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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00leas: }ilharge filed in second call for help elton woman accused of ing on the grounds of the casino. 380 East BucktailView Lane, Bel- the last name of Donahue She is have a glass smoking device, and a false report of a shooting "It appeared that the call was a fair, pied not guilty to a charge of accused of breaking into a garage another bag containing white resi- ]ttle Creek Casino in order to hoax to get a speedy response to prescription fraud, owned by Vincent Weber at 630 due was found with tile contents ipeedy response to a vehicle the vandalism report," he wrote, arrested on sm report was arraigned She was November East Crestview Drive on October 7 testingpositivetbrmeth, according nday, November 19, in Ma- Joseph and two defendants in 3 by Officer Brent Dehning of the and taking an umbrella and other to papers filed with the court clerk. unrelated cases are scheduled for Shelton Police Department who items from the structure. Yost reportedly claimed she found 'iIounty Superior Court. omnibus hearings on January 14, said he was investigatifig a report On Wednesday, November 14, the two bags and pipe in her car sa Jean Joseph, 43, of pretrial hearings on January 28, from Dr. Ray Jensen that a female two defendants in unrelated cases after loaning it to a friend. A third 'ay to Tipperary, entered trial readiness hearings on Feb- had called in several times in the were arraigned and scheduled for bag of suspected meth reportedly lty pleas to charges of false ruary 1 and trials during the jury past weeks trying to get prescrip- omnibus hearings December 31, was tbund when she was searched ting and two counts of as- term beginning February 5. tions using different names, in- pretrial hearings January 14, trial at the Mason County ,Jail. Bin the third degree and oh- * Jerri Lee Kenyon, 36, of cluding Tate, Ragsdale, Slaughter readiness hearings on January 25 * Jennifer D. Keith, 29, of 61 ing law enforcement. ie was arrested at the casino 803 North Fifth Street, Shelton, and Schmidt. and trials during the jury term be- North Enatai Court, Shelton, en- pled not guilty to possession of On November 3 she allegedly ginning January 29. tered a not-guilty plea to a charge of assault in the third degree. She Ovember 4 by deputies re- methamphetamine. She has also called in using the name Tara Ste- * Mary Ann Yost, 36, of 5925 has been known by the last name 'ng to a request from Squax- .!and officers investigating a been known by the last name of vens. Pharmacist John Tougaw at 95th Avenue SW, Olympia, pied Williams. 4'levandalism complaint in the Wright. Fred Meyer in Shelton reported not guilty to possession of meth- • She was arrested November 4 she attempted to get a prescrip- amphetamine. She was arrested around l0 p.m. on November 1 by a deputy I tiffed a parkingas Joseph,let" A saidW°man'someonelater by Trooper Joshua Merritt of the tion and the officer arrested her in She was arrested on October 30 who was assisting Chief C. Dri- out a window of her vehicle. Washington State Patrol who said the parking lot. The type of drug at about 10:30 p.m. by deputies re- grigoli of the Skokomish tribal hputies were en route to the he was on Highway 101 when he she reportedly attempted to obtain spondingto a report from Skokom- police with the investigation of an 0, dispatchers said a second saw a vehicle pull out of Potlatch was not identified in the arrest re- ish tribal officers who found the assault involving two females at arae in from the same cell State Park without signaling, port. suspected meth at Lucky Dog Lucky Dog Casino. enumber with a female caller then pass the trooper and swerve In other felony cases: Casino. A surveillance camera The tribal officer recognized there had been a shooting across the fog line onto a gravel • Karen Raye Robison, 47, of reportedly showed Yost reaching Keith but could not find her at tle Creek. shoulder. Merritt said he contact- 1851East Timberlake DriveWest, into her coat pocket to retrieve the casino. The deputy and tribal ph is suspected of assault- ed the driver, identified as Ken- pled not guilty on Thursday to a money to purchase a player card ofticer went to her residence on )flcer C. Fish of the Squaxin yon, and could smell coming from charge of burglary in the second and a small bag containing a white Enatai Court and she allegedly be-  tribal police, and Deputy the vehicle a strong chemical odor degree and is scheduled for an om- crystal substance falling from her came argumentative and resisted ! Heilman as she was being which he identified as being as- nibus hearing on December 31, a pocket and onto the floor, being arrested by the tribal officer. into custody. She allegedly sociated with methamphetamine, pretrial hearing on January 14, a Yost was detained and the She then allegedly spun towards at the back of Fish's head. Suspected meth was found inside trial readiness hearing fi)r Janu- deputy reported field-testing, the the deputy and kicked him in the ileputy noted she appeared to a pouch attached to a purse in the ary 25 and trial during the jury contents of the bag and getting a groin area. She also allegedly tried iI[t{[ ly intoxicated and indicated vehicle, term beginning January 15. positive indicator for meth. The to bite the deputy after she was on as no evidence of a shoot- * Kayla Courtney Tate, 24, of Robison has also been known by suspect was searched and found to the ground. 