November 22, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ce Amy E. Duncan and David V. Hauge
i00auge, Duncan
i Io marry Saturday
o Amy Duncan and David Hauge
Y engaged to marry. Their wed-
g is scheduled to take place at 7
Lta. on Saturday, November 24, at
ateau Faire Le Pont at 389 Tech-
,$ )logy Center Way in Wenatchee.
16 Sarah Magneson will attend as
d of honor, along with brides-
:daids Katie and Kelsey Cooper.
[ark Frazier will serve as best
, along with groomsmen Da-
i. Lucas, Aren Magneson and
Iarrett Duncan. A dinner and re-
tion will follow the double-ring
l.te bride-to-be is the daughter
iMr. and Mrs. Greg Duncan of
Wenatchee. She graduated from
Wenatchee High School in 2004.
She recently earned her associate
of arts degree in education and is
working towards earning a mas-
ter's degree.
Her fianc6 is the son of Dave and
Toni Hauge of Shelton. He gradu-
ated from Shelton High School in
2000 and then from the Washing-
ton State Fire Academy in 2003.
He is currently in his third year of
an apprenticeship through an or-
ganization of carpenters.
The couple plans to honeymoon
imMaui, Hawaii. They will live in
Island women set
hp holiday house
To kick off the 2007 Christmas
ason, the Harstine Island Wom-
L's Club is hosting its annual Hol-
ay House bazaar from 10 a.m: to
P.m. on Saturday, November
The event will feature many
0memade and handcraied items,
leluding knitted, crocheted, em-
idered and hand-woven tea tow-
Ila, afghans and blankets. There
11 also be wooden and keep-
re boxes, jewelry, candles, soaps,
tions, artwork, stationery, cards,
ruendars, books and purses.
More than 50 vendors will sell
esh Christmas wreaths, center-
Pets to have
pieces and ornaments, along with
jams, jellies and several home-
made goodies. They will meet in
the Harstine Island Community
Hall and the adjoining District 5
fire station. Signs on island roads
will direct drivers to the location
and 8-foot-tall snowmen will mark
the buildings.
Two raffle baskets will be over-
flowing with gifts donated by the
vendors. Proceeds from the raffle
will help provide scholarships. It is
not necessary to be present to win.
Ladies from the women's club will
serve a menu of dining selections
at the "Christmas Caib."
The Harstine Island Women's
Club hosts this annual bazaar to
provide funds to help with all of its
community projects.
)hoto op .
Santa Christmas m
Does your pet want a picture
th Santa? Adopt-a-Pet is offer-
pet owners a chance to have
eir pets photographed with San-
! Claus.
For a $i0 donation, pets will ap-
ar in a 4-by-6-inch photograph
ith Santa, showcased in a holi-
ly picture frame. Refreshments
ill also be provided for the own-
as they wait for their pets to sit
t Santa's lap for their pictures.
This event will take place from
*on to 4 p.m. on SatuTday, De-
nber i, at the Adopt-a-Pet facil-
at 940 East Jensen Road, just
atside of Shelton.
air as SOCK
plans bazaar
Save Our County's Kids - or
SOCK - will host the 25th annual
Shelton Christmas Bazaar.
Festivities will run from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 1,
and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun-
day, December 2, at the Shelton
Transit and Community Center,
601 West Franklin Street in the
downtown district.
The event will feature arts,
crafts, decorations, hot food and
drinks from Ivy's Kitchen. There
MOre information on this pro-
is available by e-mail at or by
will also be pictures with Santa
Claus, plus entertainment, raffles
and a bake sale. Our Community
Credit Union will provide parking.
e ii _l
Icome, George!
George Buckley
Associate Broker
L www'exitn°rthwestreal'c° m EXIT Nortlmest Re.lty
, I I II
Exit Northwest Realty is proud to announce that
George Buckley has joined its Shelton office.
George has been working as a licensed real estate
broker for over 30 years in Western Washington.
The past 20 years he has been working in Mason,
Thurston and Grays Harbor counties. His exper-
tise includes residential, commercial/industrial and
land listing and sales. George is a real estate prob-
lem solver. He can help you. Please call him with
your real estate needs todayl
360-480-4946 Direct
360-462-6060 Shelton
360-753-6060 Olympia
360-462-2700 Fax
1635 Olympic Hwy. N.
Suite 102B, Shelton
00ommunitg 00alendar
Note: Due to the Thanksgiving
holiday, the following events may
have been rescheduled. More in-
formation is available by contact-
ing these organizations directly.
