Most of our wm'k is done outside the courtroom," she said. The justice said the lmrpose of oral argument is allow the panel to ask questions regarding ques- tions each judge may have about the case. "The oral arguments are a time for appeal lawyers to fi)cus on several points. We have read the brief and know the facts," Hunt noted. She said the reason the appeals court travels instead of always convening is Tacoma is to fill "an education function for the commu- nity." People attending sessions of the court will be asked to sign in on a roster. IIMI Car Talk by Dave Hudson Owner , A LOOK BACK The rear defroster is one of those conveniences chat you are likely to take for granted until it ceases to function. At char point, it also becomes a safety hazard chat should be repaired as soon as possible.The first step to take when any failure of an electrical component is involved is to check the fuses (or circuit breakers). If this is the source of the problem, replacement of the fuse can be a quick, easy fix. However, when a rear defroster stops working, the cause is often a break in the grid in the electrical circuit that is painted on the window. This breakage can result from an inadvertent scrape, exposure to ultraviolet light, or extreme temperature changes. III I IIIII Winter is here and you don't want to get caught with a mal- functioning rear defroster! Bring your vehicle in toTRANSHISSIONS PLUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES to have our experienced technicians check out the problem.We are proud to provide parts, repairs, and maintenance on foreign and domestic vehicles.With our state-of- the-art equipment, we'll fix your car right the first time you bring it in. Call 360-426-9637 to schedule an appointment at our shop, conveniently located at 31 E.Vance Court.We are your complete transmission, clutch, and auto care center. "We care...about auto care/" HINT: In severe cases of rear defroster grid breakdown, the entire rear window may need to be replaced. *Price subject to change Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 www, three injured Bremerton, suffered a broken leg and was transported to Saint Pe- ter Hospital in Olympia and then taken to Harborview Medical Cen- ter in Seattle. Haapala identified the cause of the crash, reported at 11:43 a.m. November 15 as speed too fast for conditions in heavy rain. SHELTON School District BREAKFAST & ME November 26.30 MONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, ros, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Star Smart Bar: Main Line: Cheese with Marinara sauce, milk. Pepperoni pizza. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Bagel and, cheese fruit or fruit juice, milk L Five Star Nmart Bar: Main Line: pasta with meat sauce, chocolate Speed Line: Burrito with salsa. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Pancak( sausage on a stick, fruit or fruit milk. Lunch: Five Star Smart Line: Teriyaki dippers with roll, fortune cookie, milk. Hamburger on a whole wheat bun. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast rifo, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Star Smart Bar: Main Line: Su nachos with seasoned milk. Speed Line: BBQ rib on a FRIDAY: Breakfast: Blueberry fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: Five Smart Bar: Main Line: Chicken on a whole wheat bun, chocolate Speed Line: Hot dog on a bun. This menu sponsored by LUM )N 114 E. Cedar St. ; HOODSPORT 150 N. Lake Cushman Rd. 360-877-6881 Journal 360-426-441 THANK Thank you for voting and thank for your support as Commissioner of Finance. I will strive to work towards the continuing effort for a better community and ares commission. City of Shelton COMMISSIONER of j Paid for by Mike Byrne * 2006 Callanan Street, Shelton, WA 9858.4 EVENT SAVE "" TO $400 on qualifying gas fireplace hearth 0 SAVE $400 when you buy a select gas fireplace & hearth solution • SAVE $200 when you buy gas fireplace unit only FOLYMPIA mEPlaCE www. OlymplaFimplace. com High bail set for. man accused of choking Bail was set at $100,000 for a Shelton man arrested after al- legedly choking the mother of his 4-year-old child at his resi- (|ellce. Gilbert o Pablo Perez, 27, of 302 ()Ilk Street, Shelton, was identified on Monday, Novem- ber 19, in Mason County Supe- rior Court in an investigation of assault in the first degree. He is suspected of domestic vio- lence against Josefa Maria Car- illo-Pablo, with whom he has a child. Pablo Perez was arrested November 18 by Officer Mark Hinton of'the Shelton Police De- partment who said he was re- sponding to a report of a distur- bance at the residence on Oak woman Street. Carillo-Pablo reportedly said she had taken the child to see Pablo Perez and he became angry with her and grabbed her by her throat while she was holding the child. She said he threatened to kill her and re- ported losing consciousness. Hinton noted the couple had not been living together since May 2006. Judge James Saw- yer appointed James Foley as defense attorney, set bail at $100,000 and scheduled ar- raignment for December 3. He ordered Pablo Perez to have no contact with Carillo-Pablo. Court-certified interpreter Karen Horn translated the pro- ceedings,into Spanish and Eng- lish. They get the Flame The Mason General Hospital Foundation presented its Flame Award for public service to Larry Stevens, left, and Dick Pasalich. They are the owners of Hi- awatha Corporation, a firm based in the Shelton area that produces small forest products. The award was presented Saturday night at the gala ball and auction that was the culminating event of the annual Fantasy Forest fund-raiser. to honor Citizen o r the Year Help light up the season. This is the invitation to the community from the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Once again, the chamber is encourag- ing everyone to participate in this year's Christmas lighting contest. Chamber ambassadors will travel around the Shelton area on Saturday, December 15, to judge : mideattal and €omnmr. cial entries. Those interested in entering this competition may fill out a form at the chamber's office downtown, or go to: www.sheltonchamber. org on-line. Entry forms must be completed by no later than Friday, December 7. There will be prizes for both the commercial and resi- dential entries. Meanwhile, 'tis the season for chamber members to nominate people for annual awards. Cham- ber newsletters contain ballots to nominate a business of the year, of