00ourt identifies felony suspects 'ontinued from page 26.) transient at booking but said in ber, after a report from Meyer. of 1920 Laurel Street, Shelton, Boysen also faces potential l0 and scheduled arraignment court she resides at the address in She reportedly said Crosbie, who was identified in an investigation charges of malicious mischief in ecember 3. MarysviUe. has been her live-in boyfriend for of theft of a firearm, He was ar- the second degree, vehicle prowl [}avid Milton Choate, 44, of Butler was stopped on Novem- about a year, chased her around rested in connection with the theft in the second degree, theft in the 13 East State Route 3, Allyn, her 18 for having a defective head- the residence with a knife and of a shotgun from a pickup truck third degree, possession of stolen identified in an investigation light and arrested after a deputy threatened to stab her and kill reported on October 21 by Celita property in the third degree and lssession of methamphet- learned she had a suspended li- himself. Johnston of 423 East J Street. possession of a dangerous weap- lie. cense and a warrant from Bremer- Judge Sawyer appointed James The shotgun was found in the ' on in another superior court case was arrested November 19 ton Municipal Court for her arrest, as defense attorney, set bail at brush near the residence and Boy- which involves a vehicle prowl in a leputy LaFrance who stopped The deputy said he searched the $2,500 and said if Crosbie posts sen was with a 13-year-old and a parking lot at Mason General Hoe- Vehicle Choate was driving vehicle and found suspected meth bail he must provide a different 16-year-old, according to a state- pital on November 12. laving an obstructed rear It- in a haggle on the right side of the address• He ordered him to have ment of probable cause by Detec- Judge Sawyer appointed Ron- plate and learned he had a driver's seat. no contact with Meyer and sched- tive Paul Campbell of the Shelton aid Sergi, who represents Boysen ended license and two Ma- Judge Sawyer appointed Sergi uled arraignment for November Police Department. Boysen alleg- in the other case, as defbnse attor- OUnty District Court war- as defense attorney and said the 26. edly said he saw the 13-year-old hey, set bail at $2,500 and sched- r his arrest. She said she $2,500 bail which Butler posted On Wednesday, November 14: take the shotgun from the truck, uled arraignment for November ihed the vehicle and found would remain in effect. Sawyer * James Edward Grable, 43, but told Campbell the three of 26. He ordered Boysen to have no fig containing a large crystal scheduled arraignment for Decem- of 862 East Martin Road, Lacey, them got scared and threw it in contact with Celita Johnston or .lk stashed in the steering ber 3. was identified in an investiga- the brush. Boysen said he went potential codefendants. Arraign- el cover. The substance field- • Joseph E. Simpson, 27, of tion of possession of methamphet- back to try to retrieve the shotgun ment in both cases is set for Ne- ed positive for meth, she said. 3660 SE Lynch Road was identi- amine, possession of marijuana but it was not in the brush. The vember 26. dge Sawyer appointed Ron- fled in an investigation of assault and use of drug paraphernalia. 16-year-old reportedly said Boy- ergi as defense attorney, set in the third degree and obstruct- He was arrested around 10:30 sen took the gun from the truck at $2,500 and scheduled ar- ing law enforcement. He provided p.m. on November 13 by a deputy and gave it to the other boy but it araent for December 3. the address in the Shelton area responding to a report of a suspi- was too big for him. Richard William Castro, when he was booked into the Ma- cious vehicle parked near the inter- af 80 East Willey Lane, Shel- son County Jail but told the court section of SE Fireweed and Binns as identified in an investiga- he lives in Everett. Swiger Loop roads. Grable report- TWO BEAUTIFUL Caddies, 1999 and 0funlawful imprisonment. He Simpson was arrested around edly was sleeping in the vehicle 2001. Priced right. Must sell. For details, !pected of domestic violence 3 a.m. on November 18 by depu- and was named in an outstand- {360) 790-5874. R1 /22-29 list his wife, Eulida A. Castro. ties responding to a report of a ing arrest warrant