Thursday, November 22
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
Noon, Mason Matters, Shelton Civ-
ic Center.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6 p.m., Mason County Conservancy
Board, Mason Conservation District
meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3,
Suite G.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
school library.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio-
neer School Gym.
Friday, November 23
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport.
Saturday, November 24
10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County
Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn.
7:30 p.m., Salty Sashayers square
and round dance, small hall, Skookum
Community Hall, 3480 Lynch Road,
Sunday, November 25
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, November 26
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
12 p.m., Mason County Domestic
Violence Task Force monthly public
meeting, PUD 3,307 West Cota, Shel-
2 p.m., Shelton City Commission
Workshop, Shelton Civic Center.
6 p.m., Mason County Optimists
Club, Shelton's United Methodist
Church, 1900 King Street.
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Mobile
Search and Rescue, Mason County
Department of Emergency Manage-
ment, Sanderson Field.'
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
Tuesday, November 27
8 a.m., Mason County Hospital Dis-
trict 1 Commission, Mason General
9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meeting,
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210
West Shelten Valley Road, Shelton.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G.
Reed Library, Shelton.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
3 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis-
sioners meeting, district office in Pot-
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
" 5 p.m., Habitat for Humanity of
Mason County, 1900 King Street,
south building of the United Method-
ist Church.
6 p.m., Shelton School Board,
CHOICE Alternative School board-
6 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge
Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East
Country Club Drive.
6 p.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
6 p.m., Mason County Transporta-
tion Authority Advisory Board, MTA
business office at 790 East Johns Prai-
rie Road, Shelton.
6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board
business meeting, main district build-
6:30 p.m., Swimming for Simpson
Timber Company employees and their
families, Shelton High School pool.
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board
meeting, Mason General Hospital.
7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension
Wednesday, November 28
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan-
is Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
2:30-4:30 p.m., Watershed Resource
Inventory Area 14 planning unit meet-
ings, Shelton Civic Center.
5:30 p.m,, Port of Hoodsport meet-
ing, Port of Hoodsport Office, 22090
North Highway 101, Potlatch.
6 p.m., Mason County Civil Service
Commission, county commissioners'
chambers, 411 North Fifth Street,
7 p.m., Mason County Fire. District
1 drill, Hoodsport Fire Hall.
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., Mount Moriah Lodge
11 Free and Accepted Masons, stat-
ed communication, Masonic Temple,
19341 North Highway 101.
Thursday, November 29
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house tlill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OfT Pounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Peunds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washintq, on and J
Noon, Sh(;lton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents l:hdping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 W(,st Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 126 and Boy
Scout Troop 126, Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.m,, Cub Scoot t'ack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
diam.W 1 I-10
Shipped almost anywhere Daily
or buy them here for $24 ;
Sharon's Wreath
Order Form:
Street Address:
City, State & Zip:
PAYMENT METHOD (circle one): visa MasterCard American Express
Card Number & Exp. Date:
(Checks and money orders also welcome, payable to Sharon's Garden)
Street Address**:
City, State & Zip:
Preferred arrival date:
I "So 0 boxes I *Prices include shipping to anywhere in _
and PMB boxes [ the lower 48 states.
undeliverable by UPS Call for prices to other areas.
Mail this form to: Sharons Garden, 920 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584 or Fax to (360) 427-8306 or call (360) 426-3747.
! 1[ Lots of ---- Live Garland
I Cedar & Mix
• Affordable • Fast * Easy
Call today for a complimentary consult.
(3.) 426-9711 William J. Busacca, DDS, PS
DOCS 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shelton,WA 98584
American Dental Association
Academy of General Dentistry
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry T h e S m i l e E x p r e s s
Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15
ce Amy E. Duncan and David V. Hauge
i00auge, Duncan
i Io marry Saturday
o Amy Duncan and David Hauge
Y engaged to marry. Their wed-
g is scheduled to take place at 7
Lta. on Saturday, November 24, at
ateau Faire Le Pont at 389 Tech-
,$ )logy Center Way in Wenatchee.