the year and individual cam er volunteer. Nominations must be submitted to the chamber by January 4. The winners will be honored at the chamber's :mnual awards dinner in January Car hits tree; Three people were injured in a one-vehicle crash which stalled lunch-hour traffic November 15 on State Route 3 near the intersec- tion with Mill Creek Road. Walter S. Charron, 24, of Bremerton, was driving a 1989 Subaru north on State Route 3 when the vehicle left the road- way to the right and stuck a tree near the intersection with Mill Creek, Trooper Toby Haapala of the Washington State Patrol re- ported. .Charron was transported to Mason General Hospital with in- juries identified by the trooper as a ruptured spleen, rib fractures and bruised lungs. One of his pas- sengers, 25-year-old Jacob Allen Honeycutt, was taken to Mason General with lacerations. Anoth- er passenger, Joel Norton, 28, of Story time will be on Thursday The William G. Reed Library will present Family Story Time for children age 6 and younger from 10:30 to 11 a.m. (m Thursday, November 29, at 710 West Alder ,treet in downtown Shelton Court of Appeals convenes at Shelton High next week The Washington State Court of Appeals will convene next Thurs- day, November 29, to hear oral ar- guments in several Mason County cases. The docket begins at 9 a.m. in the Shelton High School Au- ditorium. Parties scheduled for oral arguments include the Port of Tahuya in a case filed by the Residents for Quality of Life on Hood Canal against former Com- missioner Cynthia Olsen. The ap- peal is based on a ruling by Ma- son County Superior Court Judge James Sawyer. The court also @ill hear argu- ments in the case of Cascade Flo- ral Products of Belfair and other forest products businesses in an appeal by the Washington State Department of Labor and Indus- tries. The appeals court also will hear oral arguments in the case of Viki White against Safeway, In- corporated involving an incident in which she was injured after fall- ing in the store in Belfair. Judge Robin Hunt said each side will have about 20 minutes to present its case. Hunt said coming to Mason County is an opportunity for the public to come and learn about the court of appeals, which she de- DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491 FUELS" scribed as "very different" ti'mn a trial court. There are no witnesses, no presentation of evidence and no jury. A three-member panel of judges reviews the trial rcord in- dependently. "Most of our wm'k is done outside the courtroom," she said. The justice said the lmrpose of oral argument is allow the panel to ask questions regarding ques- tions each judge may have about the case. "The oral arguments are a time for appeal lawyers to fi)cus on several points. We have read the brief and know the facts," H unt noted. She said the reason the appeals court travels instead of always convening is Tacoma is to fill "an education function for the commu- nity." People attending sessions of the court will be asked to sign in on a roster. IIMI Car Talk by Dave Hudson Owner , A LOOK BACK The rear defroster is one of those conveniences chat you are likely to take for granted until it ceases to function. At char point, it also becomes a safety hazard chat should be repaired as soon as possible.The first step to take when any failure of an electrical component is involved is to check the fuses (or circuit breakers). If this is the source of the problem, replacement of the fuse can be a quick, easy fix. However, when a rear defroster stops working, the cause is often a break in the grid in the electrical circuit that is painted on the window. This breakage can result from an inadvertent scrape, exposure to ultraviolet light, or extreme temperature changes. III I IIIII Winter is here and you don't want to get caught with a mal- functioning rear defroster! Bring your vehicle in toTRANSHISSIONS PLUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES to have our experienced technicians check out the problem.We are proud to provide parts, repairs, and maintenance on foreign and domestic vehicles.With our state-of- the-art equipment, we'll fix your car right the first time you bring it in. Call 360-426-9637 to schedule an appointment at our shop, conveniently located at 31 E.Vance Court.We are your complete transmission, clutch, and auto care center. "We care...about auto care/" HINT: In severe cases of rear defroster grid breakdown, the entire rear window may need to be replaced. *Price subject to change Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 www, three injured Bremerton, suffered a broken leg and was transported to Saint Pe- ter Hospital in Olympia and then taken to Harborview Medical Cen- ter in Seattle. Haapala identified the cause of the crash, reported at 11:43 a.m. November 15 as speed too fast for conditions in heavy rain. SHELTON School District BREAKFAST & ME November 26.30 MONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, ros, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Star Smart Bar: Main Line: Cheese with Marinara sauce, milk. Pepperoni pizza. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Bagel and, cheese fruit or fruit juice, milk L Five Star Nmart Bar: Main Line: pasta with meat sauce, chocolate Speed Line: Burrito with salsa. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Pancak( sausage on a stick, fruit or fruit milk. Lunch: Five Star Smart Line: Teriyaki dippers with roll, fortune cookie, milk. Hamburger on a whole wheat bun. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast rifo, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Star Smart Bar: Main Line: Su nachos with seasoned milk. Speed Line: BBQ rib on a FRIDAY: Breakfast: Blueberry fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: Five Smart Bar: Main Line: Chicken on a whole wheat bun, chocolate Speed Line: Hot dog on a bun. This menu sponsored by LUM )N 114 E. Cedar St. ; HOODSPORT 150 N. Lake Cushman Rd. 360-877-6881 Journal 360-426-441 THANK Thank you for voting and thank for your support as Commissioner of Finance. I will strive to work towards the continuing effort for a better community and ares commission. City of Shelton COMMISSIONER of j Paid for by Mike Byrne * 2006 Callanan Street, Shelton, WA 9858.4 EVENT SAVE "" TO $400 on qualifying gas fireplace hearth 0 SAVE $400 when you buy a select gas fireplace & hearth solution • SAVE $200 when you buy gas fireplace unit only FOLYMPIA mEPlaCE www. OlymplaFimplace. com