out of Shel- REMINGTON 742 Woodsmaster 30.06 id he would hire an attorney fight between two men in the ton Municipal Court. The deputy ESTATE + sale. Large household and semi-automatic, 4x Nikon scope, 2 clips, i residing in Olympia. area of the Kamilche Trading reportedly searched the vehicle partial store inventory to be liquidated was arrested on November Post. Simpson reportedly had no and found two cigarette packages at Mason County Fairgrounds Oecem- $275. Without scope $200..38 caliber KBI semi-automatic pistol, new condi- tthe residence on Willey Lane shirt or shoes and had mud on his on the floor of the vehicle beneath ber 6-9th. Many truckloads of items to tion, never fired, $200. (360) 701-7864, ! his wife called 911 to report pants. He reportedly used obsceni- the driver's seat. One of the packs be sold at reasonaNe prices. Furniture, B11/22-29 tools, kitchen items, hundreds of articles husband was "roughing her ties and refused to cooperate with allegedly contained a small bag ............................................................................. deputies. When they attempted to with a white crystalline substance of clothing (men's, women's, children's), HOUSE FOR sale by owner. 521 Sol- [according to a report by Depu- linens, bedding, baskets, holiday items, levue, Hillcrest area. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 11 Philpott. Castro was in the handcuff him, Simpson allegedly and a small smoking device. The electronics, records (16, 33, 45s), CDs, baths, completely remodeled. Large [eWay and reportedly told the backed away and assumed a fight- other cigarette package reportedly sports cards, outdoor, Craftsman motor- fenced yard, close to all amenities. ty he was trying to stop her ing stance. One of the deputies re- contained a green vegetable mate- cycle jack, books {hard and soft bound $204,900, financing available OAC. As leaving after an argument so portedly punched him in the face rial which field-tested positive for - some collectibles), luggage, home de- low as 0 downl (360) 426-8561. O11/22 iCould work things out. and he was taken into custody, marijuana. The white substance cor, glassware, collectibles, Christmas ............................................................. s. Castro allegedly told Phil- Judge Sawyer told Simpson field-tested positive for meth, ac- gifts galore. You can't imagine a sale TRUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds, ller husband "got in her face" he did not qualify financially for cording to a report on file with the like this unless you see it! So mark your doubles and triples endorsement re- rabbed her by the arms when court-appointed counsel. He re- court clerk, calendar for December 6, 7, 8, and 9th quired, home most weeknights, and ev- ttempted to leave the house, leased Simpson on his promise Judge Sawyer appointed Jea- and watch for further ads with a more cry weekend• Call Keith (360) 701-9232. comprehensive list of items. $11/22 S 11/22-12/13. aid he also blocked her path to appear for arraignment on De- nette Boothe as defense attorney, .......................................................................... f the residence several times cember 3. He imposed conditions set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ANTIQUE STEAMER trunk, good con- NEW HOME. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,200 she was able to call for help. of release including weekly drug arraignment for November 26. dition, $125. (360) 426-1050• Bl1/22- sq.ft. $169,950. Pacific Northwest Re- tlso allegedly said there had testing and ordered him to have • Paul Jack Yon Boysen, 18, 12/13 alty, (360)427-2570. Pll/22 four incidents of shoving in no contact with Megan Smith, a !ast. lldge Sawyer said the $2,500 potential witness. , Which Castro posted would On Thursday, November 15: • Nathan Daniel Crosbie, 23, , in ,effect and scheduled of 42 SE Ho Mimmish Court, Shel- lgament for December 3. He ton, was identified in an investi- ted Castro to have no contact gation of felony harassment. He Ibis wife. is suspected of domestic violence Ihay Laura Darryl Butler, against Jaclyn Meyer. 6414 81st Drive NE, Marys- He was arrested about 1:30 Oe: s!i!Si dions is mdt!s p.m. on November 14 by a deputy: ' ' ' '' " " Squaxin Island tribal officers de- Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. tained Crosbie, a non-tribal mem- (25 + Years Experience) We will be CLOSED General Dentistry' Nov. 22 • 23 * 24 ° 25 full service practice for Thanksgiving We will be open at 6:30 a.m. Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) I100, Denne¥ Monday, Nov. 26 Extractions ° Full & Partial Dentures 00LINIORIU M Repairs * Relines IUkNERS & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Most Insurances Accepted Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. nng Shelton and 215 South Second r00,,rs ..... S. Peters, DPD C. N o, DDS Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal .. Page 27 00leas: }ilharge filed in second call for help elton woman accused of ing on the grounds of the casino. 