16 Sarah Magneson will attend as
d of honor, along with brides-
:daids Katie and Kelsey Cooper.
[ark Frazier will serve as best
, along with groomsmen Da-
i. Lucas, Aren Magneson and
Iarrett Duncan. A dinner and re-
tion will follow the double-ring
l.te bride-to-be is the daughter
iMr. and Mrs. Greg Duncan of
Wenatchee. She graduated from
Wenatchee High School in 2004.
She recently earned her associate
of arts degree in education and is
working towards earning a mas-
ter's degree.
Her fianc6 is the son of Dave and
Toni Hauge of Shelton. He gradu-
ated from Shelton High School in
2000 and then from the Washing-
ton State Fire Academy in 2003.
He is currently in his third year of
an apprenticeship through an or-
ganization of carpenters.
The couple plans to honeymoon
imMaui, Hawaii. They will live in
Island women set
hp holiday house
To kick off the 2007 Christmas
ason, the Harstine Island Wom-
L's Club is hosting its annual Hol-
ay House bazaar from 10 a.m: to
P.m. on Saturday, November
The event will feature many
0memade and handcraied items,
leluding knitted, crocheted, em-
idered and hand-woven tea tow-
Ila, afghans and blankets. There
11 also be wooden and keep-
re boxes, jewelry, candles, soaps,
tions, artwork, stationery, cards,
ruendars, books and purses.
More than 50 vendors will sell
esh Christmas wreaths, center-
Pets to have
pieces and ornaments, along with
jams, jellies and several home-
made goodies. They will meet in
the Harstine Island Community
Hall and the adjoining District 5
fire station. Signs on island roads
will direct drivers to the location
and 8-foot-tall snowmen will mark
the buildings.
Two raffle baskets will be over-
flowing with gifts donated by the
vendors. Proceeds from the raffle
will help provide scholarships. It is
not necessary to be present to win.
Ladies from the women's club will
serve a menu of dining selections
at the "Christmas Caib."
The Harstine Island Women's
Club hosts this annual bazaar to
provide funds to help with all of its
community projects.
)hoto op .
Santa Christmas m
Does your pet want a picture
th Santa? Adopt-a-Pet is offer-
pet owners a chance to have
eir pets photographed with San-
! Claus.
For a $i0 donation, pets will ap-
ar in a 4-by-6-inch photograph
ith Santa, showcased in a holi-
ly picture frame. Refreshments
ill also be provided for the own-
as they wait for their pets to sit
t Santa's lap for their pictures.
This event will take place from
*on to 4 p.m. on SatuTday, De-
nber i, at the Adopt-a-Pet facil-
at 940 East Jensen Road, just
atside of Shelton.
air as SOCK
plans bazaar
Save Our County's Kids - or
SOCK - will host the 25th annual
Shelton Christmas Bazaar.
Festivities will run from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 1,
and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun-
day, December 2, at the Shelton
Transit and Community Center,
601 West Franklin Street in the
downtown district.
The event will feature arts,
crafts, decorations, hot food and
drinks from Ivy's Kitchen. There
MOre information on this pro-
is available by e-mail at or by
will also be pictures with Santa
Claus, plus entertainment, raffles
and a bake sale. Our Community
Credit Union will provide parking.
e ii _l
Icome, George!
George Buckley
Associate Broker
L www'exitn°rthwestreal'c° m EXIT Nortlmest Re.lty
, I I II
Exit Northwest Realty is proud to announce that
George Buckley has joined its Shelton office.
George has been working as a licensed real estate
broker for over 30 years in Western Washington.
The past 20 years he has been working in Mason,
Thurston and Grays Harbor counties. His exper-
tise includes residential, commercial/industrial and
land listing and sales. George is a real estate prob-
lem solver. He can help you. Please call him with
your real estate needs todayl
360-480-4946 Direct
360-462-6060 Shelton
360-753-6060 Olympia
360-462-2700 Fax
1635 Olympic Hwy. N.
Suite 102B, Shelton
00ommunitg 00alendar
Note: Due to the Thanksgiving
holiday, the following events may
have been rescheduled. More in-
formation is available by contact-
ing these organizations directly.
Thursday, November 22
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house Hill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washington and J
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
Noon, Mason Matters, Shelton Civ-
ic Center.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
6 p.m., Mason County Conservancy
Board, Mason Conservation District
meeting room, 1051 SE State Route 3,
Suite G.