380 East BucktailView Lane, Bel- the last name of Donahue She is have a glass smoking device, and a false report of a shooting "It appeared that the call was a fair, pied not guilty to a charge of accused of breaking into a garage another bag containing white resi- ]ttle Creek Casino in order to hoax to get a speedy response to prescription fraud, owned by Vincent Weber at 630 due was found with tile contents ipeedy response to a vehicle the vandalism report," he wrote, arrested on sm report was arraigned She was November East Crestview Drive on October 7 testingpositivetbrmeth, according nday, November 19, in Ma- Joseph and two defendants in 3 by Officer Brent Dehning of the and taking an umbrella and other to papers filed with the court clerk. unrelated cases are scheduled for Shelton Police Department who items from the structure. Yost reportedly claimed she found 'iIounty Superior Court. omnibus hearings on January 14, said he was investigatifig a report On Wednesday, November 14, the two bags and pipe in her car sa Jean Joseph, 43, of pretrial hearings on January 28, from Dr. Ray Jensen that a female two defendants in unrelated cases after loaning it to a friend. A third 'ay to Tipperary, entered trial readiness hearings on Feb- had called in several times in the were arraigned and scheduled for bag of suspected meth reportedly lty pleas to charges of false ruary 1 and trials during the jury past weeks trying to get prescrip- omnibus hearings December 31, was tbund when she was searched ting and two counts of as- term beginning February 5. tions using different names, in- pretrial hearings January 14, trial at the Mason County ,Jail. Bin the third degree and oh- * Jerri Lee Kenyon, 36, of cluding Tate, Ragsdale, Slaughter readiness hearings on January 25 * Jennifer D. Keith, 29, of 61 ing law enforcement. ie was arrested at the casino 803 North Fifth Street, Shelton, and Schmidt. and trials during the jury term be- North Enatai Court, Shelton, en- pled not guilty to possession of On November 3 she allegedly ginning January 29. tered a not-guilty plea to a charge of assault in the third degree. She Ovember 4 by deputies re- methamphetamine. She has also called in using the name Tara Ste- * Mary Ann Yost, 36, of 5925 has been known by the last name 'ng to a request from Squax- .!and officers investigating a been known by the last name of vens. Pharmacist John Tougaw at 95th Avenue SW, Olympia, pied Williams. 4'levandalism complaint in the Wright. Fred Meyer in Shelton reported not guilty to possession of meth- • She was arrested November 4 she attempted to get a prescrip- amphetamine. She was arrested around l0 p.m. on November 1 by a deputy I tiffed a parkingas Joseph,let" A saidW°man'someonelater by Trooper Joshua Merritt of the tion and the officer arrested her in She was arrested on October 30 who was assisting Chief C. Dri- out a window of her vehicle. Washington State Patrol who said the parking lot. The type of drug at about 10:30 p.m. by deputies re- grigoli of the Skokomish tribal hputies were en route to the he was on Highway 101 when he she reportedly attempted to obtain spondingto a report from Skokom- police with the investigation of an 0, dispatchers said a second saw a vehicle pull out of Potlatch was not identified in the arrest re- ish tribal officers who found the assault involving two females at arae in from the same cell State Park without signaling, port. suspected meth at Lucky Dog Lucky Dog Casino. enumber with a female caller then pass the trooper and swerve In other felony cases: Casino. A surveillance camera The tribal officer recognized there had been a shooting across the fog line onto a gravel • Karen Raye Robison, 47, of reportedly showed Yost reaching Keith but could not find her at tle Creek. shoulder. Merritt said he contact- 1851East Timberlake DriveWest, into her coat pocket to retrieve the casino. The deputy and tribal ph is suspected of assault- ed the driver, identified as Ken- pled not guilty on Thursday to a money to purchase a player card ofticer went to her residence on )flcer C. Fish of the Squaxin yon, and could smell coming from charge of burglary in the second and a small bag containing a white Enatai Court and she allegedly be-  tribal police, and Deputy the vehicle a strong chemical odor degree and is scheduled for an om- crystal substance falling from her came argumentative and resisted ! Heilman as she was being which he identified as being as- nibus hearing on December 31, a pocket and onto the floor, being arrested by the tribal officer. into custody. She allegedly sociated with methamphetamine, pretrial hearing on January 14, a Yost was detained and the She then allegedly spun towards at the back of Fish's head. Suspected meth was found inside trial readiness hearing fi)r Janu- deputy reported field-testing, the the deputy and kicked him in the ileputy noted she appeared to a pouch attached to a purse in the ary 25 and trial during the jury contents of the bag and getting a groin area. She also allegedly tried iI[t{[ ly intoxicated and indicated vehicle, term beginning January 15. positive indicator for meth. The to bite the deputy after she was on as no evidence of a shoot- * Kayla Courtney Tate, 24, of Robison has also been known by suspect was searched and found to the ground. 00ourt identifies felony suspects 'ontinued from page 26.) transient at booking but said in ber, after a report from Meyer. of 1920 Laurel Street, Shelton, Boysen also faces potential l0 and scheduled arraignment court she resides at the address in She reportedly said Crosbie, who was identified in an investigation charges of malicious mischief in ecember 3. MarysviUe. has been her live-in boyfriend for of theft of a firearm, He was ar- the second degree, vehicle prowl [}avid Milton Choate, 44, of Butler was stopped on Novem- about a year, chased her around rested in connection with the theft in the second degree, theft in the 13 East State Route 3, Allyn, her 18 for having a defective head- the residence with a knife and of a shotgun from a pickup truck third degree, possession of stolen identified in an investigation light and arrested after a deputy threatened to stab her and kill reported on October 21 by Celita property in the third degree and lssession of methamphet- learned she had a suspended li- himself. Johnston of 423 East J Street. possession of a dangerous weap- lie. cense and a warrant from Bremer- Judge Sawyer appointed James The shotgun was found in the ' on in another superior court case was arrested November 19 ton Municipal Court for her arrest, as defense attorney, set bail at brush near the residence and Boy- which involves a vehicle prowl in a leputy LaFrance who stopped The deputy said he searched the $2,500 and said if Crosbie posts sen was with a 13-year-old and a parking lot at Mason General Hoe- Vehicle Choate was driving vehicle and found suspected meth bail he must provide a different 16-year-old, according to a state- pital on November 12. laving an obstructed rear It- in a haggle on the right side of the address• He ordered him to have ment of probable cause by Detec- Judge Sawyer appointed Ron- plate and learned he had a driver's seat. no contact with Meyer and sched- tive Paul Campbell of the Shelton aid Sergi, who represents Boysen ended license and two Ma- Judge Sawyer appointed Sergi uled arraignment for November Police Department. Boysen alleg- in the other case, as defbnse attor- OUnty District Court war- as defense attorney and said the 26. edly said he saw the 13-year-old hey, set bail at $2,500 and sched- r his arrest. She said she $2,500 bail which Butler posted On Wednesday, November 14: take the shotgun from the truck, uled arraignment for November ihed the vehicle and found would remain in effect. Sawyer * James Edward Grable, 43, but told Campbell the three of 26. He ordered Boysen to have no fig containing a large crystal scheduled arraignment for Decem- of 862 East Martin Road, Lacey, them got scared and threw it in contact with Celita Johnston or .lk stashed in the steering ber 3. was identified in an investiga- the brush. Boysen said he went potential codefendants. Arraign- el cover. The substance field- • Joseph E. Simpson, 27, of tion of possession of methamphet- back to try to retrieve the shotgun ment in both cases is set for Ne- ed positive for meth, she said. 3660 SE Lynch Road was identi- amine, possession of marijuana but it was not in the brush. The vember 26. dge Sawyer appointed Ron- fled in an investigation of assault and use of drug paraphernalia. 16-year-old reportedly said Boy- ergi as defense attorney, set in the third degree and obstruct- He was arrested around 10:30 sen took the gun from the truck at $2,500 and scheduled ar- ing law enforcement. He provided p.m. on November 13 by a deputy and gave it to the other boy but it araent for December 3. the address in the Shelton area responding to a report of a suspi- was too big for him. Richard William Castro, when he was booked into the Ma- cious vehicle parked near the inter- af 80 East Willey Lane, Shel- son County Jail but told the court section of SE Fireweed and Binns as identified in an investiga- he lives in Everett. Swiger Loop roads. Grable report- TWO BEAUTIFUL Caddies, 1999 and 0funlawful imprisonment. He Simpson was arrested around edly was sleeping in the vehicle 2001. Priced right. Must sell. For details, !pected of domestic violence 3 a.m. on November 18 by depu- and was named in an outstand- {360) 790-5874. R1 /22-29 list his wife, Eulida A. Castro. ties responding to a report of a ing arrest warrant out of Shel- REMINGTON 742 Woodsmaster 