6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
school library.
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio-
neer School Gym.
Friday, November 23
10 a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, Hoodsport.
Saturday, November 24
10 a.m., Shelton-Mason County
Amvets and Subvets, Pine Tree Inn.
7:30 p.m., Salty Sashayers square
and round dance, small hall, Skookum
Community Hall, 3480 Lynch Road,
Sunday, November 25
Mason County invites you to attend
the church of your choice.
Monday, November 26
9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly
(TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community
Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road
12 p.m., Mason County Domestic
Violence Task Force monthly public
meeting, PUD 3,307 West Cota, Shel-
2 p.m., Shelton City Commission
Workshop, Shelton Civic Center.
6 p.m., Mason County Optimists
Club, Shelton's United Methodist
Church, 1900 King Street.
6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160,
Faith Lutheran Church.
6:30 p.m., Mason County Mobile
Search and Rescue, Mason County
Department of Emergency Manage-
ment, Sanderson Field.'
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
Tuesday, November 27
8 a.m., Mason County Hospital Dis-
trict 1 Commission, Mason General
9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meeting,
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210
West Shelten Valley Road, Shelton.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, boardroom, Third and Cota
11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G.
Reed Library, Shelton.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
3 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis-
sioners meeting, district office in Pot-
5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds
Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance
" 5 p.m., Habitat for Humanity of
Mason County, 1900 King Street,
south building of the United Method-
ist Church.
6 p.m., Shelton School Board,
CHOICE Alternative School board-
6 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge
Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East
Country Club Drive.
6 p.m., Mason County Commission,
Mason County Building I.
6 p.m., Mason County Transporta-
tion Authority Advisory Board, MTA
business office at 790 East Johns Prai-
rie Road, Shelton.
6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board
business meeting, main district build-
6:30 p.m., Swimming for Simpson
Timber Company employees and their
families, Shelton High School pool.
7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board
meeting, Mason General Hospital.
7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension
Wednesday, November 28
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memorial
Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shel-
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwan-
is Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
2:30-4:30 p.m., Watershed Resource
Inventory Area 14 planning unit meet-
ings, Shelton Civic Center.
5:30 p.m,, Port of Hoodsport meet-
ing, Port of Hoodsport Office, 22090
North Highway 101, Potlatch.
6 p.m., Mason County Civil Service
Commission, county commissioners'
chambers, 411 North Fifth Street,
7 p.m., Mason County Fire. District
1 drill, Hoodsport Fire Hall.
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., Mount Moriah Lodge
11 Free and Accepted Masons, stat-
ed communication, Masonic Temple,
19341 North Highway 101.
Thursday, November 29
6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport,
Hoodsport Library, 40 North School-
house tlill Road.
9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take OfT Pounds
Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake
Cushman Road, State Route 119.
10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilting
club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport.
10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off
Peunds Sensibly), Mountain View
Alliance Church, Washintq, on and J
Noon, Sh(;lton Rotary Club, Saint
David's Parish Hall.
6 p.m., Parents l:hdping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 W(,st Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 126 and Boy
Scout Troop 126, Pioneer School Gym.
7 p.m,, Cub Scoot t'ack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
diam.W 1 I-10
Shipped almost anywhere Daily
or buy them here for $24 ;
Sharon's Wreath
Order Form:
Street Address:
City, State & Zip:
PAYMENT METHOD (circle one): visa MasterCard American Express
Card Number & Exp. Date:
(Checks and money orders also welcome, payable to Sharon's Garden)
Street Address**:
City, State & Zip:
Preferred arrival date:
I "So 0 boxes I *Prices include shipping to anywhere in _
and PMB boxes [ the lower 48 states.
undeliverable by UPS Call for prices to other areas.
Mail this form to: Sharons Garden, 920 E. Johns Prairie Rd.,
Shelton, WA 98584 or Fax to (360) 427-8306 or call (360) 426-3747.
! 1[ Lots of ---- Live Garland
I Cedar & Mix
• Affordable • Fast * Easy
Call today for a complimentary consult.
(3.) 426-9711 William J. Busacca, DDS, PS
DOCS 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shelton,WA 98584
American Dental Association
Academy of General Dentistry
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry T h e S m i l e E x p r e s s
Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15