30.06 id he would hire an attorney fight between two men in the ton Municipal Court. The deputy ESTATE + sale. Large household and semi-automatic, 4x Nikon scope, 2 clips, i residing in Olympia. area of the Kamilche Trading reportedly searched the vehicle partial store inventory to be liquidated was arrested on November Post. Simpson reportedly had no and found two cigarette packages at Mason County Fairgrounds Oecem- $275. Without scope $200..38 caliber KBI semi-automatic pistol, new condi- tthe residence on Willey Lane shirt or shoes and had mud on his on the floor of the vehicle beneath ber 6-9th. Many truckloads of items to tion, never fired, $200. (360) 701-7864, ! his wife called 911 to report pants. He reportedly used obsceni- the driver's seat. One of the packs be sold at reasonaNe prices. Furniture, B11/22-29 tools, kitchen items, hundreds of articles husband was "roughing her ties and refused to cooperate with allegedly contained a small bag ............................................................................. deputies. When they attempted to with a white crystalline substance of clothing (men's, women's, children's), HOUSE FOR sale by owner. 521 Sol- [according to a report by Depu- linens, bedding, baskets, holiday items, levue, Hillcrest area. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 11 Philpott. Castro was in the handcuff him, Simpson allegedly and a small smoking device. The electronics, records (16, 33, 45s), CDs, baths, completely remodeled. Large [eWay and reportedly told the backed away and assumed a fight- other cigarette package reportedly sports cards, outdoor, Craftsman motor- fenced yard, close to all amenities. ty he was trying to stop her ing stance. One of the deputies re- contained a green vegetable mate- cycle jack, books {hard and soft bound $204,900, financing available OAC. As leaving after an argument so portedly punched him in the face rial which field-tested positive for - some collectibles), luggage, home de- low as 0 downl (360) 426-8561. O11/22 iCould work things out. and he was taken into custody, marijuana. The white substance cor, glassware, collectibles, Christmas ............................................................. s. Castro allegedly told Phil- Judge Sawyer told Simpson field-tested positive for meth, ac- gifts galore. You can't imagine a sale TRUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds, ller husband "got in her face" he did not qualify financially for cording to a report on file with the like this unless you see it! So mark your doubles and triples endorsement re- rabbed her by the arms when court-appointed counsel. He re- court clerk, calendar for December 6, 7, 8, and 9th quired, home most weeknights, and ev- ttempted to leave the house, leased Simpson on his promise Judge Sawyer appointed Jea- and watch for further ads with a more cry weekend• Call Keith (360) 701-9232. comprehensive list of items. $11/22 S 11/22-12/13. aid he also blocked her path to appear for arraignment on De- nette Boothe as defense attorney, .......................................................................... f the residence several times cember 3. He imposed conditions set bail at $5,000 and scheduled ANTIQUE STEAMER trunk, good con- NEW HOME. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,200 she was able to call for help. of release including weekly drug arraignment for November 26. dition, $125. (360) 426-1050• Bl1/22- sq.ft. $169,950. Pacific Northwest Re- tlso allegedly said there had testing and ordered him to have • Paul Jack Yon Boysen, 18, 12/13 alty, (360)427-2570. Pll/22 four incidents of shoving in no contact with Megan Smith, a !ast. lldge Sawyer said the $2,500 potential witness. , Which Castro posted would On Thursday, November 15: • Nathan Daniel Crosbie, 23, , in ,effect and scheduled of 42 SE Ho Mimmish Court, Shel- lgament for December 3. He ton, was identified in an investi- ted Castro to have no contact gation of felony harassment. He Ibis wife. is suspected of domestic violence Ihay Laura Darryl Butler, against Jaclyn Meyer. 6414 81st Drive NE, Marys- He was arrested about 1:30 Oe: s!i!Si dions is mdt!s p.m. on November 14 by a deputy: ' ' ' '' " " Squaxin Island tribal officers de- Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. tained Crosbie, a non-tribal mem- (25 + Years Experience) We will be CLOSED General Dentistry' Nov. 22 • 23 * 24 ° 25 full service practice for Thanksgiving We will be open at 6:30 a.m. Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) I100, Denne¥ Monday, Nov. 26 Extractions ° Full & Partial Dentures 00LINIORIU M Repairs * Relines IUkNERS & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Most Insurances Accepted Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. nng Shelton and 215 South Second r00,,rs ..... S. Peters, DPD C. N o, DDS Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal .. Page 27